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Where to go to find Bike Parts, Clothing, and Dyes
Por 4ier
Locations and some minor puzzle spoilers to find all the hoverbike parts, clothing sets, and hoverbike dye colors
Hoverbike Parts Locations
Beetle bike:
purchased from Nomadic Merchant Bobi, at Burnt Oak Station (75 each)

Delivery bike:
purchased from Bike Merchant Ahvid, on the southeast corner of Eccria (150

Eyries bike:
purchased from Boatmaker Jake on the southwest pillar of the Eyries camp. The
Eyrie is south of the Cartographer Balloon in The Badlands. (150 each)

Giraffe bike:
purchased from Bike Merchant Ahvid, on the southeast corner of Eccria (100

Gliding bike:
standard model, constructed near the end of the tutorial before the Gliding

Hicaric Ring bike:
received from Machinist Fir at the end of the quest 'An Ancient Race', at
the Mystic Shrine in the Badlands.

Lightning bike:
purchased from Machinist Zahra at Seven Sisters Station, after providing
lightning crystals to complete the Lightning In A Bottle quest (200 each)

Nomadic bike:
purchased from Merchant Thiago at Marrow Bone Station (250 each)

Shade bike:
purchased from The Stranger In The Wall in Eccria, added for the Halloween 2021 patch (250 each)
Requires Shade mask, and is only open for business at night between 22:00 and 6:00
The Stranger is located in the south wall of Eccria, west of the marketplace

Speedster bike:
purchased from Bike Merchant Ahvid, on the southeast corner of Eccria (300

Whale bike:
in the locked room next to Sarin in The Whale, unlocked by speaking to Sarin at
all six of the other ships with Sarin terminals.

Hoverbike screenshots
Beetle bike:

Delivery bike:

Eyries bike:

Giraffe bike:

Gliding bike:

Hicaric Ring bike:

Lightning bike:

Nomadic bike:

Shade bike:

Speedster bike:

Whale Ship bike:

Clothing sets locations
Atomic Priesthood set
Atomic Priesthood Torso: in the locked ship cockpit in the orange beetle nest area in The
Wash, unlocked with the power core located in the nearby vertical ship section.
Atomic Priesthood Trousers: in the wrecked ship in the palm forest east of the Cartographer Balloon near Eccria, unlocked with the power cell in the rear compartment of the ship.

Beetle Station set
Beetle Station Top, Beetle Station Trousers: purchased from Fabric Seller Kalia, on the eastern side of the main street in Eccria north of the fountain (100 each)

Biker set
Biker Top, Biker Trousers: purchased from Bike Merchant Ahvid, on the southeast corner of Eccria (65 each)

Bouldering set
Bouldering Top: in a chest in the northwest tower of the Wind Tower in the Sansee
Bouldering Trousers: in a chest next to the face door at the Bridge of the Betrayed in The Badlands

Chum set
Chum top: received from the Chum Queen after turning in around 130 chum eggs
Chum skirt: received from the Chum Queen after turning in all 165 chum eggs

Eccrine Guard set
Eccrine Guard Top: at the bottom of the Thieving Magpie Well in the Redsee, hidden in a chest at the end of a small offshoot stream on the east side
Eccrine Guard Trousers: in the center of the canal tunnel running east-west in the northern part of Eccria

Eccrine set
Eccrine Top, Eccrine Trousers: purchased from Fabric Seller Kalia, on the eastern side of the main street in Eccria north of the fountain (40 each)

Eyries set
Eyries Top: in a pot in the courtyard of the Eyries camp's southeast pillar. The Eyrie is south of the Cartographer Balloon in The Badlands
Eyries Trousers: in a pot in the courtyard of the Eyries camp's northwest pillar. The Eyrie is south of the Cartographer Balloon in The Badlands
--A recent patch moved the pot with the trousers inside the crashed ship northeast of the Eyrie and southeast of the Cartographer Balloon. I'm not sure if future patches will move it back to where it was before, so I'll leave both locations here for now.

Hakoan set
Hakoan Top, Hakoan Trousers: purchased from merchant Caimin, at the Crystal Farmers' camp on the north side of the Crystal Plateau in the Hakoan Desert (50 cuts each)

Ibexii Children set
Ibexii Children Top, Ibexii Trousers: already owned at the start of the game

Ibexii Glider set
Ibexii Glider Top, Ibexii Glider Trousers: given by Jadi just before going to the Temple of Rohana to begin your gliding

Machinist set
Machinist Top: in a chest in a locked room of the Wind Tower in the Sansee, unlocked by clearing the blockage on top of the Wind Tower
Machinist Trousers: in a chest inside the face door in The Watch in The Wash region, unlocked by placing a sun stone in the plinth with the matching symbol illuminated on the orrery sundial

Monumental Stone set
Monumental Stone Top: in a chest inside the face door below the Cartographer Balloon east of Eccria, unlocked by placing the three beetle statues in the area into the slots in front of the door
Monumental Stone Bottoms: in a chest inside the face door at the Bridge of the Betrayed in The Badlands, unlocked by standing on the round platform in front of the face door between 8:30 and 9:59 AM. Once the clock reaches 10:00, it's too late to open it that day.

Sand Surfer set
Sand Surfer Top, Sand Surfer Shorts: purchased from Merchant Habat, at the Five Bells camp northwest of Eccria (40 each)

Shade Of Eccria set
Shade Top, Shade Trousers: purchased from The Stranger In The Wall in Eccria, added for the Halloween 2021 patch (100 each)
Requires Shade mask, and is only open for business at night between 22:00 and 6:00
The Stranger is located in the south wall of Eccria, west of the marketplace

Wash set
Wash Top, Wash Trousers: purchased from merchant Thiago at Marrow Bone Station in The Wash (45 each)

Whale Ship set
Whale Ship Top, Whale Ship Trousers: in the locked room next to Sarin in The Whale in the Redsee region, unlocked by speaking to Sarin at three of the other ships with Sarin terminals.

Clothing Sets screenshots
Atomic Priesthood set:

Biker set:

Beetle Station set:

Bouldering set:

Chum set:

Eccrine Guard set:

Eccrine set:

Eyries set:

Hakoan set:

Ibexii Children set:

Ibexii Glider set:

Machinist set:

Monumental Stone set:

Sand Surfer set:

Shade set:

Wash set:

Whale Ship set:
Dye locations
Atomic Core dye: in the Whale, on the highest catwalk in the northwest corner

Atomic Shell dye: in an orb chest on the upper walkway in the Atomic Heart

Azure dye: on the highest level inside The Watch, next to a tent on the south side

Beetle Dusk dye: in a chamber covered by the Hercules Beetle Nest tower, the entry is on the south side

Dusty Monument dye: at the top of the Hicaric Monument in the Redsee, north of the Whale and south of Eccria. Requires at least 1 stamina upgrade to climb to the top after raising the monument out of the sand by driving your bike through all four nearby rings

Eccrine Green dye: purchased from Bike Merchant Ahvid, on the southeast corner of Eccria (100 cuts)

Hakoan Black dye: purchased from merchant Caimin, at the Crystal Farmers' camp on the north side of the Crystal Plateau in the Hakoan Desert (100 cuts)

Ibexii Red dye: in the cave underneath the Ibexii camp in The Ewer
note: you can lock yourself out of acquiring this if you don't get it relatively early. After turning in badges to collect two masks, The Gliding quest updates telling you to check the postbox for messages. If you do so, the cave under the camp becomes inaccessible, approaching the camp triggers a confirmation for the end of the Gliding, which begins the end of the game.

Lavender Flash dye: in a hidden cave in the north-center of the Petrified Forest in The Wash, which can be found by following the direction that the archer statues aim
you can also find it by (BIGGER SPOILER) just going to the large red rock on the map, due north of the Cartographer Balloon

Neon Flash dye: behind a locked door in the wrecked ship in the east side of the geyser towers in the Sodic Wastes, unlocked by inserting the nearby power cell

Pyrausta Grey dye: inside the wyrm Pyrausta, on an upper ledge in the southwest corner of the 4th chamber, which is the one after the first diary you see after jumping down the throat

Salt Plain Pools dye: talking to Shepherd Lia in Burnt Oak Station in the Sansee, and/or talking to Salt Harvester Felix at the salt pools camp in the Sodic Waste. It is possible to get two copies, but that doesn't provide any benefit.
note: Felix doesn't exist if you approach the camp from the west, including the fast travel points of Trellick's Pillar and the Cartographer's Balloon. It's simplest to drive in from the Wind Tower, or you can drive to the south almost to the edge of the Sodic Waste (two map segments from where it turns into the Sansee is far enough) and turn back around.
doing a save-quit-reload while at the camp also works to get him there, and is probably faster than driving away and back.

Sandy dye: at the top of a tower enclosed in a plateau in the Sansee, west of the Ibex camp and south of the Cartographer Balloon

Sunsets dye: on the east side of the Bridge of the Betrayed in The Badlands, near where the bridge is broken

Wash Blue dye: purchased from merchant Thiago at Marrow Bone Station in The Wash (100 cuts)

Wind Chime dye: in a pot on the docks on the north side of Eccria

Thanks for reading
Hope this helps. :D

Happy Gliding!

4 comentarios
雅雅🐾(摸鱼中) 18 MAR 2022 a las 5:15 a. m. 
Noller 3 NOV 2021 a las 7:47 p. m. 
I mean, you can still hide it for a while if you'd like. I did end up finding it before the update. I'd say have the description be the riddle until the end of November or so. Then by that point it should be well known where.
4ier  [autor] 2 NOV 2021 a las 10:56 p. m. 
It seemed like it would have been rude to have the developers go hey everyone here's a Halloween mystery, can you find the hidden merchant, and then have me post the solution for everyone on the same day it was released.
Noller 2 NOV 2021 a las 4:21 p. m. 
update with shade set!