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How to beat the game on Try Harder
By Eugene Glovak
I managed to beat the game on the difficult level and, although it wasn't perfect, I noticed there are no guides here yet, so I decided to share my tips with you.
Some general tips
I managed to beat the game on my second attempt at "Try Harder" level. Three crew members out of five did not survive, but it mostly happened because I wasn't paying good attention and underestimated the weather. It's possible to save them all if you follow these guidelines:

- you should start repairing the ship from the most expensive unit (power supply), not from the cheapest one. At first, resources are close and weather is good, so you can harvest resources faster. The longer you play, the slower it gets. Harvesting 90 waste after 20 days have passed is a lot harder than in the beginning,

- the storage of waste, obviously, has to be fully upgraded as soon as possible. The fridge, the stove and the battery can be upgraded once (no need to upgrade more). The weather station can be upgraded twice in order to see not only when bad weather will start but also when it will end,

- everyone must maximize their skill of harvesting waste. There is never too much waste. One person should also maximize their skill of cooking, and it's nice to have a couple of people with maximized skill of chopping wood,

- if you notice that someone's health is dropping too fast on their way somewhere and you suspect they might not make it, better send them back home. It's better to be safe than sorry,

- "dangerously low temperature" on Try Harder means that someone who went to harvest waste all the way (into the bunker) will not make it back alive. Once there's no waste nearby, you should only send people with full health. Don't neglect heating because people will return almost dead and, if it's cold inside, they might not reach the regeneration room,

- real temperature will probably be lower than what the weather station tells you. After about 4 weeks it'll most certainly be dangerously cold at night, so you can only send people to harvest waste in the morning. It will take them 20 hours to get back, so they'll have to walk at least part of the way during extreme cold. But the only way to survive is to minimize that part.

That's it! I hope these tips will be useful to someone. Good luck!
Eugene Glovak  [author] 26 Oct, 2021 @ 3:06pm