Fistful of Frags

Fistful of Frags

139 ratings
FoF: Mastering the Colt Pistols
By oo
This guide will give an in-depth tutorial on the best way to use the Colt Navy 1851, Colt Peacemaker, and the Devlishly Deadly Colt Walker!
An Introduction
Any FoF player who can call themselves experienced knows that The Colt navy 1851 has been around for a while, inside the game and out. Being one of the nicer weapons in the game, they're not easy to master, but once you finish reading this guide, You'll be knockin' their hats off in no time!
Step 1: Know your Colts
Here is where you learn some essential knowledge before you pick this baby up.

Colt Navy 1851
Being a stock weapon, it's the least powerful of the Colt family, but that doesn't mean it's the worst. The Colt Navy can still pack a punch at close and medium ranges, with a fairly quick reload time. I'll go more in-depth about the Colt Navy in future sections.

Colt PeaceMaker
Truly a precious gun, it has a moderate reload time, that does a bit more damage then the Navy. Of course these aren't stock pistols, and you can only aquire them by opening the red chest. I'll go more in-depth about the Colt Peacemaker in future sections.

Colt Walker
Last but most certainly not least is the feared Colt Walker. These are beautiful 12 mm. Gauged hand cannons that take out the enemy in usually one hit, always if on a hat shot. This is a rarity to behold, as it can only be found in the Golden Chests. Dual weilding these will make you king of the west, but don't be too cocky, as these have a painfully long reload time. I'll go more in-depth about the Colt Walker in future sections.
Step 2: Movement
Most Wild west fragsters out there are landing shots with pistols easily, not because they have knowledge of the best pistol, but how to use em.' Probably the most important part of becoming a great Wrangler is knowin' how to land shots, and that all depends on movement. Let's get into it, shall we?

The first step of movement is what's known as stutter stepping, or as we in the West like to call it, makin' em dance! Stutter stepping was formally announced in a newer, faster paced young person game called Counter Strike, but some smart feller (COUGH COUGH me) brought it to the wild west! Stutter Stepping is an easy yet often effective way to land shots while dodging your enemy's. This technique is performed by quickly alternating your left and right keys, quick enough that your crosshair isn't jumping around too much. The fancy shmancy science behind stutter stepping, is as follows:

The fancy shmancy science behind stutter stepping
You see, every player and entity in any shooter game has something called a hitbox. These are invisible boxes that outline the player indicating if shots hit or not. Think about the hitbox like the Home plate in baseball. If the ball goes inside that little box, it's a strike! If outside, it's a ball. Heads have seperate hitboxes, so they can tell a hat shot from a meatshot. That's why, sometimes in certain games, if you shoot the very tip of somebody's shoulder, they may not take damage, because the Hitboxes are not perfect outlines of their body!

Now, when doing certain things such as crouching, jumping, crouch-jumping, and moving, your hitbox decreases in size, and if you have high ping, it tends to lag behind your body a little, which is why it's harder to do damage to laggy players. Stutter Stepping, keeps your body in the same general area, but your hitbox is frantically jumping from side to side, which makes the enemy's shot ratio go down.

And the next step is side strafing, which is pretty much the samething except a little bit more challenging, but alot more rewarding. Side strafing is when you hold down your left and right keys simultaniously, but you stop in the midde sometimes to take a shot. You can do this in different patterns every few strafes to throw your enemy off. (most effective if the enemy bares some kind of rifle) Side strafing is not a first try thing, but over time, you'll get it down.
Step 3: Advanced Techniques
Now that you've got step 1 and 2 down, we'll scurry right on to step 3, and that is the Advanced Techniques.
NOTICE: Skip this step If you're a novice, or haven't completely mastered steps 1 and 2.
One of my favorite advanced techniques is the Dual Wield. Sadly, I see alot of gunslingin' wranglers out there with no ider' how to do em' at all! Well gather round and pass the whiskey, boys cuz Uncle m!cro's about to let you in on some special secret techniques.

1.Do not spam! The correct and best way to use your dual wield colts is to take your time with shots, and to shoot them at even paces. No more of that BLAMBLAMBLAMBLAM or that BLAMBLAM click BLAMBLAM click! You wanna get it down to a sold BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM alright?

2.Do not waste your bullets! Remember to always have a safe place to reload, and if you don't and you're out of ammo, you'll have to commit to desperate measures. One of the most effective "final strike" If you may is throwing yer' gun. You can throw yer' gun by holding "v" and clickin' either MOUSE 1 or MOUSE 2. this'll do some damage, and they'll spend so long recovering from that hot piece a' metal that you'll be long gone.

3.Know your dominate gun! This can either mean which gun is the most powerful in your hand, (I.E. a colt Walker or a Colt Navy) or knowing which has more shots. You'll probably want your dominate gun on the left, since pressing MOUSE 1 is a quicker instinct than MOUSE 2. To do this you must click your scroll wheel to switch hands.
The Epilogue
Well now, it's already late! I spent a while tweaking this guide and changing it to match some accurate information, so please, Rate and Favorite it if you liked it, and feel free to leave a comment! I'm a very community active Gunslinger, so I'm open to questions/concerns and a little healthy critizism never hurts. So remember, practice your Colts, and you'll be the Sheriff of the leader boards in no time!
Ominethious 13 Nov, 2021 @ 11:51pm 
Square dance the enemy!
Rajsh 15 Aug, 2017 @ 3:36pm 
Great guide.

One thing: unless your combo is a two shot kill, its better to have the weaker gun on the left side. That way you overkill less and conserve damage. For example, volcanic left and colt navy right uses 2 volcanic and one navy shot per kill instead of two navy and one volcanic.

For the volcanic there is the added benefit of it having more ammunition and a higher refire rate than most guns, meaning that you will be able to fire your third shot faster and duel wield for longer with it in the left hand than in the right.
Rivery Jerald 23 Sep, 2016 @ 9:43pm 
LINKS A CSGO STRAFING VIDEO!!! BY WAROWL they have diffrent movement system
ßravemug™ 10 Sep, 2016 @ 11:30pm 
for the record... i invented Stutter Stepping in 1972 on Jack Daniels.
Nyukkin 9 Mar, 2016 @ 1:35pm 
Thanks for the guide :D
Sterling 10 Aug, 2015 @ 11:40am 
Schofield is not a Colt.
Dornek 9 Aug, 2015 @ 1:36pm 
What about Schofield?
helloot fuckleg 7 Aug, 2015 @ 12:42am 
1. that is true
2.that is also true

1.5. he was just makinga joke
2.5 same as 1.5
sgtcracker 4 Aug, 2015 @ 5:14am 
How can you carry colt walkers its werid it wont let me carry two i have two but i cant duel werild them
Employee 427 27 May, 2015 @ 5:21pm 
Stutter Stepping didnt come from CSGO, and you didnt bring it to this...