WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition

WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition

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Complex Challenges (WIP)
By IamNoone
Some challenges with complex rule sets! This might be sort of niche, but I am a nerd who really enjoy statistics, dice and complex rules (I once spent a whole afternoon reading the backs of product labels) and I also enjoy making these complex challenges! So I made a guide for them!
what is this guide about?
this guide is mainly for role players or experienced players who would like to spice up the game. i recommend playing on easy to make this more doable for most players but you can do these on challenging and accurate if you want. with that out of the way, on with the challenges!
The Nightmare Sickness Challenge
(Note: I somehow broke this section of the guide and all the text just shows up in bold sometimes, I have checked I did not make it bold so many times, if anybody knows why this is please tell.)


I am remaking this from a few years ago, basically a really bad illness has come to terrorise your pack! You and your pups can get sick, so you have to be careful!

the stages:

-Not affected




-Really Bad

-Near Lethal


chance of better and worse:

Every day you randomise for each pack member (you, your mate, your pups) and see if there sickness will get better or worse, I like to give my wolfs a different change of getting better or worse depending on age and size, this how it goes:


Runt/Small Pup: 4 chance of worse and one chance for better

Normal Pup: 3 chance of worse and 2 for better

Large Pups: 2 chances for worse and 3 for better


Adult Wolf Under 6: 1 worse 4 better

Adult Wolf Over 6: 2 worse and 3 better

Adult Wolf 8+: 4 worse and only one chance for better

Bonus: You can add extra chance for worse or better if you are tired or well rested, hungry or full! You could even add extra chance for worse from being around sick wolves if you want!

And here is how different sickness stages can play out in game play and roll play!


pups: no affect game play wise, but for role play purposes they just have a cough or cold.

adult wolf: almost every thing is normal game play wise, the only difference is you are too week hunt moose, and need a little extra sleep. For role play, the wolf would be weaker and have a cough and mild difficulty breathing.


pup: Keep pup in grass for a few extra minutes a day, try to give more food if you can for game play. for role play, pup will have a cough, mild trouble breathing, and a headache.

adult wolf: you are too weak to hunt moose, or bull elk! The wolf will also have a headache, a bad cough, and some difficulty breathing. they will be tired and need a lot of extra sleep!


pup: The sickness is getting bad at this point! the pup will need some more rest then normal, Meaning they need to spend some time in the den or grass each day, even if you have flees, they need to rest! For role play, the pup will be really tired, have a bad cough and mild trouble breathing

adult wolf: Only leave a few times every day or too, to mark or hunt week prey. mule dear are too fast for you, and you can't you your whole stamina bar, you need to stop when you have used about 75% of it. For role play your wolf might have a headache, blurred vision, tiredness, and trouble breathing.

really bad

pup: Can barley leave den or tall grass. If you HAVE to travel, the pup needs to be carried most of the way. They need some extra food for some energy to fight the illness! for role play, pup will have a cough, mild trouble breathing, and a headache. They are very week and can barely walk.

adult wolf: Cant jump or sprint for a very long time. Can't swim for more then a few wolves lengths. no more then half stamina can be use. For role play, they have great trouble breathing and trouble to walk. they will have blurred vision and bad headaches. They cant drop below 70% wakefulness! They need lots of extra sleep!

Near lethal

pup: Can't leave the den or tall grass unless to eat, or for a few role play moments. Pup can barely breathe at this point.

adult: Not much can be done now, Just leave now and again for a hare or carcass, existing symptoms get worse. Can't sprint, swim or use more then 75 percent of stamina. If you are not leaving for some quick food or water, then just sleep and hope for better days.


pup: they are dead.

adult wolf:
dead. why are you even looking at this did you think there was something special?

OK now that is done some quick notes for the challenge:

1. you can not lick your mates face or sniff noses when you are sick, if you do they will become sick to, they would be set to mild unless they are already sick!

2. you can always eat from carcass so never pass them up when you or you mate is very sick!

3. if a pup reaches dead you must pick them up and put them in the wildernesses. if you reach dead end your game and if your mate dose, you must make them die in some way.

4. you are allowed to cheat if you feel like it, no one is watching.

5. Cattle ranch is always an option until last stage, so it might be a good idea to visit now and again if you are sick!

The Very Long Winter Challenge
Winter came early this year, and left late! Be careful of cold temperatures and snow storms!

General rules
-A day is counted at sun set
-Only use wooded dens, open dens are too cold!
-A carcass more then 5 days old becomes frozen and inedible, for carcass you find use a random number generator to determine if it is still safe to eat. Eating the frozen meat will course you to take a level of coldness.

Coldness functions a bit like the exhausted condition from dungeons and dragons, it is a condition with multiple levels that can be gained in different ways (more on that later!) there are 3 different leaves to coldness.

1- Chilled: You are a bit cold, but can still mostly play as normal, but you cant use 100% of your stamina, don't let it get to 0!
2- Cold: You are cold and tired, Eat extra food to warm up and don't use 100% of your stamina. you cant jump
3- frozen: You are very cold, your paws are numb and you cant sprint.

Reducing coldness:
you can warm up by sleeping, eating, being in the den or tall grass, and sitting next to other wolves.

Daily Temperature
Every day roll a random number generator to determine the temperature effects for the day

The temperatures are:
2-Very cold

It is very cold today! You can't use more then half your stamina bar, you need that energy to stay warm! Swimming is out of the question, and you cant stand still for too long! If you lay down, swim or stand still for too long take one level of coldness. if you are out at all at night time take one level of coldness. For every few hours you spend out of the den or loafing area roll a random number generator with 10 numbers, if it is a 1 or a 2 take a level of coldness. Keep pups in den whenever possible.

Very cold:
It is far too cold to swim more then a few wolf lengths today, if away from the den at night you need to flip a coin (or use a random number generator) to see if you take a level of coldness. you can use about 3 quarters of stamina. You can stand still for some time, but too long and you will start freezing. For every few hours you spend out of the den or loafing area roll a random number generator with 10 numbers, if it is a 1 take a level of coldness. Keep pups in den whenever possible.

It is mostly safe to be outside today, swimming is still dangerous but you can cross a small river unharmed. You can use your whole stamina bar, but still need to keep moving as standing still will still course you take a level of coldness. (you can stand still for longer now) if out at night you have a 1 in 4 chance of getting cold.

Play almost as normal, apart from at night when if out at night you need to roll a random number generator with 10 numbers, if it is a 1, 2, or 3 then you become colder. Don't stay in the water for more then 5 minutes.
more coming soon
i will be adding more content to this soon. i hope you like what i have so far!
topp 13 Jun @ 3:04pm 
It's okay, better then somethings I've read, and the challenges sound really fun, if I can ever get around to playing them.
IamNoone  [author] 13 Jun @ 2:27pm 
Oh god this is old, the spelling and grammer is awful here. I am dyslexic, so that is part of it, but I honestly dont know if I ever proof read this. I am so sorry.
IamNoone  [author] 13 Jun @ 2:25pm 
Note: You guys can use any of these challeneges in your own guide. I am really not bothered about "stealing" I just want more content to be made for this community and help that content be spread for all to see. I do not care if you copy and paste these, so you are free to take insperation as you wish. Credit is not necessary, although it is always appricated.
NovaNinja 21 Apr @ 5:36pm 
May I use your idea? I'll credit you for yours when I add them!
topp 8 May, 2022 @ 7:22pm 
Nice. I think I WILL play this with one of my wolves pups.
everthinker 11 Dec, 2021 @ 10:10am 
ima try this challnge but with a twist DUN DUN DUN the twist is my mate will be very sickly and i mean VERY which means they get sick easyily and die easyily from deadly sickness
Muffin Puffin! 3 Dec, 2021 @ 3:06pm 
Hey can I use the idea? Im thinking of making a challenge thing too!:slimetabby:
pepsi 3 Dec, 2021 @ 9:31am 
Yw, its just kind of hard for me to think of challenges so i didn't want anyone stuck in the same situation
IamNoone  [author] 1 Dec, 2021 @ 1:02pm 
BorkingOfTheWoods thanks.
IamNoone  [author] 1 Dec, 2021 @ 12:37pm 
i forget to look at the comments for ages.