Killer is Dead

Killer is Dead

504 ratings
Scarlett Location Guide
By j u n
This guide covers all of Scarlett's hidden locations.
There are a total of 20 Scarlett Locations in the game Killer is Dead. Each time you find Scarlett, a mission on the map will be unlocked. Once unlocked, they can be found under 'Mondo's Girl's 02'. Completing these missions is completely optional, and counts as a side mission that doesn't effect the actual Story of the game. As with other Gigolo missions, this one is necessary to woo Scarlet.

Just a recommendation, that you complete the first Mondo's Girl mission. Upon doing so will reward the Drill Arm, which is needed to access a few of Scarlett's locations.
Episode 03 - A WOMAN OF PAIN (3 Locations)
This one will unlock Challenge Mission 01 - Combo Challenge Part 1
This is first location that Scarlett will be available in. Her first appearance is probably her easiest one to spot, as she will be the first person you see. As soon as the first cut-scene is over, and your able to move inside the house, go up the stairs and to your left. She should be right in front of the door, plain as day! She will also introduce herself here and explain what her purpose is (vaguely.)

This one will unlock Challenge Mission 02 - Katana Challenge Part 2
Her next appearance is right after you meat Alis. In this new room, that should be covered in pink and random scatters of stairs, there should be a large Pink heart in the middle of the floor. Stand on it, and wait for it to raise up. it DOES take about 5 seconds to start going, so don't worry. The heart will let you reach a hidden set of stairs right above where you once where. At the top just talk to Scarlett to obtain the mission.

This one will unlock Challenge Mission 03 - Target Challenge Part 1
After completing the piano staircase, you will open the now reachable door, that leads to a hallway. Do NOT enter the door on the other side until you get the Scarlett location here. She should be hiding in one of the last porcelain cat statues. You DO need to break all statues, no matter the order, Scarlett will be in the LAST one you break.
Episode 04 - THE MAN WHO STOLE THE MOON (3 Locations)
Before this mission, I recommend you obtain the Drill from the first Gigolo mission. It is REQUIRED for the first location, but not for the later two.

This one will unlock Challenge Mission 04 - Trick Challenge Part 1
After entering the first mirror, turn to your left and against the wall a bit ahead should be two pots and an unusual looking wall. Using your Drill Arm, destroy the wall. She will be standing right behind it.

This one will unlock Challenge Mission 05 - Target Challenge Part 3
In the same room as the first location, there is a set of stairs on the opposite side of the wall that lead up to the second floor. At the top, turn to the right and there should be a Green Vase. Destroying it will reveal a hand scanner for Mondo. Doing so should unlock the door that was on the first floor. Head back down the stairs and turn right, into a very blue room. Destroy the vases to find Scarlett.

This one will unlock Challenge Mission 06 - Survival Challenge Part 1
After all that horrible fighting that you just went through, Mondo should enter back into the main Entrance room, that showed a Window that will finally take you to the outside courtyard. Before going in, you should have already heard the glittery-kiss sound, indicating that Scarlett is nearby. Head up the stairs to find her on the Balcony. She only appears right before the boss fight. She will not be there in the beginning of the level.
Episode 06 - THE MAN WHO STOLE HER EARS (3 Locations)
This one will unlock Challenge Mission 07- Katana Mission Part 3
This starts in the area where Vivienne will help you on her motorcycle. As soon as the cut-scene with her ends, you should be in a room with stairs behind you, Go around them to find a row of crates. Shooting them should reveal Scarlett.

This one will unlock Challenge Mission 08 - Combo Challenge Part 2
This one is available right after you board the rotating platform. Use the machine that read's Mondo's arm to activate it. There are multiple paths that this platform can leave, but you will want to the right, and enter one of the doors with another machine for Mondo to activate. One of these rooms should open up with chairs and to the right, a TV and another activated machine. Doing so should make the speakers blare sound, causing the wall to explode, revealing Scarlett.

This one will unlock Challenge Mission 09 - Trick Challenge Part 2
Right after this, a green door should light back up in the room with the platform. Travel over there and enter the room to find stairs. Right next to the stairs should be another crate. Break it open to find Scarlett.
These can be obtained in any order. This level is open, and any of her locations can be accessed at any time.

This one will unlock Challenge Mission 10 - Katana Mission Part 4
In the start of this world, there should be a large gate that should be closed. To the left of the gate, however, is an opened gate that leads to a house. After entering the gate, head to the right and then the left (its a path) till it takes you to a large rock. Using Mondo's Drill arm, destroy the rock to allow access to the Bamboo garden. Almost all the way in the back corner, there should be a White Bamboo stalk, with glowing dirt below it. Cut the stalk and out will pop Scarlett.

This one will unlock Challenge Mission 11 - Katana Challenge Part 1
Also near the starting location after the House, there should be a path that wraps around the pond. Follow along the path and to the the left there is a little path, lite up by lanterns. Follow along the path till you see the waterfall to your left. Aim with your gun at the floating eye enemy just above the waterfall, but below the tree. doing so will cause the tree to fall down, blocking the water from flowing, and also revealing Scarlett's hiding spot.

This one will unlock Challenge Mission 12 - Combo Challenge Part 3
After obtaining all the scrolls, the back gate should open up. Head back over to the main gate area (near the house.). You should see a long pathway in-front of you. DO NOT RUN AHEAD, instead walk very slowly through the gate. and immediately turn to the left. Right behind the gate door is Scarlett. This one can be hard to miss, as the camera will fix itself forward, and eventually start a cut-scene.
Episode 09 - THE GIANT WHO STOLE A PLANET (4 Locations)
This one will unlock Challenge Mission 13 - Survival Challenge Part 2
A bit after the beginning of the level, there should be a small set of stairs leading to a turret and an enemy. Kill the enemy to take the turret and face the orange canisters. Just behind them is a door that will have a sniper leave out. Go ahead and kill the sniper. After that, destroy the canisters, and behind them there should be a row of crates as well. Be sure to shoot them to free Scarlett.

This one will unlock Challenge Mission 14 - Target Challenge Part 4
This location is in the timed/countdown area. After you exit the stairway where you encountered the Eye enemy, you should enter a room with a door and a stack of crates. Destroy the crates to reveal another door for you to enter. After entering, turn to your left and go down the hall to see more crates. Using your Drill Arm (which honestly you should have by now.), destroy the door to reveal... more crates... oh, and Scarlett of course.

This one will unlock Challenge Mission 15 - Target Challenge Part 6
In the room that Vivienne helped you, there should be a suspended bridge and two doors. One door leads to the activation panel that Mondo needs for this chapter. The other door should be right next to where the panel appears. Inside that room there are more crates. She will be in the one of the crates in the corner.

This one will unlock Challenge Mission 16 - Survival Challenge Part 3
This room is Dark, just to warn you, its best to have your settings pretty high if your not sure you will be able to see this. This last location is right after the large monster fight. After defeating him, enter the next room to find a staircase and a line of huge containers. There should be enough room for you to squeeze through. Go all the way to the end of the containers. there is a hidden box right behind the last container. Slash it open to reveal Scarlett (in red no less).
Episode 10 - THE CARRIER OF LOVE (4 Locations)
This one will unlock Challenge Mission 17 - Weapon Challenge Part 1
In the train cart after the first area, you will enter a cart with Purple test tubes on the right, and weird operating tables on the left. Behind the table farthest from you, there should be an activation panel. Active it to reveal Scarlett right in front of the table.

This one will unlock Challenge Mission 18 - Survival Challenge Part 4
After that cart, you will enter another one filled with enemies. This room with have a lot of crates (By now, you know what that means!). On the catwalk, follow along till you reach a dead end with a breakable crate. Inside will be Scarlett, the crate fairy!

This one will unlock Challenge Mission 19 - Trick Challenge Part 4
This is in the section with the large turret that Bryan so kindly left you. Before entering the door that leads to another Cart, there should be a set of crates and a ladder on the right side. Climb up and cut down that crate for another Scarlett.

This one will unlock Challenge Mission 20 - Target Challenge Part 7
Final one! This comes after Mondo climbs to the top of the train. Guess what we find here? If you said anything BUT crates, you obviously haven't been paying attention to this game. This area has a maze of crates, as well as an enemies sniper that will shoot at you. He will re-spawn, so don't worry about him. Stay to the right of the maze, and look for a breakable crate. Scarlett will be hiding inside of it, rewarding you with (hopefully) your last mission!
Episode 51 -THE MAN WHO STOLE BLOOD (3 Locations)
NOTE: This is available on all Steam copy's, but is a DLC mission on the console versions. It may not be available for everyone reading this Guide. It should be available from the start.

This one will unlock Challenge Mission 23 - Target Challenge Part 2
Right after entering the castle and fighting the aampires, the painting of Sebastian will fall down to reveal a door. Enter the door and continue down the hallway into the next room. Straight acr5oss should be a barrel that Scarlett is hiding in.

This one will unlock Challenge Mission 22 - Trick Challenge Part 3
When you enter the Basement the second time (after a cut scene with Mika falling) you will be ambushed by a lot of enemies. After that encounter, you will walk along some stairs and find yourself in a mini catatomb (Note: the catatomb has stairs as well, and walking on those will take you to the next part of the level, this is BEFORE those.) As soon as you enter, turn right and on the right side of the wall should be some barrels. Scarlett will be in side one of the barrels.

This one will unlock Challenge Mission 23 - Target Challenge Part 5
After the bats bust through the windows, find the exit to the outside (Requires more monster slaying.) After Vivianne said she recived your location, look to the right and find the lone barrle. Inside should be the last Scarlett locations

CAMEO CATCH!: Ju..Juliette Starling?
This is Unrelated really, but its just a nice little easter egg to see. Right after the Scene with Bryan, walk back into the foyer and go straight ahead into the room across from the door your at (the room you were in before the last scarlett location). The gate should open up letting you go outside. Just above on the in one of the archways is a moving barrel. Shoot it to free Juliette Starling (whom is from, 'Lolipop Chainsaw', another game on which Suda51 Worked on).
There are some Achievements earned for finding all of Scarlett's locations as well. They include 3 achievements each for finding and also for completing missions.

Scarlett Chaser
Unlocked by unlocking 6 challenge missions. Missions do not need to be completed.

Scarlett Stalker
Unlocked by unlocking 12 challenge missions. Missions do not need to be completed.

Scarlett-Approved Stalker
Unlocked by unlocking all 20 challenge missions. Missions do not need to be completed.

Gigolo Begins
Unlocked by completing 6 challenge missions. Missions do NEED to be completed.

Gigolo Side Story
Unlocked by completing 6 challenge missions. Missions do NEED to be completed.

Gigolo Mastership
Unlocked by completing all 20 challenge missions. Missions do NEED to be completed.
That's all there is to it. By now, you should at LEAST have all the missions unlocked. Completing them, on the other hand, is all up to you and your Killer Skills! Sorry again if some of the Guide was a bit hard to understand (I'm not the best with English.) If you felt something was wrong or left out, please feel free to tell me! Thank you for reading my guide. (Sorry for a lack of visuals.)
removedm 9 Jun, 2021 @ 12:53pm 
♡ ♡ ♡ ・゚✷ !!!✴𝗥 𝗔 𝗧 𝗘 𝗗✴!!! ✷゚・ ♡ ♡ ♡

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TheSaint 15 Dec, 2020 @ 3:37am 
Have a happy day❤
S U N D 9 Dec, 2020 @ 7:49pm 
Svampplockaren 22 Nov, 2020 @ 10:00am 
EmilMeister 20 Nov, 2020 @ 5:29am 
$̶R̶A̶F̶F̶A̶$̶ ラファ 12 Sep, 2020 @ 4:01pm 

:cure::anywaycoldsplash:Rated and Faved:anywaycoldsplash::cure:
My Artwork : Assassin Quna
Lucas 17 Aug, 2020 @ 4:27pm 
Wine 17 Aug, 2020 @ 11:18am 
TheEvilThatManDo 17 Aug, 2020 @ 2:29am 