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Macros - automated actions
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Mod, 1.3
627.738 KB
18. Okt. 2021 um 13:01
21. Okt. 2021 um 6:10
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Macros - automated actions

This mod allows you to create custom macros for automating frequent actions. For instance, you can create a macro that will make your colonists equip specified weapons and armor, pick up some items from storage and then go to a defensive position in your killbox.
All in just two clicks.


Creating macros

1. Select a single colonist. Optionally, you can also draft them to clear all existing jobs.

2. Queue up any number of jobs using Shift+Right-Click

3. Press the "Macros" button. It should be located at the bottom of the screen

4. Provide a name for your new macro. If you check "Macro shared between colonists" the newly created macro will be available to all colonists, otherwise it will only appear for the currently selected colonist. Macro name needs to be unique, however non-shared macro name can appear for multiple different colonists.

5. Press OK, your macro is now created!

Executing macros

To execute your macro simply Right-Click your Macros button.
If you want to execute the macro for multiple colonists, there are four ways to do that:

1. Right-Click on Macros button: it will find a macro with the specified name on all selected Colonists and execute it. If a selected colonist doesn't have a macro with that name, nothing will happen.

2. Ctrl+Alt+Right-Click on Macros button: it will find a macro with the specified name on all colonists (both selected and not selected) and execute it. If a colonist doesn't have a macro with that name, nothing will happen.

3. Alt+Right-Click: it will execute the selected macro on all currently selected colonists. It doesn't matter if other colonists have a macro with that name or not, it will always use the currently selected macro and ignore all macros on other colonists.

4. Ctrl+Right-Click: it will execute the selected macro on all colonists (both selected and not selected). It doesn't matter if other colonists have a macro with that name or not, it will always use the currently selected macro and ignore all macros on other colonists.

Essentially, options 1 and 2 execute the macros created for each colonist.
Options 3 and 4 allow you to execute a macro you created for one colonist on all other colonists.

Macro list

Right-Clicking a colonist that has at least one macro defined will show "Macro List" as an option.
This list allows you to manage your macros. Available options allow you to:

- Rename existing macros
- Convert a pawn macro into a shared macro (and vice-versa)
- Delete macros
- Reorder macros
- Copy-paste existing macros. This also allows you to paste copied macros onto other colonists when you open their macro list.

Recommended mods

Armor Racks
You can create a macro to equip a full set of items from an armor rack

Defensive positions
While technically you can create a macro to move your pawns into a defensive position, this mod will also allow you to create shortcuts for quickly selecting groups of colonists, further streamlining frequent actions

The icon used for the logo and the in-game icon was downloaded from:

26 Kommentare
Mlie 12. Juni 2023 um 11:23 
Made an update of this:
Hope it helps anyone!
MurMax 28. Dez. 2022 um 1:34 
May it have a feature of auto-activating marcos based on some triggers? (adding some objects, that will react and trigger macros, i.e. if electicity turned on, if enemy passed nearby, if all tiles in radius are filled with items and so on)?
That could make this mod a very viable to make a programmable self-sustainable colony, which is awesome.
HIVEMIND 20. Nov. 2022 um 7:02 
wake up samurai
thorman123456789 12. Nov. 2022 um 11:48 
ec#2718 on Discord 2. März 2022 um 15:16 
Does this support Gear Up and Go ?
gulegule 16. Feb. 2022 um 12:38 
I can't quite pin down what causes it, but my equip from armor rack macro seems to fire twice if I queue it for execution.
CactusPie  [Autor] 16. Feb. 2022 um 11:38 
@ozfresh In the case if this mod, it's just a set of actions that you queued up using shift-clicking. These can be saved as a macro and replayed whenever you want.
ozfresh 14. Feb. 2022 um 15:09 
Can you define what a macro is? Thanks!
CactusPie  [Autor] 12. Jan. 2022 um 10:13 
@Takashi what do you mean by multiple implants? Do you mean the installation of implants by another pawn? If so, then it's not possible. You can only create macros for actions that can be queued using shift-click, like moving, picking items up, mining, using workbenches etc.
Takashi 11. Jan. 2022 um 9:30 
Can I schedule multiple implants and save it as a macro?