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Nanite Integration
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Nanite Integration

[Mod is completely translated to russian language, if that may be someone's concern.|Мод полностью переведен на русский(как и раньше), если это кого-то беспокоит.]

How come humanity is on Europe for so long and the technology is so scuffed? Being a submarine crew, you surely suffered a lot of minor and major injuries, perhaps even traitorship, so you surely will find use to those little nanobots.

In this mod, there are: 2 utility strains; 6 medical strains of nanites, each specialized in assisting with specific number of afflictions; 3 amplification strains of nanites, each made to assist user in specific directions; 1 alien strains of nanites, oddly specific and not generally advisable, but very potent in their nieches.


Thing is, nanites all but one strain, cannot replicate over the Integration threshold and also need maintenance, so before injecting any nanites, you will need to undestand the Integration mechanic and the way to maintain them:

Integration Level (IL) - each strain has several integration levels, which dictate functions and amount of nanites in body, higher level, more functions and more maintenance required.
The mechanic is simple: Upon first injection, new strain starts with IL1, which unlocks the very basic functions and lets nanites replicate(given that decay is not intact) up to a threshold. When nanites hit the threshold, they stop replicating and cap at that. To attain IL2, you need to inject same strain again, but only when it reached current threshold, then next tier of functions and threshold is unlocked, with previous functions upgraded. If by any means nanite count falls below the previous threshold, IL is lost.

Decay - nanites require maintenance, and a lot of it, each IL of ANY strain in the body (localized or otherwise) generates 1 or 2 decay per second, depending on strain. When Decay reaches 80 or higher, all nanites that require maintenance rapidly deteriorate until Decay regresses below 80.

So let us proceed to the nanites:

Nanite basis - base-material, unprogrammed functionless nanites, which can't be injected. Produced in Fabricator.
Other types of nanites are produced in a Medical Fabricator,

The Nanite Precursor - this basic strain of nanites must be injected before any other, these nanites will replicate over time towards their threshold, providing material and maintaining other nanites which may be injected afterwards.
IL cap: 5
Decay Resistance Level (according to IL): 4/7/11/16/21
Coverage: Global | Torso
Tip: For checking how many Decay is being generated and how many resisted, here is a rule of thumb - IL of precursor is 20% and for any other is 30%, so to get Decay using medical scanner you need to divide every non-precursor percentage by 30 (and multiply by strain cost).

'Ichor' Strain - this strain of nanites is created to treat outer flesh and skin injuries in specific location (or Limb) of injection. Nanites will treat burns and heal lacerations(IL1), mend bleeding and bite wounds(IL2), as well as with great effort eject bullets(IL3).
IL cap: 3 | Decay: 1
Coverage: Local

'Kaltsit' Strain - this strain of nanites is created to treat inner machinations of organism and bones in specific location (or Limb) of injection. Points of focus will be damaged organs(IL2) and broken bones(IL1).
IL cap: 2 | Decay: 1
Coverage: Local

'Mithridates' Strain - this strain of nanites is created to dissolve and eject toxins and poisons of various sources from the entire organism. Covered toxins are alcohol and excess opiates(IL1), deliriumine and morbusine(IL2), sufforin and cyanide(IL3).
IL cap: 3 | Decay: 1
Coverage: Global | Torso

'Halesium' Strain - this strain of advanced nanites is created to assist in blood cell production and oxygen circulation. Moderately increases blood regeneration and consciousness recovery(IL1), replenishes minor amounts of oxygen, slowing down suffocation and very slowly deirradiates organism(IL2).
IL cap: 2 | Decay: 2
Coverage: Global | Torso

'Cerebrate' Strain - this strain of advanced nanites is created to help recovering sanity of individual. Rearanges electrical impulses and neuron connections without harm to quickly recover from psychosis and ease hallucinations(IL1), inhibits opiate addiction from kicking in(IL2).
IL cap: 2 | Decay: 2
Coverage: Global | Head

'Asclepius' Strain - this strain of advanced nanites is created to resist parasites and muscle degradation. Briefly slowes down husk infection process and inhibit any paralyzants from mucles(IL1), kills and dissolves remnants of husk parasite(IL2).
IL cap: 2 | Decay: 2
Coverage: Global | Left Leg

Precursor Deactivator - this utility strain's main function is to quickly destroy all precursor in the organism over 12 seconds or so, leading to full nanite sterilization in case of need.

Amplification nanites - such strains of nanites grant it's host direct benefits, unlike medical, which only rejuvenate one's body.

'Armstrong' Strain - scope of this amplification strain is enlarging one's muscular mass and increasing body density to withstand incoming damage. Increases melee damage, hardens in response to physical trauma(IL1) and keeps body from being pushed away by strong currents of water(IL2).
IL cap: 2 | Decay: 2
Coverage: Global | Right Arm

'Driver' Strain - for those who find themselves lacking speed for the task, such strain of amplification nanites is created to increase reaction speed and motorics. Increases running, swimming and attack speed(IL1) and allows individual to work with machinery and electronics faster, resulting in increased repair speed(IL2).
IL cap: 2 | Decay: 2
Coverage: Global | Right Leg

'Beholder' Strain - amplification strain, designed to sharpen one's vision, allowing for higher firearm accuracy(IL1) and extreme dexterity with intricate machinery maintenance, resulting in much more qualite results(IL2). However, it was reported and logged, that vision becomes so sharp that individual was able to see specific particles of light, causing ever so slight prismatic effect on their line of sight.
IL cap: 2 | Decay: 1
Coverage: Global | Head

There is no man-made nanite past this point. Proceed at your own risk.

Xenotech nanites - poorly understood with even more poor researches conducted, these alien nanites were reported to be found in ruins. Attempts to inject them proved to be productive, however they seem to drain upon precursor at higher pace than any other known nanites, and side effects were proven to surface upon further inspection.

'Lanius' Strain - xenotech strain, presumably created by past inhabitants of Europa to protect themselves from pressure, fire and, for whatever reason, oxygen. After injecting such a materia, severe changes in physiology are expected. Skin covers in a thin layer of metallic compound, which seems to repel heat(IL1) and increase structural integrity, resisting, but not completely, high underwater pressure(IL2). Additionaly, individual may find itself being less strained by low oxygen levels(IL1) or even completely ignoring it's lack at all, at higher levels of nanite coverage.
IL cap: 2 | Decay: 3
Coverage: Global | Left Arm

A little warning: when injecting any nanites, there may be instant side-effect afflictions that may or may not cause problems if patient is not healthy.

Material costs and spawn rates of injections in ruins may or may not change in the future. I am open to suggestions on this aspect of balance.

Bots may not like being injected. Same goes with karma.
100 kommentarer
hunters01 7 maj @ 17:02 
yea demon i have been enjoying this as it seems to be a very nice soft replacement for neurtrauma cybernetics (great for when we are doing a run and DONT want to suffer with neurotrauma)
humbleseekerofthelight 3 mar @ 9:59 
i have a few plans for it im just stil learning html and how baro uses it
DemonX3  [skapare] 3 mar @ 2:32 
It's alright. I'm fine with people doing derivatives of my stuff most of the time (as long as things are credited if it's based on more than just concept).

(Especially considering this mod is long overdue for an update or two and people seem to like it still)
humbleseekerofthelight 3 mar @ 1:17 it ok that i made a remix of the mod or you want it taken down
DemonX3  [skapare] 10 sep, 2023 @ 22:44 
Thanks, and unfortunately not really, it is currently on pause.
Shadowboss 10 sep, 2023 @ 16:19 
Very cool mod is it still being worked on
Crusader_Orange 2 maj, 2023 @ 5:36 
I can spawn and use the nanite precursor but other strains are missing, do you know why ?
GameStormer 29 mar, 2023 @ 12:09 
Is there an update planned? Not trying to rush just curious
lolic_lol 27 feb, 2023 @ 0:37 
and replace it by

<StatusEffect target="This, Limb">
<ReduceAffliction identifier="blunttrauma" amount="0.2" />
<Affliction identifier="nanitedecay" amount="1" />
<StatusEffect target="Character">
<ReduceAffliction identifier="organdamage" amount="0.1" />
<Affliction identifier="nanitedecay" amount="1" />
lolic_lol 27 feb, 2023 @ 0:36 
Anyway, as temp fix, player can find the file

"c:\Users\*UserName*\AppData\Local\Daedalic Entertainment GmbH\Barotrauma\WorkshopMods\Installed\2631438320\Afflictions.xml"

then find

<StatusEffect target="This, Limb">
<ReduceAffliction identifier="organdamage" amount="0.1" />
<ReduceAffliction identifier="blunttrauma" amount="0.2" />
<Affliction identifier="nanitedecay" amount="2" />