Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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All about the L4D2 Campaigns *Remastered*
By Mr Cool
This guide will tell you all about the Left 4 Dead 2 Campaigns
Left 4 Dead 2 introduces 5 new campaigns (Dead Center, Dark Carnival, Swamp Fever, Hard Rain, and The Parish) along with 2 dlc campaigns (The Passing and Cold stream). The Passing falls in the story line but Cold Stream doesn't. This guide is dedicated to tell you all about what happens in each campaign and maybe some voicelines :)
Dead Center
Chapter 1: The 4 survivors (Nick, Ellis, Coach, and Rochelle) meet up on a roof of a hotel only to see the helicopter leave without them. They make a plan to head through the hotel and onto the streets. They fight their way down the hotel and find a working elevator. They use it to get out of the hotel and find a safe room.

Chapter 2: They find themselves on the streets of Savanna. Ellis leads them to a gun store in town because the bridge to the mall was blocked. They fight through many zombies on their way to the gun store. They eventually make it and run inside. They grab the weapons they want (About every gun except the m60 and the grenade launcher is in the gun store). Whitaker (the gun store owner) tells them that he will let them have the guns for free and clear their path to the mall (blocked by a tanker) if they get him some cola from across the street. So, then they head into the store across the street and get the cola from the back of the store. Problem is that the alarm went off when they opened the door to the store. So they fight their way back to the gun store and put the cola in the door. Whitaker messes with them and says "Thanks for the cola, but I won't clear the path. Haha I just wanted to see the look on your faces. Here you go". Then, he blows up the tanker and they run to the mall.

Chapter 3: Inside the mall, they see it is abandoned and full of zombies. No ceda in sight. They fight their way to a store with a glass window/2 doors with "alarm will sound when opened". They sound the alarm and run to the 3rd floor of the mall to turn off the alarm while fighting hordes of zombies. They run to an open area. Ceda tents but no ceda workers to be found (at least ones that are alive). They find a safe room and run in.

Chapter 4: Still no sign of Ceda but Ellis gets an idea. He sees a Jimmy Gibbs sign but they keep going. They find a elevator and Ellis sees Jimmy Gibbs stock car. He tells the others about his plan to fuel up the stock car and drive it out of the mall. They all agree and they run for the gas. They fill up the car and start the drive ALL THE WAY TO NEW ORLEANS!!!


1 (Hotel)
2 (Streets)
3 (Mall)
4 (Atrium)


I think Dead Center is a great campaign and has a great finale and story line. Especially for being the introducing campaign, it turned out great.

The Passing
Chapter 1: After escaping the mall with Jimmy Gibbs Jr (the car), they find a bridge that is rose. To their surprise, there was more survivors on the bridge (Zoey, Francis, and Louis from L4D1). Nick and Francis had a fight about the bridge. Ellis was falling in love with Zoey and the others were just watching. Zoey, Francis, and Louis told the others that they would have to make it to the other side to fill up the generator to lower the bridge. So, then Ellis, Nick, Coach, and Rochelle start their journey to the other side. They find a store and run inside. They find a few guns and head upstairs. They find their way outside and keep going. They find what looks like apartment construction buildings. They find a wedding (with a witch bride). Coach looked around for cake. Nick made jokes about the witch. Nick puts a bullet in the witch and kills her. They keep going and find 2 tents with supplies. They head down a street and find a safe room.

Chapter 2: They walk outside and head up some stairs. They head down a street and see a club and a tattoo parlor. They make a few jokes in the tattoo parlor and head into the club. They find some equipment and guns. They head out some windows and find a construction site. They go past the construction site and find an apartment with supplies. They head into another apartment building that was under construction and head outside. They find the underwater tour and head inside the building. They keep going and eventually find the sewer. They jump in and climb a ladder. They find a button with a broken bridge. They pressed the button (which alerts a horde) and ran through the water to another button with a bridge. They open the door and walk across the bridge and fall off to run through a tunnel. They get through the tunnel and find stairs to a safe room.

Chapter 3: Closer than ever to Jimmy Gibbs Jr, they recover from the hordes and nasty water and head outside. They head up some stairs and see the 3 survivors waiting. The L4D1 survivors (Zoey, Francis, and Louis) congratulate them for making it. They tell the others that they need to fill the generator to lower the bridge. Ellis, Nick, Coach, and Rochelle head to an elevator and head down. They run for the gas and collect all the cans and fill the generator. The L4D1 survivors (Zoey, Francis, and Louis) help them as zombies are coming. They also throw down supplies for them. They filled up the generator and the bridge lowered. Ellis was so happy to see Jimmy Gibbs Jr and was sad he had to leave Zoey. Ellis, Nick, Coach, and Rochelle thanked Zoey, Francis, and Louis for the help and continued the drive to New Orleans.


1 (Riverbank)
2 (Underground)
3 (Port)


I think The Passing was an average Campaign. It was pretty short but it was still pretty good.

Dark Carnival
Chapter 1: After lowering the bridge and getting Jimmy Gibbs Jr back, they find themselves in more trouble. They find a highway blocked by a bunch of abandoned cars. They decided to leave Jimmy Gibbs Jr and walk. Coach sees a sign that says "Whispering Oaks" and he says that he used to go there a kid and Nick said "Great, Now we can die there as adults". They walk through the highway and find a motel. They walk through and find a big hill so they drop down. They kept walking and found another hill. They walked up and found a safe room.

Chapter 2: They found their way into the fairgrounds of Whispering Oaks. They open the safe room and walk outside. They start walking through the fairgrounds and find a game where you can win a Gnome (achievement by carrying it through the whole campaign). They keep walking and find a little warehouse with some supplies. They keep walking through and find an area with a bunch of games. Coach looks around for cotton candy. Ellis yells "KIDDY LAND!" and gets super excited. Then Rochelle said "Ah, to hell with it. WHOOOO KIDDY LAND!". They keep walking and find a back alley with a few supplies in a truck. They walk inside a building and find a ladder to a roof. They climb up and keep going. They find a slide and they ride down. They keep going and find a merry-go-round. They start the ride (which alerts a horde) and keep going until they turn off the alarm. Then, they find a safe room in the tunnel of love.

Chapter 3: Rochelle starts joking with Nick about the tunnel of love. Nick says "Did you see that sign out front? Cousins only day". Then, before they open the safe room, he says "No holding hands". Then, they walk outside and keep going through the tunnel of love. They eventually find the maintenance room and keep going. They find a hole in the ground up some stairs and drop down. They keep going and eventually find the outside. They see a helicopter flying by them. They see a coaster and run to it. They start the coaster (which alerts a horde) and run up the coaster. They keep going and eventually find the button to stop the ride. Then, they find a safe room.

Chapter 4: They walk outside the safe room and find themselves in another part of the carnival. They keep going and find a kart ride. They walk through and keep going. They see the helicopter flying by them again. Coach says that the Midnight Riders perform here and that might be their helicopter. So, then they find some barns and walk through and head on the roof. They cross the roof and find a button. They press the button (which alerts a horde) and wait for the gates to open. Once the gates open, they run for the safe room and head inside.

Chapter 5: They find themselves in the Concert performing area. They open the safe room and head outside to the stage. Coach gets super excited and gets an idea. He tells the others that the chopper could be the band's chopper so if they start the Concert performance then they will know something is wrong. So, then Nick says "If you have taste, cover your ears. I'm starting the finale". So, then they fight their way through hordes of zombies and 2 tanks. Then, the chopper pilot sees the Concert and lands to pick the survivors up.


1 (Highway)
2 (Fairgrounds)
3 (Coaster)
4 (Barns)
5 (Concert)


I think this campaign is amazing and has some great things to interact with (such as some of the carnival games that you can get achievements from).

Swamp Fever
Chapter 1: After escaping Whispering Oaks in the helicopter, the pilot turned into a zombie during the flight and Nick shot the pilot. They crashed in a swamp. Ellis yelled at Nick about shooting the pilot but Nick told him that he was a zombie and Ellis said "He was also our ONLY PILOT!". So, then they found some supplies in a train car and start walking. They find some shacks and keep going. They find a ferry so they push the button (alerts a horde) to bring it to them (since it was on the other side of the water). They fight off the horde and wait for the ferry. The ferry makes it to them and they jump on and press the button. They make it to the other side and keep walking through the swamp. They find more shacks and keep going. They eventually find a safe room.

Chapter 2: They walk outside and find themselves deep in the swamp. They keep going and find more shacks. They keep going and find a crashed airplane. They open the door (which alerts a horde) and run. They find a shack with good supplies and keep going. They find a huge area filled with water and a half-sunken shack. They search the shack and keep going. They find a safe room and head inside.

Chapter 3: Now in a town full of shacks, they head outside and start walking. Ellis tells a story about how Keith tried making one of these shacks out of mud. They keep going and find a bunch of shacks and a metal house with some supplies. They keep going and find a bridge. They lower the bridge (which alerts a horde) and run. They eventually find a safe room.

Chapter 4: Still lost and in the middle of nowhere, they head outside and keep going. They find more and more shacks but keep going. They find a huge plantation house and head inside. They walk outside and find a radio. They talk into the radio and a guy named Virgil (great man) talked to them. He asked where they were and they said "We are at a plantation house". Virgil says "Okay, stay there. I will be there in 10 minutes". So, then the survivors hold out for 10 minutes while fighting hordes and more tanks. Eventually, an explosion blows up a fence and they run to the boat.


1 (Plank Country)
2 (Swamp)
3 (Shanty Town)
4 (Plantation)


I think Swamp Fever is a pretty decent campaign and has a good finale.

Hard Rain
Chapter 1: After escaping the Swamp with Virgil, he asks them to go get him gas (which was just across the street from where he dropped them off) and told him that he will get them to New Orleans if they do. So, then they hop off the boat and have a fight about the gun bag they forgot (which has a flare gun to signal Virgil when they get the gas). So, then they go across the street and find a sign that says "Out of gas. Next Gas 2 Miles". So, then they start walking. They find a bunch of houses and keep going. It started raining (lightly) but they keep going. They find a safe room and head inside.

Chapter 2: They walk outside and start walking. Water has already started to fill the ground. They walk through a building and keep going. They find a sugar mill (full of witches) and continue walking. They find a huge building (under construction) so they head up a bunch of stairs and find an elevator with a button so they press it (which alerts a horde). They fight off the zombies and get in the elevator when it gets up to them. They ride the elevator down and run to the gas station (which has a safe room).

Chapter 3: They find gas in the safe room and grab the cans. They begin their walk back to the dock. They ride the elevator back up and head down the stairs of the building. A storm has arrived so it was pouring hard. They keep going and walk through the Sugar Mill. They keep going and find their way back to the safe room.

Chapter 4: Closer to the Burger Tank, they head outside and keep going. The storm was getting worse so it was getting way harder to see. They run across roofs to avoid being slow in the water. They keep going and remember the things around them (such as the playground). They run and find a safe room.

Chapter 5: Soaked and so close to Virgil, they head outside and run into the Burger Tank. Coach gets an idea to turn on the Burger Tank sign to signal Virgil. So, then they turned on the sign (which alerts hordes) and fought off the zombies while waiting. Eventually, Virgil arrived and picked them up.


1 (Milltown)
2 (Sugar Mill)
3 (Mill Escape)
4 (Return to Town)
5 (Town Escape)


I honestly love the concept of going back from where you came and having to save your resources from the previous safe rooms for the return trip.

The Parish
Chapter 1: After getting the gas for Virgil, he dropped off the survivors in New Orleans and wished them luck as he was going to help other people. So, then they head up a ramp and find some ceda tents. They keep going and find a club with a jukebox. They keep walking and find a building with a kitchen. They keep going and find a safe room.

Chapter 2: They walk outside and find more ceda tents. New Orleans was filled with infected. They kept going and found a huge park. They search for supplies and find more and more tents. They find a medical trailer and a bunch of carriers (survivors who can't turn but can carry the disease to others) shot in cold blood. They walked into the trailer and grabbed some supplies. They opened the other side of the trailer and an alarm sounded (which alerts a horde). They run and press a button to stop the alarm and open a door. Once the door opened, they ran through and kept going. Then, they found a safe room.

Chapter 3: They walk outside just to see more infected and tents. They keep going and find more and more buildings. They keep going and find a drop with a trailer. They jump on the trailer and drop down. They walk into a building that was being renovated and kept going. They eventually found a manhole and headed down into a small sewer. They walked through and climbed a ladder. They saw a bunch of alarmed cars (achievement for not alerting any alarm cars in this chapter) so they went very slow to not set off any alarms. They eventually got through and climbed another ladder to get onto a bridge. Military jets blew up a part of the bridge and everyone yelled. They dropped down from the part it was blew up on and they found a cemetery. They ran through and found a safe room.

Chapter 4: As they open the door, military jets start bombing again. They walk into a building and head upstairs. They drop down from the balcony and find themselves on a street. More military jets started bombing around them. Nick said "♥♥♥♥!" and the others yelled "BACK UP!". They were confused why they were bombing New Orleans but they kept going. They walked into a club building and ran upstairs and dropped down from a room. They ran into an apartment building and ran up some stairs and then walked outside. They say a float with a wooden plank on top to help them get across so they started the float (which alerts a horde). So, then they fought off the horde and ran across the plank and went downstairs and kept going. They walked outside to a street and walked into another apartment. They walked upstairs and dropped off another balcony. They ran into a safe room.

Chapter 5: Still curious about the carriers being killed and all the bombing, they walked outside onto a bridge. Papa-gator was talking to Rescue-7 on a radio (military) and the survivors transmitted to their channel. They said "Hello?" and Papa-gaor said "Rescue-7, that's coming from the bridge". So, then he asked if the survivors were immune and they said that they are NOT infected and Papa-gator said "negative, are you immune?". So, then they told them that they have encountered the infected and Papa-gator asked Rescue-7 if he was equipped for carries and he said "affirmative". So, then Papa-gator told them that the bridge was crawling with infected and the last pickup was in 10 minutes on the east bank of the bridge. So, then the survivors lowered the bridge and ran. They kept going and fought a bunch of zombies. A tank tried to stop them but they kept running. They saw the helicopter on the bank so they ran for it. They made it off the bridge and jumped in the helicopter.

After the story

So, they made it on the helicopter and the pilot blew up the bridge. But due to the fact that they are carriers, they could have been shot and killed when they were brought to the base (based on the carriers that died by the medical trailer). They could have also been tested for a cure just like the L4D1 survivors were in the comics after Blood Harvest when they were saved by the military. A lot of things could have happened, but I hope this helped understand some of the possible outcomes.


1 (Waterfront)
2 (Park)
3 (Cemetery)
4 (Quart)
5 (Bridge)


I think the campaign was great and the finale was amazing with the concept of running on a bridge filled with infected.

Thank you so much for reading this guide! This one took me a long time (I had to push back the publish date due to how long it was). I hope this helps you understand the story more. Good luck!

(more story guides)
Mr Cool  [author] 28 Apr, 2022 @ 5:53pm 
@StoppedRockect Sometimes it depends on the mode, and people's opinions.
StoppedRocket 28 Apr, 2022 @ 5:28pm 
Just gonna call out on that swamp fever part. Nearly every-time I try to get to play swamp fever with people they all leave
Mr Cool  [author] 21 Dec, 2021 @ 3:57pm 
@Wheately haha yeah true that
ZenKazzy 20 Dec, 2021 @ 11:14am 
this man liked every campaign when people doesn't even like chapter 1...