Tower Unite

Tower Unite

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Little Crusaders: Gamer Guide
Por Melon
This is a guide for the Tower Unite game world "Little Crusaders". It will cover controls, rewards, timings, and various parts of the game worlds history, as well as offering tips and advice here and there. Updated for version
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Little Crusaders (LC) is the Tower Unite (TU) counterpart to the Ultimate Chimera Hunt (UCH) gamemode for Garry's Mod that was featured in GMod Tower (GMT). Added in version, Little Crusaders is the first game world added to Tower Unite after it entered Early Access on Steam. The game features a team of knights (or crusaders), who are tasked with disabling the dragon by pressing the button on its back. The dragon on the other hand has to prevent this by using its powerful bite and accompanying abilities to devour the knights. Two people are required to play. A complete match is 20 rounds.


  • First rank
  • Pink outfit

  • Second rank
  • Green outfit
  • Gets a bonus pouch
  • Shares a helmet with esquires

  • Third rank
  • Blue outfit
  • Gets a bonus pouch and a sheath
  • Boxier helmet
  • Is worthy

  • Fourth and final rank
  • White outfit with cape
  • Gets a bonus pouch and a sheath
  • Gets fancy little shoulder decorations
  • Helmet with gold trim and thin horizontal eye slit
  • Unique taunt
  • Is worthy

  • Might be named Greg
  • Barn swallow?
  • Lover, not a fighter

  • His name is Cornelius
  • Likes to make pancakes
  • He is looking disrespectfully

  • Dead
  • Rooting in the afterlife
  • Holds different items based on your rank before death, see Fancier Ghosts for more information

Little Crusaders has several maps, mostly following a medieval theme. Due to differences in design some maps may play very different from one another, so switching up which maps you play on can be helpful for improving as a player.

Map Name
Releasing with Little Crusaders in, Amphitheatre is described as a "gladiator style arena." It features a lower midsection with raised outer walkways with further elevated posts allowing for players to try to get higher ground.
Releasing with Little Crusaders in, Market is a map with somewhat of a small footprint, but with the lower sewer sections it has quite a lot of room for activities. The Birb Statue milestone comes from this map.
Throne Room
Releasing with Little Crusaders in, Throne Room is the map with the most verticality, often allowing the knights to get the jump on the dragon. This map is loosely based on the map Headquarters from Ultimate Chimera Hunt.
Toy Room
Added in, the Toy Room Update, Toy Room is designed after a child's play table. This is the only map as of writing that strays away from the medieval theme, instead opting to put the little in Little Crusaders inside of a somewhat modern-looking home.
Added in, the Knightsend-By-Sea Update, Knightsend is an ocean-side town with a guillotine at its center. Being one of the flattest maps, players on Knightsend have to rely on quick thinking and maneuvering to defeat the dragon.
Mystic Grove
Added in, the The Nightclub Update, Mystic Grove, which internally known as Dark Forest, is just that—a dark forest. With heavy fog and low light, low visibility is to be expected on this map. It is also the only map as of writing to feature water, and Thyne Sword.
Cardboard Castle
The map most recently added into the game alongside Condo IO Phase 2 in, Cardboard Castle is a map that shares similar theming to Toy Room. Also like Toy Room, it has varying levels of verticality while having a similar footprint to Amphitheatre.
The Inn
A currently unreleased map, with no official statement on its name, which seems to be a reimagining of the map Club Titiboo from Ultimate Chimera Hunt. Early WIP previews have been shown in the September 27th, 2021[] and October 18th, 2021[] Dev Logs.
Jurassic Pork
Another unreleased map, currently backlogged. It's description on Trello[] mentions the reintroduction of the pigmasks. This map was cancelled March 10th, 2023.
Dragon Payouts:
Payout Name
Dead Knight Bonus
150 Units per knight eaten
150 x Knights killed
Ultimate Dragon
Eliminate all knights
400 Units
Ending a Legacy
Eat Birb
50 Units
Esquire Chomp Bonus
Have the last knight you eat be an Esquire
30 Units
Knight Chomp Bonus
Have the last knight you eat be a Knight
60 Units
Baron Chomp Bonus
Have the last knight you eat be a Baron
85 Units
Count Chomp Bonus
Have the last knight you eat be a Count
100 Units

Knight Payouts:
Payout Name
Thanks For Playing!
You weren't AFK, congrats
200 Units
Rooting in the Afterlife
Cheered your team to victory from the grave
200 Units
Dragon Slayer
Turn off the dragon
300 Units
Knights Slayed The Dragon
The knights turned off the dragon
400 Units
Birb To The Rescue
Disable the dragon with Birb
50 Units
Last Knight Bonus
Be the last knight remaining
150 Units
Esquire Bonus
Finish the round as an Esquire
50 Units
Knight Bonus
Finish the round as a Knight
100 Units
Baron Bonus
Finish the round as a Baron
200 Units
Count Bonus
Finish the round as a Count
250 Units

Max payout from dragon round: 1,600 Units
Max payout from knight round: 1,300 Units (Dragon Slayer and Birb To The Rescue don't stack)

Little Crusaders has eight unlockable milestone items, ranging from condo items to equippable morphs and upgrades.

Sword and Shield (Plaza/Condo Weapon)
Equip a sword and shield to scare your foes.
Knight (Plaza/Condo Morph)
Become a knight from Little Crusaders.
Birb Statue (Placeable Condo Item)
Honor the birb with this statue.
King Crown (Dragon Hat Upgrade)
A crown that lets everyone know you're the royal dragon.
Birb (Placeable Condo Pet)
The lovable birb visits your condo.
Ghost (Plaza/Condo Morph)
Become the ghost from Little Crusaders.
Flying Dragon Pet (Plaza/Condo Pet)
A personal tiny dragon as a floating pet.
RC Miniature Dragon (Plaza/Condo RC Item)
A miniature controllable dragon.

In Little Crusaders the experience you earn is 1.5x the Units you receive. Following the first table in this section to maximize the Units you earn will help you get the milestone items faster.

Badge Name
Exp Required

Like with other trophies in Tower Unite, Little Crusaders has four trophies ranging from bronze to diamond that are rewarded based on exp earned.

Exp Required
Little Crusaders: Bronze Trophy
Little Crusaders: Silver Trophy
Little Crusaders: Gold Trophy
Little Crusaders: Diamond Trophy
Achievement Name
Cape Crusader
Cape Crusader
Be promoted to the rank of Count.
1,500 Units
Button Masher
Button Masher
Turn off the Dragon 50 times.
25,000 Units
Drunken Afterlife
Drunken Afterlife
Be a fancy ghost 10 times after being a Knight.
5,000 Units
Aerial Takedown
Aerial Takedown
While in the air, turn off the Dragon.
1,500 Units
Taunting Death
Taunting Death
Taunt 10 times near the Dragon.
1,500 Units
Knight Dynasty
Knight Dynasty
Win 10 times with 3 or more Knights alive.
1,500 Units
You are Dead
You are Dead
Get eaten by the Dragon 20 times.
1,500 Units
Chomp 'til You Drop
Chomp 'til You Drop
Eat 50 Knights as Dragon.
1,500 Units
Enter the Knights!
Enter the Knights!
Be in the winning Knight team more than 50 times.
25,000 Units
Pancake Mix
Pancake Mix
Stomp 15 Knights into pancakes as Dragon.
5,000 Units
Home Run
Home Run
Kill the Dragon 3 times with Birb.
5,000 Units
Ultimate Cape Crusader
Ultimate Cape Crusader
Be promoted to the rank of Count 20 times.
5,000 Units
Count of Ampitheatre
Count of Ampitheatre
Become the Count on Ampitheatre.
10,000 Units
Ampitheatre Beast
Ampitheatre Beast
Eat all the Knights in a single round as the Dragon in Ampitheatre.
10,000 Units
Count of Cardboard Castle
Count of Cardboard Castle
Become the Count on Cardboard Castle.
10,000 Units
Paper-thin Royalty
Paper-thin Royalty
Eat all the Knights in a single round as the Dragon in Cardboard Castle.
10,000 Units
Count of Knightsend-by-sea
Count of Knightsend-by-sea
Become the Count on Knightsend-by-sea.
10,000 Units
Seaside Carnage
Seaside Carnage
Eat all the Knights in a single round as the Dragon in Knightsend-by-sea.
10,000 Units
Count of Market
Count of Market
Become the Count on Market.
10,000 Units
Market Destruction
Market Crash
Eat all the Knights in a single round as the Dragon in Market.
10,000 Units
Count of Mystic Grove
Count of Mystic Grove
Become the Count on Mystic Grove.
10,000 Units
Mystic Grove Destruction
The Legend of the Mystic Creature
Eat all the Knights in a single round as the Dragon in Mystic Grove.
10,000 Units
Count of Throne Room
Count of Throne Room
Become the Count on Throne Room.
10,000 Units
Long Live The King
Long Live The King
Eat all the Knights in a single round as the Dragon in Throne Room.
10,000 Units
Count of Toy Room
Count of Toy Room
Become the Count on Toy Room.
10,000 Units
Defective Toy
Defective Toy
Eat all the Knights in a single round as the Dragon in Toy Room.
10,000 Units

View Global Achievement Stats
These inputs are assuming you're using the defaults.

W, A, S, D
Move forward, strafe left, strafe right, move backwards respectively
E or Left Click
Press the dragons button, pick up/throw item
Activates the lantern on Mystic Grove

W, A, S, D
Move forward, strafe left, strafe right, move backwards respectively
Jump (press while in air to fly)
Left Click
Right Click
Tail Whip
This section will go into more depth on what the different abilities listed above mean. See Timings if you wish to see durations and cooldowns of abilities.

Jump - You character moves upward, allowing you to navigate vertically. Can be used to traverse up maps or jump over the dragon.

Sprint - Temporarily increases your speed by about two times but requires stamina. Sprint times vary based on rank, see Sprint Times below.

Crouch - Makes you move slower, which can allow for more control, as well as makes your hitbox smaller. This can be used to crouch jump over objects, as crouching brings your collision hitbox up a small amount allowing you to jump over certain objects you may not be able to get over at full size. Crouching can also make your stamina recharge quicker, see Sprint Times below.

Taunt - Taunting puts you into thirdperson mode which can let you temporarily look around corners without exposing yourself with the downside of not being able to move. Also used for the Taunting Death achievement.

Lantern - Improves visibility on Mystic Grove. Works both ways however, while you'll be able to see the map better, the dragon will be able to see you better.

Jump/Fly - Makes the dragon move upward. This extra height can allow the dragon to stomp/pancake the knights. It can also be used to fly, allowing you to clear certain areas of the map quicker while staying out of reach from knights. Uses stamina.

Sprint - Allows the dragon to run approximately 2.9 times faster. Uses stamina.

Bite - Can be used to bite players, Birb, and certain map objects. Physics objects like barrels or baskets can be launched with a bite, and the fences on Mystic Grove can be broken with a bite.

Roar - An area of effect ability that puts knights and Birb in the scared state (see Birb Scared Time). Does not go through walls, is iffy on different elevations.

Tail Whip - A way to swat people away from your back. The hitbox is a bit jank, so sometimes it might not hit someone right behind you, sometimes it might hit someone in front of you. It's pretty inconsistent—so don't rely on it too much. Rapidly spinning in place is arguably a better strategy for getting people away from you.

Dragon vs. Knight Speeds
When walking normally, knights move around 33% faster than the dragon when walking. While sprinting, the dragon moves about the same speed as the knigths, just slightly faster. Using the chart below you can compare the knights and dragons in terms of their land speed. These approximations are relative to the knights base walking speed.

The main gameplay loop of Little Crusaders revolves around the knights trying to press the dragons button, and the dragon trying to eat the knights. It has up to eight players, with one dragon and seven knights. It is a simple concept, but over the years it has evolved into a game that is heavily movement-based, unlike its Garry's Mod counterpart which had more of a focus on both high accuracy and high precision aiming. Because it is simple enough of a concept, in this section I will try to go over some basic stuff and some of the more nuanced mechanics that are not spoken of anywhere in the game.

Ranking Up
To rank up you need to turn off the dragon and survive into the next round. For every time you slay the dragon without dying you will move up one position, so pressing the dragons button will make you go from an Esquire to a Knight, and from a Knight to a Baron. However, if the dragon eats you, you will lose your rank. Upon the start of the next round your rank will be reset to an Esquire, along with bonuses that come along with higher ranks. Note: Loss of rank by dying does not mean that you lose exp-based ranks

Fancier Ghosts
If you get eaten at higher ranks your ghost will have various food and drink in the afterlife. As a Knight you get a mug, Baron gets a mug and a turkey leg, and Count gets a chalice, turkey leg, and crown.

Interactable Objects
The maps have various objects that you can approach and press either E or Left Click on to pick up and throw. Among these are swords, shields, axes, and books, none of which do damage to the dragon. Throwing them serves no functional purpose other than possibly distracting the dragon. Mystic Grove also has fences that can be broken, which could allow for easier traversal of the map. They can be broken by the dragons bite, or by being pressed by the knights a few times.

Using Birb

When there's about a minute left into a round, Birb will spawn. Birb will wander around the map making tweeting/chirping noises that are audible to both knights and the dragon. The knights will have a visual indicator to locate Birb more easily through the map. Like the objects mentioned above, E or Left Click can be used to pick up Birb, who can be thrown at the dragon.

When thrown at the dragon, the dragon will be in a stunned/dizzy state for five seconds. While in this state the dragon loses all of its abilities other than the ability to bite. While in this vulnerable state it is probably best for the dragon to retreat as a missed bite nearly guarantees defeat.

After that stun ends and the dizzy effect is gone from the dragons head, Birb can be thrown a second time. Upon a second hit, Birb will turn off the dragon instantly. If thrown before the dizzy effect is gone, it will do nothing. Defeating the dragon this way will grant you a bonus 50 Units. Note: Throwing Birb directly at the button is not necessary. Birb will have the same effect on the dragon no matter where it hits.

Countering Birb
The dragon has a few ways to counter Birb.

The first way is to get to the Birb and eat it before the knights are able to reach and use it. Biting Birb will notify players that Birb has been eaten, and it will no longer be able to be picked up and used against you. Eating Birb grants you the "Ending a Legacy" bonus, giving you 50 Units at the end of the round.

The second way is to roar. If Birb is near, roar and Birb will get scared and start to fly upwards. You can use this time to finish off any nearby knights or to get into a better position. If a knight is holding Birb, it will remain in the knight's hand until the knight throws it. If the roar is still active however, Birb will immediately get scared and begin to fly. See Birb Scared Time for more timings.

You can also just eat all the knights before Birb gets a chance to spawn, that works too.

Using Thyne Sword
The special sword in the center of Mystic Grove acts as Birb does on a second hit, immediately defeating the dragon on impact. The sword can only be picked up by players who are either a Baron or Count. Because it is so closely related to Birb in its function, it can also be used to get the Home Run achievement and the Birb To The Rescue bonus.

When it is pulled from the stone it won't return during a match. At the end of a round, if the sword was pulled but not used, it will immediately return to its resting place at the beginning of the next round. If the sword is used against the dragon, it will be out of service for a few rounds before returning.

Note: This sword is thrown and is not a slashing melee weapon. It can be thrown from quite a far distance, so getting up close to the dragon is not necessary.

Countering Thyne Sword
Side strafe around the person who has it to hopefully avoid getting hit by it. Prioritize Barons and Counts. Rush mid.

Fire Burns
Running into the fire on various maps will put you into the scared state, as well as giving you flame particles. When on fire you will emit light, which means you will be more visible to the dragon, especially on Mystic Grove. Speaking of Mystic Grove, running into the water on this map will extinguish the fire. This will remove the particles and light but keep you in the scared state for the usual duration. Maps that include fire are Throne Room (by the thrones), Mystic Grove (next to tents at spawn and the hill), and Amphitheatre (on the outer raised sections of the map).

Carrying Momentum
If you jump quickly after landing, you can maintain some of your speed. This can be useful for helping you get a little extra speed out of your sprint. It can also be used to carry speed from surfing off of map objects, getting tail whipped, or getting flung by the dragon. By jumping to carry momentum from tail whips or flings you can travel the full distance of a map in a few seconds without needing to use any stamina.

Scare Cancelling
The scared state for the knights does not stack. This means that if you are scared (by fire for example) and then you're scared by the dragon, you won't be scared for an extra seven seconds, instead, when your current scare ends (from the fire) you will immediately be able to regenerate stamina and press the button. You can use this to your advantage by predicting when a dragon will roar, jumping into fire to scare yourself, and then approach the dragon. If you time it right, you can fully avoid the dragons roar and press the button as soon as it finishes roaring.

Fire + Sprint
In they made it so that when scared you will run full speed, this means that you can now sprint at full speed for over 17 seconds by getting scared by sprinting as a Count, getting scared by the dragon, and igniting yourself with fire on one of the maps mentioned above.

Little Crusaders has two Steam leaderboards, Top Total Button Presses and Top Total Kills as Dragon. The despite the Top Total Kills as Dragon leaderboard not specifically stating knights eaten, it only counts knights eaten and knights that are stomped/pancaked do not count towards this leaderboard. The Top Total Button Presses leaderboard is named correctly, so turning off the dragon with Birb or Thyne Sword does not count towards this leaderboard.
Round Draw
If the timer runs out and knights failed to disable the dragon, and the dragon hasn't eaten the knights, it will result in a draw. A round draw will reward the "Thanks For Playing" payout, giving 200 units to both sides. The "Dead Knight Bonus" as well, so they'll get 200 units plus 150 units per knight eaten in the round.

Having the High Ground
While the button on the dragons back may look small, the hitbox for it is actually quite large. This can be very apparent if you're above the dragon and move your cursor around it and listen for the clicking noise. Because the button hitbox is so easy to hit from above and how hard it is for the dragon to bite knights on a different elevation, being in a position where you are above the dragon is ideal. Furthermore, a good position to be in is one where the dragon has to fly to get to you, giving you the chance to get on the dragons back midair. While airborne the dragon is unable to bite or roar, meaning if you get on top of it, you should have a pretty good chance of pressing the button. So whether you're the dragon or one of the knights, trying to keep the high ground is generally a good strategy.

Maintaining Stamina While Running/Jumping as Dragon
While bunnyhopping is no longer a thing you can do, there is still a way to maintain stamina while moving quickly as dragon. If you sprint and then jump, both the sprint and jump will use stamina, but after you leave the ground your stamina should stop draining. Once you land, depending on your timing and connection to the host, you can land and jump again and have your stamina start to recharge while you're still moving at a decent speed from doing continuous sprint jumps. Unlike a bunnyhop where you want as little time on the ground as possible, here you do want to make some decent contact so the game will begin recharging your stamina.
Disclaimer: Timings shown are taken from a 60 FPS recording as host. May not be 100% accurate.

Round Length

The round timer begins at 2 minutes, with 10 seconds being added for every knight killed. After the round ends there is 8 seconds of intermission.

Knight Sprint Times
As you rank up, your ability to sprint will gradually improve. While the time it takes for your stamina meter to fully recharge remains the same regardless of rank, the duration of time that you can sprint does improve. Also, crouching while your stamina is regenerating will cause it to recharge quicker.

Sprint Time
Recovery Time
Crouching Recovery Time
2.5 sec
2.5 sec
1.65 sec
2.63 sec
2.5 sec
1.65 sec
3 sec
2.5 sec
1.65 sec
3.33 sec
2.5 sec
1.65 sec

Knight Scared Time
When roared at, Knights will be in the scared state for 6.5 to 8.66 seconds depending on rank and what put them into the scared state. It takes 3 seconds for all ranks to get back up to full stamina after they exit the scared state.

Fire Scare
Roar Scare
8.66 sec
7.91 sec
7.95 sec
7.46 sec
7.25 sec
7 sec
6.5 sec
6.5 sec

Taunting Times
Taunting lasts for 2.75 seconds, during which you cannot move or press the dragons button. While the Count has a unique taunt, it takes the same amount of time.

Birb Stun Time
The first time Birb is thrown at the dragon it will stun the dragon for 5 seconds. A second throw will disable the dragon no matter where it hits.

Birb Scared Time
If the dragon roars near Birb, balloons will appear for 5 seconds, during which Birb will float into the air. Birb takes about 2 seconds to fall from the top of the map to the lowest point on Amphitheatre.

Dragon Ability Times
~0.8 sec
2.5 sec
10 sec
Tail Whip
2.5 sec
5 sec
2 sec
6 jumps
2 sec
Notable Changes
This section will go over various updates that had notable changes to Little Crusaders.

Little Crusaders gets added to Tower Unite as the fifth game world, launching with 3 maps. On release it allowed for servers with up to 12 players.
Max players gets reduced from 12 to 8.
The dragons button can no longer be pressed while roaring.
The fourth map, Toy Room, gets added.
Fixed bug where ghosts could block Birb from being picked up.
New route to the balcony above the thrones on Throne Room was added
The Minigolf map "Kingdom" is released, taking place in the Little Crusaders universe.
Movement was tweaked to be more similar to Source movement. This allowed for ludicrous bunnyhopping for both knights and the dragon.
Bunnyhopping acceleration decreased for knights and dragon. Taunt is rebound to the R key to avoid accidentally triggering it (previously Right Click). Tail whip can now be done simultaneously with other actions. Dragon bites and knight button presses are predicted.
Vote kick added requiring 2/3rd majority.
Achievements get added, bringing most of the current Little Crusaders achievements.
Bunnyhopping is disabled.
The fifth map, Knightsend-By-Sea, gets added.
Air strafe speed increased for dragon, accidentally giving it the ability to bunnyhop again. Decreased gravity for Dragon to lower chance of knights getting stomped (it had the opposite effect). Knights get slowed down to a point where there's a decent amount of backlash.
Aforementioned dragon bunnyhopping is fixed.
Ghosts get a redesign, looking more similar to how they did in Ultimate Chimera Hunt.
Use prompts are added to indicate that objects can be picked up.
Sprint speeds reduced for dragon and knights.
The sixth map, Mystic Grove, gets added.
Little Crusaders maps get a visual overhaul to their lighting. Vote kicking gets disabled.
Upgrades get added, bringing dragon skins, roar effects, and the bird hat for the dragon.
Knight gravity gets decreased, allowing for significantly easier navigation of maps and making it significantly easier to jump over the dragon. Scared knights will also run at full sprinting speed the entire duration of their scare, regardless of stamina.
A bug where you could press the G key to automatically scare yourself was patched. Abusing this bug meant that a knight could outrun the dragon for an entire round, even on maps without fire. Also in this update a bug related to stamina recharging while crouching was fixed (timings above have been adjusted accordingly).
A piece of collision above the central arch in the middle of the map Toy Room was removed, allowing the dragon to fly over it, but still being unable to land on it due to push volume overlapping the wedge block. The dragon can now fly over it, attempt to land on it, and be pushed, which allows you to gain more and more momentum the longer you're within the volume. Can be used to navigate the map very quickly.
Minimum player count was reduced to 2 (was 3). The amount of rounds was also upped to 20 (was 15). The round change was, as far as I can tell, was left unaddressed in any patch notes.
The seventh map, Cardboard Castle, gets added.
March 10, 2023
The unreleased map, Jurassic Pork, gets canceled.
Achievements for Cardboard Castle are added. Several achievements had their names changed: "Knightsend-by-Sea Destruction" was renamed to "Seaside Carnage", "Mystic Grove Destruction" was renamed to "The Legend of the Mystic Creature", and "Market Destruction" was renamed to "Market Crash". Knightsend-by-Sea achievement icons were finally added in-game despite being on Steam for over a year. Because of this, CorneliusLookingRespectfully is no longer the placeholder icon, so he's going to live here now.
Notable Changes (Continued)
Dragon got a new delay between bites (0.5 seconds). Bite duration increased from 0.7 seconds to 0.96 seconds. Bite animation now reflects a larger hitbox. You can now tail-whip mid-air. You can no longer bite while stunned by Birb. Added a delay between mid-air jumps (flying). Increased walk speed for dragon (by about 24%). Knights now have lower gravity (decreased by ~19%). Birb gets thrown farther.
Dragon movement speed change from reverted. Air control of dragon was reduced. There is now a 0.35 second delay between clicking and the bite actually doing damage, probably to better line up with the animation.
Dragon bite delay change from reverted.
4 comentários
danishoe 17 abr. 2022 às 16:24 
L.A.M.B 19 nov. 2021 às 16:07 
Lizzy 16 out. 2021 às 7:24 
Ooo but the tldr is Press The Button.
astrr 15 out. 2021 às 21:38 