Severance: Blade of Darkness

Severance: Blade of Darkness

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Lore - Locations / Characters Backstory & Gods
Da Evil Dave
A guide made for the people who missed some lore in the game (runes, wall inscriptions, etc). I recently added some backstory from the playable characters that can HARDLY be found only in the internet.
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🌎 Gods
The Gods of the Blade Universe are the most powerful beings, who control various aspects of life on Earth. They are all children of the Supreme God, Ahura Mazda, with the exception of demons and other abominations that were created by Angra Manyu. Not much is known about them, but they can probably take multiple forms, assimilating to humans during their stay on Earth. And of course, they are immortal. After being expelled from Earth, the gods spread throughout the universe, but their influence endures among humans. The Gods can be divided into two groups:


Ianna is the Goddess of the Moon. His father Ahura Mazda was very fond of her, due to the kind nature of the goddess. Ianna was in charge of populating the Earth with a great garden and taking care of all the creatures of her. However, Angra Manyu began to corrupt humans, creating demons and other beasts faithful to the darkness. This sparked a war between the gods, which nearly destroyed the Earth. To stop them, Ianna cast a powerful spell and drove the gods from Earth. Since then she cares for humans from the Moon.

Spenta Manyu is the Prince of Light. Son of Ahura Mazda, he helped his father to defeat the Lord of Chaos, Aserat, and then lived on Earth, in a period of prolonged peace. Peace ceased when his brother Angra Manyu came to live with them and soon declared war on them. The battle nearly destroyed the planet, so Goddess Ianna drove them out with a powerful spell. Since then, Spenta Manyu went to live in the Sun, from where he observes humans.


Angra Manyu is the Prince of Darkness. He was created by Ahura Mazda and soon wanted to impersonate his father. He learned the language of Creation and by modifying the Primal Chaos, he created Aserat, Lord of Chaos. However, his creation did not obey him and he began to cause great damage in the Universe. His father, together with his brother Spenta Manyu, had to intervene and defeated Aserat. Embarrassed by the actions of his sons, Ahura Mazda disappeared. The gods finished the creation of the Universe and decided to dwell on Earth. Angra Manyu kept them company and began to corrupt the creation of his brothers, creating abominations and attacking humans. Soon, the Avestas tried to stop him and a major war began that nearly destroyed the Earth. To avoid this, the goddess Ianna expelled the gods from the planet, however his influence on Earth would be difficult to erase.

Xshathra is the God of Metals. Like the rest of the gods, he was created by Ahura Mazda. He lived on Earth with the rest of his brothers and there he became the god of metals. For a short period of time, he lived in The Forge of Xshathra, where he taught his human disciples. When Angra Manyu entered Earth, Xshathra allied with him, and together with other gods, they declared war on the Avestas. To prevent the destruction of Earth, Ianna expelled him from the planet. His followers joined the forces of evil, and for a long time, his forges were a bastion of darkness.
⚔️ The War of the Sword
The War of the Sword was a great battle in which it was possible to defeat the darkness that plagued the Earth. After Ianna expelled the gods of the Earth to avoid their annihilation, the humans had to face the creatures of evil, who had been created by Angra Manyu, the Prince of Darkness.

Among the humans appeared a young hero named Eresh Kigal, who armed himself with a ring coat, received the blessing and the Holy Sword of Goddess Ianna, becoming Blade, the Knight of Light. Eresh Kigal assembled a large army of humans and dwarves, who headed east, and attacked the enemy in their lair. The young paladin of light managed to defeat the evil of the Earth, and achieved peace, however, the wounds of the battle caused his death.

His friends, Amlach, Gorlond, Sawan and Nergal, carried his corpse to Ianna's Temple, and there they buried him, and on his grave the Holy Sword was embedded. The temple was closed and 4 Gems appeared, a white opal, an aquamarine, an obsidian and an amber oval. Each of his friends kept a gem, and they vowed to keep them away from the enemy, but at the same time, leave clues for a hero to find them in case evil appears on Earth in the future.
👑 King Azud & Queen Asha
King Azud was an important ruler of the human kingdom during the War of the Sword. They were great heroes with his partner, Queen Asha. He possibly participated in the final fight against evil, and after the end of the war, his kingdom had a period of great prosperity, where they began trade with the dwarves, led by Frair. After the death of his wife, Azud commissioned the dwarves to build The Tombs of Ephyra, where he buried the queen along with her magic sword, which causes great damage to the undead. After his death, the king was buried in Ephyra alongside his mighty shield.
⚜️ Lord Kerman
A little bit is known about this character. He is a Paladin of the Knight Order that defends the North from incoming invasions. There is no information anywhere about its combat skills but if he is a Paladin, then the things are clear. He got captured in Tell Halaf after the brutal siege by the Orcish army. Unfortunately,he gets killed in Shalatuwar Fortress by a Great Orc
💎 Frair

Frair was a great Dwarf king of the past. He was proclaimed king after having fought in the War of the Sword and his kingdom flourished. He occupied the carved throne and his hall of many stone pillars. After Eresh Kigal's death, Frair was tasked with hiding the Runes of Power, to keep them safe and ensure that they are found in the future in case they are needed. During his reign, the dwarven cities opened their gates and traded with men, forging great friendship with the kings Azud and Asha, leaders of the humans
⭐ Main characters backstory - Part 1

Lagash, the throbbing, bustling heart of the Empire of Armina. A triumph of human ingenuity, its golden spires thrust skyward like pointed fingers straining to touch the flesh of the Gods themselves. Forged from the spoils of war and centuries-old conflict, Lagash now stands as symbolic evidence of the pride of the people and power of Law. "One day, you may be called to Lagash" common folk promise their children. Naram-Sin, a just and noble ruler, lionised by his people as ‘The Earthly Servant of the Gods’, has been plagued of late by a rash of crime and disorder that seems to be sweeping his lands. The King’s Knights, the most highly skilled and venerated soldiers in Armina, have been unable to stem the tide of chaos. Each time they return from their forays with empty hands and emptier cuffs, frustrated in their attempts to find the cause of the trouble. The arrival of the message was the first fragment of information to shed light on the problem. Scribbled on a scrap of parchment and sealed with the imprint of a travelling Court Sorcerer, it spoke of rumours of rebellion at the fringes of the empire, hinted at pillaging raids into north Arminian borders by outlanders and most strangely, told of one small village where the inhabitants had vanished in the middle of their Midsummer Rites. It could have been nothing, but it was certainly worth investigating.

Naram-Sin assigned a battalion of King’s Knights, led by Captain Sargon to ride out from the garrison at Tell Halaf. They were to travel to the border fortress, the Krak of Tabriz and from that base of operations, find out what was going on. Decorated numerous times for honour throughout his career and champion of many a year’s Arminian games, if anybody could get to the bottom of it, it would be Sargon. But no-one predicted treachery. Ragnar, perfidious Baron to the King and Lord of Tabriz, lay in ambush. Sargon’s entire squad is dead, lying rotting by the tracks of the Northern Marches. His mission a failure, Sargon himself swelters weak and starving in the dungeons of the Krak of Tabriz. Hindsight is a cursed blessing. It is all too evident now, the cause of all the troubles. Baron Ragnar is mad or ambitious, or both. Tabriz is haunted by disembodied voices and peripherally-seen presences. If only there were a way to warn the King..

The Irkanois, the civilised ones. A proud and magnificent people. Centuries ago, disillusioned from finding filth and corruption at the heart of the governing powers they were sworn to uphold, they broke fealty with the Kashgari High Ones and departed to Kara Kum, to a new life in the highland fields of Dasht-e Kavir and Dasht-e Lut. Now their only protection is their reputation. Known throughout the world as the bravest and most fearless people ever to walk the earth, battle is a way of life, a tradition, an ingrained part of their very being. Children are taught to ride and hunt from their first tottering steps, marriage is sealed by a ritual bloodletting across a Shaman’s sickle. But for several moons now, the tranquillity of the Steppes has become increasingly disturbed. Strange signs have been noted in the sigh of the wind across the grasslands. When night falls, the empty plains of Dasht-e Kavir are prowled by shadows and demons. Warriors vanish soundlessly in the night; women and children bind their tent-flaps tight shut while the elders quake in silence and the Shamans scry phantoms of bloodthirsty enemies and invaders from the north. An unsettling vision has appeared in the dreams of the elder Dabaghiyeh.

A chosen warrior, the vision said, one from the tribe must travel to the sacred Stones of the Ancestor in Kashgar. One must be sent to ask of he source of these strange disappearances and if possible, to seek aid from the distant forefathers. Tukaram is the chosen one. A warrior of the line of Arran, strong and valourous, proven in combat, loyal to tradition and to the way of the ancestors. A hero to the young of the tribe and a figure of respect among his peers. It is the ninth day of the eleventh moon at the closing of the year. The cold is starting to draw in and the yellowed grasses of the Steppes crumble and splinter under the blast of the northern wind. Bearing the hopes of his people, Tukaram, Chosen One of the Irkanois, sets his foot on the trail to a most unexpected future...
⭐ Main characters backstory - Part 2

Several moons ago, in the cluttered cobble streets of Argos, Zoe was trying to make a deal with a trader of furs and stones. She knew that she would have to barter hard in order to get the price she wanted for the ruby she had recovered from a shipwreck in the Southern Seas, but that didn’t trouble her. She knew this trader of old and was prepared for a long battle of words; it was a ritual they had performed many times before. Afterwards they would sit, drinking the thick honey-laden coffee which was a staple of her hometown and chuckle as she regaled the trader with tales of her recent exploits. Around the mid-point of the familiar word-dance, Zoe looked down to spy a hand retreating from the pouch at her belt. Whirling, she grabbed as the arm and the hand attached to it retreated into the throng of people crowding the narrow street. Shoving pedestrians out of the way, she spotted a wiry old man haring away from her. Being a woman unused to the receiving end of theft, she gave chase, rounding a corner after the disappearing back. A dead end. The man at the other end, frozen against the wall like a rabbit in her arrow-sight. As she was about to grab hold of him, he gasped and pointed
at something behind her. An old trick, which she wasn’t going to fall for, until a stray sound alerted her. Glancing round, she predictably saw nothing and by the time she looked back the man had, predictably, vanished. Checking her pouch, she found nothing had been stolen. Instead something had been deposited, by all appearances a very old and tattered map. A map directing her to the lost city of Marakamda! Could this be true?

The treasures of Marakamda are just fable surely? Still, less likely situations had led her to many lost artefacts of worth, could this be any different? Some months later, Zoe stands at the edge of the jungle which supposedly contains the lost city. Checking the map against the direction of the sun, getting her bearings, she folds up the map, stashes it away and plunges into the undergrowth...

Yötenheim, deep beneath the Mountains of the Half Moon. At the excavation face of a particularly rich strand of copper, a strange phenomenon has occurred. The copper vein has begun to bleed. At first the dwarven artisans mining the ore thought nothing of it. Occasionally layers of water would be found trapped between strata of rock, stained red by iron in the earth. ‘Tears of the Mother’ they called it; most often the thin dribbles of moisture would run out in only a few hours and excavation could continue. But these ‘Tears’ were different. After several days, the flow had not abated; this fluid was not the same as in any other recorded occurrence. It ran thick and deep purplish red and the tunnels had become suffused with the scent of wintergreen. Eventually attracting the interest of Wise Ones from the upper chambers, the liquid was tested and found to be true, albeit de-oxygenated, dwarven blood. But how could this be? No-one had been reported missing. The attacks from orcs seeking to lay their paws on treasure had increased beyond recorded levels of late, but all casualties had been accounted for. Messages were sent out to the Waxing Moon and Waning Moon mines, but still replies came back negative. Within a week the Dwarven Council had met at the Moot Cavern to decide a course of action. Not even the oldest Wise One could recall such a happening. After many raised voices and much stumping of axe handles on the floor, for the Dwarves are an exuberant if solitary folk, resolution was reached.

A messenger was to travel to the ancient dwarven city of Khazel Zalam, there to consult the tomes of wisdom in the Great Library. Naglfar, one of the few dwarves familiar with the world outside the valleys and mountains of Half Moon, takes to the road...
👍 Thank you for watching my guide!
18 commenti
Evil Dave  [autore] 24 ago, ore 14:58 
Thanks for the offer but i am good, thanks. I have a lot to do so I am not focused on Blade right now
TukaramDeadPool 24 ago, ore 14:56 
Hi Evil Dave, I sent you an invitation, it's to help you with your Lore work if you want :)
Evil Dave  [autore] 4 lug, ore 21:19 
Added some new info. Check it out! (if you are interested)
BaZooKa 19 dic 2023, ore 23:27 
@Evil Dave, thx for the answer
How can I find this Spanish source?
I mean, what exactly should I write in Google search to find it?
Evil Dave  [autore] 19 dic 2023, ore 8:01 
There is lore in the internet. Problem is, it is in spanish. Most of the lore was extracted from there. Not many people know about this so thats why i did this guide and translated the text
BaZooKa 19 dic 2023, ore 4:54 
Is it possible to find game lore besides the game?
Can't find anything searching internet
Kaplann 8 ott 2023, ore 4:21 
@evil dave best of luck, really looking up for you to piece all the things together
Evil Dave  [autore] 15 set 2023, ore 20:41 
Sorry for the quick answer before but I am really busy at the moment. As i said in another comment: i will add more lore when i have the time :brothersword:
Evil Dave  [autore] 15 set 2023, ore 10:43 
I know that, thanks
Kaplann 15 set 2023, ore 9:09 
@evil dave there is some info about the runes in the Isle of Karum level in the secret chamber below that lava pit where you have to press the lever like 2 times to make it go away, then you go down some stairs and you find another chamber with all the runes inside, and once you enter, there is a short story about frair and that the runes were made to preserve the story of the war of the sword