Risk of Rain 2

Risk of Rain 2

216 ratings
Horrifying Commando Guide
By Gondal
A foolproof guide to the class of all time, commando! Just dont mess up the steps...
I have played risk of rain for hundreds and hundreds of hours, and a majority of that time has been on the commando. There's sort of a subconscious connection I have with them. There's something simply pleasant about sliding around and shooting at monsters that keeps me coming back to him time and time again. However, as most are aware, especially commando mains, He's kind of… under-powered. He cant proc bands without his grenade, and almost any good run on him would be better on double-nail-gun Mul-T, but that doesn't stop people from playing him. In fact, while he may not be the best, he is far from weak. In this guide, I will show you the way… of the commando!
Step 1: Skillz to pay the billz ($13,000)
Firstly I'll discuss which skills to take. For his M2, you're probably gonna want phase blast. The Phase round isn’t completely awful and has more range, but phase blast is just too good at close range to pass up most of the time. For his Shift, tactical slide is definitely the one to take. It goes further than the roll, and you can be fully actionable during it. Using it mid-air can also give you more vertical height. For his R, it really depends if you want to proc bands or not. I usually go with suppressive fire but the grenade is fine also, just be sure you know how to use it effectively. Now that we’re done with skills, let's get ready to rumble!
Step 2: Commando Combat.
Commando can scare off a lot of players due to actually requiring some decent aim. If you’ve been avoiding him because you don't think you can aim properly, don't be shy! You’ve got this! Most enemies move in very predictable patterns and will rarely try to actually dodge shots. If you're having trouble though, suppressive fire will stun enemies and stop them from moving for a second so you can lay down some fire. Your shift is one of your most useful tools on the battlefield and can be used to close distance and dodge projectiles. If you jump right at the start of your shift, you will get the full distance of it but be Mid-air, which can help when trying to dodge projectiles, especially when paired with something like a wax quail. Commando is not very tanky so dodging projectiles and attacks is incredibly important, commando mains know that one projectile can spell your ultimate doom. Most of your actual combat will be holding mouse 1, tracking enemies and throwing in your r whenever it's off cooldown or to stun an enemy. Your m2 should be used on enemies close to you. Commando is honestly not a very deep character and is simple, but his simplicity can be exploited to become an all powerful proc-god.
Step 3: Builds, Bucks, and Big-Brainstalks.
Commando is very good when it comes to proccing items. His proc coefficient is 1.0 which means he will get the full proc chance from items. Without going into the nitty gritty details too much, proc coefficient is a hidden stat all attacks have that decide how they scale with proc chance on specific items. The closer an attack’s coefficient is to 1, the closer it’ll be to having the full chance to proc an item at its intended proc chance. Commando fires relatively fast with a high proc coefficient, meaning he is very efficient when it comes to proccing items like ATGs, Tri-tips, And all other proc items. Meaning picking up even a few stacks of a proc item will make commando infinitely better. He is also the only character in the game that is able to access the relic on rally-point delta, a part of the run which should be familiar to every commando main. Once you pick up the relic you could go for the shadow route, which is the quickest of the three. Or you could go for one of the longer ones with- heyyyyyyyyyy. No. Whatever you do. Do not use the shrine of order. No. Dont. You have no idea what you're doing. I'm not kidding don't- back up- no NO NO YO_̴̇ͅ_̶̤̄_̵͉̆+̴̘͝-̴̛̞_̴̗͛-̴͙̈́-̷̛̫/̴̪̀-̶͕͠/̵̳̃-̶̝̾?̸̩̆-̴̹̈́/̸̤̃-̵̌͜/̵̻͗_̶̡̊?̸̟͐-̵̤̄'̵̗͊]̵͠ͅ=̵͔͑-̵̗̓=̶̛̤]̶̣̈́[̴̦̅+̷̟͗-̷͈̕-̶̛̗~̸̹͛_̴̇ͅ_̶̤̄_̵͉̆+̴̘͝-̴̛̞_̴̗͛-̴͙̈́-̷̛̫/̴̪̀-̶͕͠/̵̳̃-̶̝̾?̸̩̆-̴̹̈́/̸̤̃-̵̌͜/̵̻͗_̶̡̊?̸̟͐-̵̤̄'̵̗͊]̵͠ͅ=̵͔͑-̵̗̓=̶̛̤]̶̣̈́[̴̦̅+̷̟͗-̷͈̕-̶̛̗~̸̹͛_̴̇ͅ_̶̤̄_̵͉̆+̴̘͝-̴̛̞_̴̗͛-̴͙̈́-̷̛̫/̴̪̀-̶͕͠/̵̳̃-̶̝̾?̸̩̆-̴̹̈́/̸̤̃-̵̌͜/̵̻͗_̶̡̊?̸̟͐-̵̤̄'̵̗͊]̵͠ͅ=̵͔͑-̵̗̓=̶̛̤]̶̣̈́[̴̦̅+̷̟͗-̷͈̕-̶̛̗~̸̹͛_̴̇ͅ_̶̤̄_̵͉̆+̴̘͝-̴̛̞_̴̗͛-̴͙̈́-̷̛̫/̴̪̀-̶͕͠/̵̳̃-̶̝̾?̸̩̆-̴̹̈́/̸̤̃-̵̌͜/̵̻͗_̶̡̊?̸̟͐-̵̤̄'̵̗͊]̵͠ͅ=̵͔͑-̵̗̓=̶̛̤]̶̣̈́[̴̦̅+̷̟͗-̷͈̕-̶̛̗~̸̹͛ :̷͚͐)̸̼̈́
Step 4: Ỷ̷̧̙̙̏͂O̵̳̥̞̾͋U̶̼̙̠͂ ̴͖͔̈́ͅF̷̱͙͆͒O̶̢̬̱͛̈́O̴͕͛̎̚L̸̳̂͝
Hello? You ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ idiot you’ve just f***ed up bad, like really f***ing bad. Like commando mains literally know and are shaking with fear right now. Do you think your f***ing funny? Oh my god. Okay. Okay. Okay. Oh my god. How do I break the news to you? … Hes- You’ve… He's real. Commando is real. He has just manifested in our reality and is likely near you as we speak. Do not panic, but he is absolutely going to be hostile. He should not know where you are yet. Oh my goddddd i think this is the second time this has ever happened, i think the only people who have done this also were the hopoo devs during QA. Jesus. Okay. Don't panic. We can stop this. We can fix this. We can stop the commando and send him back to the right reality. Just- Follow. My steps. Exactly. Okay? DO NOT DEVIATE AT ALL. And we should be safe. Maybe.
Step 5: How to shatter a soul.
Okay so like. Commando is in our reality. However, like, his soul is still inevitably bound to the game world. Ok, where were you when you used the order? That's right you had just gotten the relic, okay. That shrine of order is probably around where commando’s soul is at. Okay. so, without going into it too much, a soul is inertly defensive, as it is the essence of one’s being. There are ways to get the soul to let its guard down however. One is through the presence of a loved one. Now all Commando mains should know that Commando is absolutely head over heels for Captain. You may be surprised if you're not a Commando main but it's something that almost all Commando mains recognize. Load up a new instance of risk of rain 2, start a game as Captain, and get back to that shrine spot as fast as possible.Once you get back to it, pause, and open ANOTHER INSTANCE of risk of rain 2. Next, we need something to rapidly weaken the soul to an even more vulnerable state. Artificer is a master of fire magic and that would be perfect for this. In the second instance of ROR2, start a game as Artificer and also get to that shrine spot and pause your game. We're gonna need to open up one more instance, if your computer can't handle it, remember that you definitely can't handle commando. Suck it up and open up a third instance. For the final instance, we need someone that the commando views as superior to them-self. Right now as of the time I'm writing this, Mul-T fits the bill the best. Specifically double nail-gun Mul-T. It's just commando’s Shtick but stronger. Get to the shrine spot and pause.
And finally we're going to have to do something in our reality.
Step 6: Making a time altar.
If we just try to assault the soul by being fast, we won't be anywhere near fast enough, commando mains know just how fast a soul can adapt to direct damage. So we need to find a way to slow the soul’s reaction. We can do this by creating a time altar that appeases the soul. For commando’s time altar. We are going to need 4 things.

We're going to need heroin. Commando mains know that Commando is a crippling addict and cannot resist the offering.

A burger. Nothing special, just a burger. Trust me. He’ll like it.

You need some kind of item that came from the commando. Chances are the commando has been shooting in our reality and if you get a colander, cover the top in tin foil and wave it outside for a while, then put it in the freezer for about 5 minutes, you should see crystallized gunpowder. You can tell if you have it if the crystals are over .7 CM in diameter.

A clock large enough to hold the items before mentioned.

Once you have these items, put the burger and heroin on the clock. Then make sure you have the captain instance open on your computer. The moment you put the crystallized powder on, commando will be alerted to your location. So you want to do this quickly.

Step 7: Rending apart.
Once you put the gunpowder on the clock, immediately un-pause the game on the captain instance and look around for a strange red glow. That is the soul. Once you find it, use your M2 on it then switch to the artificer instance. Find the soul then use the flamethrower on it. Finally, then switch to the Mul-T Instance and immediately UNLOAD AS FAST AS POSSIBLE ONTO THE SOUL. DO NOT STOP. OKAY? Okay? Get ready. GO! NOW! DO IT! YES CAPTAIN FIRST! NICE ARTIFCE- NICE! NOW GO! SHOOT IT SHOOT IT QUICKLY WE DON’T HAVE MUCH TIME! WE DONT HAVE MUC- Ö̶̟̆H̸̘̙̜͂̆Ò̸̜̰̚H̵͕͈̚Ő̵̟̼͓̒H̵̞͒̕Ȍ̸͙ ̶̡̨̩̈Y̴̼̼̑E̷̖̊̀̅S̴͙̾̏͌!̵̠̠͒̓́ͅ!̵̞̐!̸̦̜̦̐̌!̶̢̩͆̔͝ ̶̯̇͊Ḫ̸̢͊̈́̑͜A̷̪̹͊̎A̴͖͕̳̒H̶̡͈̥̋͒͋A̴͖̟̹͆͝H̶̬̎͂A̴͓͌͜H̸͔̩̊ ̸̥̀͝Ỳ̷̩͈Ȩ̷͋͐͜S̴̯̔!̶̻̜̋!̴̭̖̝͊!̶̫̀̃̔!̷͎͓̟̑
Step 8: Know when to stop.
H̶̡͈̥̋͒͋ello? I'm pretty sure you did it. I think the soul exploding took down some parts of the internet. Facebook's down world-wide. Nice work. But I have some new advice for you. Don't ever doubt me again. Also, you know what, forget what I said earlier. Commando is not simple. He’s obviously far too dangerous for someone like you. There's a reason commando mains know as much as they do. It's because they don't want to put our reality in jeopardy. So you know what, New step for you, specifically.
Step 1: The most important step.
Just play Mul-T instead.
JaimeXOXO 14 Oct, 2023 @ 4:24am 
Now you need a huntress guide XD
i UwU fembois -w- #KillTF2 30 Aug, 2023 @ 7:30am 
i aint reading allat :sob:
Gondal  [author] 7 Apr, 2023 @ 4:27pm 
heres a real commando guide: press m1.
IAMCRAIG 6 Apr, 2023 @ 7:28pm 
Man, I love how steam guides are borderline worthless for anything remotely popular due to the sheer amount of unfunny people posting their awful 'joke' guides.
Imptastic1 6 Aug, 2022 @ 9:39pm 
i did everything but the heroin and i got artificer instead
i may have done something wrong
fire_ofthecat 25 Jul, 2022 @ 4:02pm 
This went from guide on how to effectively main to commando to a guide of how to stop commando maining you
Meowgi07 21 Jul, 2022 @ 9:06am 
gondal just use Remove.bg lol its free and on ur browser
Rowdyruffboy1 17 Jul, 2022 @ 6:00am 
As someone who was relatively new to the Commando mains scene, I had always heard rumors about something similar to this happening, but I could have never imagined it would turn out like... this . This guide likely saved the lives of hundreds if not thousands of people. Truly a powerful entity that Commando is.
Thank you for informing me about the Easter Egg by the way. Let's just say... I'll be prepared.
Gondal  [author] 14 Jul, 2022 @ 1:48pm 
oh, you know
Spartanlocke92807 14 Jul, 2022 @ 10:38am 
what is the relic?

i forgor