Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

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How to reach Survivor Rank 1 in SOLO queue (Outdated)
Adelnoor 님이 작성
Guide for people that want to reach rank 1 for the Bloodpoints/Achievement in solo queue but struggle to earn pips in iridescent ranks.
즐겨찾기 해제
With the latest rank rework, getting to Rank 1 requires more consistent games over the monthly season in order to avoid getting reset to rank 20 without reaching the top first.

On the other hand, SBMM (Skill-based-matchmaking) will ensure you get fair games most of the time, so earning pips SHOULD NOT be harder the more you progress in ranks (despite the obvious pip score requirements increase, i'm talking about finding very good killers that are much more skilled than you and your teammates).

You've probably came across other guides telling you to "FiNd YoUr pLaYsTiLe" and to "PuT HoUrS InTo ThE GaMe".
That is true, but only to a certain degree. And i can assure you that (Personal experience).

You could get chased for 5 gens and still de-pip simply because you could literally NOT work on a gen for the whole game or could NOT get any heals or unhooks.
This is of course a non-existent problem for Ash-bronze-silver ranks as score requirement to earn pips are way low, but becomes a big issue in gold and iridescent ranks.
In order to earn one pip in iridescent ranks, you need to perform nicely in all 4 point categories, those being:

BENEVOLENT (Healing teammates, hook rescues)

EVADER (Escaping from killer, winning chases, Stealth)

LIGHTBRINGER (Repairing gens, cleansing totems, opening exit gates)

UNBROKEN (Surviving the trial without getting downed. Even dying grants you points)

You need to earn AT LEAST gold emblems in all 4 of those categories to earn a pip in iridescent ranks.

For specific point calculation, the Dead By Daylight Wiki[] is available, but down here i will list the (in my opinion), fastest, best and easiest way to earn points towards the emblems.

NOTE: BLOODPOINTS ARE DIFFERENT KIND OF POINTS FROM THE ONES NEEDED TO EARN EMBLEMS. PERKS THAT BOOST BLOODPOINTS EARNED WILL NOT HELP YOU TOWARDS EARNING PIPS. (EX. Prove thyself WON'T get you more progress towards the "Lightbringer" score category even though it grants you 100% more points for cooperative repair actions).

NOTE 2: SOME ACTIONS DON'T COUNT TOWARDS EMBLEMS [AT ALL], such as: Opening crates, resetting pallets with "Any Means Necessary perk", saving yourself from the hook with "Deliverance" etc... All of those actions do give bloodpoints but nothing else.
Now let’s cut to the chase (literally).

The perks you'll want to be running are:

-SPRINT BURST (Most versatile exaustion perk, best control over it, best skill ceiling to master it)

This perk allows for amazing plays if you can manage the cooldown efficiently (Ex. trying to wait until the last second BEFORE it is again available in order to keep it in case you need it, but still being able to run across the map instead of walking). It's also way less situational than "Lithe" or "Balanced Landing" as in some cases you won't always have a vault location or high platform to drop from.

-IRON WILL (Amazing perk allows mingames around tall walls or obstacles that would be impossible without. Allows you to get Stealth evasion points by standing right next to a killer without being heard or detected <---And that's BIG. trust me).

-KINDRED (Since this guide is focused on solo queue, "Kindred" is a must have. Being one of the best information perks, it can really compensate the lack of communication between strangers that don't have voicechat. It can also easily avoid situations where 2 or all 3 survivors come for the rescue, instead of having just one come while the other 2 do generators in the meantime). It will also give you precious info about where the killer is heading after the hook, granting easy rescues and letting you know if the killer has "Barbecue & Chili".

-BORROWED TIME (This is here just to ENSURE you get SAFE HOOK RESCUES. With this perk you can get greedy and not miss on any hook rescue points. Even if the killer is camping or tunneling. Getting even a SINGLE UNsafe hook rescue will almost certainly make you NOT EARN A PIP OR EVEN LOSE IT).
Now, seeing the perks you might have noticed where we're headed.
You need to play in an extremely selfish altruistic way.
That might sound weird but it's exactly what you need to do.

YOU are the one that needs to get rescues, get greedy with them (That's why Borrowed Time and Kindred)
YOU are the one that needs to survive the longest (Iron will and Sprint Burst)
YOU are the one that needs to earn the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ pip

Now let's get into practical tips and exact numbers of what you need to do:

NEVER get chased first. The earlygame is ESSENTIAL to earn Lightbringer points and you need to stick to gens for the first minutes, when it's harder for the killer to patrol them because of the bigger number and wider spread across the map.

[YOU HAVE TO REPAIR TWO GENS BY YOURSELF] (that gives 200 points, 100 per gen % repaired, you need 180 for gold. Dull totems give 20 and HEX totems give 50. So even 1 and a half gens + one hex works)

The perks i suggested will give you an easy time getting rescues. [YOU NEED THREE SAFE RESCUES AND AROUND 2/3 HEALS]. This is a bit higher than minimum requirements for gold because you should aim at getting an IRIDESCENT emblem here as it's really easy, just to compensate if you perform poorly in ANOTHER category and earn a silver instead of a gold.

Try to play stealthy until you fulfill the lightbringer and benevolent things i listed above. Once you're done, go crazy stop hiding and get as close as possible to the killer (unless on death hook). Even if injured, iron will will make you hard to find so you can literally run behind the killer while he's chasing someone else to get stealth points.
Try to also get in the killer's field of view when he's chasing someone else so you get bonus points for getting chased even if he isn't really coming for you. This is the hardest category to earn points in and is the most skill-based one.
[YOU NEED TO GET CHASED FOR AROUND 1:30 MINUTES] If you really can't, just stay hidden very close to the killer, you will passively earn Stealth points for being in his terror radius (the closer and the longer the better, caps at < 8 meters).

[LITERALLY SURVIVE]. That's it. But sometimes it just won't be possible. When you feel this is the case, just [DIE AFTER THE FIRST 5 MINUTES] and [TRY TO PERFORM BETTER IN ALL OTHER CATEGORIES]. Even a single iridescent emblem will remedy the silver one you'll get for dying and you'll still earn the pip. This only applies if you got gold in the other 2 categories.
Hopefully this guide gave you some OBJECTIVELY useful informations and strategies that will make you reach rank 1 before the seasonal reset. Of course it's NOT impossible to reach rank 1 using different perks or playstiles, but this is guide is for people facing red ranks ranking up for the first times and want to reach Max rank just to get the Achievement or the best monthly bloodpoints reward without having to tryhard too much.