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100% Achievement Guide: Portal
By Cynic 0055 and 1 collaborators
This is a comprehensive 100% Achievement guide detailing a step-by-step walkthrough to take you from 0 all the way to 100%. If you are looking for a particular Achievement or Collectible, use Ctrl+F & type it into the search bar for more direct help.

I run support & debug help on all my guides. If you have any questions, problems, or find errors in the guide itself, do not hesitate to leave me a comment & I will get back to you as soon as I am able to. Happy Hunting!

Achievement Breakdown: (15)
Story Related: (4)
Collectibles: (2)
Slay: (1)
Miscellaneous: (2)
Advanced Maps: (3)
Portal Challenges: (3)

Portal will require two full playthroughs of the Main Campaign. The first playthrough we will be finding all 33 Security Cameras as well as just completing the story. The second playthrough unlocks a new collectible for us to find, Radios, & we will need to find all 26 of them & bring them to their proper destinations for the Transmission Received Achievement. I will explain more about this in Sequence 4.

After we complete all Achievements pertaining to the Main Campaign, we will then have to complete all 6 Advanced Maps. These can be a little difficult, but after playing through the main story twice we should be pretty proficient at Portals mechanics. They are simply more difficult version of Test Chambers found within the Main Campaign.

Lastly, we need to earn Gold Medals on all 6 Portal Challenges. This is the part that may stop a lot of people from earning 100%. Video guides are basically the only way to complete these Medals; they are very difficult. Fortunately, I found some great guides by Carrot Helper who helped me crack those last three Achievements regarding the Portal Challenges, hopefully they will help you too.

*Guide contains major spoilers.
Sequence 1: Be GLaD
1. Test Chambers: 00-13
2. Security Cameras Detached: 16/33
3. Achievements: 2/15

Relaxation Vault:
When the game begins, we will wake up in the Relaxation Vault. There are two Cameras in this room, however since we do not have the Portal Gun they do not count towards the Achievement.

While in the Relaxation Vault, we can see a Radio on top of the nightstand. These are what we will be looking for during our second playthrough hidden throughout the Chambers for the Transmission Received Achievement

Test Chamber 00:
When we enter this Chamber a Weighted Cube will fall from the nearby Vital Apparatus Vent. There is a Camera in this room but once again, since we do not have the Portal Gun, it does not count towards the Achievement.

Test Chamber 01:
There is a Camera at the start of this Chamber; no Portal Gun, no Camera.

Test Chamber 02:
Head down & collect the Portal Gun. Now we are able to create Blue Portals & our struggles begin.

Security Camera #1: With the Portal Gun in hand, fire a Blue Portal & step through it to be up at the Chambers end. From where we stand, look across the Chamber to see a Camera up above a glass observation window. Shoot a Blue Portal at it to sever the Camera from the wall. 32 more to go…

You can track your Achievement Progress in the Achievements tab of the Pause Menu. I recommend doing so in case you miss a Camera.

Security Camera #2: Now from the Orange Portal, look left over to where we first entered the Chamber & fire a Blue Portal over the half wall. Step through the Orange Portal & we can see a Camera on the far wall at the bottom of the stairs. Fire the Blue Portal to sever it from the wall.

Security Camera #3: Now follow the stairs up to the start of the Chamber where the Chamber Hazard Board is. Turn around from the board & we can find the Camera just above the doorway; fire that Blue Portal at it to sever the Camera from the wall, you get the idea…

Test Chamber 03:

Security Camera #4: As soon as we enter Chamber 03, we can see this Camera to the left of the Hazard Board.

Security Camera #5: From the Hazard Board, turn right & we can spot the next Camera across the way to the upper right of the Orange Portal.

Security Camera #6: Pass through the Orange Portal now & once again turn to your right to see the Camera against the wall to the right of the Chamber exit.

Test Chamber 04:

Security Camera #7: When we enter Chamber 04 we can see this Camera immediately in front of us just before the Pressure Plate.

Security Camera #8: The next Camera can be found across the way just to the right of the Chamber exit doors.

Test Chamber 05:

Security Camera #9: As soon as we enter Chamber 05 we can find this Camera above the doorway to the right of the Hazard Board. Make sure you wait for the Orange Portal to open to sever the Camera from the wall.

Security Camera #10: Enter into the main room & immediately look up to your left to see another Camera up on the wall.

Make sure you have severed Cameras #9 & #10 before heading through the exit doorway as we will not be able to go back for them when the door closes behind us.

Security Camera #11: After placing both Weighted Cubes on the Pressure Plates, enter through the exit doorway & we will become trapped. When the Orange Portal appears on the ceiling, fire a Blue Portal to land on the trap rooms ceiling. We can find this Camera on the wall opposite where the elevator is located.

We should receive an Achievement Update that we have severed 11/33 Cameras.

Now complete Chambers 06-09 as there are no severable Cameras in these Chambers.

Test Chamber 10:

Security Camera #12: As soon as we enter Chamber 10, we can see this Camera on the opposite wall from the Hazard Board. This is in the very first room of the Chamber, be sure to sever the Camera before progressing onwards.

Test Chamber 11:

Security Camera #13: When we step off the elevator into Chamber 11, walk up the stairs to the Hazard Board & turn around to look back down the stairs; the Camera will be in the wall just above them.

Achievement #1 – Lab Rat: Acquire the fully powered Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device.
Story Related. While in Chamber 11 we will also upgrade our Portal Gun to shoot both Blue & Orange Portals. Collect the second Portal Gun in the center of the Chamber to unlock the Achievement.

There are no Cameras to find in Chamber 12, carry on into Chamber 13.

Test Chamber 13:

Security Camera #14: When we enter Chamber 13, head down the small hall into the room with the Hazard Board & a Pressure Plate. Turn around & look at the wall above the small hall to find the Camera.

Security Camera #15: When you place the Weighted Cube on the Pressure Plate we will be able to enter the second room of the Chamber. When we drop inside, turn around & look back at the doorway we walked through to see a Camera to its right.

Security Camera #16: Place the two Weighted Cubes on the Pressure Plates in room two to unlock the doors to the elevator. When we get through the doorway, look to its left to see the Camera on the wall.

Achievement #2 – Terminal Velocity: Fall 30,000ft.
As of now since we have control over both the Blue & Orange Portals we can now unlock this Achievement at any point. Go to a place where we can shoot a Portal on the ceiling & a Portal directly below it (like the second room of Chamber 13). Now drop through the bottom Portal & perpetually fall from the ceiling through the floor & back uninterrupted for approximately 5 minutes 30 seconds. It does take a lot longer than you think it should; when you get Chell falling without stopping, go grab a snack, get a drink, light a blunt, & come back after 5 minutes & you should have the Achievement.

Obviously, the higher the ceiling of the room will give you the illusion your falling further.
For those that use metric like I do, 30,000ft is 9144m which is a really large distance to fall for!

There are no Cameras to find in Chamber 14.
Sequence 2: Let Them Eat Cake
1. Test Chambers: 15-19
2. Security Cameras Detached: 33/33
3. Achievements: 6/15

Test Chamber 15:

Security Camera #17: Exit the elevator into Chamber 15. Walk past the Hazard Board & look up to the right in the small archway before entering room one to find the Camera above you.

Security Camera #18: Enter into room one & we can see the next Camera directly across from us. Launch yourself across the room towards it & make sure you walk back to sever it from the wall.

Security Camera #19: Enter into room two now & we can see the next Camera on the wall to left, up above where the elevator to exit the room is located.

Security Camera #20: Take the elevator up & enter room three now. When you enter the large room, look immediately to your left to see an alcove above you with some stairs leading up to it. Head up the stairs & we can find a Camera against the left wall here.

Security Camera #21: After solving room threes puzzle, begin making your way down the corridor with the moving platforms & the toxic water. Get through the corridor & into room four; the Camera will be directly above the corridor exit into this room.

Test Chamber 16:

Security Camera #22: Enter the first room of the live-fire Chamber 16 & we can see this Camera directly in front of us.

Security Camera #23: After the first Camera, evade the Turret in our way & we can see another Camera in the next room above us on the wall in front.

Achievement #3 – Friendly Fire: Knock down a Turret with another Turret.
This Achievement can be unlocked as of now or on any Chamber with Turrets. Simply create a Portal above any “live” Turret & create a different Portal under another Turret so it knocks the other over. The Turret falling onto the other does not have to be “live” for it to count.

Security Camera #24: Carry on down the hall from the second Turret & there will be another Turret off our left in an alcove with a red X painted on the ceiling. Look into this alcove & we can see a Camera on the wall here.

Security Camera #25: Near the end of the Chamber, we will enter a room with a Pressure Plate & three Turrets. The Camera can be found in the corner above the Turret directly across from the exit doors.

Security Camera #26: Push the Pressure Plate down & enter the next room where we will see a grate in front of us with a Turret behind it. Portal through the grate over to where the Turret is & we can find a Camera directly above us on the wall. Watch out for another Turret set behind the next grate.

Test Chamber 17:
When we enter into Chamber 17, there will be multiple Cameras on walls we cannot create Portals on. These Cameras do not count towards the Achievement, there are only two that do.

Security Camera #27: Use the Companion Cube to navigate up the ledges & down the two corridors that have Energy Balls launched down them. At the end of the second corridor we will enter a small room with walls we can make Portals on; the Camera will be above us to the right after we walk down the first set of stairs.

Security Camera #28: Walk down the second set of stairs & enter the next room; we can see the next Camera immediately ahead of us on the lower wall above a doorway leading to an Energy Ball launcher.

Achievement #4 – Fratricide: Do whatever it takes to survive.
Story Related. At the end of the Chamber… we must kill our bestest & only buddy to progress. No… there is no way around this. We are so going to Android Hell for this…

Test Chamber 18:
There are Cameras in this Chamber that we once again cannot detach. There are only two that we can.

Security Camera #29: Make your way up the Chamber until you reach the Pressure Plate at the top. Enter the side room & push the Timed Button to enter the next room full of Turrets & overall pain. As soon as we enter this room, we can find the Camera on the wall to the right of the glass window we walked through.

Security Camera #30: Grab the Weighted Cube & place it on the Pressure Plate to continue through the Chamber. Head through the door we opened into the next room full of toxic water; the Camera will up to our right from where we drop down into the room.

If you have not already unlocked it, this is a great room to unlock the Terminal Velocity Achievement.

Test Chamber 19:

Security Camera #31: When you first enter this Chamber, walk past the Hazard Board into the first room & we can find the Camera immediately to our right on the wall.

Security Camera #32: Activate the moving Platform with the Energy Ball puzzle in the first room. Portal over the toxic water twice & you will be in a small alcove with a Timed Button to open a door for the moving Platform. Look above the Timed Button in this alcove to see the Camera.

Security Camera #33: Get past the door we needed the Timed Button for onto the moving Platform & we can see the final Camera ahead of us on the wall past the green Energy Ball.

Achievement #5 – Camera Shy: Detach all 33 Security Cameras from the walls.
If you have been following along with this guide, this Achievement will unlock after you have detached Security Camera #33.

If you have missed a Camera, you cannot go back on a New Game & find the one you missed. Resetting your game will reset the Camera counter unfortunately & you will have to find all 33 over again. Be diligent with your Saves, & check your Achievement Progress in the Achievements tab in the Pause Menu before leaving a Chamber.

Achievement #6 – Party Goer: Make the correct party escort submission position decision.
Story Related. This Achievement will unlock after we quickly escape being plunged into the incinerator by launching ourselves up through the broken piping by the fuel tanks.
Sequence 3: The Cake Is A Lie?!
1. Aperture
2. Achievements: 8/15


Achievement #7 – Long Jump: Jump 300ft.
This is easiest unlocked near the end of the game after we have been sneaking through the inner workings of Aperture. Eventually, as we progress through maintenance areas, we will reach a large sewer like cistern with wide open space. When we get up out of the mucky water onto the first level, an alarm will trigger & we will be assaulted by many Turrets. After we dispatch the Turrets we now have this massive room to play around in.

This Achievement is very similar to the Terminal Velocity Achievement except for this time we have to loop horizontal distance instead of vertical. To do this, in the large room, there will be two angled hydraulic walls that we need to escape the room. Work your way up so you can place a Portal on the highest angled wall. Drop out of it & then place a Portal on the lower angled wall & loop between those two Portals. This can be a bit tricky to line up & get your speed just right but we fortunately only have to loop this 2-3 times.

For whatever reason, if you look straight at the ground while in the air, Chell will go farther.
After you think you have looped the jump enough times, land on solid ground & the Achievement should unlock.

Achievement #8 – Heartbreaker: Complete Portal.
Story Related. This Achievement will unlock after we defeat GLaDOS. Toss all four of the Aperture Science Things We Don’t Know What Does into the incinerator to stop her.

The credits will roll shortly after the final cutscene. Now that we have completed the game once, we will be able to find the hidden Radios in the Main Campaign for the Transmission Received Achievement.

53% Complete!
Sequence 4: Are You Still There?
1. Test Chamber: 00-09
2. Radio Signals Collected: 10/26
3. Achievements: 8/15

For our second playthrough we will now be locating the newly unlocked Radios & have to bring them to specific points in their associated Chambers. As well, if you missed any of the Achievements from the other playthrough, be sure to unlock them during this playthrough.

Before leaving a Chamber with a Radio, be sure to check your Achievement progress in the Pause Menu to make sure it recorded. Save often as well in case you loose or destroy a Radio; when the Chambers progress in difficulty that is a very real possibility so be careful!

If my descriptions are not thorough enough, & you are still have troubles locating a Radio or its Signal then check out this well done video guide by Max Lebled – 3D animator.

Relaxation Vault:

Radio #1: When our second playthrough begins, we can see our first Radio resting on a small nightstand in our cell. This is one of the few Radios we will find that is actually still in the first playthrough, however we cannot do anything with it. Pick up the Radio & you will notice a small red dot in the bottom center of its screen.

Pass through the Portal out of your cell & make your way over to the Pressure Plate in the next room. Walk over to the Pressure Plate with the Radio in hand & the red dot will change to green & we will be notified of our progress towards the Transmission Received Achievement. Once the light flicks green, the Radio is triggered & it can be moved around or destroyed without voiding the Achievement. 25 more to go…

Test Chamber 1:

Radio #2: When we take the elevator down into Chamber 1, walk past the Hazard Board but do not drop down into the first room! Save your game, & slowly walk to the edge & look at the Camera off your right to find the Radio sitting on top of it. Inch your way over to the wall & grab the Radio off of the Camera.

With the Radio, drop down into the room & complete the puzzle with the Weighted Cube. After the door is unlocked, pick up the Radio again & pass through the Portal; we can collect the Signal in front of the exit doors to the elevator.

Test Chamber 2:

Radio #3: When we enter Chamber 2, look out the large glass window & we can see the Radio up on top of the incomplete wall outside to our right. Make your way down the stairs & collect the Portal Gun. Pass through the Orange Portal to get up to the second level & we can see the Radio across from us to our left on the wall. Place a Portal on the ceiling above the Radio & drop down onto it to grab it.

We can catch this Radio’s Signal in the center of the room where we grabbed the Portal Gun.

Test Chamber 3:

Radio #4: Make your way through the Chamber all the way to its end near the exit doors where the elevator is. Look at the Camera on the wall to the right of the exit doors & we can find the Radio up on top of it. Sever the Camera with a Portal to collect the Radio.

This Radio’s Signal is a little tricky as it is found in the air. From the Orange Portal face back towards the beginning of the Chamber where the Hazard Board is located. Place your Portal in the top left corner of the wall off our right. Then pick up the Radio & hold it through the Portal to catch the Signal.

This is a little hard to describe so I left a screenshot of where to put the Portal; hold the Radio through it to catch the Signal.

Test Chamber 4:

Radio #5: Make your way over to the Vital Apparatus Vent & you will see that the Radio falls out of the vent along with the Weighted Cube.

We can find this Radio’s Signal in front of the elevator we just came down from the previous Chamber.

Test Chamber 5:

Radio #6: Enter Chamber 5 & place the two Weighted Cubes on the Pressure Plates to open the doors; we can see the Radio just beyond the doors but do not pass through them! The doors will close behind us if we walk through them, use a Portal to get the Radio over to us.

We can catch this Radio’s Signal down in the small pit where one of the two Weighted Cubes was located behind the Pressure Plates.

Test Chamber 6:

Radio #7: When we enter Chamber 6 we will see a a machine firing an Energy Ball into an inactive Orange Portal. The Radio is located above the tile where the machine is launching the Ball. First, to make things safe, guide the Energy Ball into the Inactive Generator. Then make a Portal as close to the Radio is possible; the best way is to reach through the Portal & just pull the Radio through, but you can mess around with falling through the Portal & trying to quickly snatch it if you want.

With the Radio in hand, walk up to the Lift we activated & we will catch the Signal directly in front of it.

Test Chamber 7:

Radio #8: Enter Chamber 7 & walk down the stairs into the room. At the bottom of the stairs make your way around the side of them & crouch underneath to walk to the very back of the stairs where we can find the Radio tucked away.

Activate the Platform & step through the Portal holding the Radio on top of it. We can catch the Signal just in front of the exit elevator.

Test Chamber 8:

Radio #9: Save your game; possible Radio destruction! Enter the Chamber & there will be an Energy Ball firing off our left with an inactive Platform to our right. Look underneath the inactive Platform & we can see the Radio tucked there. Make a Portal on the wall to its right so we can reach through & grab it. Place the Energy Ball into its Generator to make things safer.

With the Radio, take it back over to the Chamber Hazard Board to catch the Signal.

Test Chamber 9:

Radio #10: Save your game; possible Radio destruction! When we enter the Chamber there will be a Disintegration Field off our right where a Pressure Plate is located behind it. Look above the Field & we can see the Radio stuck in the small space we need to fire a Portal through. The best way to get the Radio down is to place a Portal above the Radio, then with a Weighted Cube in hand, fall through your Portal & knock the Radio down over to the other side. Really be sure to Save as it is highly possible you might bounce the Radio through the Disintegration Field.

With the Radio, walk through the doors we open with the Pressure Plate to find the Signal.
Sequence 5: This Isn't Brave...
1. Test Chamber: 10-17
2. Radio Signals Collected: 19/26
3. Achievements: 8/15

Test Chamber 10:

Radio #11: In this Chamber, complete the first two long jump puzzles & enter into the third room. In this room we will need to make two separate long jumps to get across. Before we do any, walk to the edge of this first floor & there will be be a white square with a single black dot in its top left corner. From this square, look up to your left to see an identical square on the wall; we can see the Radio up to the right of this wall square on an extended wall tile. Place a Portal on the left most white wall behind us & launch ourselves directly at the Radio to grab it.

With the Radio, we can catch the Signal at the very bottom of the room in front of the stairs.

Test Chamber 11:

Radio #12: Save your game; possible Radio destruction! Collect the Orange Portal Gun & look straight ahead above us to see the Radio just in front of the doors we need to open with the Timed Button. Shoot a Portal just to the left of the door & make a different Portal so we can reach through carefully & grab the Radio.

Take the Radio back over to where we collected the Orange Portal Gun to catch the Signal.

Test Chamber 12:

Radio #13: Enter the Chamber & long jump your way up to the highest level where the Weighted Cube is located. Now walk over to the ledge & very carefully drop off the ledge onto the top hydraulic wall below. Slowly walk backwards along the hydraulic press in the center to find the Radio against the back wall up here.

Take the Radio over to where the Pressure Plate is located. From the Plate, head to the back wall underneath the angled hydraulic wall & take the Radio over to a bright light square to catch the Signal.

Test Chamber 13:

Radio #14: This is a very specific Radio so pay attention. When we use the Weighted Cube to open the doors into room two do not remove it from the Pressure Plate! Enter room two now & guide the Energy Ball into its Generator to active the Platform. Drop onto the moving Platform & look along the right wall to see the Radio resting on an extended tile; grab it as we move by it.

To catch the Signal, make a Portal back into room one since the door is still open & take the Radio over to the Pressure Plate here. This is impossible to do if we remove the Weighted Cube here & move all our Portals into room two.

Test Chamber 14:

Radio #15: Enter the large first room of the Chamber & head right towards the locked door we need to open with the Pressure Plate. Up to the right of this door we can see the Radio tucked on top of an extended wall tile. To reach it, we need to place a Portal on the floor below it, then head left into the room to place a Portal on the bottom of the pits floor. Leap off into the pit through your Portal & we will be launched upwards into the air. Orient yourself & grab the Radio in mid air.

Save your game; possible Radio destruction! Grab the Weighted Cube & place it on the Pressure Plate to unlock the door. Take the Radio through the doors & hop across the dropping Platforms to the center Platform to catch the Signal.

Test Chamber 15:

Radio #16: Enter the first room of the Chamber & there will be a large Disintegration Field in front of us. Turn around & look up to see a hydraulic wall extended a short ways out above where we entered from; the Radio is on top of the hydraulic system behind the wall. Shoot a Portal beside the hydraulic system & carefully reach through your Portal to grab the Radio.

We can catch this Radio’s Signal just in front of the elevator at the Chamber entrance.

Radio #17: This is a very tricky Radio to get. Pass through the Chamber, over the stretch of toxic water into the final room where we need to press two Times Buttons to open doors so we can guide an Energy Ball into its Generator. Guess where the Radio is? Behind those two doors; we need to be fast. Quickly press the two buttons to open the doors, then place a Portal on the floor below the column with those doors & a second Portal on the floor below you. Leap off the second floor through your Portal to launch yourself into the air vertically & through the doors to grab the Radio. This will probably take you more than a few tries…

After GLaDOS releases us from trapping ourselves, take the Radio up the Lift we just activated to catch the Signal at its top.

Test Chamber 16:

Radio #18: Make your way through the Chamber until you pass the first three Turrets. Past the third Turret we will round the corner & see “Help” written in red to our left near two Weighted Cubes holding open a hydraulic wall. Remember this location. Carry on past the next two Turrets into the large room with another two Turrets in it. From this room we can enter a small storage room with a malfunctioning Vital Apparatus Vent with a bunch of Weighted Cubes below it. The Radio will be on top of a Weighted Cube. Oddly enough, this Radio will show up in our first playthrough as well…

Remember where “Help” was written on the floor? Pick up the Radio & bring it back over to where it is. Walk past & crawl under the hydraulic wall into the secret room where we can find the Signal in front of the vandalized wall.

Test Chamber 17:

Radio #19: Enter into the room where we need to raise three Platforms to proceed. Lift up the third Platform & we can find the Radio underneath it.

Take the Radio with us to the end of the Chamber & we can catch the Signal right in front of the Aperture Science Emergency Intelligence Incinerator.
Sequence 6: ...It's Murder
1. Test Chamber: 18-19
2. Radio Signals Collected: 26/26
3. Achievements: 9/15

Test Chamber 18:

Radio #20: When we enter the Chamber, Portal across the first pool of toxic water. On the other side of the water, there will be a small hole in the wall to our left. Crawl under it into a secret room & we can find the Radio behind the second set of stairs leading up.

Save your game; possible Radio destruction! This is a very difficult Signal to catch as we need to toss the Radio through a Portal so it can get launched up into the air. Leave the secret room & carefully make your way up to the the second floor of the room with the white square that has two black dots on it. Place a Portal to the right of the black dot square then place another Portal on the ceiling directly above your bottom Portal. Take the Radio now & drop it through the Portal; it will catch the Signal halfway through the air as it falls.

Radio #21: At the top of the room, use the Timed Button to enter the side room full of Turrets & toxic water. After dispatching the Turrets, walk over to the column with the Timed Door & Generator we need to guide the Energy Ball into to activate the moving Platform. Place a Portal on the floor beside it & one down on the floor way below the level we stand on. Drop off the level down into your Portal & we will be launched on top of the column where the Radio will be.

Save your game; possible Radio destruction! Now take the Radio over the moving Platform with you & we can catch the Signal just behind the other Timed Button we use to activate the angled hydraulic wall.

Radio #22: Use the Weighted Cube to open up the way to the next room with the different ledges we need to launch up to over toxic water. We can find this Radio at the very bottom of the deep pit off our left when we first enter this room. For now though, leave the Radio down here where it is.

Save your game; possible Radio destruction! The Signal for this Radio is at the very top of this room where the exit elevator is. Normally, this would be an abysmal challenge getting it up here however there is a cheap workaround. Without the Radio, just make your way up to the top floor & Save your game just in case. Now place a Portal on the floor up here & leap off the top floor all the way down to where we first entered this room. Shoot a different Portal down where the Radio is & drop down to it to pull it through the Portal back to the top floor.

Test Chamber 19:

Radio #23: Complete Chamber 19 & rescue yourself from almost being incinerated by GLaDOS. Before launching yourself up into the maintenance area above, walk to the railings over near the fire instead. Along the right wall down in the incinerator will be the Radio in the center. Place a Portal just above it & carefully reach through the Portal & pull the Radio out.

Save your game; possible Radio destruction! Leave the Radio where we pulled it through into the safe place & launch ourselves up into the maintenance area. Turn around & place a Portal under the Radio & bring it up here with us.

Bring the Radio along with us through the maintenance area, up the stairs & past the large ventilation fans. When we enter the room with the toxic water, leave the Radio on the walkway across from us where the locked door is. Use Portals to get over to the walkway in the center & enter the office area. Head inside & unlock the door; take the Radio over to desk in front of the large window overlooking the room we were in to catch the Signal.


Radio #24: Head through the Weighted Cube… tube, & escape out of the Test Chamber back into the Aperture inner workings. Carry on until GLaDOS tells us we are going the wrong way & we enter the room with the five large hydraulic presses. Before entering the room, look off your right & there will be a small room with some stairs going up. Head under the stairs & there will be a chain link fence we can shoot a Portal through. Got over to the other side of the fence & crawl through the open vent off our right to find the Radio in a secret room.

Take the Radio with us into the next room where we will see two hydraulic presses off our right, with more further up in the room. The Signal will be on the floor directly above where we entered this room. Portal up to the second floor with two more presses on it & either jump across with the Radio or Portal it up to you. The Signal will be along the chain link fence on the back wall here.

Radio #25: Navigate over the Weighted Cube tubes over the toxic water & fight off the three Turrets that appear in the trap room. Escape out of the room & we will enter a small workshop area with a broken Turret who cannot shoot. Maybe he is out of bullets? Whatever the reason, we can find the Radio on the table behind it.

With the Radio in tow, head up & into the next room after dropping down on a Turret. When we enter this room we can see “Over Here” written on the wall directly across from us. Walk over to it & there will be an open vent leading to a secret room to its right. We can catch the Signal just in front of the vent.

Radio #26: We can find the last Radio in the large cistern with the Turret ambush near the end of the game. Deal with all of the Turrets & drop down into the sewer water at the bottom of the cistern. The Radio will be in an alcove down here on the opposite end from where we enter this room.

Place the Radio in the center of the cistern main floor & launch yourself out of it to the very top floor. Portal the Radio up with you & dispatch the two Turrets that are lowered down to us. Once again, place the Radio on the floor & launch yourself up to the next floor where two green power generators are. Portal the Radio up to us & we can catch the final Signal in front of the first generator.

Achievement #9 – Transmission Received: If you have been following along with the guide, the Achievement will unlock after bringing the final Radio to the last Signal.

With the Achievement unlocked, we have nothing more to do in the Main Campaign. If you want, we can quit out here or you can complete the Campaign a second time for fidelity.

60% Complete
Sequence 7: Advanced Maps
1. Advanced Maps: 6/6
2. Achievements: 12/15

The Advanced Maps are just harder versions of Test Chambers we previously completed during the Main Campaign. After playing through the game twice, these Advanced Maps should not give you too much grief. If they do, here is a good guide set by Extremely Impossible that should help sort you out.

Achievement #10 – Cupcake: Beat two Portal Advanced Maps.
Complete any 2/6 Advanced Maps to unlock the Achievement.

Achievement #11 – Fruitcake: Beat four Portal Advanced Maps.
Complete any 4/6 Advanced Maps to unlock the Achievement.

Achievement #12 – Vanilla Crazy Cake: Beat all six Portal Advanced Maps.
Complete all 6 of the Portal Advanced Maps to unlock the Achievement.

80% Complete
Sequence 7: Challenges - Least Portals
1. Least Portals: 6/6
2. Least Time: 0/6
3. Least Steps: 0/6
4. Achievements: 12/15

Least Portals:
Out of the three different Challenges, the Least Portal Challenges are definitely the “easiest” though there are a few infuriating moments in some Chambers. Note that you can actually abuse Quick Saves/Quick Loads. If you are happy with your progress or are about to attempt a clutch move, Save your game & reload if it does not go well. This really speeds up how long this takes as you are not replaying the entire Chamber all over again.

For all of these Challenges, I shamelessly followed Carrot Helper's video guides to a Tee, with a few exceptions. These are very well done & I really could not have even begun to grapple these without their help.

Test Chamber 13:
Starts at 0:00
Gold Medal – 4 Portals

For Test Chamber 13, we need to make a Weighted Cube toss to save our Portals which can be very tricky. Note that jumping will not increase your throw distance; walk to the edge of the platform & toss the Cube with speed using your movement (mouse or stick).

This is an important skill to master as we will be using it for the Least Steps Challenge.

Test Chamber 14:
Starts at 0:36
Gold Medal – 2 Portals

Nothing special of note for this Challenge, it is actually really simple.

Test Chamber 15:
Starts at 1:14
Gold Medal – 14 Portals

Test Chamber 15 is not too bad as well, be sure to Save often at each section. The hardest part is when we must cross the toxic water. When peaking out of the Portal, be sure to take a step back inside it after we fire a new Portal or we will be bounced out.
This is an important skill to master as we will be using it in the other two Challenges…

Test Chamber 16:
Start at 2:40
Gold Medal – 2 Portals

Test Chamber 16 is not terribly hard either apart from having to block bullets with Weighted Cubes… Take your time & Save often.

Test Chamber 17:
Starts at 4:14
Gold Medal – 2 Portals

For Test Chamber 17, Carrot Helper's strategy is actually insanely difficult to pull off. Instead, we will be using the help of a different video guide done by FinSompi & taking advantage of manipulating energy orbs with the Companion Cube instead of wasting Portals to do so. It does take some finagling as you need to angle the Companion Cube properly to deflect it into the generator's, but it is still a much easier strategy.


Test Chamber 18:
Starts at 6:13
Gold Medal – 13 Portals

Test Chamber 18 is a little cheeky with how we hold onto our Portals, but the video will go over that. Compared to Chamber 17 it really is not too bad. The hardest part is just getting that computer part all the way up to the doors without wasting Portals. Basically just follow the video exactly.

With that, we are 6/18 Gold Medals in.
Sequence 8: Challenges - Least Time
1. Least Time: 6/6
2. Least Steps: 0/6
3. Achievements: 12/15
Once again, this is a great walkthrough guide by Carrot Helper.

Test Chamber 13:
Starts at 0:00
Gold Medal – 0:19s

This is very similar to its Portal Challenge except this time we have to be very fast. After quickly reaching the first Pressure Plate with the Weighted Cube, make a Quick Save & just keep reloading every time you miss until you stick the throw. At least we don’t have to worry about conserving Portals…

Test Chamber 14:
Starts at 0:31
Gold Medal – 0:10s

Test Chamber 14 is a little tricky trying to pull off that final shot to launch ourselves up onto the Platform. Once again, just make a Quick Save before you begin & just keep reloading until your shot goes through. It is really easy to get disoriented, just be patient.

Test Chamber 15:
Starts at 0:56
Gold Medal – 0:54s

Similar to its Least Portals Challenge you just have to complete this Chamber as fast as possible, using Portals where possible to speed yourself up. Once again, we will be doing the toxic water skip except for we have to be really quick about it. Make a Quick Save at the beginning of the water with good time & try to weave through as fast as possible.

Test Chamber 16:
Starts at 1:55
Gold Medal – 0:52s

Test Chamber 16 is where things really start getting interesting. To avoid wasting 20s listening to GLaDOS speak to us, we can glitch inside the first room ahead of time. By firing a Portal on the ceiling above the door then trying to shoot a Portal through the thin slit of wall in between your Portal & the doors wall. Alternate your Portals between Blue & Orange & when your ceiling Portal opens up (& it is not because it is stuck to the wall above the door by accident) remove your ceiling Portal & step through to the other side of the door. Be sure you remove the right Portal & not the one on the other side of the door!

Test Chamber 17:
Starts at 2:56
Gold Medal – 1:27s

We will be using a similar Portaling exploit we used in the previous Chamber for Test Chamber 17, but we have a lot more time to play around with making it less clutch.
If you are still stuck on the Least Portals Challenge for this Test Chamber, definitely use this Portaling strategy to help you out. It works!

Test Chamber 18:
Start at 4:10
Gold Medal – 1:13s

Test Chamber 18 has a similar exploit as we used for the Least Portals Challenge however this time, we will be snagging a Camera instead. I actually found getting the Camera stuck in the door much easier than the computer part.

12/18 Gold Medals.
Sequence 9: Challenges - Least Steps
1. Least Steps: 6/6
2. Achievements: 15/15

A Step counts as any… step or jump taken. A step counts if you enter through a Portal & fall onto the ground from a wall or the ceiling. A step does not count if you place a Portal on the floor ahead of you, then a Portal underneath you, taking the Portal away at the last second to bring yourself forward. This will be our primary method of travel for us to save our steps.

Of course, we will need the help of trusty Carrot Helper.

Test Chamber 13:
Starts at 0:00
Gold Medal – 10 Steps

We basically have to follow the video verbatim; we really have no room to mess around. This Chamber is actually one of the hardest out of the six.

Test Chamber 14:
Starts at 1:01
Gold Medal – 10 Steps

Once again, there is not much to say about this Challenge other than just to follow along with the video as it is also… pretty challenging.

Test Chamber 15:
Starts at 1:30
Gold Medal – 55 Steps

This is actually one of the simpler Least Steps Challenges; we have quite a bit of room for error (compared to the other Challenges that basically take all the required steps). I managed to complete this with 5 steps to spare

Test Chamber 16:

Starts at 3:00
Gold Medal – 40 Steps

Once again, we have a bit of wiggle room for this Challenge. Be sure to not get hit by Turrets if possible as you will take steps when shot. I completed this Challenge with 5 steps to spare, as well.

Test Chamber 17:
Starts at 6:00
Gold Medal – 150 Steps

This is a pretty clutch Challenge though depending on if you can take advantage of the crouch hopping or not may give you an easier time. I did not, & barely managed getting exactly 150 steps. Fortunately, we will be using the Portaling exploit so that saves us a lot of time… or steps that is. The hardest part is getting to the Portaling spot in a decent amount of steps.

Test Chamber 18:
Starts at 7:48
Gold Medal – 85 Steps

Amazingly, this is actually the easiest of the six Least Steps Challenges in my opinion. The hardest part will be finagling that Camera into place like we did for the Least Time Challenge. Just be mindful with your Saves & you should be just fine.

Achievement #13 – Basic Science: Earn Bronze Medals on all 18 Portal Challenges.
This Achievement will unlock after we have earned a Bronze Medal on all 6 Least Portal, 6 Least Time, & 6 Least Steps Challenges.

This is fairly achievable for the average Portal player.

Achievement #14 – Rocket Science: Earn Silver Medals on all 18 Portal Challenges.
This Achievement will unlock after we have earned a Silver Medal on all 6 Least Portal, 6 Least Time, & 6 Least Steps Challenges.

If you can get all of the Silver Medals, you probably have what it takes to shave off your records & go for Gold!

Achievement #15 – Aperture Science: Earn Gold Medals on all 18 Portal Challenges.
This Achievement will unlock after we have earned a Gold Medal on all 6 Least Portal, 6 Least Time, & 6 Least Steps Challenges.

This Achievement will be the deciding factor for your 100% & the perpetual roadblock for most players… It took me four hours straight to go from 0 Medals to 18 Gold Medals.
If it was not for the Aperture Science Achievement, I could say this is an easy 100%. But it technically is not; the rest of the Achievements are fine… it's just being able to become a perfectionist to get those Gold Medals. Portal took me around 12 hours to 100%, which really is not all that bad; especially when you consider 1/3 of that time was spent failing Challenge Maps like it was a Dark Souls game.

If this guide helped you achieve 100%, rate the guide or let me know in the comments. Helps me know if I am doing things right!

100% Complete!
Thank you for choosing Cynic, & I will see you in the next guide!

If you are interested in a little bit of patronage, support my projects & consider buying me a beer. If not, no worries; my guides are, & will always be free content. Achievement Hunting is my passion, & writing these guides is a way for me to give meaning to a life long hobby!

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Squiddd.d 25 Sep @ 2:44pm 
just finished this one up. thanks for the guide my guy.
Oszkar2007 19 Jul @ 12:59am 
I just maxed out Portal, thanks for the guide Cynic!
Lorkzi 15 Jul @ 12:07pm 
I did it!! Thanks a lot for the amazing guide
SKM_OFF 23 Jan @ 8:15am 
Very good guide ! Thanks <3
NamelesslyNavnløs 29 Nov, 2023 @ 7:49pm 
Yeah, so did I. Hahah. Glad I could find everyone an easier method.
Cynic 0055  [author] 29 Nov, 2023 @ 3:43pm 
Hey NamelesslyNavnløs, Thanks for that, you are definitely right, that is a much easier strategy! I had a horrible time with that Chamber when I went through for those Achievements myself. :p2blue:
NamelesslyNavnløs 29 Nov, 2023 @ 3:11pm 
This helped SO much across the board, thank you! Although I do have one recommendation for the Least Portals challenge on chamber 17! This video by FinSompi shows a much easier method than the two listed here. Thanks again!
Drifteg 24 Nov, 2023 @ 3:15pm 
a very helpful guide ty!
el hombre d eneegro 2 12 Nov, 2023 @ 5:16am 
there is an easier method to get to the chamber 12 radio. Place the diagonal portal that gets you to the exit, then drop off from the first level, you will land directly on top of the panel where the radio is located
Muhanned 28 Oct, 2023 @ 2:39am 
thanks for the guide:praisesun: