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Large maps team play
By rja96
When dealing with large maps its a decent idea to split up into teams of 2.

each team can cover 1 half of a map fairly easy if they are smart about which equipment they bring. 1 team member should bring a flashlight, a photo camera and a spirit box. the other should bring the video camera, black-light and the EMF.

the 2nd person does not need a flashlight as they can spend most of their time looking through the camera and get use the black-light to find their way out again.

its a damn good idea for the person taking photos, however, to have the flashlight on them for when the ghost appears they may be able to find and take a picture of it. plus they need the room lights off to use the spirit box so its nice for them to still be able top see while using it.

its also good for the other person to have the black-light so that they can shine it on the fingerprints to make it easier to take a pic of it.

all other equipment can wait until the ghost room is located and between the 2 of you you should be able to cover all bases fairly easy to find the ghost.