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[2024.1]Real Navigation
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[2024.1]Real Navigation

In this MOD the navigational feeling should be brought closer to reality.
There is no symbol of your own submarine, other ships or field of view on the map.
The navigation is designed solely for the coordinate system.
The officers can use a sextant to determine the exact location (only in good weather).

Play with contact visualizations disabled.
If using the 'No Spoilers' mod (which I suggest), you should remove its General.xlsx file in 'steamapps/workshop/content/49840/3274920623/Data Sheets'/

1. No symbols on the map:
No ship symbols are displayed on the map.
Your own submarine can no longer be seen as a symbol either.
The viewing and listening circles have been removed.

2. World MAP:
Normal map and tactical map are removed.
It can only be played with the world map.
Here, however, the standard zoom has been increased.

3. Positioning via sextant:
A sextant can be selected via the wheel menu on the flag mast.
An officer (Leader only) then independently carries out a sextant measurement.
As soon as this is completed, the current position with the date and time is displayed with a message.
The navigator automatically enters the measured position on the map.
If the navigator at the chart table loses its orientation (0%), a possible sextant measurement becomes very imprecise.
The sextant measurement does not work in bad weather such as fog, rain or storm.

4. Positioning Estimated:
In some situations the sextant cannot be used.
E.g. bad weather, underwater travel etc.
Here you can display the estimated position using a button in the map view (right) "Estimated position".
This is automatically drawn in gray on the map.
Please note that the longer it has been an accurate sextant measurement or the navigation accuracy on the navigation table drops, the more inaccurate the estimated position becomes.
With 1 or 2 days, this can be a considerable distance.

5. Position overview:
As soon as the first sextant or estimated position has been carried out,
the last measured data is displayed in a symbol (green world) on the right via ToolTip.
In the map view, the data is also shown again in abbreviated form at the top right.
It helps al lot to find the position on the map with the mouse.
"*" = Sextant coordinates
"~" = Estimated position coordinates

6. Direction indicator for contacts:
Direct detection of ships now also gives a rough range estimate.
The estimate is displayed in 4 levels: Far(more than 5000m), medium(more than 2500), close(more than 1000), very close!(under 1000m)

7. Odometer:
The "odometer" shows the distance traveled in meters.
It can be found in the ToolTip "Green World" on the right edge of the screen as soon as at least one position measurement has been carried out.
The odometer can be reset to "0" when you click on the "Green World" symbol with the left mouse button. A confirmation message will appear.
The units on odometer is same as you set on the game option.
The odometer gives the distance to the last position you were in when you clicked the button!

8. Hard Mode:
First version for a "hard mode" navigation. Hard mode is deactivated by default.
- "Estimated position" is no longer possible
When navigating, the "odometer" becomes even more important here.
- The map can only be opened at the card table. The UI MAP-symbol has been removed.
If you play in "EGO only" then this is a bigger challenge.
- If you are funny you can also delete the function for "Free camera" in the options for the "Keyboard" with the "n" key.
This means that you no longer have an external camera available.

The "Hard Mode" function can be activated in MODConfig.xlsx.
It can be found in the local workshop folder (C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ workshop \ content \ ...).
Here are the folder names of all subscribed MOD's in numbers.
Simply search for the correct MOD folder and then switch to the "Data Sheets" folder.

Planned updates:
- Make the odometer actually track the distance traveled, instead of the distance to the last position where the button was clicked.
- See if colors can be added back to the map points (seems to not work in the current version of the game)
- Add ship names back to the direct contact notifications.
- Add rough distance estimates to propellor notifications.
- Improve some of the translations.
- Expand the "hard mode".

Navigation tips:
Explanatory video by @Dufti on "Duftis Kanal":

- At least once a day a sextant measurement if possible
- Use the map tool to determine the course
- Careful handling of the "Estimated position" position determination. This can differ considerably from the actual position
- Navigate carefully into the harbor and, if necessary, orientate yourself towards the lighthouse
- Work with the MapPoints (map tool) for overview of ship contacts.
- Use the "Odometer" for underwater travel

1. Uboat version 2024.1
2. Save game compatible (there is no need to start a new career)
3. Not compatible with vanilla tutorial missions
4. Translations in english and german

A big thank you to:
@Dufti for his inspiration and MOD tests
@Salamander for help with the code
- Everyone who tested the MOD

You are also welcome to check out Alligator's other mods:

If you like Alligator's mods and want to support him, feel free to send him a voluntary donation at:

Good hunting!
Diskusi Populer Lihat Semua (10)
3 Nov @ 12:31am
Bugs and suggestions
16 Mei @ 8:08pm
Option to disable "popups"
4 Des 2021 @ 5:12am
Geschätze Position?
409 Komentar
DARKNESS 15 Des @ 10:49pm 
@worstl - mod working fine for me.
DARKNESS 15 Des @ 10:49pm 
Tired of map not remembering last position? Here's the fix:

- Navigate to the mod's Source folder and open "RealNavigationPatch.cs" with Notepad++.

- Find the following section (line 822)

LoadMapFlag = true;
if (___mainCamera.MapController.Mode == MapCameraController.MapDisplayMode.Normal || ___mainCamera.MapController.Mode == MapCameraController.MapDisplayMode.WorldMap || ___mainCamera.MapController.Mode == MapCameraController.MapDisplayMode.TacticalMap)
___mainCamera.MapController.Mode = MapCameraController.MapDisplayMode.Normal;

- Paste over with the following:

LoadMapFlag = true;
if (___mainCamera.MapController.Mode == MapCameraController.MapDisplayMode.Normal || ___mainCamera.MapController.Mode == MapCameraController.MapDisplayMode.TacticalMap)
___mainCamera.MapController.Mode = MapCameraController.MapDisplayMode.Normal;

Your wrists will thank me.
worstl 23 Nov @ 3:07pm 
is it just me or did the mod partially stop working after the latest patch? I still have the sextant but it's greyed out no matter the weather situation. The odometer on the map is also gone
Maddin 13 Nov @ 12:55pm 
Why should i use "no spoilers" mod with real navigation? I mean, what does "no spoilers" do what real navigation does not?
er.tz 3 Nov @ 12:58am 
There's a strange bug where the odometer counts backwards instead of forwards. I don't know under what conditions it can be replicated, but it happens very occasionally. There is also a text file named harmony.log.txt that is located on the desktop, and I don't think that's the desired location.
sm417 1 Nov @ 5:33am 
Ansonsten wie immer eine meiner Standart Mods beim Game..:steamthumbsup:
sm417 1 Nov @ 5:33am 
Hi..nach dem Starten des Mods / Spieles habe ich noch eine Harmony/log/txt Datei auf meinem Desktop..im WWW steht, das der Autor der Mod dann wahrscheinlich diese Mod mit Harmony erstellt hat aber danach vergessen wurde, das Programm Harmony zu beenden..oder so ähnlich.
Ist das irgendwie von Bedeutung für den Autor??
Wilhelm Weirich 29 Okt @ 9:50am 
@Trihne yes that was the Point! :)
Trihne 26 Okt @ 10:50am 
Had to google translate the last comment, but he asks if the sextant action could take 120 seconds instead of being instant. I think that's a great idea
Wilhelm Weirich 26 Okt @ 10:36am 
Lieber ALLIGATOR. Vielen Lieben Dank das du es geschafft hast Real Navigation auf 2024.1 zu aktualisieren. Meiner Meinung nach immer noch einer der bedeutendsten MODS für UBOAT aller Zeiten.

Haben wir die Möglichkeit die Bestimmung über den Sextant zeitlich zu verlänger (Realismus)? Beispielsweise auf 120 Sec?

Liebste Grüße und dir natürlich nur das allerbeste!