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Final Boss tips
By Dreadjaws
Some important tips to avoid frustration with the final boss of the game.
UnMetal isn't a particularly hard to crack game. Its difficulty relies more on the use of reflexes than in being able to figure things out. That being said, there are a few instances where the game gets tricky and can lead to frustration, particularly in the very last boss fight. I'm making this small guide in order to help people avoid that frustration.
Prep before the fight
- On the middle floor, in General X's office there's some furniture on the top right. Destroy it to access his ammo stash, in case you're low and need to resupply. There are bullets, rockets and both kind of grenades here, and you'll need it all. If you have the invincibility item, I hope you weren't expecting to use it in this fight, because you won't be able to. Just a heads up.

-On the top floor of the elevator ride, you might get the idea of leaving Colonel Harris' unconscious body there before exiting to the roof, so he doesn't get harmed in the fight. RESIST THAT TEMPTATION. The Colonel won't be harmed anyway, and if you leave him here you'll regret it, as I'll explain later.
The fight
At the start of the fight, General X will reveal he carries a cloaking device and turns invisible. This will play a major role in the fight.

This fight consist of three stages. The first one has the General attacking you with drones. These are very easy, as they're not particularly fast and can be destroyed with one bullet each. But you will start noticing that the General is using this distraction to steal items from your inventory while you can't see him. This is unavoidable and between the things the General steals are your precious invincibility rings. If you're quick you might be able to use one before he steals them, but it's basically a waste, since the drones are very easy to avoid.

Once the drones are done, General X will release a tank. The tank has two attacks: Rockets, that can only go horizontally or vertically, and a hail of bullets, that will follow you. Keep your grenades and rockets ready to destroy this thing. At this point you must be very familiar with bullet dodging, so this won't be much of a problem, but here's the thing: it's imperative that you spend all of your medikits here, so if you have plenty you'll have to let yourself get shot until you use them all. It sounds counterintuitive, but things will become clear in a moment.

For the third and final stage, you deal with General X himself. He turns invisible and periodically shoots three times in your direction. Keep yourself on the move to avoid the shots as you pinpoint his location by looking at the place where the bullet cases are falling from and try to time your movement so you position yourself at grenade-launch distance from him when he stops shooting. Then launch an electromagnetic grenade at him, and before the grenade touches the ground switch to your pistol. The grenade will disable his cloaking device for a couple of seconds, leaving you free to shoot him. Take notice that as he activates his device again he moves up or down, so if you can position yourself on top or bottom you'll get more shots on him than if you put yourself left or right.

Once you've caused him enough damage he'll have some dialogue for you. If you happen to have any medikits in your inventory at this point, he'll steal them and heal himself instantly to full health. He will also pierce your skin to leave you in bleeding state. This is why it's a bad idea to bring medikits, because now you're bleeding and he's back at full health. Whatever the case, you have to make sure to shoot him down before you bleed to death.
It's over... or is it?
After the fight is done, you get a cutscene. General X is fallen and seems defeated, but he unexpectedly shocks you with a hidden device and kicks your gun away. If you took the Colonel with you to the roof like I said, he'll take your gun and shoot the General down. But if you made the mistake of leaving the Colonel inside the building, the General will kill you, forcing you to do THE ENTIRE FIGHT AGAIN.

So yeah, again, bring him with you.

Well, I hope someone finds this useful. This is an excellent game, but I understand how some parts can be frustrating. Hopefully, this can alleviate that issue for some of you.
Dreadjaws  [author] 2 May @ 8:33am 
I'm positive this boss fight has been patched since I played. I might have to update this.
LeXofLeviafan 2 May @ 5:55am 
>stealing anything healing is his specialty
He doesn't steal the blood bag most of the times, so you can use it as emergency medkit if you're having trouble.
Tsuki Zero 16 Apr, 2022 @ 5:22am 
He steals stuff at random, but stealing anything healing is his specialty.
But you know General X got a point: Fox is the thief, because everything he got was from his base anyways.
Cubey 2 Feb, 2022 @ 5:41am 
I actually managed to use all 3 rings in 1-2 stages of the fight so it seems like he doesn't always steal them
zigfrid_trinisete 13 Dec, 2021 @ 2:51am 
If you have the punch upgrade that let you go fast to the enemy, you can punch in to dead instead of switching to the pistol. The thing is, when he’s escaping if you move well you can do tons of damage following him.

You can do this with the drones to if you are fast enough.
Canthyse 6 Oct, 2021 @ 7:58pm 
1st phase can be easily cheese it with the ghost's drone item (located on chapter 3, the room next the sick bay, in one of the top right crates), just use it right away at the start (combine it ASAP with the rings, should have at least for 2 uses), your drone will aimbot everything, saving time and ammo.
Call me Greg_ 5 Oct, 2021 @ 8:41am 
You can easily cheese the Tank by spamming grenades and rockets:
Toss an EM grenade, pause, toss a grenade or launch a rocket, pause, repeat.
(Though if you do this you won't get the achievement for defeating the tank without EM grenades)
You should still have enough EM grenades for General X himself.
(If you don't use your medkits before Phase 3 and deplete all of your remaining medkits WITHOUT/BEFORE damaging General X he won't stab you)
Also you can use the following strategy do defeat GeneralX much faster:
Identifiy his location and toss an EM grenade at him(as usual) then immediately pause, switch to grenades, toss a grenade, immediately pause again, switch to the Gun then shoot Gnereal X as many times as you can then repeat.
(in a single "cycle" you can deplete close to one 3rd of his Health)
rsk454 3 Oct, 2021 @ 7:26am 
That sounds annoying AF, thanks for the tips.