Call to Arms

Call to Arms

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How to Fix Heavy SPG Artillery
By Mediterranean Barbarian

Now I have you attention.

Do you see this?

This is the common text for a 152-155mm Howitzer. It is known as the heavy artillery weapon on artillery vehicles.
More importantly look at the note next to the damage, ";not used with fg shell". I don't know why there is a note there. It is implied that there is already a damage model in place for the blast yield.
One problem about that; we don't know what that means, it could just be a random set damage from the shell itself. It is not known how much damage the shell actually does in the first place. This goes for all 152-155mm artillery.

No Damage?

Now I have you attention.

Do you see this?

This is the common text for a 152-155mm Howitzer. It is known as the heavy artillery weapon on artillery vehicles.
More importantly look at the note next to the damage, ";not used with fg shell". I don't know why there is a note there. It is implied that there is already a damage model in place for the blast yield.
One problem about that; we don't know what that means, it could just be a random set damage from the shell itself. It is not known how much damage the shell actually does in the first place. This goes for all 152-155mm artillery.

Now let’s look at the ammo.
What does it mean?

The ammunition mass more likely serves a point in influencing damage? I don't know. Enemy soldiers tend to still get damaged or killed when hit with this shell. Note the "13 args" is actually the AOE for the damage, however that is mostly for weapons that also shoot AT shells, making their HE shells the real AOE damage.

The HE damage model
Notice that it does 0% damage to armored vehicles, because that's what it says.
How it feels to be lied to?
Pay attention to the image below.

This is a BMP-2 kill from a 152mm. In this game it's completely impossible do to the damage table for these type of shells. However that is not the case.

All the mortars were in a separate folder called "reactive". This folder included both ammo and gun. That gave me the Idea that they were independent from the traditional damage table.

That was before I looked into the Mortar stats itself.

You can see that the mortar already does a damage of 25. Now that might not seem much to you or me, but that is the base amount of damage before it is multiplied by the ammo. Mortar ammo is different than Artillery ammo.

Wait why would I show you that? You see, the 120mm Mortars actually have a higher armor penetration value than the SPG's. We are talking about BTR's getting blasted by 82mm.

You see how the Mortar does well, 25 damage? The "energy" number is actually a multiplier. So if we did a 25x10 it would be 250 damage, both armor penetration, and hit points within that area.

You can define two Blastwave zones. This is important later. You don't want to completely wipe everything within the area.
Fixing the Game, Changing the Meta
Artillery in this game cost a lot of points. They also don't do much either. When vehicles start rolling in, their uses become obsolete. There are better units for points to save or spend. Above all, the performance of the artillery is also unrealistic.

How can a 152mm shell not damage a tank? The answer is; that's unreallisic.
Why is artillery still used in war? That is because it gets the job done. We are not talking about barraging a base, or barraging an infantry advance. These are 155mm guns, shooting shells much nearly ten times the weight than 120mm. They don't just bounce off, they don't just burst in the sky above a tank. Those shells, will explode, they will kill, they will scramble both inside and out the tank if not detonate it. Above all they will most likely hit the weakest part of any armored vehicle; the top.

Time to fix.

This is the 9m22U. It is known as the strongest artillery. It is known to destroy APC's. I began with this.

I learned that you can "layer" Blastwave damage areas. The first one is a no brainer, which is the impact site. The actual explosion is not known to destroy vehicles from the blast alone. The solution is that there was already a blast zone, but it is more likely defined as the anti-vehicle impact. There is no doubt a soldier is already dead within the impact zone.

The second Blast is an additional from the fist. You can see it has a radius up to 20. This damages troops that have survived direct impact.

The fire is an additional effect. It has a range of 10. This effect kills every soldier to death. In this example I reduced the area of the the fire for “balance” or for the sake of the munition itself not being incendiary.

The thing is the damage is not defined on the weapon itself. So I multiplied the impact area of the first blastwave by 10. I don't know how damage is defined on anything without damage. Is it the mass of the projectile? I won't know, or care.

This is what the new 155mm looks like.

I shown you how to fix your artillery guns, now I can show you how it works.

Heavy Artillery is no longer useless in all modes. It is points well spent, if it were fixed.
Minhaj 13 Feb, 2023 @ 2:01pm 
Can you make a stand-alone mod with this feature? You can certainly earn some praises.:cta_emo1: