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Masked Mustachio's Empire Captain Weaponmaster
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2021년 9월 30일 오전 6시 49분
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Masked Mustachio's Empire Captain Weaponmaster

My brother has been bugging me to make the Empire Captains better since I started modding. Normally I don't like to mess with balancing but he really wanted something that made them more fun to play. I finally felt like I knew enough to give it a shot so I made this mod.

My idea was that empire captains are not 1-trick ponies. They are skilled with many weapons. So my mod adds the ability to change between weapons like you would change a mount. There is a 1 turn CD on switching weapons, but otherwise once you learn a weapon you can switch to it whenever you want on the campaign map. This gives them more utility because you can change weapons to fit the roles needed depending on your army makeup and what you fighting. I tried to keep them reasonably balanced, but I was more willing to error on the side of fun than on the side of balanced.

Game Changes:

Normal Sword and Shield: Functionally a Black Orc hero stat-wise but he has charge defense against all and immune to psychology. He has a silver quality shield as well. His role is to be a tank and not be killed.

Zweihander: Mostly based on the Minotaur Gorebull hero stat-wise but has an entity based more on the Wood Elf Glade Captain. So he moves fast. Scares people around him. Has a really solid charge for infantry. Capable of fighting for a while too with the Norsca "Rage" ability. His role is to fight a lot of people, or to charge and fall back and charge over and over.

Rifle: Mostly based on a mix of the Gunnery Wight and elf Ranged Heroes. He doesn't do as much DPS as the Witch Hunter and does not get magical bullets, but his bullets hit hard and do a fair amount of armor piercing. He is also quick but not as quick as the Zweihander. He can also stalk and vanguard deploy. He has low armor so he can fight in melee okay, but cannot stay in prolonged battle. His role is to murder single entity units.

Grenade Launcher: Basically a veteran mortar unit with less range but faster shooting. Because he is a single entity he shoots faster than a unit of mortars to compensate, but in general he won't do significantly more damage than a veteran mortar unit will. His range is also half that of normal mortar units but has a shorted minimum range as well. He can target gates and walls with his gun but I didn't want to make it so that he can't get up on walls so you can't really attack a wall directly as you will put up the ladders on it instead. So it is a little annoying it is one or the other. He has low armor so he can fight in melee okay, but cannot stay in prolonged battle. His role is to target infantry.

Warhorse and Repeater: This version is a replacement for the first unlocked mount. I felt like the warhorse is pointless when you can get a barded warhorse so I wanted to make it distinct and interesting. He is functionally the same as he was before my change so he is still okay at fighting, but he also has a repeating rifle that fires quickly (once every 2 seconds) and causes suppression. He can vanguard deploy, strider, and fire while moving. He has a short range but also can fire in all directions. Even though his ranged DPS is fairly good, he does not do much damage do to the high rate of fire. His role is to cause an annoyance to slower units. Just ride around being a pain. He can do pretty good damage to low armor and unshielded units, but he isn't great in prolonged melee or against ranged units since he has no shield.

I did not add too many new skills for these weapons because I wanted the skills to affect every version of the captain. So if you improve your charge in the Zweihander tree then that affects ALL mounts and versions of him. Extra ammo affects any version that uses ammo. This means that learning a new ability can be used for all other weapons as well. I did not want to make it so that going up one tree prevented you from going up any others, but some people might disagree with me.

Visual Changes:
The character will change what he looks like depending on what weapon he is using. I wanted each weapon to have a unique "style" that fit the weapon. This is true for both the campaign and battle. Also there are two versions of faces for the captains. I wanted to make the captain look younger since he isn't necessarily an old man, just an experienced one. Also I wanted the two to look more different than just not having a helmet. One looks a little younger than the other with the more grizzled version having an eye patch. The porthole in the campaign will not change based on the weapon used.

Check out my other mods I made here:

My Empire Stalkers:

Lady Karl Franz:

Also please rate my mods so that they can get rated and noticed by other players with similar interests. I do really appreciate it.

A few known issues that only affect Custom Battle: None of the new abilities can be selected for custom battle. Also There is a limited number of mounts that can be shown so you can see the normal unedited warhorse mount and my warhorse with repeater mount. The Pegasus mount is hidden because it can only show so many apparently. Also you can level up the new versions of the captains with chevrons. Not sure what determines that in custom battle yet.
댓글 7
MaskedMustachio  [작성자] 2022년 1월 2일 오전 8시 24분 
nirnouta 2022년 1월 2일 오전 3시 34분 
trés intéréssant
pyromaniac7777 2021년 10월 11일 오후 5시 55분 
this is pretty sick!
MaskedMustachio  [작성자] 2021년 10월 3일 오전 8시 09분 
Those are valid points. I didn't mess with the costs for Custom Battle as I was not concerned about balancing my mod for that but it would be something easy to do so I'll probably take a look at it. As for the Barded Warhorse I purposefully left it alone since I didn't care much about the mounts but I should maybe make it more in line with the Black Orc mounted form or something. Or just beef up the HP to match the HP gain for the footman.
cybvep 2021년 10월 3일 오전 1시 19분 
Interesting mod. Small suggestions:
1. Captain is now on the level of Black Orc Warboss, but his cost stayed the same (compare them in custom battles for a quick check regarding cost). This should be adjusted IMO.
2. Barded Warhorse now actually weakens the Captain. Less MD, less MA, even a bit less HP. Probably a mistake that should be fixed, as this mount doesn't have a purpose now.
3. Warhorse with Reapeter should have the same custom battle cost as Barded Warhorse because of the special ranged attack.
Anax 2021년 9월 30일 오후 11시 23분 
can you make this separate enpire captain unit so it doesnt affect the vanilla empire?so you canuse it with other mods affecting empire captain
Amordorn 2021년 9월 30일 오후 7시 33분 
Dude love it!