ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the Knights

ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the Knights

37 beoordelingen
Late Game Farm Guide || ~12k Exp per Minute
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Hey, this guide is a very quick tutorial to get to level 100 as fast as possible. If done correctly you can get around 6000 Exp every 30 seconds or 12.000 Exp every Minute.
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People commented, that its faster to just do NG+

So just do that, if you dont care about resetting.
  1. Travel to Subterranean Lab B4
  2. Equip both XP Relics (Ribbon and Blade)
  3. Equip High Damage and Mobility Spirits (Level 5s and Incompetent Sinner)
  4. Move left and wreck the block, then the two flying things
  5. Move down with the Downslash and kill the two Uppercut guys and the last two flying things
  6. Escape and "Return to Respite"
  7. Repeat
Long Description
Go down to Subterranean Lab B4. This is an Endgame Section of the Game and i recommend you upgrade your spirits to level Max. This will make the grind much faster and easier.

To prepare i recommend equipping both Exp Relics. These are the "Bloodstained Ribbon" and the "Blightwreathed Blade". Check out the map guide to find those, if you havent already.
Also use all three damage relics (Blighted Appendage, Ancient Dragon Claw and Giants Ring) for more Damage and even faster farming. Ignore most Health and Defense Relics because dying does not matter. You simply respawn and lose a little time.

Next up for spirits i use the Imbral Knight (Level Max) and the Incompetent Sinner (also Max).
Use the Umbral Knight as your main damage and the Sinner for Mobility. If you havent tried the Sinner yet I recomend you do, as this spirits is very useful.
Your other spirits dont matter, just pick what you like.

Now the route:
  1. Go left with the Spectral Lance dash attack (its faster).
  2. Hit the Blob thing with the lance and hit him rougly three times with the Knight.
  3. Usually he attacks now, so dash through him with Sinner (This ignores his attack).
  4. Now attack until he is dead.
  5. Afterwards kill the two flying things with the knight or any other spirit.
  6. Next up: The Uppercut Guys down below.
  7. When on the Platform: Drop and immediatly use the Giants Hammer (down slash) attack.
  8. This stuns the guys and you can take them out.
  9. Now go deal with the last two flying guys (if they are aligned right you can Sinner dash through both and kill them simultaneously).
  10. Press Excape or Start and press "Return to Respite". No need to walk back.
  11. Repeat the whole thing.
Rough Yield
These number are very rough and are calculated with both Relics equipped.

The "Blight Blob" : ~2000 Exp.
The "Flying Monster": ~500 Exp.
The "Uppercut Guys": ~1000 Exp.

By adding up one Blob, four flying Monsters and two Uppercut Guys you get about 6000 Exp.
I did one run every 30 seconds.

If you start at level 90 and want to go up to level 100 you need about 355.000 Exp.

This means you will spend about 29 Minutes fighting these guys.
Its a little tedious but its definitely doable.
7 opmerkingen
Commander Xephy 28 apr om 16:17 
I used the area just before Blighted Heart and it took me give-or-take 15-20 minutes to reach lv. 100 from 90, but this method isn't bad either. I only needed it for the 'chieve anyway.
'Jin よぞら 6 mei 2023 om 10:21 
This is a great guide. I don't recommend trying to reach 100 before getting all the endings because it'll be tedious but once you get the endings, then it's easier and faster to get that achievement. Using all damage and reduction relics helps a lot. My kit is Umbral knight, Incompetent sinner and Verboten champion.
durandle 28 mrt 2023 om 3:31 
@Ark Tolei honestly i feel that clearing though that area was easier in addition to being much faster for xp

something something the "Blight Blob" enemies are probably the most annoying in the game to fight imo
Enn 18 nov 2022 om 22:02 
idek what levels do :skull:
Tony Kaku 3 jul 2022 om 14:07 
DEFINITELY do NG+ instead of this. I finished the game at level 92 just from playing normally/collecting everything. It took less than 10 minutes for me to hit 100 in NG+ before I even reached the first boss - just go up to the room with the Chief Guardian and kill all the nuns there. Obviously you still want to use the ribbon and blade relics but the enemies along the way give a ton of exp, especially if you go for the nuns, and they're all a lot less tedious to fight than the enemies in the Verboten Domain.
Ark Tolei 25 jan 2022 om 2:24 
The area right before the blighted heart is substantially faster, but requires more effort. Each enemy gives roughly the same exp as a full clear of the above. If you don't have a lot of experience to farm and you find flying enemies a hassle to kill the above might be more worth your time, but for anything more than a few levels I think it'll be faster regardless of playstyle.
mendozerman 14 jan 2022 om 21:11 
If you start NG+ you get significantly more experience from enemies. I started NG+ at level 88 and hit 100 way faster than this guide.