Resident Evil 5

Resident Evil 5

Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition [PC] - Mercenaries United - Prison DUO // (Wesker/Excella) [1118k]
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"Special thanks to my partner:

Partner side:


Wesker S.T.A.R.S. = karparow
Excella Tricell = ferlo
Stage = Prison
Score = 1,118,857



ENB Series colour mod
Resident Evil 5 enemy pathfinding fix by Maluc
Modelswap + Inventory swap by Maluc
RE4 Wesker Theme for Mercenaries Reunion BGM by Syndeh
Excella Midnight by Syndeh"
Počet komentářů: 1
MsMedusa86 26. zář. 2021 v 5.59 
the best wesker player that i ever see and know, is finally back with a youtube video to show off his skill. Hei why you don't play once with Jill on all maps, because no one does a Jill guide unfortunatly. I know why no one do it, because she don't have strong weapons for merc. but it would be awesome if someone finaly fill this gap. i would like see, how well you doing with her. that would also be good for me, because i would like to know how i could do better with her. I miss to play this dam game and i wish it would work on my pc