Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

74 évaluations
Boat Soccer
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Type de contenu: Addon
Type d'addon: Entité
Mots-clés d'addon: Divertissement, Eau
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15.538 MB
19 sept. 2021 à 13h10
29 mai 2022 à 21h34
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Boat Soccer

Dans 1 collection faite par AlicornLunaa
Digital Gaming
292 objets
A rocket league style game, except with boats and water.

All you need to play a game is an arena from the entities tab in the boat soccer section.
You can also spawn the boats themselves, but they're just vehicles.

This addon will be updated in the future to add more arenas with different styles as well
as different boats to use in the game.

To control a boat, you just look where you want to go and press W or S to go forwards or backwards, respectively.
Boats also have a boost. The boost meter is in the bottom right and it is activated by holding shift.

Future plans I have for this addon are to add sounds and particle effects, maybe even
a demolition system in the future?

Report bugs:
15 commentaires
Postal Dude 20 avr. 2024 à 9h37 
[Boat Soccer] AddCSLuaFile: Couldn't find 'cl_init.lua'
1. unknown - lua/entities/bs_arena_default/init.lua:1
Steventechno 31 mai 2022 à 15h06 
I'm glad to report that it seems to be fixed!
Steventechno 31 mai 2022 à 15h03 
Sure thing. I'll check it now
AlicornLunaa  [créateur] 29 mai 2022 à 21h36 
I believe the bug has been fixed, let me know if it is still having problems!
Steventechno 29 mai 2022 à 18h38 
@AlicornLunaa Thanks for addressing this concern! Big thumbs up for that! :steamthis:
AlicornLunaa  [créateur] 26 mai 2022 à 19h30 
I'll get to work on fixing it as soon as I'm free
Steventechno 26 mai 2022 à 14h27 
Huge bug with this addon. This addon causes the physgun to ignore the map rule "gmod_allowphysgun".

What does this mean? It means players can move map entities, i.e. fans, buttons, doors, railways, and others brushes that have a function assigned to them. Use this with caution as it can cause potentially game-breaking effects.
05 25 févr. 2022 à 16h02 
AlicornLunaa  [créateur] 25 févr. 2022 à 16h01 
They're cosmetic, but if you want to get technical, they have differently shaped hitboxes.
05 25 févr. 2022 à 15h26 
what does the different ships do?