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NCCM: Nyrin's Captain Command Mod
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2021. szept. 19., 4:49
2021. szept. 23., 22:15
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NCCM: Nyrin's Captain Command Mod

Under development -- usable now, feedback and suggestions welcomed.

What's this about?

My goal is to enrich what we have in the 2.0 map commands to

  • Make more relevant things matter for ships doing missions
  • Improve some of the quirky QoL things
  • Add balanced, appropriate functionality where it makes sense
  • Be as open to further modding and cross-compatibility as possible

Current features

Scout Command

  • Deep scan range, hyperspace cooldown, and how much new discovery there is in a scouted area now all impact the duration of the command. With good radar, sufficient hyperspace capability, and the right captain, scout will now be quite a bit quicker than it was -- but it'll also be a lot slower if you neglect the equipment!
  • Scout will now reveal sectors regularly throughout the course of the mission. You can watch the galaxy map in real time as your captain sends you new data and fills out each sector.
  • Assessment lines/warnings have been updated to organically hint at the importance of having deep scan equipment when scouting new territory.
  • Works great with my other scout mod, too, which adds a bunch of unique lines and charts new anomalies like Exodus beacons: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2601280362

Trade command

  • Trade's operational area now scales with several factors that include the class and level your captain, the presence and rarity of an installed trading module, your ship's hyperspace range, and a few perks. This will translate into smaller boxes for poorly-suited captains in poorly-equipped ships, but significantly larger than vanilla for veteran merchants with the right equipment.
  • All captains can now use Trade -- merchants are just quite a bit better at it. Non-merchants have smaller operational areas, longer mission times, and less favorable perk impacts than the dedicated class. Smugglers are somewhat better than other classes and hold a definite 2nd place spot.
  • An 'immediate delivery' option has been added that will send uncomplicated yields directly to your galactic bank account, much like mining and salvaging can already do.
  • A brand-new "charity mission" option is added to Trade. This will sacrifice the majority of a contract's profit opportunity in exchange for increased reputation gain that can reach a higher level (75000) than normal, for-profit trading can (65000). You'll still receive your full deposit back--you're just giving up on making extra!
  • Trade will now automatically adjust the deposit slider as far right as you can afford. No more needing to drag it to the right each time.

Refine Command

  • Refine now looks to see if you can refine in the same sector. If you can, the duration is significantly reduced and the ambush chance is set to 0.
  • Note that 2.0.6 will still have refine deposit you to a random sector in the large range of the command once it's complete. This may be addressed in 2.0.7 (mine and salvage already are), but I also have a mod for that problem in the interim that I may merge into this one in the future: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2596451399
  • Assessment text updated to reflect same-sector bonuses when appropriate.

Travel Command

  • Travel will now automatically move the slider to maximize speed if ambush chance would be 0. Non-zero ambush chances will retain the default position.

UI setting stickiness

Many pieces of UI are now saved and restored to preserve their state, including:

  • Mine and salvage preserve state of "immediate delivery" and "safe mode"
  • The new Trade command changes preserve "immediate delivery" and "charity mission"
  • The ship overlay on the right side of the galaxy map preserves its show/hide settings for offscreen ships, stations, and ships on operations. NOTE: the original implementation of this makes it very challenging (and unwise) to update the appearance of the button, so it'll still appear with an 'X' over settings unless/until it's toggled off and back on. It'll functionally do what you told it to.
  • For convenience, the "always show radar blips" setting in the Galaxy Map QoL mod is also backed up and restored if that mod is present. It's not required and this is purely optional.


I'm trying to make these changes a bit more friendly to reuse than some of the vanilla functionality.

  • There's a generalized savedata storage/retrieval utility, "moddata.lua." It provides a really easy way to read and write tables from files and it's documented to a fair degree inside the file.
  • Simulation now has a generalized way to do immediate yield; just setting .immediateYield on the config will now do it from whatever command you'd like.
  • It also has a generalized way to apply reputation gain with a table-based system that allows multiple fixed and relative reputation events for each yield, with different factions and relation categories -- see tradecommand.lua for how the "charity mission" functionality is handled for an example
  • Changes are all made as minimally invasive as possible, "shadowing" instead of replacing with only a few exceptions. The most fragile thing in the mod is the UI changes, as it tries to pin the tail on the donkey of where new elements should go. Most everything else should keep working with little or no changes for a long time, as even the config data/etc. used is segregated into its own sub-table.


Not all of these are done yet and some are only partially done. More to come, and more to be added to the list.

  • ✅Make refine smarter about what's nearby (or even in the same sector!)
  • ☑ Make several commands keep their options "sticky," like drop-down selection in procure, immediate delivery in mine/salvage, etc.
  • Improve rarity of yield (responsibly) when using appropriate equipment on a salvaging mission
  • Add "quality vs quantity" option/slider to salvage to get fewer but higher-rarity items
  • ✅Make more sliders and settings default to smarter values, including moving travel to the fastest setting with no increase in ambush chance
  • Remember escort groups and/or auto-populate escorts from command groups
  • Add extra detail/information to tooltips
  • (Longer term) factor in more characteristics of fighters into combat and harvesting effectiveness. Don't reward reducing turret range down to 0.05 at a factory to minimize cost to nothing!
  • (Longer term) use much more detailed information about ships in many calculations, including engine and thruster capabilities for navigating, weapon range and damage bonuses for combat ability, and overall agility/evasiveness for ambush chance
30 megjegyzés
Resetium jún. 14., 11:27 
Nyrin has largely dropped off the map--I suspect any of their code is functionally free for the taking at this point.
Jopazo 2023. dec. 14., 1:41 
Wow I was designing a Captains mod pack and this covers a lot of what I wanted. Im planning on taking, segmenting it into modules, and gouping them along with mi other ideas (maybe in a few weeks from now), if Nyrin doesn't mind
Zergor 2023. febr. 24., 12:53 
Anyone able to get this mod working again?
Marnok 2023. jan. 25., 17:46 
A friend of mind just got me into avorion and i'm addicted AF, its such a shame to see mods like these not being supported anymore i'd love something like this for our server.
It is mods like these that give this game its longjevity.
Katsuya76 2022. aug. 8., 10:12 
looks like it doesnt work (it shows me as incombatible) ... a update would be great
Luisian320 2022. aug. 1., 14:23 
Does this still work or is UnknownSoldier's problem there for everyone?
UnknownSoldier 2022. júl. 25., 6:12 
Is this currently being further developed? Unable to issue Mine commands.

Nyrin - Any assistance would be greatly, and whole heartedly appreciated.
SpaceNavy 2021. dec. 16., 1:47 
Trying to use the mine or salvage commands gives the following error in my MP server log:
rayman86 2021. nov. 7., 12:19 
when attempting to do a job with settings, it complains about read/write on the moddata.lua functions on this line setmetatable(instance.data, ModDataEntry), feeding nil into the first argument.
Marads~Yuuka 2021. okt. 2., 5:30 
Vanilla expedition command is quite useless, I would suggest making it so you can use them to increase/decrease the reputation with a faction.

Since it’s theme is "adventures" it could have an option to select what kind of adventure they are being sent, here some that I fought

-Peace talks: increases relationship with the sector faction owner
-Charity: moved here instead of being an option for the trade command, increases relationship and get some credits
-Patrol: increases relationships, get some credits and chance for turrets/subsystems
-Hunt Pirates: 100% ambush chance, maybe allow only when there are pirate controlled sectors?
-Steal: receive stolen cargo and reduces relationship