Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™

Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™

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How to train a captain and other lesser known facts about captains (necromancers, combo titles etc.)
Von Todd the Godd
A guide aimed at helping you understand how training a captain works, how you can get necromancers and explaining special titles.
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Credits to The Mad Tower (aka Maddie), The Kaiser, rohanikov, Soheil the Undead King, SurvivingWithSnake, myself and everyone else who helped me find out about all this! (All of them in the Shadow of War Discord server, invite link at the very end of this guide.)
Training captains to make them better
Captains can learn new traits (new immunities, bonus traits, losing weaknesses) until level 65. From level 65 to 85 a captain can not learn anything new for the most part and only gains more health and damage.
This means that levelling a captain below level 65, and levelling him up to level 65 again, has a chance of him gaining a new immunity or bonus trait. You need to shame him for that so he loses levels.
Be careful tho, shaming captains has a chance of deranging them (especially with the skill upgrade Worse than Death active), and deranged captains CAN'T learn new traits most of the time, and at most can only become worse. Maniacs, the other version of deranged captains, CAN still learn new traits tho.
Maniacs can still learn new traits, and since they already are "deranged" you don't risk deranging them and disabling them from learning new traits. Most of the time a captain who becomes a maniac gains a new hate (enrage), but sometimes he gains an immunity or even a fear (daze).

If you shame a captain a lot he might randomly gain Iron Will after a shame.

Important: Captains CAN'T lose fears (dazes) from levelling up normally, BUT they can lose them if they gain a corresponding immunity from levelling up, for example a captain with the fear Soft-Headed loses it if he gains Arrow-Proof. If the captain somehow gains a corresponding hate (enrage) then he also uses the fear, for example if the captain gains Enraged by Graugs he then loses Fear of Graugs.

Also important: Captains can lose traits from too much shaming. Most captains can usually take two shames, but then start becoming worse (losing immunities, gaining weaknesses) from more shaming. It's a good idea to level them up inbetween shames (for example: Shame with Worse than Death, then recruit again with a perfect white gem for automatic +5 levels before shaming again), because adding levels helps some captains to not gain weaknesses, not for all tho. The safest bet would be to do one or two shames at a time and then level the captain back up to 65. Most maniacs don't become worse from too much shaming but can still improve, this isn't the case for all, but for most of them from my experience.

Giving any captain Enraged by Caragors, Enraged by Graugs, Beastial Frenzy and Enraged by Cowards:
Simply make your allied or an enemy captain kill a lot of caragors and graugs, he will eventually gain the corresponding hates (enrages) for them, this might also give him Beastial Frenzy from killing a lot of beasts.

Captains can gain Enraged by Cowards if you send them to a Nemesis Mission and the enemy captain runs away terrified for whatever reason, this works very well by exploiting a mortal fear (terrified by/intimidated by).

Epic Rage trick: For Berserkers only, if you repeatedly buy them their champion trait Epic Rage it will give them a new hate (enrage) every time, and maxes out on around 10 hates. This can help remove fears (dazes), as an enrage cancels out a fear, for example gaining Enraged by Graugs removes Fear of Graugs. Certain fears like Exhaustion and Soft-Headed can't be removed this way as they don't have a hate cancelling them out.

Giving any captain Immune to Curse: Simply give your captain a cursed weapon and make him overlord, this does NOT work if he has Enraged by Curse.

VERY IMPORTANT: CAPTAINS CAN NOT ENDLESSLY IMPROVE, THEY CAN ONLY IMPROVE UNTIL A CERTAIN LIMIT IS REACHED WHICH CAN VARY BETWEEN CAPTAINS. This means that some captains just can't ever have five immunities while others can have six immunties. Sometimes captains also just don't gain any new traits for a long time of you training them, but then suddenly do. It's all RNG (you need to be lucky).

Additional very helpful information provided by the SoM and SoW YouTuber Uruk's Hollow (name linked to his YouTube channel):
Cheating death can add Hates or Fears, much like in SoM. So for example, if you kill a captain with poison and he comes back, he can get a trait about his experience. I have noticed Fears are vastly more common than Hates in this situation, however.

That being said, if you find a Captain that doesn't get startled if you Brutalize someone near him, or doesn't retreat when a Warchief is dead, that means he has the hidden immunity to Fear. These Captains can't develop fear traits, so they are great candidates for some CD-based trait gain.

A trick I refer to as "Time Travel" can be very useful for building up a Captain. It is like using back-ups, but completely in-game and without any of the annoying hassle that comes with managing save files.

It is super simple to do. Basically, launch any mission (preferably Outpost or Warchief) and look for Worms to send DTs to a Captain. If your Captain gained a good trait or lost a weakness when the DT is sent, leave the area by just running away. If not, send a DT to a different Captain to cancel out the original one, and then DT the first Captain again. Ultimately, if the Captain you are trying to improve reached a very high level without much improvement, pause and quit and this will revert all his level-ups, and you can try again.
Any captain that spawned with cursed skin (pale white skin with black veins) and a cursed weapon can become a necromancer. Buying a captain a cursed weapon does NOT work, even if he has cursed skin.
Captains that spawn with a title that always gives them cursed skin and a cursed weapon (for example the Haunted, the Accursed, Fear Eater, Of the Pit etc.) CAN'T become necromancers.

A slightly outdated, but still good necromancer guide is this one:
Destroyers CAN become necromancers despite what the guide says, I haven't seen Tank necromancers yet but I also assume those can become necromancers too if Destroyers can.
Similar to the orc training section, a captain with cursed skin and a cursed weapon can eventually become a necromancer if you level him below and up to level 65 often enough. Maniacs can also become necromancers.

Combo Titles
There isn't really much to say here, just that sometimes captains spawn with a "two in one" title, one example for that would be an olog with the Pure title (comes with the Manhunter mask) being combined with the King Slayer (comes with golden armour and a claw hand). This can result in the Pure captain having a claw and his mask turning golden.
Special Titles
Certain titles come with special traits, for example the title Bow Master grants any captain that has it and isn't a Marksman (so for example an archer Tracker) Quick Shot.
Of the Eye has a high chance to grant the (usually Marksman) captain the Destroyer trait Explosive Shot.
The Prankster gives any captain who doesn't have a caragor or a gang Decoys, usually a Trickster only trait.
Black Heart, the Merciless and the Cruel are titles that always give their captains No Chance, usually an Assassin only trait. Black Heart is always a Dark tribe title and the Merciless and the Cruel always Terror tribe titles.
There are very likely some titles with special traits I'm forgetting about, always pay attention to a captain's traits!
Other useful things to check out
Uruk's Hollow's cheat death/scars guide

Uruk's Hollow's video guide for scars (slightly outdated)

SoW Tips and tricks by Uruk's Hollow

rohanikov's YouTube channel with farming videos explaining the Epic Rage trick, necromancers, and how to farm black and purple ologs WITHOUT CHEAT ENGINE

The Mad Tower's Twitch, a good place to watch him try to get certain scars and ask for advice[www.twitch.tv]

The best place to ask for advice is the Shadow of War Discord server, so join that if you want, the small bunch of active but dedicated people in the Discord server are some of the most experienced players with very deep knowledge of the game.

Permanent invite link to the SoW Discord: https://discord.gg/RdkND4knUg
22 Kommentare
Ancalime 22. Apr. um 4:36 
a perfect guide! though, i feared, when I've read about shaming cold cause leveling up, once were recruit them after... i'll probably stop this..
Balimund Oisson 19. Dez. 2023 um 5:20 
"oh yes, with utmost certainty I can say that you can level orcs this way, not all of them though and not all the time. It is indeed a fool-proof way to level them up! Unless they wont however. But with that said, it is a 100 percent "a way to go" with every orc, but its actually not all the time and not with all the orcs. But! ..."
Morgoth 24. Okt. 2023 um 16:17 
@todd. how do i make my captain get arrow proof?
Unexpected Katz 6. Sep. 2023 um 3:17 
@Azuwi From my experience, insta-legendary is less predictable but can give you better outcome. It is also cheaper than epic+legendary since you're cutting cost of one epic scroll and pay only for legendary one. You might need to use epic scroll after that to tweak your orc, but it is not always needed if you have decent RNG roll.
The only problem with that is you can't know which traits you'll gain AND which trait will be replaceable with using other epic scrolls. This means you can get 1 good complimentary trait and one totally useless for that orc. You can also gain 2 good ones and be good to go or 2 useless and basically make this well-promising orc into garbage. The problem is you can replace only one red trait with epic scroll and you can't pick which one. So imagine getting one good and one bad trait with legendary scroll and being able to replace only good one. Not optimal especially with high cost of legendary scrolls.
Azuwi 14. Jan. 2023 um 7:37 
hi do you know if you have a normal orc captain and want to give him the [epic] and [legendary] traits that they can gain, is it best to just upgrade with a scroll to legendary straight away from normal or first buy him a epic trait in training orders then upgrade him to legendary to get his final random trait?
Drael 16. Juli 2022 um 14:18 
And thank a lot for this guide !
Drael 16. Juli 2022 um 14:10 
Hi guys. i tried the "time travel" trick but the captains are keeping their levels, no refreshing here.
did the dev patch it ?
it's so hard to train a good captain ... it's an endless time "worse than death" to get a Maniac and them, "worse than death" him again and leveling up by DT until you got one or two good atributes.
It's hassleling.
or letting you be killed every time to try improving the captains.
Looks like an hack'n'slash trying of loot.
If you have any advise to get a good captain, i'm listening !
Jake the Human 6. März 2022 um 10:54 
Ah! Thank you, this explains a whole lot more I was thinking about, most specifically the very high frequency of Hysterical Master on dudes that are Warchiefs or Overlords. No one in their right mind would put one of those in their fort on purpose, so it makes sense that they would be hidden until they're relevant. Thought I was going crazy for a minute.
Todd the Godd  [Autor] 6. März 2022 um 4:04 
@Jake the Human Possessive Master is an enrage any captain can have, it's just hidden until you make him a warchief/overlord and give him bodyguards. There are similar enrages too that you can only see under certain circumstances, most are related to having bodygards, being a bodyguard or riding a Caragor.
It's also technically not siege specific, I'm pretty sure it always triggers if you attack a warchief's bodyguard while the warchief is nearby. Warchiefs with the Possessive Master enrage sometimes even ambush you when you attack one of their bodyguards.

Also, if it's not mentioned in this guide then I either don't know a method to reliably give a captain a specific trait, or it's not possible. If I wanted to try out giving a warchief Possessive Master I would keep attacking and killing his bodyguards until he eventually hopefully gets that enrage, but it's not guaranteed to work at all and might be a big waste of time.
Jake the Human 6. März 2022 um 0:04 
This is really helpful! It would be nice to know why I've been facing DLC dudes with Siege-specific traits like Possessive Master when my DLC dudes didn't have any. I know you can't get those in pit fights because DLC dudes straight-up never win pit fights. They're too friendly.

Any ideas how those are made? My only theories are that it comes from winning defensive sieges, or from outright cheating. And I've never really tested this myself because the last time I lost a siege, my entire Army got erased along with my Bard bodyguard, and I haven't even considered doing that with my DLC superfriends fortress.

I guess if I did, and I won, they'd all get various fears and enrages related to sieges. Right?