Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2

44 ratings
Eternal Artefacts - Where To Find Them
By Crimsomrider
This guide explains what the Eternal Artefacts do, why they're so valuable and where they can be found.
Welcome Godwoken,

this guide will explain what the Eternal Artefacts are, what they're used for and where to find them throughout the game.
Eternal Artefacts are unique and rare objects used for crafting The Armor Of The Eternals, but more importantly they're used for enchanting your equipment with specific stat bonuses. There are only 13 of them total in the entire game and can only be found at specific locations, which is what makes them so valuable to have.

There are a total of 8 Eternal Artefacts which enchant armor pieces and provide the following bonuses when combined with specific slots:
  • HELMET - 2 Finesse & 1 Huntsman
  • CHEST - 10% Air Resistance
  • GLOVES - 2 Constitution & 10% Earth Resistance
  • BELT - 2 Strength & 1 Warfare
  • LEGGINGS - 1 Polymorph & 10% Air Resistance
  • BOOTS - 1 Thievery & 0.1 Movement
  • NECKLACE - 10% Fire Resistance, 2% Critical Chance & 5% Dodge
  • RING - 10% Poison Resistance & 1 Scoundrel
*Be aware that some specific unique items cannot be enchanted*

If you wish to craft The Armor Of The Eternals, it is better to not waste Eternal Artefacts and instead use a Phase Capacitor, which can be found in large quantities on the Nameless Isle in ACT III.

There are a total of 5 Eternal Artefacts which enchant weapons, with the exception of staves and wands, and provide the following bonus:
  • WEAPON - 25% Air damage & 15% chance to set Shocked for 1 turn
*Be aware that some specific unique items cannot be enchanted*

Ancient Artefacts despite having the same icon, model and description as the Eternal Artefacts, do not have any purpose and cannot be used for anything. There are only two in the entire game and can be sold freely.
So now that we know what Eternal Artefacts do and why they're so valuable, here are their locations throughout the game.
ACT II - Reaper's Coast

Inside the Ancient Temple, before entering the final room in which Aetera is protected by a huge dome of magic, turn right at the entrance to find a reliquary containing an Ethereal Artefact (Armor).

Coordinates: 449,680.
ACT III - The Nameless Isle

In the northern middle of the map, next to the small shrine of Xantezza infront of which stands a spirit of a dead imp with several deactivated sentries, there is an overturned reliquary which contains an Ethereal Artefact (Weapon).

Coordinates: 208,926.


Also known as Drowned Temple, after passing through the long hall full of traps and arrows firing from every direction, go up the stairs on the right where you will find a reliquary with an Eternal Artefact (Armor).

Coordinates: 366,376.

After picking up the previous artefact, go up the stairs towards East where you will see a beam of sunlight shining down on a bit of sand. You will discover a dig site which contains another Eternal Artefact (Armor).

Coordinates: 394,376.

On the northern side of the temple, next to the entrance that leads to another hall, there is a broken pillar where you can find a reliquary amongst the rubble containing an Eternal Artefact (Weapon).

Coordinates: 373,427.


In the Library section, on the right side the 2nd stone table closest to the Dean's Office contains an Eternal Artefact (Weapon).

Coordinates: 620,687.

On the left side of the Library, the stone table next to the corpse of Candor contains an Eternal Artefact (Armor).

Coordinates: 595,679.

In the Dean's Office, the Energy Chest on the left of the stone table contains an Eternal Artefact (Weapon).

Coordinates: 606,721.
ACT IV - Arx

When you enter Kemm's vault, go down the stairs on the left where you will find a cabinet containing an Eternal Artefact (Armor).

Coordinates: 508,1014.


In the Doctor's Black House, go down to the cellar and in the very middle of the room where unique armor pieces are located, you will find 2 Eternal Artefacts (Armor) and 1 Eternal Artefact (Weapon).

Coordinates: 223,-17.

And the final one is found inside the Energy Chest between the electrified cabinets which contains an Eternal Artefact (Armor).

In case you weren't aware, every physical weapon can be enchanted with poison, fire and air damage simultaneously.
  • Ooze Barrel + Weapon - Poison damage & 10% chance to set Poisoned status
  • Fire Source (Oven, Campfire, Stove, etc...) combined with an Oil Barrel + Weapon - Fire damage & 20% chance to set Burning status
  • Eternal Artefact + Weapon - Air Damage & 15% chance to set Shocked status
  • Torturer talent goes perfectly with both fire and poison
*The last enchantment applied will always override the previous one, however you will not lose the status effects on the weapon*

Here's an example of my "VOOR D'LAMAS" two-handed mace fully enchanted:

And that's pretty much all there is to it. Hopefully this guide helps anyone looking for these precious objects each playthrough.

Thank you for visiting, Godwoken!
Crimsomrider  [author] 24 Jul, 2023 @ 3:29am 
Well the screenshots above clearly prove that 3 were found inside Vrogir's temple during my playthrough on the game's latest version (which is the exact same version as it is today), so it's either randomized or changes based on difficulty.
OldMemes.biz 24 Jul, 2023 @ 3:09am 
Yeah you do that. I promise you you're not going to find more than 1 in Vrogir's temple.
Crimsomrider  [author] 24 Jul, 2023 @ 12:26am 
The guide was made after the game's final update and DOS2 did not have any updates since, so it's not really outdated.

Some spawns simply seem to be randomized. Whether that has anything to do with the difficulty one plays on I am not certain, but in all of my playthroughs there'd always be 13 artifacts total to find.

Will keep a track of more potential locations when I play through the game again in the future.
OldMemes.biz 23 Jul, 2023 @ 11:00pm 
This guide is outdated pertaining to Drowned Temple.

If you only find 1 in Drowned Temple (Vrogir) then don't worry. That's normal now.
Klax 4 May, 2023 @ 5:04pm 
any clue what the ancient artefact is for yet?
satyris410 22 May, 2022 @ 1:36pm 
I just wish I was that good with money in real life...
satyris410 22 May, 2022 @ 1:35pm 
Ohhh I did not know that there were weapon and armour variants. I was under the impression that it was some kind of bug or something. Or I was being an idiot and mistaking them with the ancient artefacts, but no, it's just a bit of shonky game design. Still not a lot to complain about really.

Having the enchant on boots is a great way to boost thievery to 13. Not that there's much point as you end up with more money that being able to spend, but that's half the fun of these games.
Сerdiс 18 Jan, 2022 @ 8:05pm 
I have a question about the eternal artifacts in the drowned temple. There you can immediately get 3 artifacts, or 1?
I dug up one artifact, but there are none in the reliquaries
Captain Sokka 3 Dec, 2021 @ 2:51pm 
did not know about being able to buff with all 3 at the same time! tyty