The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

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Trinket: Pyrite
Tags: Lua, Trinkets
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9 sep, 2021 @ 14:47
15 sep, 2021 @ 1:51
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Trinket: Pyrite

Is this real gold? No, I don't think so.

Name: Pyrite
Description: Fool's Gold
Type: Trinket
* When entering new floor trinket have 25% chance to spawn a golden pickup, including:
- Golden Heart (6% chance)
- Golden Penny (5% chance)
- Golden Key (4% chance)
- Golden Battery (4% chance)
- Golden Bomb (3% chance)
- Golden Pill (3% chance)
* If trinket don't spawn golden pickup, it will spawn The Fool card instead. Gold is not real, it's just pyrite.
* Holding 2 copies of trinket, golden version or Mom's Box doubles chance to find golden pickup.

Compatible with External Item Descriptions and Encyclopedia mods
5 kommentarer
DeoxysAndMew 2 12 sep, 2021 @ 10:43 
Ay nice.
paperpyro50210 10 sep, 2021 @ 17:37 
widzu95 [⇄]  [skapare] 9 sep, 2021 @ 16:49 
@paperpyro50210 I'll think about that
paperpyro50210 9 sep, 2021 @ 16:08 
i feel it would make it so fool's gold rocks spawn more often
Steel, my beloved 9 sep, 2021 @ 15:08 
Cool mod. Pyrrite is alright with me.