Arma 3
141 avaliações
Twin Lakes
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Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Terrain
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1.024 GB
8/set./2021 às 5:03
1/dez./2024 às 2:16
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Twin Lakes

Welcome to Twin Lakes 2.0 now featuring enhanced landscapes, satellite map, custom texturing, and urban development with Project America. This is a large 40km terrain based on Colorado USA featuring a distinctive main city, large airbase with AI pilot support, suburban and rural areas, and agriculture, lakes, rivers, canyons, dirt roads, and forested areas.


grid size = 2048 x 2048
cell size (m) = 20.0
terrain size (m) = 40960
resolution (m/px) = 2.0
mapsize = 40km x 40km


Em_buildings by Em:

Modular Server Data Center, COC Workstations and Tables, Command Office + Breakroom, Secure Facility Entrance compositions by Bannanadan
Military Office composition by Alex Mason
SOCOM offices composition by Benchmark

Discussões populares Ver todos (5)
14 de fev. às 22:03
Mountain Complex Design
17/jan./2024 às 17:28
5/jul./2024 às 22:11
93 comentário(s)
bannanadan  [autor(a)] 16/dez./2024 às 9:48 
Discussion added for Project America
tsalaroth 16/out./2024 às 10:16 
We had an op with this map before Project America was added, or at least, it wasn't required then.

Can we get a version of this map that does not require it? Or at least the terrain data so someone else can make it? we only care about the terrain, not the objects.
brendob47 5/out./2024 às 8:37 
Oh that milemarker idea is nice. I'm sure Google Earth has their exact locations. I know I tend to use the mission in settings where landnav/location information is important, so those could help people without maps find their way around.
Beelzebub 5/out./2024 às 3:11 
Really love the terrain. Definitely one of the better US themed terrains in arma 3. I also enjoy that you still update the terrain regularly. I feel like the main highway could use some mile markers. Project America has some nice ones. I think that would make driving a little more engaging. Maybe also consider adding a school or something like that next to the track & field stadium.
brendob47 30/set./2024 às 15:14 
Not to bug you, but have you seen my recent discussion post about the mountain complex?
bannanadan  [autor(a)] 6/ago./2024 às 18:20 
Terrain data is based on the twin lakes region yes
marr 6/ago./2024 às 13:05 
So is this like based on the city of twin lakes in co?
Incendiary Specialist 6/jul./2024 às 13:00 
Works well! No more errors on my end
bannanadan  [autor(a)] 23/jun./2024 às 14:46 
Guys, the bug is definitely from project america. But it is only for a specific object which I will remove. Probably they are not using this object in Limestone. You can verify this too in VR.
brendob47 22/jun./2024 às 5:28 
I use 3DEN Enhanced all the time as well and get that message, too.