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How to use the Pump action shotgun
Por Jampine
A simple guide on how to use the trench gun, one of the best wepons in the game (so far)
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Getting the gun
The pump action shotgun is a BEAST of a weapon, however, its power comes at a price: it can only be found from golden wepons chests. There is only one of these chests on each map, and they take a while to respawn, and even if you do find it unopened, you do stand a good chance of being blasted to smitherines opening it.

However, an alternative to this method is killing someone else who has completed it. If you find your self lucky enoguth to splatter another (former)shotgun use, consider your self lucky, and grab that sexy wepon! But beware, anyone who kills you with then be able to syeal the shotgun, and use it upon you!
Using the gun
Ok, so now you have a shotgun....but what exactly is it?

Well my freind, you are now holding a means of propelling six shots of all consuming hellfire packed into buckshot, awaiting your command to rend mortal flesh from the bone! Plus, for some reason, you can carry an ENDLESS supply of shells in your pants! Who knows how, and who the hell cares?! Now we must learn how to tame this beast!

Anyone who has played an FPS should know that shotguns are best at close range, and thats exactly what this baby does! Whilst its range is no more than five meters, anything within that distance will be turned into a wimpering pile of flesh, blood and clothes (after 2-3 shots). The shotgun will normal deal around 50 damage at close range, but can be used to harass players at longer ranges, for a measly 10 damage, but BEWARE! If they own a rifle, or are brave enoguth to face you down with a revolver, there is a good change they could splatter your brain, and steal your baby! DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN!

I will now reveal the secret art of the shotgun:

Step 1. Get shotgun
Step 2. Run in some plebs face
Step 4. Pass the whiskey

At point blank, the shotgun will insta kill 100% of the time, provided you hit the buggers! Whilst this makes headshots deal damage that needs a new number to be invented just to be comprehended, just aiming for their cneter of mass (body) will grant the best and most acurate results!

The shotguns six slugs will allow you to blast up to a maxmium of six heads if pulled off perfectly, but is most likely to grant you around 2-4 kills per clip. However, it must be said that each sheel needs to be loaded once at a time, making this a time consuming option if you used up all your hellfire. I recomend hiding in a dark place whilst you stock up on shells, which will also allow you to better get the drop on other players once finished.
Wepon Combonations
Ok, well the shotgun might not always be the best gun to use (thats only about 1% of the time), so you may need a secondary wepon to aid you. Now, the obvious choice is a revolver, as you will start with one(unless you picked the smith's carbine, like A FOOL!), and it will cover mind to long range, which is where your shotguns starts to fail. Now, any pistol is good here, bar the deringer and mares leg, as they both function roughtly the same as a shotgun, and DURRRR! YOU ALREADY HAVE ONE! So give them two a miss. The colt revolvers function quite nicely, but I prefer the schofield, with its rapid reload speed, and quite nice acuracy. If you are lucky enougth to nab the golden chest two times, you might as well treat yourself to the walker: its like a 1800's desert eagle! As long as you hit anyone within 100m, they're going down, but like the shotgun, this takes a long time to reload. A VERY, VERY, VERRRRRRRYYYYY long time. So its recomended you toss it, in favor of a loaded gun.

Now, other primarys can be coupled with the shotgun to make it for the lack of long range offense. The smiths carbine is a decent wepon fordispatching long ranged foes, and then you can use the shotgun to finish any of them off once you get closer. The henry rifle is like an upgraded verison of the carbine: it deals slightly less damage, but has TWENTY shots instead of one! Also the reload time for each of these shots is much quicker, allowing this rifle to be used more efficitively in close quarters. Finaly, there is the sharps rifle: I'd give this one a miss. This is the 3rd and final golden chest wepon, and its a big bulky sniper, like the one Doc Brown uses in back to the future 3. Carrying this and the shotgun will make you waddle around like an obese penguin, and whilst it will 1-shot-kill, what kind of man sits one mile away from the man hes about to kill? If you even consider using the shotgun, you need to look the man in the face, so you can watch his inards quickly become outards!

FInaly, there is one wepon that no-one would seem to pair with the shotgun: the axe. The axe is clearly a close quarters wepon, but slower and less powerful than the shotgun, so why use it with it? Well, holding the axe makes you run faster than a cheetah on redbull that sat on a hedgehog. Using this, you canquickly dash around the map, whip out the shotty, and blow their faces off! You can also hurl the axe in an atempt to kill fleeing foes once your shotgun is out of ammo. Also, you will look terrifing, as people may mistake you for Jason Vorheese, and will be too busy changing their pants, or filling out their wills to notice that you are also packing 6 shells of DOOM!
22 comentário(s)
Pangia 17/dez./2017 às 11:33 
Noticed only that you said somewhere „6 slugs”. No, it's 6 shells. Slug is not a buckshot.
Snurf1520 14/set./2016 às 14:41 
Step 1: Enter +forward and +attack into the console
Step 2: There is no step 2
好笑 29/jul./2016 às 3:10 
This weapon, is as chaotic as this guide's spelling.

You want the real explanation to the Pump Action Shotgun?

The P.A.S.(s the whiskey) is a noob tool.
As we all know, only golden chest gun without instant-killing.

You should grab a walker with a schofield, if you really wanna blow people into the void.

It allows people with sh*tty aim, to finaly get 1-3 kills easily.
While some people use it correctly, who actually know how to actually play the game,
it's still a noob tool. Basically giving a newcomer the ability to snatch a pro from the back.
DiamondCubeMiner 16/jul./2016 às 21:05 
Nabbed every noob ai with this nice hell-of-a-weapon, Shotgun is <3...
The best weapon in FoF indeed. I use it as a medium-range efficiently (i'm noob at long range)
And if you're going to a very close range, try kick-and-shoot!
Sleep iz 4 da week! 14/jun./2016 às 8:55 
Second worst golden gun. It doesn't have instant kill potental, and has limited range. But it does make up for that in ease of use and reliability. Perfect noob weapon, those with good aim and postioning, grab the walker, its better on every front save reload. At least it's better then dynomite belt. (the worst)
Snurf1520 9/jun./2016 às 18:03 
This only needs 1 step: Be an annoying twat who can't aim and so uses a spam cannon to compensate for their lack of skill.
areef12 9/jun./2016 às 0:36 
Pass the whiskey
Axalon Öm Thraal 13/fev./2015 às 23:43 
ViolentInsanity 13/fev./2015 às 16:09 
Villska 11/fev./2015 às 7:46 
Pass the whiskey.