Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones

181 ratings
Game of Thrones Achievement Guide
By MrDiggle and 1 collaborators
This is full Game of Thrones achievement guide, that includes regular and secret achievements.
Introduction and Important tips
First of all this guide includes heavy spoiler so if you care about the story, tread carefully.I would also like to mark that I created it in chronological fashion so you don't miss anything if you start the game form the beginning. Secondly I am not the original creator of this guide ( Shiftie[] from xboxachievements[]), I have just changed it to be compatible with PC version. More info in Credits section. And last but not least videos for this guide are form XBox version of the game, but the gameplay is identical to PC so it should not be much of a problem.


In Game of Thrones, you will follow the paths of two intertwining characters, a member of the Night's Watch: Mors Westford, and a Red Priest by the name of Alester Sarwyk. Their tales run in parallel to one another, as well as play a part in the grander scheme of the first book and season of the Game of Thrones. Their adventures take them from the Wall, to King's Landing, and everywhere in between as they fight for their own causes. Each character will be given a number of game changing moral choices and interactions with other characters to alternate the outcome of the game as a whole. Whether either of them make the right decision in the end, is entirely up you.

Important tips

  • Play on squire difficulty, unless you really want a challenge
  • Always finish EVERY side quest during each chapter (you'll have to read every Chapter beneath this guide, even if it means a spoiled story)
  • Never skip too many battles, as you'll need the xp for Warlord, Master of light and flame and Clever dog
  • Make sure playable allies (excluding the dog, Mors & Alester) do not die
  • Complete either Mors or Alester's first stance tree before starting the second one for Master-at-arms
  • Make sure to find 10 secrets with Alester before completing the game (Red Keep, Collector side quest and Castlewood have plenty)
  • Same thing with Dog; make sure to find 5 secrets (you can complete this as early as The Gift) and stealth-kill 10 people in skinchanger mode (the kills will most likely unlock as you progress through the story anyway, but just make sure you get it)
Achievement list and locations
As Game of Thrones has 50 achievements i saw no reason to list them each under own sections, so i grouped them up by chapters and additional achievements. Do simplify things i created a list of all achievements and their locations.

Winter is coming
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Family is hope...
Chapter 2
Know your place
Chapter 2
Man of the People
Chapter 2
Dark wings, dark words
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Hear me roar
Chapter 4
R'hllor sees all
Chapter 4
Proud to be faithful
Chapter 5
Man's best friend
Chapter 5
Dead men sing no songs
Chapter 6
End of the line
Chapter 6
Here we stand
Chapter 7
Chapter 7
Once more unto the breach
Chapter 7
Family, duty, honor
Chapter 8
Am I not merciful?
Chapter 8
Chapter 8
The Greatest
Chapter 8
Chapter 8
Chapter 8
Unbowed, unbent, unbroken
Chapter 9
The butcher comes to dinner
Chapter 9
'Tis but a scratch!
Chapter 9
Fire and blood
Chapter 10
Come try me
Chapter 11
Swift and deadly
Chapter 11
As high as honor
Chapter 12
Unrivaled strategist
Chapter 12
Growing strong
Chapter 13
Quiet as a shadow
Chapter 13
Valar morghulis
Chapter 14
Lesser of two evils
Chapter 14
Quiet as a shadow
Chapter 14
The True face of the Spider
Chapter 14
The night is dark...
Chapter 15
My darkest hour
Chapter 15
Sworn Brother
Chapter 15
Red Priest of R'hllor
Chapter 15
Red Priest of R'hllor
Chapter 15
Additional achievements 1/2
Endless Watch
Additional achievements 1/2
Devout follower
Additional achievements 1/2
Master of light and flame
Additional achievements 1/2
Additional achievements 1/2
Additional achievements 1/2
Great Teamwork
Additional achievements 2/2
Additional achievements 2/2
True Warrior
Additional achievements 2/2
Golden Touch
Additional achievements 2/2
Chapter 1

Winter is coming
Finish chapter 1

Story based, and will unlock shortly after finishing the "Their Watch is Ending" quest.

  • 1/7 Devout Follower Statue - The Warrior - This requires a bit of exploration, but once you are done dealing with the recruits for Disciplinarian, head inside the castle and continue through the building until you see the door with a staircase on either side of it. Head up the left staircase (facing the door) and you'll find a man named Walder in the next room. Talk with Walder to receive your first statue. This will begin the "Faith of Our Ancestors" quest to find the remaining statues and return them to Walder. (More info in "Additional achievements 1/2" section, under Devout follower)

Their watch is Ending - Shortly after arriving in Icemark you will come across Cregan. After the cutscene you will now be on this quest, which requires you to loot Cregan, and the rest of his party and take their Ranger's Personal Belongings. There are 4 total items to loot.
  • 1. The first is from Cregan, so make sure to loot everything he is carrying and repeat that on the next 3 bodies.
  • 2. The man tied burned on the stake just outside of the room with Cregan.
  • 3. Exit the ruined keep through the gateway near the burning man (where some of the enemies you just fought came from), cross the bridge and look to the left to see the third body laying in the snow near some trees.
  • 4. You'll eventually descend a staircase and have a conversation with Poddy, who is whining about being scared, and is told to cover Mors and the other recruit with his bow. From here you cannot descend the stairs any further, and you must enter a nearby room where you will immediately find the last body.

Chapter 1: Confront the four recruits during the training session with Mors

After the rather lengthy introductory cutscene between Mors, the recruits, Jeor, and Gorold, head to the training area with the four recruits as Jeor tells you to do. Once there, another cutscene will commence and you'll have a dialogue option; choose "I'll show them who's in charge here" to initiate a fight with the four recruits. Defeat them and you'll get this achievement.

Chapter 2

Family is hope...
Finish chapter 2

Story related, unmissable. Will pop shortly after talking to your fireplace.

  • 2/7 Devout Follower Statue - The Smith - This can be purchased from the Armor Smith (who you run into early in this chapter) between now and Chapter 13 (cannot purchase from Ch 13+) for 1G20S. The armor smith can be found at the back of the market area, and the statue can be found on the second page of the items he has for sale.(More info in Devout Follower section)

SAVE (Split decision achievements)
... Once the rebellion starts (you'll hear lots of yelling ) take a look at your map from the main menu and head to the top quest mark and work your way down. You will come across a hostage negotiation scenario, a fight in the market, and a peasant execution. To receive each of the two quests, you must do each ordeal in a particular way, so make a save just before you reach the top-most quest marker (the hostage negotiation), and reload that checkpoint once you have your first achievement, to then complete the other one.

Know your place
Chapter 2: protect the nobility with Alester

From the location I told you to save:
  • 1. Talk to the hostage takers, and have the nobles give the peasants their jewelry
  • 2. Head South to the market, choose to suppress the rioters when you get the dialogue option to initiate a fight with them
  • 3. Continue South from there for the third scenario. Once you reach the crossbow firing squad, initiate a conversation with each peasant and select "He Deserves to Die" until all four peasants are dead.
After that, you will be told to proceed to the leader of the rebellion. How you deal with him will not affect the achievement. The achievement will pop after talking with Harwyn.

Man of the People
Chapter 2: protect the people with Alester

From the location I told you to save:
  • 1. At the hostage negotiation, select "No Negotiating" to trigger a fight with the hostage takers (well..former hostage takers).
  • 2. In the market, select "All they need is food" to give in to their demands and avoid bloodshed
  • 3. At the firing squad let each peasant walk free by selecting the option in the dialogue
After that, you will be told to proceed to the leader of the rebellion. How you deal with him will not affect the achievement. The achievement will pop after talking with Harwyn.

Chapter 3

Dark wings, dark words
Finish chapter 3

Story related, unmissable. The achievement will pop as soon as Jeor gives you unsettling news about Jon Arryn.

  • 1/7 Devout Warrior Statue from Walder if you missed it in Chapter 1.(More info in "Additional achievements 1/2" section, under Devout follower)
Treasure Hunt - Once you reach the area known as The Gift, head down the East side of the map until you get jumped by a bunch of highwaymen. Slaughter the fools and question the last man; "He might as well talk before dying", in order to find their treasure. You will need to use your dog to sniff them out once you reach the location.
  • 1. The first location is in a tree trunk atop a hill to the immediate NE of you.
  • 2. The second is on a hill just West of that (walk through the bushes to reach it), also in a tree stump

Use Mors' dog's sense of smell to find 5 secret objects

As you follow Poddy's tracks, you'll learn to skinchange and control Mors' dog. From there, you can find and interact with scents to follow trails (such as Poddy's scent), or in the case for this quest, find treasures. While there are more than these 5 secret objects, these ones will get you the achievement the quickest. After finding the loot with the dog ,switch back to Mors and collect it.
  • 1. The first is near the boxes in the Southwest corner of the courtyard with the burning body at Icemark
  • 2. Continue to follow Poddy's scent across the bridge from secret 1 and into the next area (The Gift). Once you cross the bridge to the angry guy (who will kick you if you're the dog), switch to the dog and look at the tree to the left of the bridge for your second secret.
  • 3. From there, head down the West path from the bridge and you'll quickly reach a little pond. Looking at the pond, check out the rock to the left of it while you're the dog.
  • 4. Follow the path around the pond and take the side path up to a small area overlooking the pond, and a group of enemies to the South. You'll find secret 4 at the base of a tree along the South side of this little plateau.
  • 5. Look for a dead-end in the South-Westish part of the map, and you'll find the last secret wedged between a tree and the hillside.
Chapter 4

Hear me roar
Finish chapter 4

Story related, unmissable. After speaking with the queen and leaving the throne room to run into Valarr, the achievement will pop.

R'hllor sees all
Find 10 secrets with the vision of R'hllor

As you escape from prison you will learn that Alester can also find secret objects. Look for areas that appear to have heat coming off of them. Play through the Chapter 4 prison break until the man you are with says something about knowing there's a door there, but he can't find the mechanism. Notice the heat coming from the rather obvious button to his left? Use vision of R'hllor to open the door. Do this in similar places found throughout Red Keep, Castlewood and the home of the Collector; during the remainder of the Alester Chapters. Alester can also find a couple in his father's study in Chapter 8. All of which count toward the achievement. The achievement should pop during the course of Chapter 8 (if it hasn't already, or Chapter 8 depending on the course you take in some quests) since there are quite a few secrets along the main quest line, as well as several more in the Collector's tunnels.
Chapter 5

Proud to be faithful
Finish chapter 5

Story related and unmissable. The achievement will pop after returning to Castle Black and dealing with the corrupt guards.

  • 1/7 Again, if you missed it the last 2 times, talk to Walder in Black Keep prior to leaving to grab Devout Warrior Statue.
  • 3/7 Devout Follower Statue - The Mother : Once you enter the Mole's Town Brothel, head down the staircase into the rooms where the women work. Take a left at the bottom of the stairs and the second right. Mors will make a remark that she has been scared off, that is your queue to loot the statue from her dresser. You can skip this accidentally by just going into the tunnels below the brothel and talking to Jeyne in her hiding space. However, the statue is in the bottom level of the brothel building, NOT the tunnels underneath the building.(More info in "Additional achievements 1/2" section, under Devout follower)
  • None

Man's best friend
Kill 10 enemies with Mors' dog in skinchanger mode

While skinchanged into the dog you can maul enemies. The first time you did this was on Poddy as he attacked the woman in the Southern part of the Gift in Chapter 3, and now you can get the remainder in Chapter 5 or Chapter 13.
When you have to fight your way back to Castle Black with Patrek, tell him you'll use your dog to help clear the way. Switch to the dog and move along the path until you see some enemies, which will appear on your minimap now as well. Observe the red cone in front of them, which is basically their line of sight, and also be careful not to make too much noise when you're moving after them. Basically prowl up behind them and pounce when you see the pop up and then just keep spamming attack. There are tons of guys out in the woods so getting 9 kills should be no problem.

Chapter 6

Dead men sing no songs
Finish chapter 6

Story related, unmissable. The achievement will pop after talking to the old man near the door out of the Red Keep, after talking to the Queen and getting your next mission. Be sure to finish the Silence in the Ranks quest prior to talking to the old man.

  • None
  • Silence in the Ranks - After dealing with the Mother Hen situation and telling the Queen what happened, you will overhear Ser Uthor Donnerly (he's in a full suit of armor, near the main door) complaining in the Throne Room. Speak with him, then return to the Queen who will tell you to deal with him. Head back to Uthor and "deal" with him. Killing him or letting him live both work, but after that head back to the Queen to finish the quest.

End of the line
Chapter 6: don't lose pursuit of the bastard

Save after you interrogate Jaremy and just before you enter the building with Harry the Potter. For this achievement you need to simply chase Harry through the back door of the building he is in and across town without letting him get away. Stay close, but watch out for people getting in the way, Harry throwing barrels at you and closing a door in front of you. Always make sure you keep an eye on him until you reach the dead end; and an ambush. After you kill the ambush you'll get the achievement. If you somehow lose Harry during the chase, Valarr will say you failed in one way or another, hence the save before the chase, so just reload that and try again.

Chapter 7

Here we stand
Finish chapter 7

Story related, unmissable. Will pop shortly after going to the cottage with Jeyne.

  • 4/7 Devout Follower Statue - The Father: In the Westford Cottage, read the letter from Mors' father (cutscene), and then look inside the dresser for this statue. You will head to this area after clearing the camp for the "Once more unto the breach" achievement and talking to Jeyne about moving to the next area. The dresser with the statue will also have Westford Armor.(More info in "Additional achievements 1/2" section, under Devout follower)

  • Recruit x1 - Head to the Mole's Town brothel and talk to the girl to the left of the entrance (Willow). She will forward you to a potential recruit, who can be found down in her quarters down in the tunnels below the brothel. You can find the man, Gulian, a bit easier by looking for his chat bubble on your minimap while you're in the tunnels. Once you find him, convince him to join the Black and you're done.(More info in "Additional achievements 1/2" section, under Endless Watch)
  • The Black Bloodhound - See "Bloodhound", it's the same quest.
  • New Blood - This quest starts once the talking at the beginning of the chapter stops. See "Endless Watch" for specifics

Chapter 7: find all the corrupt brothers of the Night's Watch

Once you gain control of Mors, turn around and head up the stairs to where you talked to the Lord Commander. Once there, talk to the man next to him: Addam Flowers. He'll task you with going around and talking to suspects to find out whether or not there are any more corrupt brother's still in the Night's Watch. Once you've talked to him, look at the blue markers on your map and going around the inside of the Keep to talk to all of the suspects. Once you've talked to Bartram a second time to tell him you know he's lying (Grance will tell you Bartram lied). Switch to Mors' dog and get Bartram's scent. Follow the trail behind the large cooking fire on the first floor, to the back side of that area and directly to a Knight rummaging through (he may or may not be "rummaging" either way you'll see an indicator pop up by the boxes near the back door, interact with it and start a cutscene.) Kill Gwayne and head back to Bartram, talk to him and then kill him too. Now back to Addam Flowers. Tell Addam about each of the men in question, be sure to tell him that Bartram and Gwayne are the main traitors, while the rest of the men have also committed minor crimes that the Lord Commander should tend to. As you clear/convict each person, their blue markers will vanish from the minimap. Once you've gone through each person, the achievement will pop.

Once more unto the breach
Chapter 7: attack the camp without killing the sentries at the start

Save as you have just about fought your way through the enemy filled tunnels beneath the brothel; Mors will say something about being near the exit. As you exit the tunnels you'll come to a camp site full of bad guys and be given the option to either attack now, or scout the area first. Choose the option to attack now, and then successfully clear out the camp, to make the achievement pop.

Chapter 8

Family, duty, honor
Finish chapter 8

Achievement is unmissable and will pop once you finish talking to Harlton in Castlewood at the end. Be sure to finish all quests and achievements and collect the 2-3 three statues you need prior to heading to Castlewood.

  • 2/7 Devout Follower Statue - The Smith: When you travel back to Riverspring later in the mission, be sure to buy this from the armor smith merchant in the market if you haven't already. You should be very wealthy from the arena.
  • 5/7 Devout Follower Statue - The Maiden: See "Pimp". Be sure to head back to the brothel after sending Bethany back there to talk to Chataya one more time, and then meet Bethany in her room to get the statue from her.
  • 6/7Devout Follower Statue - The Stranger: See "Collector".(More info in "Additional achievements 1/2" section, under Devout follower)
  • Self Made Girl - See "Pimp"
  • Avenge Riverspring - See "Collector"
  • Blood on the Sand - See "The Greatest"
  • Rings and Chains - After talking to Elyana about Gawen's death, head outside to see some people talking with her (the quest will appear once you load the Courtyard area). Speak with her and she'll tell you to go away. Go away and you'll be stopped by a guard who will send you off to question people, and eventually find and eventually escort a particular man back to your sister. Save before knocking on Criston's door and starting the escort quest, in case you die. Note that he CANNOT die if you want to get "Great Teamwork" on this playthrough. These events do not occur until after your are sent to Riverspring (after "The Greatest" achievement on this list).

Am I not merciful?
Chapter 8: save Orys from the City Watch

When you reach the Reapers and defeat Axe, he will let you know that Orys has been captured by the Gold Cloaks and is being held in the prison, where you will venture later in this chapter. Once you get the gold cloak uniform and infiltrate the prison, talk to some of the guards, and then Ser Caron to gain access to the prisoners by saying you want to see what you're betting on. Once you find Gawen, you will need to deal with the guard that shows up to get the key to Orys' cell, which is just down the hall. After talking to Orys, choose "R'hllor does not yet claim his life", and head upstairs to the Commander's room to confirm his story, then back to the cells to set him free ("He's right..and I gave my word"). Save as the Orys escort begins in case he dies along the way.

Alternatively: You can go to the commander's room (top floor) and use Alister's find hidden ability to find a letter you can use to bluff the guard and get both you and Orys out safely. Thanks to Artphobia for this method.

Convince Bethany to return to Chataya's brothel with Alester

Directly in front of you after saving Orys, you will see a man near a small fountain - Hubb. Talk to him about his "friend" Bethany, who you need to offer to help out. Go talk to Bethany at the blue marker on the map. Once you reach Bethany choose the dialogue options: "I have come to help", and "Very well, I will help her". Now head to the marker for Ser Gyles Langward. Now choose "He has done nothing wrong", and "I should make some inquiries first" to forward the quest to Chataya's brothel. Choosing the wrong second option there will end the quest without an achievement. Continue on to the brothel and talk to Chataya "What happened between Beth and Ser Gyles?", "She seems upset with Beth. Why?", "Beth seems to have come out poorly in the exchange" will send you to go look through Bethany's room. Loot the letter from the table drawer next to the door in her room, then head back to Chataya. Now choose "I found a letter" and head back to Gyles. "He had not told me that he owed her money", and "That is true. He should start by going to see Beth". Once you both head back to Bethany, you need to side with him to get her to go back to the brothel, so: "Such trickery is unacceptable" and then you must fight off some lonely men before Bethany comes to her senses and goes back Don't forget to go finish the quest after the achievement pops, AND grab the statue from Bethany.

The Greatest
Emerge triumphant in the final arena combat

Once you enter the sewers and complete the fight to save a man's life, and get a book from him, during the main quest, exit and reenter the sewers to allow you to take part in the actual arena (the quest "Blood on the Sand" will appear just as you exit the sewers). Once you're back at the arena, talk to Ossifer to start the fight, go down the stairs and start the fight and then kill your opponent(s). Rinse and repeat until you have killed all opponents. Prior to the final battle, the fight with Lucifer, stock up on potions of whatever type suits you, especially healing. Lucifer has tons of hit points, does some crazy burst damage, and can scare you, making it so you can only use potions for a period of time. You will want to use your "Calm as Water" skill as much as possible to knock him down and get in some extra damage while not taking any yourself.

Chapter 8: find the key in Alester's father's tomb

You'll have to find seven keys to open the door to your father's secret documents, but who the hell wants to find seven of them when you only need one special that also rewards you with a trophy! Just go to the Godswood and enter the 'Tunnels under Riverspring". All that is left then is to find your father's tomb.

Seize the three objects of value from the Collector with Alester

You will find the letter to start this quest in the same room as your father's secret documents. You will then be tasked with going to King's Landing and dealing with the Collector, which you should do prior to heading to Castlewood for the main quest. Once you reach the Collector's Manse, fight your way around the house until you find the key to the basement. Once you kill the Collector, loot everything in his room, as well as The Devout Follower Statue - The Stranger, for the achievement to pop.

Chapter 9

Unbowed, unbent, unbroken
Finish chapter 9

Story related and unmissable. There are no side quests or collectibles to look out for, so just focus on the two achievements and the achievement will pop just after "'Tis but a scratch!"

The butcher comes to dinner
Chapter 9: kill 6 of Lord Harlton's soldiers during the fight at dinner

In Castlewood, save just before you talk to Lord Harlton. During the dialogue at dinner you realize that you have been drugged, it's a trap! While you're dizzy you must defeat the 6 guards in the dining room before passing out, which will occur once you reach low hit points, or you get the achievement. Your health will continuously drain as you fight the guards so bring a couple of potions along for the fight.

'Tis but a scratch!
Chapter 9: suffer all the physical abuse during the torture sequence

Now that you've been captured by Lord Harlton, it's time to be tortured! In order to get through for this achievement, remember to never give up, never surrender! Follow these chat options: "He can go ♥♥♥♥ himself", "He'll get nothing out of me", "To hell with these questions". Bring the pain! Next chat "He can go and ♥♥♥♥ himself", then "To hell with these questions". Talk with Lord Harlton: "I have the perfect answer for him". You'll then take control of your dog to try and save the day. Back to torturin' once that's done and then the achievement will pop, and you'll have a pretty new set of scars.

Chapter 10

Fire and blood
Finish chapter 10

Unmissable, story related.

  • None
  • The Maggot in the Apple - Go meet Marianne and talk with her, only to be interrupted by a certain man who decides to take her hostage. Tell him to keep Marianne quiet so he knocks her out. After that situation, head to the front of the castle and get a potion from Maester Martin. Then head to the guard room on the opposite side of the mansion to grab a helmet for Gawen. Return to Gawen, heal him up and the quest will now appear for you. Head outside the castle to the courtyard to challenge the head guard and kick his ass in a fight, and then beat his guards as well. Quest complete once they're dealt with.
Chapter 11

Come try me
Finish chapter 11

Story related, unmissable. Achievement will pop after the duel is over.

  • Recruit x2 (same as Ch 13) - Head to the slums of the city and kill the mob attacking your two potential recruits, then recruit them.
  • Recruit x4(same as Ch 13) - Go to the city dungeons and talk to the guard. Once inside, talk to another guard to purchase the prisoners.(More info in "Additional achievements 1/2" section, under Endless Watch)
  • Safer Streets - Given to you by Harwyn. Requires you to kill all of the bloodseekers in Riverspring.

Swift and deadly
Chapter 11: bring an end to the trial by combat in under 2 minutes

Once you finally get to fight Valarr you must defeat him in less than 2 minutes. Choose to concentrate on the fight when given the option. Save when you first enter the Castle and can see Valarr in the throne room. If you've leveled your character up properly to this point, this fight should be very easy.

Chapter 12

As high as honor
Finish chapter 12

Story related, unmissable.

  • Recruit x2 (pt 1) - As you are fleeing the Riverspring dungeon you'll come across a prison area with some locked up soldiers. Let everyone free except for the rioter and the assassin. Basically, ignore the two men in the cell by alone, and empty the two cells with three guards each.(More info in "Additional achievements 1/2" section, under Endless Watch)
  • 2/7 Devout Follower Statue - The Smith: Second to last chance to buy this from the armor smith in Riverspring.
  • 7/7 Devout Follower Statue - The Crone: Ravella (the woman in white next to Wex) has this, and you can either have Wex give her to you by healing Wex's man, or take it off of her corpse later.(More info in "Additional achievements 1/2" section, under Devout follower)
  • None

Unrivaled strategist
Chapter 12: take back Riverspring with a total victory

In order to successully annihilate the enemy in the assault on Riverspring, you must give Ryman the bowmen, Jon the armored villagers, and Greydon the pikemen. This event occurs after defeating Wex, when you meet up with Harwyn. The battle will be over in about two seconds, after which the achievement will pop.

Chapter 13

Growing strong
Finish chapter 13

Story related, unmissable. It is very important to note that you must make a separate
before following Maester Harwyn and the new baby into Riverspring Castle. Complete ALL side quests, gather ALL collectibles prior to doing this as well. The end of this chapter has two choices, each with an achievement that will be granted at the end of Chapter 15, so you must play through the next 2 rather short chapters with each character to unlock all achievements.

  • 2/7 Devout Follower Statue - The Smith: Last chance to buy this from the armor smith in Riverspring.(More info in "Additional achievements 1/2" section, under Devout follower)
  • Recruits x2(King's Landing) - After entering King's Landing, talk to Morros who will be straight ahead of you. Head to the Flea Bottom (East part of town) and kill the mob attacking your two potential recruits, then recruit them.
  • Recruit x4 (King's Landing) - Go to the city dungeons and talk to the guard. Once inside, talk to another guard to purchase the prisoners.
  • Recruits x5 (leave and re-enter Riverspring) - Talk to the guard near the gate as you enter to be told of potential recruits in town. 1st is Donnor who can be found by the smith in the marketplace. Duel him and win to recruit him. 2nd is the villager by the docks who asks your help dealing with some thieves. Deal with the thieves, one of which will be the 3rd recruit, and then head back to the villager to recruit him. 4th is a female villager by the castle gates; choose Alester's chat option, otherwise Mors will not let her join and you won't get the achievement. The 5th man, Waltyr appears at the bottom of the map by a large water wheel; he will say he has lost everything, so recruit him. All of these people show up as chat bubbles on the map after talking to Jon at the beginning.
  • Recruit x2 (Riverspring dungeon revisited) - Head back to the Riverspring dungeons to free the Assassin and Rioter you left there earlier, allowing you to recruit them.
  • Recruit x1 ( mole's town brothel) - Talk to a man in the main area of the brothel, and you'll find out that he is a deserter. Convince him to return to the wall. You MAY have gotten this man previously if you visited the brothel outside of the usual timeline, so if he is not there, don't worry since you probably already talked to him (he was by the merchants).(More info in "Additional achievements 1/2" section, under Endless Watch)
After leaving Castlewood, you'll receive a letter from Castle Black, which is where these two quests are. Don't forget to turn in your collectibles in Castle Black to Walder and Jeor once you have all the statues and get the last few recruits.
  • Not So Wild - You will get the letter, which introduces you to this quest, after talking to Maester Harwyn, directly after leaving Castlewood. So head to Castle Black to do the quests. Once there, head inside and talk to Qhorin Halfhand, who is on the second floor of the building. I recommend just doing this quest and Rituals and Litanies together since they take you to the same areas. As you enter Mole's Town you'll see some suspicious people fleeing from you, and gain the scent of the wildlings for dog to follow. Once in the last section of the tunnels below the brothel, you'll come across one of the three people, Byam, who will tell you they wildlings are outside a secret entrance, that we already know from the main quest. Follow the scent a bit farther down the hill and then confront the savages. The woman will flee to Icemark and you will after to deal with her friends before following. When talking to Sabraque, choose to not condemn their families. After that you can go and meet Sabraque if you want, or just head back to Qhorin to finish the quest.
  • Rituals and Litanies - First note that this quest can be buggy and void you side quest achievement if done improperly, so save beforehand, as there will be several chances to point the finger at the wrong person and end the quest permaturely (skip to the last line of this quest to see who the real culprit is). Talk to Duncan Paege prior to entering Castle Black to start the quest. You will discover that 5 members of the Night Watch have been killed, and your friend Patrek is the primary suspect. Head SW to the blue marker and talk to Addam Flowers. After talking to him, switch to Dog and get the scent off of the body and follow it to the NW part of the map, where the scent will end at a door. Talk to the guards then, and then head back to Patrek to ask him about the truth (choose: There must be an explanation). Find Wat outside of the Castle to ask him about his argument with Myles (Choose: He's going to tell me what I want to know!). Head inside the Castle to find the Lord Commander's records regarding the mission in question (Right next to Walder). After that, head downstairs to the blue marker and check Addams' belongings. After that, talk to Duncan to hear that Wat and Addam left the Castle, follow them! You'll be stopped by some guards as you leave, how you deal with them does not matter. Once you find the traitor, kill him, then return to Duncan and clear Patrek's name. (The killer is Addam).

Quiet as a shadow
Chapter 13: reach Jeyne's room without ever being seen

Once you take the Ferry back to Castlewood, you will have to fight or sneak your way to Jeyne's room to rescue her. In order to make it to Jeyne's room unseen, you will need to utilize Mors' dog to stealthily take out opponents and clear a path to Jeyne. Take a path through the dining room, kitchen, up the back stairs. Once you hear the guard go for help after the winding staircase, send Dog to haul ass after him and take him out before he reaches help. The next bed room has a secret for Alester to find. You can basically run from their, with the siege probably drawing away any remaining guards.

Chapter 14

Valar morghulis
Finish chapter 14

  • You should have finished and unlocked the achievement for both collectible quests in Chapter 13
  • No more side quests! The achievement will pop around the time you enter King's Landing.

Lesser of two evils
Chapter 14: come to the aid of the Reapers

As you enter King's Landing, you will spot Orys being questioned by some guards. Simply come to his aid be eliminating the guards to get the achievement.

The True face of the Spider
Lose the final battle

When you fight with Valarr, let him kill both Mors and Alester. Just make a sandwich or something while he's fighting you.

Chapter 15

The night is dark...
Finish chapter 15

Story related, unmissable. This Chapter is about 2 minutes long..

My darkest hour
Chapter 15: execute the judgement passed down by the Westfords

To keep this relatively spoiler free: kill everyone. Watch the video below for specifics.

Sworn Brother
Finish Mors' Story

See "Red Priest of R'hllor"

Red Priest of R'hllor
Finish Alester's story

Depending on the choice you took at the end of Chapter 13, you will be playing as either character in the final fight of the game. Come out victorious for their achievement to pop. Reload your save in Chapter 13 and replay the last 2 chapters to get the other achievement.
Additional achievements 1/2
Here you can find endgame or multiple chapters covering achievements.

Complete all secondary objectives in the story

Over the course of the story you will have the opportunity to do a number of side quests, some can only be found in some chapters, some are spread across multiple chapters, and others can be completed at any time over the course of several chapters. Each quest is explained in the chapter it is first available by looking under the associated chapter completion achievement. This will allow you to remain relatively unspoiled story wise, and help you complete quests when they first become available so you don't miss them, or forget about them later on. This will pop in Chapter 14 (despite the lack of a side quest there).
  • Chapter 1: Their watch is Ending
  • Chapter 1-13: The Faith of Our Ancestors (the Devout Follower achievement quest)
  • Chapter 3: Treasure Hunt
  • Chapter 6: Silence in the ranks
  • Chapter 7: The Black Bloodhound
  • Chapter 7-13: New Blood (Endless watch quest)
  • Chapter 8-13: Self-Made Girl
  • Chapter 8: Blood on the Sand
  • Chapter 8: Rings and Chains
  • Chapter 8-13: Avenging Riverspring
  • Chapter 10:The Maggot in the Apple
  • Chapter 11: Safer Streets
  • Chapter 13: Not so Wild
  • Chapter 13: Rituals and Litanies

Endless Watch
Send 10 recruits to the Wall with Mors

Starting in Chapter 7, you will have the chance to talk to certain NPCs and recruit them to join the Night's Watch. While the achievement suggest you only need 10 recruits, you really need to send 10 groups of recruits. Some groups consist of only one person, while others have 2-4 people. So you will need to stop at each location, the number of recruits is just as a reference so you know you talked to the right people. Many of the recruits will gather near the gate of the city you found them in until you go back to Castle Black and talk to Lord Commander Mormont and he talks to you about each one of them, and then talk to him again to finish the quest.

Mole's Town (Chapter 7)
  • This will most likely be your first recruit, as the others are only available later. Head out to Mole's Town and enter the underground brothel. Once inside, talk to the girl who is directly left of the entrance. She will will tell you about a potential recruit in the basement. Meet the guy and convince him to join the Night's Watch.
  • Head back to the underground brothel. Look for a man dressed in normal clothes next to the lobby. You'll quickly find out he's a deserter. Change his mind and recruit him again. (Do not kill him)
King's Landing (Chapter 11 & 13)
  • When you enter King's Landing, a guard will tell you about potential recruits. Run over to the "slums of the city" (to the right of King's Landing) and you'll see an angry mob surrounding two criminals. You'll have to convince both of them to join the Night's Watch (which isn't that hard given the circumstances) which also means you'll have to slaughter the entire mob.
  • Now head over to the guard who guards the city dungeons. Tell him you want to enter the dungeon. Once inside, talk to another guard who wants to sell you four prisoners. Buy all of them.
Riverspring Dungeon (Chapter 12)
  • You'll have to be careful on this part. During your escape from the dungeons as Alester, you'll find a prison area with several locked soldiers, a rioter and an assassin. Release every single soldier, but leave the rioter and assassin be. You will free them later.
Riverspring (Chapter 13) (After freeing the city)
  • When you return from Castlewood, talk to the guard near the entrance of Riverspring. Once again, you'll get information about potential recruits.
  • At the market area, there will be a guy challenging Mors to a duel. Beat him and choose to recruit him.
  • Near the castle is a woman who wishes to join the Night's Watch. Mors will disapprove, but you still have to recruit her.
  • Another guy was attacked by thieves. Murder all of them and recruit the surviving one who wishes to be spared. Also, when you return to the victim. Recruit him as well.
  • There's a man near the blacksmith area who will tell you he has lost everything thanks to recent events. Recruit him.
Riverspring Dungeon (Chapter 13)
  • Head back to the dungeon where you released two groups of soldier earlier. Now you can release the rioter and assassin, which also includes recruiting them.
Mole's Town (Chapter 13)
  • (If you missed him in chapter 7) Head back to the underground brothel. Look for a man dressed in normal clothes next to the lobby. You'll quickly find out he's a deserter. Change his mind and recruit him again.
For each recruit there is also a detailed description in chapters sections.

Devout follower
Find all the statues of the Seven

After the intro of the game (when you can finally run around), enter Castle Black with Mors. Go up the stairs and look for a guy who stands in front of a bookcase. Talk to him and he'll give you the first side quest in the game. Funny enough, this is also the first case of a side quest you cannot complete in the same chapter (most side quests are not like this in the game.) You will only be able to complete this one at Chapter 12/13.

  • The Warrior: Walder gives this one to you.
  • The Smith: Riverspring Armor merchant for 1G20S (buy this before Ch13)
  • The Mother: Chapter 5, Mole's town brothel -> Jeyne's room
  • The Father: Chapter 7, Westford Cottage -> Once you have read the letter from Mors' Father you can find it in the dresser.
  • The Maiden: Chapter 8-13, Self-maid girl side quest, send Bethany back to Chataya
  • The Stranger: Chapter 8-13, Avenge Riverwood side quest -> Mallador Brax' room (between the loot)
  • The Crone: Chapter12/13, rescue Ravella in Chapter 12 OR loot it from her corpse in Chapter 13

Master of light and flame
Gain all the skills linked to R'hllor's fire with Alester

When you level up, be sure to put your skill points into Alester's R'hllor's fire tree whenever you can. This will unlock once Alester hits level 15 and you put a point into the final skill, and exit out of the skill menu.

Learn all skills within a character's stance tree

Both Mors and Alester have two stance trees, one that is unlocked when you start that character, and the other unlocks at level 7. When you unlock the one at level 7, just make sure you continue to put points into either character's first tree until it is full, before putting points into their new skill tree. You will not be able to max out both trees, but over time at least one of them will be maxed out.

Reach maximum level

The maximum level for either character is 15. While it will pop when either Mors OR Alester hits level 15, they will most likely both hit it at the same time, roughly during Chapter 13 or 14. Kill every enemy you see and complete every side quest available to make sure you get this prior to finishing the game.
Additional achievements 2/2

Great Teamwork
Finish the game without a single ally (except Mors and Alester) being KO'd

Whenever you have an ally following you, such as escort quests, or combat allies that you can switch between , they must NOT be knocked out (skull in their character portrait) at all during the course of the game. Exceptions are: Mors, Alester AND Mors' dog. It is important to note for this that you can play on the lowest difficulty level available, which is Squire.

Mete out 5 deathblows

Deathblows are the sort of mini cutscene final attacks you deal to enemies from time to time. They occur fairly often so you will unlock this rather early on in the game (Chapter 4 or so).

True Warrior
Kill 400 enemies

This will come naturally over the course of the game if you go for the leveling up related achievements as you need to kill just about every enemy in the game to reach the max level, and there are over 400 enemies in the course of the game. Doing everything in the game, you'll get this around Chapter 11.

Golden Touch
Acquire 1 golden dragon

A golden dragon is simply the highest form of currency in the game, and you will most certainly gain at least one in a normal playthrough. A golden dragon is worth 210 silver stags, with each stag being worth 16 copper groats (I'm assuming that's goats, but that is how the game spelled it).
As i said in the beginning this guide is originally created by Shiftie[] from xboxachievements[] so all the credit for this guide goes to him. Shiftie gave me permission do use/modify his guide and upload it to Steam guides.

Also i would like to give credit to YouTuber mothman21 for his amazing visual content(videos).

And lastly I would like to take a little bit off credit by the side for composing this guide and changing it to be PC friendly.

MrDiggle  [author] 19 Jul, 2020 @ 6:22pm 
@alimkhan You can compare your achievements to Steam Global achievements and see what you are missing.
Belzzabub 19 Jul, 2020 @ 5:17pm 
there are 9 hiden achievments i need to unlock and can't finde them
could some one help me
ItsOrca 22 Feb, 2020 @ 1:05am 
Yep, 100% completed, thanks.
MrDiggle  [author] 21 Feb, 2020 @ 11:35am 
@ItsOcra I havent played this game for years now but remembered that you will get the achivement at the end. You should get it if the dogs are knocked out. "Exceptions are: Mors, Alester AND Mors' dog. It is important to note for this that you can play on the lowest difficulty level available, which is Squire." I have to warn you that this game is a bit buggy, so everything could happen.
ItsOrca 21 Feb, 2020 @ 7:18am 
A question about Great Teamwork. Will i still get it if the Dog gets knocked out? and when will it pop? at the end of the game?
MrDiggle  [author] 20 Mar, 2019 @ 9:47am 
Indeed it would be nice but alas you have to complete minimum of 2 playthroughs to get all the achievements.
Bagel 19 Mar, 2019 @ 7:11pm 
Is the story mode repayable, or do you have to start a new game each time without carrying anything over? Be nice if you could.
MrDiggle  [author] 18 Sep, 2018 @ 1:25pm 
dolly 🕯 18 Sep, 2018 @ 11:16am 
thank you for the guide, i'm working my way through it and it's helpful and concise :cupup:
I Have NBN Now 28 Mar, 2018 @ 12:05am 
you wrote x2Recruit(kings landing) in chapter 13 but recruiting the attackers happens in riverspring, so that confused me for abit until i watched the vid, thanks!