Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

30 ratings
Barista Guru Achievement [ES/EN]
Guía para sacarse el logro de "Barista Guru" con tips y herramientas.

Guide to get "Barista Guru" Achievement With tips and tool.
Para conseguir el logro de "Barista Guru" hay satisfacer 50 pedidos en el modo desafío, sabiendo al pausar el juego el contador de tiempo para, estos pedidos se dividen en 4 tipos y van en orden:

1) Lista de ingredientes separados por comas (p Ej.: Cafe, Cafe, limón)
En este caso es tan facíl como agregar los ingredientes en el orden listado.

2) Una bebida cuyo nombre incluye ingredientes (p. Ej.: Lemon Mint Tea, Honey Coffee)
Utilice el último ingrediente como base (té o café en el ejemplo)
Si tiene 3 ingredientes en la lista, simplemente coloque el primero y el segundo como nombrados. (Limón y luego menta en el ejemplo)
En caso de tener 2 ingredientes enumerados, coloque el último ingrediente como primario y el primer ingrediente como secundario. (Café y luego miel en el ejemplo)

3) Nombre una bebida especifica (p. Ej., Jahe Tubruk)
Busque la receta y sírvala.
Dejo una pagina con las recetas listadas:

4) 1 o más cualidad de la bebida (p. Ej., Less Sweet, Extra Warm)
Acá no queda mucho más que buscar la receta y servir.
Para este les dejo primero una lista con todas las recetas posibles y sus cualidades:
Segundo una herramienta que te da una receta con las cualidades que vos pidas:
Hay que tener en cuenta que no todas las combinaciones de cualidades son posibles y que hay una pequeña posibilidad de que el juego te haga un pedido imposible, así que si no la lista ni la herramienta les da una receta, simplemente sirvan cualquier cosa y pasen a la siguiente.
To get the achievement of "Barista Guru" you have to satisfy 50 orders in the challenge mode, knowing that pausing the game also stops the timer, these orders are divided into 4 types and are in order:

1) List of ingredients separated by commas (eg: Coffee, Coffee, Lemon)
In this case it is as easy as adding the ingredients in the order listed.

2) A drink whose name includes ingredients (eg: Lemon Mint Tea, Honey Coffee)
Use the last ingredient as a base (tea or coffee in the example)
If you have 3 ingredients listed, just put the first and second as named. (Lemon and then mint in the example)
In case you have 2 ingredients listed, put the last ingredient as the primary and the first ingredient as the secondary. (Coffee and then honey in the example)

3) Name a specific drink (eg, Jahe Tubruk)
Find the recipe and serve it.
I leave a page with the recipes listed:

4) 1 or more beverage quality (eg, Less Sweet, Extra Warm)
There is not much left here but to find the recipe and serve.
For this I leave you first a list with all the possible recipes and their qualities:
Second, a tool that gives you a recipe with the qualities that you ask for:
Keep in mind that not all combinations of qualities are possible and that there is a small possibility that the game will make you an impossible request, so if the list or the tool does not give you a recipe, simply serve anything and pass. to the next.
Santanyo Nyburg 13 May, 2023 @ 7:18pm 
YOU ARE AN ANGLE MY BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:steamhappy:
arellanok9656 1 Apr, 2023 @ 12:36pm 
I get the same only coffee and honey combination from the last link
BOT MrPAPAPABLO  [author] 25 Dec, 2022 @ 3:27pm 
Thanks for the comment Alina, i have checked it and it seems to work just fine to me, I tried some combinations and all of the results were different, truthfully this is a tool that i personally created on a rush, su right now i can only think that the problem is within the difference on browsers(I usually use safari). I will try to fix it but i cant promise anything, but even so if you really want the achievement I still recommend you to use the spreadsheet while pausing the game.
Alina the Hedgehog 25 Dec, 2022 @ 8:20am 
The tool you recommended doesn't seem to work anymore. No matter what quality comination I enter, it always recommends "Coffee, Honey, Coffee"
BOT MrPAPAPABLO  [author] 8 Oct, 2022 @ 9:33am 
of course its fine, thanks for the shoutout and award.
reaper 7 Oct, 2022 @ 3:03pm 
i made my own, stripped down overview for the recipes ... and then i found your guide. rip.
very studious work you did, kudos for that.

published my cheat sheet anyway and gave you a shoutout, hope that's fine :peace: