112 Operator
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Person on fire incident
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31 ago 2021, ore 9:14
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Person on fire incident

This mod adds one new incident: Person on fire

If you will find some bugs or some ideas for new incidents, inform me in comments

Thanks for subscribing and playing my first public mod

Mod supported by Rescue Mod Team, modders of 112 Operator.

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3 commenti
yankes468  [autore] 27 set 2021, ore 8:57 
Yeah, i actually found that bug with no fire during freeplay, ill fix it in free time
★Galactic Arxi★ 8 set 2021, ore 5:41 
There is no point in extinguishing a person for firefighters, the police and doctors do it better.
★Galactic Arxi★ 8 set 2021, ore 5:38 
The incident works, but no points or money are credited or deducted for it :)