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Poultry Power!
By ptor
Ever wondered what the powers granted by steaks are?
(The list below is still incomplete, empty descriptions are the ones I haven't managed to teach yet, please point out missing entries or mistakes in comments)

Alchemansy Minor
When you are wounded your pet may toss you a healing potion and restore a bit of your health
Banner of the poultry prince
Your pet summons a mighty banner, yes really, that causes enemies cowering under its glory to take 10% more damage from all sources.
Your pet will occasionally toss a delicious slab of ham at a nearby Beast and charm them
Bees please
Spray out a cone of tiny, terrifying bees at your helpless foes. Damage is based on the hero's science score, level, and overall weapon power.
Bull Rush
Spray out a cone of tiny, terrifying bees at your helpless foes. Damage is based on the hero's science score, level, and overall weapon power.
Corageous Caw
If you're critically injured your pet has a chance to cast haste on you and itself, lasting a few turns.
Caw Caw Peck
In the style of the great Trigers* , you bird will sometimes attack with two claws and a vicious peck in a single action.
Dagger Dander
Your pet flaps around and stabs at every adjacent enemy, doing 25% additional melee damage.
Dirty Dagger
Toss a spinning dagger at an enemy,causing them to bleed and briefly pinning them in place.
Double Slash
Make two swift cutting attacks on an adjacent target.
Dread Charge
After taking a round to prepare, charge forward and trample over everything in your path.
Dread Flavored
Converts your pet's attacks to Dread.
Dread Prey Piercer
Launch a Dread Purple spear up to 8 tiles away, pinning an enemy in place and causing bleed damage.
Fire Flavored
Converts your pet's attacks to Fire.
Flavor Finder
Your pet sometimes causes useful potions to fall out of enemies when they score a kill.
Foom Ray
Your pet fires a ray of concentrated foom which can bounce off walls and hit multiple targets. If your pet has a Flavor, the damage type will be adjusted, otherwise it is Fire.
Foomwarped Blade Toss
Your pet hurls a flaming or freezing sword at a crowd of monsters like a total beast. Lucky you.
Furious Rush
A monster that just won't stop biting!
Your per sometimes causes extra coin to fall out of monsters when they score a kill.
Gravity Well
When facing large crowds or really tough foes, your pet might create a powerful gravity well in the middle of them, pulling them towards the center and causing them to be Addled and Pinned.
Harrier's Swiftness
When facing crowds or really tough foes, your pet sometimes fires with exceptional swifrtness, launching a ranged attack without spending any action points.
Hook Rescue
If you are low on health and surrounded by healthy enemies, your pet may pull you to safety.
Icy Flavored
Converts your pet's attacks to Ice.
Lava Lance
Fire a lance of searing lava in a straight line 3 (Staff: 4) tiles ahead. Creatures will be hit for around 98 Fire damage and knocked back one tile. The tile in front of you will catch fire, burning creatures who enter. Using a Lava Lance while directly next to a wall or solid object will instead propel you backwards for 3 (Staff: 4) tiles.
Your pet will cleverly place an ultra-convincing decoy version of itself nearby, causing monsters to attack it instead of the pet or you.
Mummy Stink
Ninja Star Barrage
Throw four sharp ninja stars out at your enemies.
Poison Flavored
Converts your pet's attacks to Poison.
Poultry Protection
When enemies are near you, your pet assists you in defense, increasing your Block, Parry, and Dodge chance by 10%.
Pounce and Bite
Mean monster jumps toward the player!
Projectile Shield
Punk Squawk Song
When enemies are near you, your pet cries out with a shredding Punk Squawk Song, increasing your damage dealt by 10%
Ragdoll Toss
Monster tosses your punk ass around like a ragdoll.
Razor Feather
Your pet launches a razor sharp feather that looks a lot like a red arrow, causing damage and leaving a bleeding wound in the target.
Rhombus of Rime
A blast of cold in an area defined by four sides of equal length.
Shellbreaker Shot
This ferocious attack also lowers the armor of the target, making future shots count more.
Slap the Peaches
Starlight Flavored
Storm Driver
Make a commanding leap and whirl slashfully into everyone around you when you land.
Stunning Smash
Knock the target back and daze them.
Thirsty Chop
A powerful axe blow that inflicts a bleeding wound on the target.
Venom Beak
A mighty sharp peck that may cause the victim to take additional poison damage over time.
Wreck Armor
A melee attack guaranteed to hit that greatly reduces the enemy's armor, dodge, block, and parry scores.
Thanks to
For additional content:
Lokkpik, MangoPDK, One Glove, DaazKu, TrainOfLove
PropagandaNova 19 Jan @ 1:50pm 
my post was sloppy so let me redo it

- Birdobomb Squad

-Last Stand

-Pecking Order
PropagandaNova 20 Dec, 2023 @ 6:44pm 
Birdobomb squad defuse bombs within 5 tiles
last stand when you go below 20% health your bird heals 20% and gains an extra move per turn cooldown 20 turns
B.O.B. 3 Feb, 2023 @ 9:30pm 
Beauty: Jaw-Dropping
Your battle poultry presents itself in a fashion so irresistibly pettable that adjacent enemies spend their next action doing just that.
B.O.B. 3 Feb, 2023 @ 9:05am 
Mummy Stink
The odor of death, decay, and old bandages. Anyone caught in this stink begins to rot and fall apart themselves.
B.O.B. 3 Feb, 2023 @ 8:35am 
Slap the Peaches
A dishonorable strike, delivering a combination of searing pain and deep shame that causes the victim to be briefly Pinned.
Lazaron 20 Dec, 2022 @ 8:10am 
Shark Rush - Rush with shark-like fury into battle, delivering multiple frenzied bites that bleed.

Shield Rush - Rush an enemy with your shield from up to five tiles away, causing them to lose their next action. That enemy and nearby enemies cannot make ranged or magic attacks for two rounds.

Starlight Flavored - Converts your pet's attacks to Starlight.

Star Spray - When adjacent to enemies, your pet can toss forth a cone of feathers of raw starlight, dealing damaged based on your weapon power.

Summon Featherdevil - Your pet has kicked so much ass in the Featherhells that they can summon a loyal Featherdevil to serve you both in battle.


Note: Summon Featherdevil can only be learned if your pet is banished to Featherhells for a few turns by an enemy. If it has an empty ability slot, it has a small chance of returning having learned this ability.

Thanks for compiling this list OP!
ptor  [author] 27 Aug, 2022 @ 1:34am 
Thanks, added!
TrainOfLove 26 Aug, 2022 @ 8:35pm 
Bull Rush - A pair of heavy blows that send the target backwards one step while you follow up.

Bees please - Spray out a cone of tiny, terrifying bees at your helpless foes. Damage is based on the hero's science score, level, and overall weapon power.

Beastmaster - Your pet will occasionally toss a delicious slab of ham at a nearby Beast and charm them

Banner of the poultry prince - Your pet summons a mighty banner, yes really, that causes enemies cowering under its glory to take 10% more damage from all sources.

Dirty Dagger - Toss a spinning dagger at an enemy,causing them to bleed and briefly pinning them in place.
ptor  [author] 9 Jan, 2022 @ 12:22am 
Thanks, added!
DaazKu 8 Jan, 2022 @ 1:38pm 
Caw Caw Peck - In the style of the great Trigers* , you bird will sometimes attack with two claws and a vicious peck in a single action.

* Note that the typo on "Tigers" is currently as is in the game.