WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition

WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition

119 ratings
[HRM DLC] WolfQuest: AE & All DLC (Achievement Guide)
By The Family Disappointment
NOW INCLUDING HELLROARING MOUNTAIN DLC. Explore & Landmarks are finished!
With the new achievements being release, some of them are a bit difficult to get. Where can you find a fish? Since when were there beavers in the game? This guide will hopefully help you tackle those more difficult quests and guide you towards that 100% achievement completion!
HI everyone, welcome to my first-ever guide! I first started playing this game when it first came out, so it's been very nostalgic coming back to it as an adult with new and improved graphics and game mechanics! Some of the other achievement guides I've seen don't offer much help beyond the descriptions of each achievement so I thought I'd try my hand at helping others check off each achievement :)

If there's anything I missed please let me know! Thank you for checking out my guide!

Last updated: 18 April 2024.
Started Hellroaring Mountain guide section! Landmarks and scavenger hunt is complete! Most achievements are done, but still working on a few more difficult/RNG-based ones! Please be patient while I zoom around the map! :)

Special thank you to WhispWar for gifting me the Lost River DLC! Thank you very much!

Natural Selection FTW
Kill any ungulate.
If you've completed the very first quest in the game, you've (hopefully) already obtained this achievement! Killing an elk or mule deer will grant you this achievement.

Making an Impression
Reach 50% affinity with trial mate.
Your affinity with your trial mate can be seen as the blue meter to the left of your wolf icon on the upper-left of the screen. Raise it be using emotes (E), howling (H) or impressing them with your hunting skills by killing elk and other prey.

P Marks the Spot
Take over a hex owned by another wolf pack
This one is also relatively straight-forward. To make it really easy you can stand in a weak hex of another pack and pee and howl with your mate (or by yourself) until it's yours.

Portable Picnic
Bring a fawn or calf carcass home to your pups
Come spring time your prey will have reproduced as well! If you get lucky you might even get a big snack for your pups. The way I did this was by tracking down mule deer and I eventually found one with a few fawns. They're very easy to kill, just remember the long-hold the space button to pick it up and carry it to your pups! You can also find elk calf hiding in the circular patches of grass near a lone mother elk. I recommend turning your music up to tell when you are still in range of the mom. Special music will play when you are near a mother elk/mule deer/etc. Keep looking through every grass patch and eventually you'll find your prize!
Here is what they look like in-game:

Nobody Messes with Me!
Defend your den from predators
Self-explanatory: if you see a red icon of a predator while at your den, chase it away either by fighting it or growling! You will see this message at the bottom when you have successfully chased it away.

Bad Parent
Hunger takes a pup
Let a pup die from starvation. This can be done very easily if you continuously sleep until your pup(s) die from hunger. If you really don't want to lose a pup in your game, save before you let it starve, then after you get the achievement reload the old save file.

Natural Selection Sucks
Lose a pup to a predator
Same as above, you can let the predator take/kill your pup to easily get this achievement and reload an older save if you're really attached to it.

Baby Bounces Back!
Pup recovers from illness
I believe Easy mode makes it impossible for pups to die from illness. If you're playing in any other mode, or just want to be cautious, being near the sick pup and spending more time will help increase the odds of survival, but won't guarantee it. In the screenshot below, one of the pups is sick. Being near the pup makes its paw-print icon in the top left glow.

R.I.P. Little One!
Lose a pup to illness
This can be done through either not spending time with the sick pup and/or sleeping frequently to reduce the pup's health (sick pups slowly lose health if you look on the Pack Info). If the pup's health reaches 0, it will die from its illness.

Lost in the Wilderness
Pup wanders off... and never comes back
See a pup wondering off? That's nice. You're one step closer to the achievement!

Fetching the Prodigal Pup
Recover a wandering pup
A pup has wondered off! Better go track it down. Use your scent view (V) to follow your pup's tracks to find it before something else does.

Survival of the Pack (Easy)
Finish the Slough Creek quests on Easy with at least two pups.
Make it to the summer rendezvous point and keep your pups safe and healthy to get this achievement! On Easy mode, it shouldn't be too difficult.

Survival of the Pack (Challenging)
Finish the Slough Creek quests on Challenging with at least two pups.
Same as above, only on Challenging mode. More difficult, but two pups is still doable as long as you don't overestimate yourself.

Survival of the Pack (Accurate)
Finish the Slough Creek quests on Accurate with at least two pups.
You have a death wish, don't you? Good luck
Above & Beyond
Carcass Conquest
Take over a carcass from a dangerous competitor (grizzly, cougar, or wolf
This can be pretty difficult or near-impossible with a bear, but with teamwork from your mate it's totally doable with a cougar or other wolf! This is especially easy on Easy or Challenging!

Find and kill a beaver
Find a beaver dam. I found one to the right of the McBride Lake, but there could be others somewhere that I haven't seen! When in doubt, follow the river until you see a dry patch or a dam near it. Killing them is surprisingly easy. Plus, you can carry them back to your pups for a delicious spring snack!

Smells Fishy
Find a fish dropped by an eagle
I completed this in Amethyst Mountain just south of the star to go to Slough Creek. Hang out along the river and watch for an eagles trying to catch fish. When you do, growl at it to get it to drop the fish. It might be hard to find once dropped, but when you do find it, pick it up and hold it in your mouth for a few seconds to get this achievement.

Reject an interested mate
Simply growl 3 times after starting a courtship with a possible mate to end the trial period and reject them. You heartless monster!

You Have Chosen.... Wisely
Get a four star (diversity) mate
This requires a lot of running around in Amethyst (or wherever you're looking for a mate) and some patience, but this was much easier than finding a one star mate in my opinion. Howling and sleeping will usually result in a few mates appearing when you wake up. You will have better odds if your wolf does not have a black coat. You can save before sleeping and reload to hope for better RNG.

You Have Chosen... Poorly
Get a one star (diversity) mate
Take the patience and time you used in the previous achievement and triple it for this one. I found multiple four stars before I found a one star. It's tedious but you can do it. You have a higher chance of finding a one star mate if you have a black coat! I tried this out and found a one-star mate pretty quickly after running around for a while.

This Land is My Land
Claim 20 hexes in your territory
When you first start in Slough Creek, instead of continuing on to the next part of your wolf's life and finding a den, stay in the winter and spend time claiming 20 hexes to get this achievement. Whether or not you maintain those hexes afterwards is up to you.

Realtor's Nightmare
Discover 10 dens before choosing one
Hunt around the map and find 10 dens before continuing onto the next quest of choosing a den to raise your pups at. It's always important to have options!

Long Distance Traveler
Travel two kilometers or more to a rendezvous site
2 kilometers is about 4 hexes, so find a rendezvous point about 4 hexes away from you. You will get a popup notification when you have walked far enough to get this achievement!

Fallen Hero
Your mate dies defending the pups
Let your mate die protecting your pups from a predator. You monster.

I'm Juggling As Fast As I Can
Finish Slough Creek as a single parent (solo from start of Journey quest)
You'll probably want to do this on Easy mode. Make sure you mate has (mysteriously) died before the start of the Journey to the summer rendezvous quest (when your pups all reach 15 lbs) or else your run won't count towards this achievement.

Iron Dad
Finish Slough Creek as a male Ironwolf
Play carefully to not risk dying and you can always just finish Slough Creek with two or three pups to make things a bit easier for you.

Iron Mom
Finish Slough Creek as a female Ironwolf
Same as above.
Amethyst Scavenger Hunt & Landmarks
Interactive map of Amethyst Mountain[wolfquest.fandom.com] Scavenger hunt and landmarks. All colorful pins are collectible items, the grey pins are locations.

Slough Creek Scavenger Hunt & Landmarks
Interactive map for Slough Creek here[wolfquest.fandom.com]!

Lost River Natural Landmarks
Visit eight natural landmarks in Lost River
All human and natural landmarks as well as collectibles can be found here[wolfquest.fandom.com].

Lost River Human Landmarks
Visit eight human landmarks in Lost River
All human and natural landmarks as well as collectibles can be found here[wolfquest.fandom.com]. Keep in mind that some of these landmarks must be visited during certain seasons.

Lost River Collectibles
Collect all ten objects on the Lost River (DLC) map
There is an interactive map of all collectible locations on the WolfQuest wiki. Click here[http//All+human+and+natural+landmarks+as+well+as+collectibles+can+be+found+%5Burl%3Dhttps].]here [/url]to visit it.

Antler Scavenger Hunt
Collect eight antlers
Use your scent vision (V) to find skull/antler scents as you run around. They may appear randomly. It's very difficult to tell the elk antlers apart so just pick up every antler you see just to be safe!
Antlers to collect:
  • Spike Elk Antler (x2)
  • Elk Antler (x5)
  • Moose Antler

Skull Scavenger Hunt
Collect six skulls
Use your scent vision (V) to find skull scents as you run around. They may appear randomly. You need to find a bison, bull elk, cougar, mule deer, grizzly bear, and moose skull. Simply pick them up for a few seconds to see the achievement progress.
  • Bison Skull
  • Bull Elk Skull
  • Cougar Skull
  • Mule Deer Skull
  • Grizzly Bear Skull
  • Moose Skull

Alas, Poor Yorick
Find a wolf skull (and contemplate your mortality)
I found a wolf skull while hunting for the other scavenger hunts. It's possible that it is random what skull appears. Pick up the skull for a few seconds and mourn your lost brethren.
Life Arc
Home Is Where the Heart Is
Choose the same den that you were born in
When playing as a pup, find and choose to have the same den as you did when you had that pup.

Family Legacy
Playing as one of your pups, finish Slough Creek
Self-explanatory: finish the game playing as one of your pups.

I Could Tell You Stories
Reach the advanced age of eight
Self-explanatory: this will be a very tedious achievement to get but with patience you too can be a senile old dog!

Respect the Runt
As a grown runt, raise your pups to 20 pounds.
Play as the runt of the litter and complete all quests. Once all your pups are 20 pounds at the rendezvous spot you'll unlock this achievement.

Lupine Legend
Reach age eight as an Ironwolf
Self-explanatory: Try your best to stay alive and not die until you reach eight years old.

A Far Green Country
Choose a peaceful death after reaching age eight.
After you reach age 8 on a wolf, you will eventually get a pop-up letting you know that you have the option to voluntarily pass away in your sleep (by pressing and holding R) or you can just leave it up to random chance the next time you sleep. Find a good spot to lay down and pass away peacefully into the great beyond.

A Well-Rounded Wolf
Choose every age perk over the course of your life.
Do I need to explain this one?

Reach age eight with the same mate since age two.
This might be easier if your mate is the same age or only slightly older than you.

So Lonely
Outlive your mate after you both reach age eight
Similar to the previous achievement, but your mate will need to be the same age as you.
Kings of the Hill
Claim and hold 15 hexes on Amethyst for four game days.
This might take you a few hours. I've seen people try this by claiming all or as many hexes and possible then sleeping and repeating the process, while others claim hexes and stay awake with barely any stamina. Whatever your method, good luck.

Kings of the Creek
Claim and hold 20 hexes in Slough Creek for six game days
Similar to the previous achievement, sleeping during this time could result in losing a hexagon of territory. It's recommended you have as many players as you can to make maintaining the hexes as easy as possible.

Nobody Messes with Us!
Defeat a group of six or more stranger wolves attacking your den without losing any pups
You can either try to defeat the stranger wolves as quickly as possible or have a few wolves guard the pups while other work on chipping away at the strangers' HP. Whatever your method, make sure those pups stay safe!

Favorite Forever
Stay the favorite adult of a pup through the entire game
When the pups are born, you will be assigned a favorite pup. Keep feeding and playing with that specific pup to keep you as its favorite throughout the game.

Stolen Affection
Win over a pup that had another player as their favorite.
Spend more time with another pup that is the favorite of someone else. Play with a friend or something and try to win over each other's pups by playing with them, or if someone logs off the pup may choose you as their new favorite.

Collector's Cache
Find and bring all collectible objects to the den (all must be at the den at the same time)
Just as the description says. See the Explore section for collectible locations based on what map you are playing in.

Bring every kind of small carcass to the den. (Elk calf, moos calf, mule deer fawn, hare, and beaver must all be at the den at the same time.)
Just as the description says, it might help to have multiple people hunting for all the animals at the same time to make this faster and hopefully the pups won't eat everything before you get back.

No More Bull
Four or more wolves kill a bull elk together without dying along the way.
One tip for regaining health either sleeping and potentially losing the bull elk is to tap R so your wolf is sitting down then hold R to regenerate HP while depleting hunter. It only let's you heal up to 40% health but it's better than needing to sleep and try to track down your prey all over again if you can find it.

We'll Eat Like Kings
Four or more wolves kill a bison together without dying along the way.
The tip from above also applies here! As far as I know there is no difficulty requirement so you can do this on Easy if you're struggling.

The Strength of the Wolf (Challenging)
Complete all Slough Creek quests on Challenging with at least three pups alive at the end.
As the description says. Lowering the difficulty will result in you not getting the achievement. It's best to have as many players as possible so some can stay at the den and protect from predators while others hunt for food.

The Strength of the Wolf (Accurate)
Complete all Slough Creek quests on Accurate with at least three pups alive at the end.
As the description says. Lowering the difficulty will result in you not getting the achievement. It's best to have as many players as possible so some can stay at the den and protect from predators while others hunt for food. It also helps to pick out the biggest/fattest pups and keep them alive while you let the runts die so it's easier to get them to 15 and 20 lbs.

Power Pack
Playing on the No Vacancy territory configuration, complete all Slough Creek quests with at least three pups alive at the end (on Challenging or Accurate.)
You may as well play on Challenging to make this slightly easier. You'll be spending a lot of time reclaiming hexes and maintaining scent post markers.

Living the Life
On Normal Time mode, complete all Slough Creek quests with at least three pups alive at the end (on Challenging or Accurate.)
Play through story mode on Normal Time instead of sped up. This can take a LONG time so it's recommended to have only three pups (or four for insurance) and trying to speedrun as fast as possible. This entails gathering carcasses ASAP, leaving your den and never choosing a new one (AKA being Nomadic = 0% chance of fleas), and sleeping once pups' bellies are 100% full. I highly, HIGHLY recommend killing the runt, as its the main thing slowing down progress, but I know people can get attached to them. Or I'm just ruthless.

Bring every kind of animal skull to the den. (Elk, moose, bison, mule deer, cougar, grizzly bear, and wolf skulls must all be at the den at the same time.
I believe this is largely RNG based and is most easily done at the summer site. More easily done with a larger group.
Lost River DLC
Good Dog
Sleep in a dog house.
Find a dog house and press Z to sleep while near/in it. There is a dog house in the abandoned town along the cliff on the northern side of town and a cyan one in a backyard in Allison Acres. You can get to the backyard but walking into a slightly ajar garage door.

Sleep in three human beds
Much like the above achievement, find three beds to sleep in. There is a bed in the motel east of the abandoned town, a bed at the glass house south of Blades Peak, and one in the hunting lodge.

Don't Throw Stones
Enjoy the view from the porch on the glass house.
Go to the glass house and take in the view from the porch during the summertime. The glass south is located south of Blades Peak and northeast of The Back Forty.

Another Dam Achievement
Visit all dams, human and beaver
There are a total of 4 dams: 3 beaver-made and 1 human-made. These are easily found by following the rivers on the map. There is one west of The Back Forty, between the Town and Allison Acres, and at Crooked Creek. The human dam is south of Grant's Glen.

Ranch Bandit
Kill a domestic calf at the ranch (and escape with your life)
Similar to the ranch in the old Slough Creek, but this is an actual physical location on the map in the most south east part of the map. It is only accessible at night. There will be a warning popup when you are approaching the farm. Sneak in through a break in the fence where you can hunt domestic calfs. If you stay too long, though, some bad things might happen. Better get out with your prize while you can!

First Date
Bring a trial mate to the Lost Cup Coffee Shop
Before you decide on your mate, why not take them on a date to see if you really connect with each other? What says romance like two wolves hyped up on caffeine? The coffee shop is located in the abandoned town.

Clown Car
Have a litter of seven pups at the Carnival den
It's easier to have a larger litter if your mate has a high diversity rating (especially if neither of you have a black coat). If you can, try finding a 4 star mate to make this achievement easy.

Full House
Have a litter of two pups of one sex and three of another, at the ghost town den
This is largely up to RNG so you may need to save before selecting the den and re-rolling the litter or playing through multiple games at this den. The ghost town den is a wagon in the little town east of Temple Rocks.

Pickup Pups
Have a litter of pups underneath the abandoned truck
Find the abandoned truck den in the winter and have your puppies there. This den is located east of the Grant's Glen Waterfall, which is north of Grant's Glen on the map.

Pizza Party
Bring your pups to Carmella's Pizzeria
Much like human children, pups also need a place to get hyped up on sugar and or howl as loud as they want with their friends/family.

Move to a rendezvous site more than 5 kilometers away.
Same as the other achievement in the base game, but longer!

Graveyard shift
Loaf for five days at the rendezvous site at the Lost River cemetery
Choose the Lost River Cemetery as your summer spot! Sleep for five days (feeding your pups here and there when awake) to speed up the process.

House of Horrors
Bring your pups to the hunting lodge
Probably more easily done when searching for a rendezvous site. Show your babies the horrors of humans. What a fun learning experience! It's a bit tedious to try to corral your pups into the building. I found it's easiest to do it when they are hungry and putting food inside the building.

Brave the darkness and find the deepest point in Lost Luck silver mine
A light source is required for this. Luckily the two spawn points for the Miner's lights are right outside the cave! Pick up the light and enter the mine. Turn right at the fork to get to the end quickly.

Floppy Forever
Visit Floppy in every season
Visit floppy while marking territory in the winter, after having puppies, while raising them, and after they've grown up. Floppy, you can never escape my love. I will come see you every season <3

Where's the Beef?
Find a cattle skull.
Find a cattle skull in the Crooked Creek Ranch area. Like with all skulls, this occurs randomly and there is not way to pinpoint when/where this happens in the ranch unfortunately.
Hellroaring Mountain DLC
Please be patient as I gather screenshots of the achievements, their locations, and other information! Thank you! :)
Important note: Fall hunting season can only be accessed during the "find a mate" quest (ie, starting from square one and not with an already established mate)

Mark the Marker
Mark the summit cairn on Hellroaring Mountain with your mate.
A cairn is a small stack of rocks/stones. Located at the highest part of Hellroaring Mountain!

Canyon Cruise
Starting at the Confluence with Hellroaring Creek, swim downstream in the Yellowstone River, below the cliffs with your mate.
Confluence is a location just east of the Yellowstone River which is in the southwest area of the map. Swap downstream (Northward on the map) until you reach the cliffs pictured in the following screenshots! Happy swimming!

Wolverine Wallop
Win a carcass fight with a wolverine
I was lucky to happen upon a wolverine near a carcass. The wolverine does not have to be actively eating from the carcass to be considered a carcass fight, just close enough that the Fight/Flight bar shows up. Growling to scare them away is not very effective as wolverines, just like real life, are very aggressive. Attempt on easy difficulty for a very quick achievement when biting them! You do not have to kill them, just get them to flee.

Calling the Wild
Find the electronic predator/prey caller outside the park, during the fall hunting season.
More like Call of the Wild, am I right? Heh. Anyways, the location is somewhat random but I was able to find it east of Bull Mountain.

Perfectly Balanced
Have a litter of three male and three female pups at the Balanced Rock den
Located below Basalt Cliff on the f's in "cliff". Finally, a perfectly balanced family (as all things should be). This will take multiple save reloads (unless you're incredibly lucky). Still working on obtaining this one myself, wish me luck!

Across the wide Yellowstone
Move from a rendezvous site on one side of the Yellowstone to another on the other site.
Family road trip time! This does not refer to the entire map, but the major river located at the bottom half of the map! Cross the river (via the suspension bridge) so you can tell them you crossed a river and walked up hill (both ways) to get them to a nice summer vacation spot! I did this by choosing the Enchanted Forest spot then going to the one west of the EF (via southward across the bridge and then west).

Bridge Brigade
During your journey to a rendezvous site, take your pups over the Stock Bridge across Hellroaring Creek.
Walk across bridge. Don't fall off.

Pool Party
Take a cool swim with your pups in the pool below Cottonwood Falls.
What is it with WolfQuest and pools!? It's honestly a pretty difficult achievement to get because the current is very strong in the pool of water. I got this achievement by only having ONE pup, then picking it up and then running into the pool. Good luck and remember: pups must be supervised at all times when going swimming!

Enchanted Dreams
Bring pups to the Enchanted Forest and sleep to enjoy a special dream.
Go take a nap in the Enchanted Forest, located in the southeast portion of the map. You'll know you're in the area when your screen starts to get a weird glow or blur to it (pictured below). I won't spoil the dream, you'll have to find out for yourself!

Hunter's Homestay
Loaf with your pups at the hunter's lean-to for five days.
Oh how the hunter becomes the... other hunter's vacation spot...?

Ding Dong Ditch
During hunting season (fall, during the daytime) go to the hunting camp with your mate and howl, then run back into the park without getting shot at all.
Oh man, what a funny prank! Unsure if the hunting camp is random or in the same location, but here is where I found it. You will easily recognize it by the white tents, fire pit, and other human objects. The tents give off a human scent, a unique marker of two red exclamation points (!!). You have a pretty decent window from howling to when the humans come out and start trying to shoot you, just run directly south to be as fast as possible across the border. The achievement will pop up as soon as you cross into the Yellowstone area.

Hellroaring Mountain Explore
I reached the character limit on the original Explore tab, so the HRM DLC explore achievements will be put here! Happy hunting!

Hellroaring Mountain Scavenger Hunt
Collect all eight objects on the map.

Hunting Cap


Chewed Collar


Traffic Cone


Coyote Decoy

Leg-Hold Trap

Hellroaring Landmarks
Visit six locations on and around Hellroaring Mountain.
Hunting Lean-To

Hellroaring Summit

Suspension Bridge

Park boundary sign

Geode Falls

Bear Box

Hidden Achievements
The name of the achievements is visible for those who want a hint, hover over the black area to see the description and how to get the achievements. Happy hunting! Sorted by achievement sections.


Take your pups into the water for a family swim
Your pups will follow you into the water when you are moving dens and/or going to a rendezvous point. Why not take a minute to splash around?


Get rejected by a potential mate
Channel your inner alpha-gym-bro and treat your possible mate like garbage. Growl at them. Constantly. Do nothing else but growl, hunt already dead animals, hare, let them take unnecessary damage, or otherwise ignore them. It'll take a while so feel free to watch something while you do this. HOWEVER make sure you say 'NO' when it asks you if you want to end the trial courtship, otherwise you'll have to start all over or reload a previous save file. Like in real life, they will eventually realize your toxicity and leave you. Congrats on the achievement!

Second Timers
Find a new mate after losing your first one
Let your mate die (or maybe they died on accident, who knows?) and find a new mate

Biting Off More Than You Can Chew
Claim 30 hexes in your territory
This requires taking over some enemy wolf territory since there isn't enough room for all of us. But if you keep exploring, and never sleep, your hexes will barely lose any strength!

Look What the Wolf Dragged In
Bring a human object back to your pups
Self-explanatory, find one of the many human objects on the map and bring it to your den. For an interactive map of all collectible objects, please see the Explore section.


Glitchy Moose, Pls Fix
Go to the gates along the path south of Hank's Ditch to see this moose. It's an absolute abomination breath-taking creature galloping in circles behind the walls and chain-linked fence in both classic and . Is it kept in or are we kept out..? I guess we'll never know.


Forever Young
Choose not to age up 4 years in a row
Who needs stat boosts? Not you, apparently!


Wolf Soup
Jump into one of the hot springs at Lil' Yellowstone. Be warned, you WILL die from this so you probably shouldn't do this on Ironwolf. It takes a while to die so this is definitely not an accidental achievement. Enjoy the pretty colors while your wolf cooks!

Bark Bark BANG
Uh oh! Looks like you stayed past your welcome on the ranch. The cattle ranch is located in the bottom right of the Lost River map and can only be accessed at night. In the old game, you could tell you were overstaying your welcome when you heard dogs barking, however, now the cows will moo more and more if you attack one of the herd. If you stay too long it's only a matter of time til the rancher wakes up!

Escape Artist
At this time it doesn't seem like hunting cattle repeatedly across several nights changes your odds of encountering an ankle trap. I have noticed that if you kill a cattle one night, the following night the farmer will have the cattle in an inaccessible fenced-in area near the barn, so you will have to wait and come back another night. The traps are invisible until you step onto them, but they are usually placed near the break in the fence or in grass patches. When you do encounter a trap, press A and D repeatedly to try to wiggle free! This uses up stamina so you may need to pause to let your wolf regain stamina. Make sure you save before entering the ranch in case you can't get out in time and get shot. Good luck, break a leg!

Get all your pups to swim in a human pool at once. You can do this more easily with a small litter or using the big backyard pool near Allison Floods. I'll be honest, this is very tedious with a bigger litter. But if I could do it with a litter of 5, so can you! Just don't question the cleanliness of the water.

Lost Dog
Find the lost dog Carmella.
If you've been playing for a bit you've probably encountered several dogs roaming the areas, usually a Dachshund, Shepard, and/or Rottweiler. Carmella is a tan-and-white mutt that can be found around Blades Peak and The Lost & Found.

Lucky Dog:
Get shot by a hunter outside the park boundary-- and escape to tell the tale.
Guns sure do a lot of damage! Not to you though! If you are across the northern portion of the map, there is a chance a hunter will shoot at you. Don't linger near the actual camp though, that's an easy one shot for them. Take a single shot and then sprint back the Yellowstone for this achievement! As soon as you cross the border (alive) you will get the achievement.
Soupwolf 25 May @ 11:56am 
I was able to find the hunting camp where you described, so as far as I can tell, the location doesn't seem to be randomized!

I wish I had remembered to mark where I found them, but there seem to be multiples of the collectible items. I found all of them where you described, but I also found a second chewed collar, and a second showshoe, somewhere in the south eastern / south central area of the map.

The electronic predator/prey caller in my collection playthrough was located close by the hunting camp. I found it completely by accident after searching all over Bull Mountain. It was located close by the coyote decoy!
Ph@nt0m 19 May @ 6:12am 
For 'Enchanted Dreams', you can also do this at night. The screen will get a reddish glow to it and you repeat the process explained here. Just wanted to point this out!
Clem_TheThem 18 May @ 9:52pm 
I couldn't find it here, so I'm commenting it. But for the sleep in Goldilocks achievement, the bed in the watch tower thing also works! I gave it a shot because I couldn't find the hunting lodge lol
Ph@nt0m 14 May @ 3:29pm 
Thank you so much! I had spent hours looking for the new collectibles and couldn't locate a single one on Hellroaring.
mewag3 8 May @ 9:02pm 
when HRM released i thought there was a cave underneath those falls for the pool party achv... i was wrong :(
KokoLyra 4 May @ 9:26am 
Awesome! I look forward to your progress. ^^
The Family Disappointment  [author] 16 Apr @ 6:00am 
@KokoLyra I will! I just started playing it yesterday and I'm trying to get as much info on the new map as possible! :)
KokoLyra 12 Apr @ 12:57pm 
I was wondering, will you be adding Hellroaring Mountain achievements, now that the DLC has been released? This guide is the first place I go to for achievement help, and I'll just say that I haven't seen many other guides this helpful, so thank you! :Happy_Pup:
RJ Wolfy Girl 1 Sep, 2023 @ 12:42pm 
or its called Guide to the Cattle Ranch
RJ Wolfy Girl 1 Sep, 2023 @ 12:40pm 
If you need help with the cattle ranch, there is a guide called Cattle Ranch. It shows you everything you need to know about the cattle ranch