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Bee Nice: Updated
24.522 KB
2014 年 5 月 9 日 下午 4:11
2014 年 5 月 30 日 上午 11:42
3 项改动说明 ( 查看 )

Bee Nice: Updated

ALL CREDITS GO TO =|:3 (original author); I am merely updating this because the author was no where to be found and so was the mod as I tried contacting him earlier.
Bees will not attack when harvesting a bee box while wearing a beekeeper hat.
Let me know if there are any compatibility issues (ROG should not have updated anything to affect this?) or bugs needed sorting out.

Bugs Fixed: The bees are now able to leave the bee box without being stuck during fall.

To anyone whom it concerns, if you would like to port this over to DS:T/edit it for any future updates then go ahead I just ask that you mention the author and the editors. ~D47
59 条留言
阳光你好淘 2021 年 10 月 30 日 下午 7:13 




[Killerwolf] 2019 年 12 月 30 日 下午 9:05 
Is it compatible with Hamlet?
TofuCookies 2017 年 6 月 22 日 上午 9:06 
working for DST?
EelKat 2017 年 2 月 5 日 下午 11:36 
this mod says no longer working and has to be uninstalled in order to run ANY mod (even when this on is not enabled)
Destroyer47  [作者] 2016 年 5 月 23 日 上午 12:09 
@jc3213 It's fine if you want to go ahead and edit it into showing "compatibility" with the future versions yourself. We're mainly keeping this mod up (archival purposes and such, rather than a complete mod deletion for no apparent reason), because of how useful it was (probably still is) and how the original author completely vanished with their entire collection deleted (didn't even leave it up or anything which would be deleted once DS tries to "update" all the mods at once). Technically, it should be "future-proof" as far as anyone is concerned, since the bee box behavior is essentially recycled throughout the future updates (unless the devs feel like the code needs a complete overhall for some reason, but rarely is that ever true). The "compatibility" logging system is essentially DS's lazy way to make mod developers unnecessarily update their uploads, despite clear evidence to the contrary. All it means is that the 'compatible = true' wasn't done recently.
jc3213 2016 年 5 月 21 日 下午 8:32 
I've manually added the following lines to modeinfo.lua

-- Compatibility
dont_starve_compatible = true
reign_of_giants_compatible = true
shipwrecked_compatible = true

Tested in ROG and SW, it works good.
jc3213 2016 年 5 月 21 日 下午 8:04 
I see in the compatibility vanilla ? ROG ? SW X, Hope this will be updated
Jagodówka 2016 年 4 月 24 日 下午 1:04 
Shipwrecked [*]
Destroyer47  [作者] 2015 年 12 月 10 日 下午 5:59 
@Fear Gorta This is mainly an overwrite to the beebox.lua code where it adds an exception to the rule where a bee box harvest causes bees to spawn reguardless of wearable status. The exception looks for the situation using: "local hatEquipped = picker.components.inventory:GetEquippedItem(EQUIPSLOTS.HEAD)" // a hat is equipred or not; then, it runs the logic: "if not hatEquipped or hatEquipped.prefab ~= "beehat" then inst.components.childspawner:ReleaseAllChildren(picker)" // if it isn't a beehat, then it releases all the bees in an "picker" (angry b/c of harvest) state.
chi 2015 年 12 月 10 日 下午 4:59 