522 ratings
Death Sentence One Down Builds
By I hate summer
Another PD2 build guide, not much to say, hopefully you'll find something cool to play.
Important Notes
My way of building for this guide
Normally I never use Nine Lives in my builds, but I know majority prefers having it, so the builds in this guide will have it. That being said, I will try to mix my playstyle with the one people generally prefer. So Nine Lives will be there, but jokers for decks like Anarchist will be skipped as long as it's possible because I hate how converting works in this game. People usually go for Partners in Crime for the 2-shot armor, in my case it's Iron Man + Frenzy (basic/aced) 99% of the time, and that's how the stuff in this guide will be built.
I know a lot of people will find some of my choices pretty questionable, so at the end of each build that will potentially have them I will add a section where I explain those choices.
Also each build will have a very short section where I explain how to play the weapon combo, zerk (if needed) and some other important stuff (also if needed). I could write an essay, but it's pointless since gameplay videos will do a much better job in this case.

Gameplay videos
I'll be slowly updating the guide, so don't worry, every build will have at least one gameplay video sooner or later, it just might take some time considering I'm a bit busy.

Build ranking
All builds will be ranked at the end. The ranking will have multiple categories, so you'll know which builds are easy/hard to play or how powerful they are.
What do I consider when ranking power? How powerful the perk deck is, the survivability the build offers and how powerful the setup is at killing enemies.

The purpose of this guide is not showcasing the most META builds (only top decks, top weapons and very easy to play stuff)
Of course all of the builds here are made with DS/OD in mind, but I don't want this guide to be just another build guide with the builds everyone has already seen a thousand times (although there's a chance you'll see a few common builds here as well). Some (maybe even a lot of) builds will be similar to the ones you've seen multiple times, but I'll still try to make them a bit different. So for example, the first build here is Light Crossbow + Bronco. There's nothing wrong with this setup, but if I really wanted to make it more powerful, I'd just go for GL40 instead - what does it change? You can say the build is worse because of that, and sure it is, but crossbow allows you to do similar stuff, just more effort is required.

If you notice some typos or mistakes in the screenshots, feel free to inform me about it
Obviously even DSOD youtubers are just humans, there's a chance I accidentally ace Low Blow at 4 DR or do other stupid stuff. Mistakes happen and I'm pretty sure this guide won't be an exception to this. With so many words and images that will be uploaded it's rather inevitable.

Toxic people are not welcome here
If you think something can be improved, comment about it in a normal way and we might discuss it like normal people. Although first make sure I objectively made a mistake because I already stated I will be mixing my playstyle here and since it's my guide and build rating is 75% subjective, major part of the guide will be my opinions. If you're here to rage or be toxic just for the sake of being toxic, then better don't comment at all. I will not waste my time on such people - immediate block.
Light Crossbow & Bronco [Anarchist] (1)

Primary: Light Crossbow

Attachment Type
Explosive Bolt

Secondary: Bronco .44 Revolver

Attachment Type
Barrel Extension
Flash Hider
Concealment (+3)
Ergo Wooden Grip
Overcompensating Barrel
Upper Receiver
Slimline Body

How to play
Start with zerking as soon as possible - the tool we'll use for this will be the crossbow. I will leave a quick video that shows you how to do it, but REMEMBER about one thing: zerking with explosives is inconsistent and may differ depending on the surface you're performing it on, don't be surprised if you die trying to zerk at some point. It's better to go for a slightly lower zerk than risk for the highest values possible.
Once you manage to get your desired zerk%, there's not much more to say. Use your crossbow to destroy shields and against dozers to break their face cover if you want, bronco should be used for everything else.

Build difficulty
Let's start with the fact that your zerk source is different compared to most builds - light crossbow. As I already said, explosives in this game can be really inconsistent and there's nothing you can do about it, so it's a bit tricky at times. Another thing would be lack of meat shields, jokers make the game much easier, this build doesn't have them which means you'll be targeted more, so you need to play smarter (unless your other crew members have them, then it won't matter). The most difficult part is probably aiming, it's not hard to spam the revolver, but remaining ammo positive does take some effort. On top of that the weapons are not silenced which means you'll be targeted much more.
Despite the fact that Anarchist is a powerful deck, I'd say this setup is very difficult to play. You can artificially make builds that are hard to play by making them as bad as possible (suit frenzy grinder and such), but I do not count those, this one is pretty powerful, it just requires quite a bit of effort.


Build power
As I noted, it's a pretty difficult setup, but it can rewarding. Good thing is that by acing Frenzy your vulnerability to snipers is eliminated to some degree. With good aim you can make your secondary a pretty deadly weapon. Of course It's not a hyper-carry setup that will easily allow you to solo all maps if your team is not the best, but the build performs well once you get used to it.


Gameplay video
Desertfox & Jacket's Piece [Ex-President] (2)

Primary: Desertfox Sniper Rifle

Attachment Type
Silenced Barrel
Compact Laser Module
Speculator Sight

Secondary: Jacket's Piece

Attachment Type
Barrel Extension
The Bigger The Better Suppressor
Compact Laser Module
Wide Stock
Upper Receiver
80's Calling

How to play
Sniper is there for nearly everything. If you're scared you might run out of ammo with it, don't hesitate to switch to your smg from time to time however its main purpose is dealing with rushing dozers that are close to you or if you're worried you could miss a different unit that is close and wants to rush you. Feel free to use your melee whenever you want to have the reload boost.

Build difficulty
Lots of people find EP to be a very difficult deck, personally I don't necessarily think so, but then again, it's just my opinion. I'd say 500 snipers are among the hardest weapons to use in the entire game, there's a lot of situations where missing a single shot can end up with you dying (yes yes, you can position yourself better, but you know what I mean). The secondary is a simple weapon to use, but the sniper rifle will be your main weapon. Fortunately you have one joker which makes it a bit easier.


Build power
Similar situation to the previous build. If your aim is good and you know how to play EP, you shouldn't struggle with this one. I added melee skills as well, so if you get overwhelmed by dozers, simply switch to your secondary and charge your ice pick, this makes the build more powerful.


Potentially questionable building choice
Bloodthirst aced over Unseen Strike basic - "Isn't higher crit chance better than some reload buff?". So, you have to keep in mind that Unseen Strike would only ever really matter against dozers, that's basically the only time where it could save you. Would Bloodthirst save you? Potentially yes, although the probability of that happening is lower than with Unseen Strike, so yes, you are not wrong if you thought Unseen Strike would be the better choice for majority. "Why the f did you pick Bloodthirst then?". There are two reasons:
  • While it is true that Unseen Strike has a higher chance to save you, don't forget that Bloodthirst could do the same. If you spam your Jacket's Piece and manage to finish dozer off with your Ice Pick, then get rushed by another dozer, the reload buff could save you.
  • So you're aware that there's a chance Bloodthirst saves you from dozers, now let's look at it from a different perspective. Would Unseen Strike matter against any other units? No. You're playing a 500 damage sniper, you stomp everything with one headshot. Bloodthirst buff would save you some time by lowering the number of seconds you'd need to spend on reloading from time to time. It's not game changing at all, but makes the build a little more comfortable to play in most situations. Besides there's a chance you crit off Low Blow itself as well.

TL;DR: Unseen Strike is the safer option and only matters against dozers / Bloodthirst is better in every other situation and has the potential to save you against dozers as well, although the potential is not as high.

Gameplay video
Brenner-21 LMG & 5/7 AP Pistol [Armorer] (3)

Primary: Brenner-21 LMG

Attachment Type
Long Barrel
Barrel Extension
The Bigger The Better Suppressor
LED Combo
Ergo Grip

Secondary: 5/7 AP Pistol

Attachment Type
TiN Treated Barrel
Barrel Extension
Flash Hider
Micro Laser
Extended Magazine
Pistol Red Dot Sight

How to play
Nothing to say here: 5/7 for shields, LMG for anything else.

Build difficulty
LMG... Armorer with FAKs... This setup is incredibly easy to play despite no jokers, there's nothing else to say.


Build power
Same thing - LMG + FAKs + Armorer... This build doesn't have real weaknesses. You stomp everything without any effort, it's stupidly powerful.


Potentially questionable building choice
In my eyes there's absolutely nothing questionable about this build, however I know there's a lot of people who love Lock and Load aced on LMGs, some even say they're unplayable without it, which is something I find odd to say the least, but here's an alternative version with it:

Gameplay video
Akimbo Judge & Mark 10 Overkill Aced [Grinder] (4)

Primary: Akimbo Judge

Attachment Type
AP Slug
Compact Laser Module

Secondary: Mark 10 SMG

Attachment Type
Barrel Extension
Low Profile Suppressor
Compact Laser Module
Speed Pull Magazine
Skeletal Stock

How to play
Switch between your weapons a lot, but use the secondary as your main weapon. Remember that AP ammo can pierce walls, that also means this is the weapon you wanna use against shields. Don't waste too much ammo to clear enemies with your Akimbo Judge, activate your Overkill boost and switch back to Mark 10 to deal with anything else.

Build difficulty
Surviving with Grinder can be challenging at times without FAKs and AP ammo, although not very much, still requires a bit of aim from the user. Mark 10 with Body Expertise is well... very easy, but that's obvious. I will give this one an above average rating, but I'm not gonna say it's very hard to play, why? I'd say playing A tier perks with terrible / harder weapons is more challenging than B/C tier decks with good and easy weapons. The first build in this guide uses a much better perk deck (Anarchist), but Bronco requires much better aim and missing can be very punishing (especially since there's no silencer), so I'd say it's much harder to play. Can you say the same about this build? I don't think so. I doubt you'd struggle with Body Expertise Mark 10. I hope you understand my way of thinking here.


Build power
As I already said, Grinder doesn't have the greatest survivability, but this build has a crazily boosted Mark 10 (Body Expertise, Overkill, Low Blow) which turns it into a killing machine against any unit in the game. The setup isn't too good at doing objectives or pushing stuff because of the perk deck, but you definitely won't struggle with defending yourself against rushing units or making space.


Potentially questionable building choices
No Optical Illusions for a setup like this. I often play without it and I never really feel I'm forced to play differently compared to when I have it. The targeting system in this game is unbelievably weird and everyone will tell you different things about it, but that's a topic for another day, I'll leave you a variant with this skill.

Including this one here is probably stupid, but I have a feeling someone would ask why there's no Akimbo skill. Well, there's no need for it whatsoever. Since you'll be using the Judges just to activate the damage boost and against shields from time to time, it'd be dumb to sacrifice any other skill in the build just for it.
AMR-16 & Para SMG [Sociopath] (5)

Primary: AMR-16 Rifle

Attachment Type
Long Barrel
Barrel Extension
The Bigger The Better Suppressor
Blast From The Past Handguard
Compact Laser Module
Rubber Grip
Lower Receiver
THRUST Lower Receiver
Speed Pull Magazine
See More Sight
Wide Stock
Upper Receiver
LW Upper Receiver

Secondary: Para SMG

Attachment Type
Barrel Extension
The Bigger The Better Suppressor
Aftermarket Shorty
Compact Laser Module
Straight Grip
Lower Receiver
THRUST Lower Receiver
Speed Pull Magazine
See More Sight
Shorter Than Short Stock
Upper Receiver
LW Upper Receiver

How to play
AMR will probably be your main weapon here, but in general you can switch between them whenever you feel like. My suggestion would be switching to Para if you want to get some ammo for the primary one.
I guess seeing Ice Pick on Sociopath is probably unusual for you considering nearly every build you see uses Katana. There's nothing wrong with it, you just have to be more precise with the second hit. Crits have the potential to play a pretty important role in this case as well. So, charge your first melee attack and then keep mashing insert your melee button as soon as you release the first hit, this way you'll have enough time to with the boost. Don't forget this build has Unseen Strike which you can use to your advantage if it's active. There's a very high chance either of your hits crits, this will allow you to destroy anything that moves, but you don't necessarily have to play around it too hard, stacked Bloodthirst and the Sociopath boost are good enough too.

Build difficulty
You don't have ICTV, you don't have HT, you don't have converts. The weapons are pretty powerful, but survivability wise this setup is not the greatest if you run out of FAKs, so be careful. And even despite the fact that the weapons are very easy to use, I'd say this setup is pretty demanding because of the aformentioned reasons (if the heist is going on for too long).


Build power
If it had HT or ICTV, I'd rank it higher, but as it is, this setup wouldn't fit into the highest tiers.
As long as you have FAKs you're safe, but if the heist is going on for too long, the power of this build goes down significantly, and I mean SIGNIFICANTLY. I'll give it a bit higher rating compared to the Grinder setup above simply because heists shouldn't be going on for so long, but it's a possibility, so you know...

3/10 if you're out of FAKs. You can heal off Sociopath melee, but that would take ages.
Akimbo Tatonka & Street Sweeper [Stoic] (6)

Primary: Akimbo Tatonka

Attachment Type
Barrel Extension
The Bigger The Better Suppressor
Compact Laser Module
AK Rubber Grip

Secondary: Street Sweeper

Attachment Type
Dragon's Breath Round
Compact Laser Module

How to play
It's Stoic - get a convert ASAP. The secondary is there to deal with shields and help you sustain ammo since it's not hard to run out of it with the primary in this build. Or well, let's say it allows you to spam the akimbo a bit more.

Build difficulty
Stoic... unbelievable survivability, on top of that you have FAKs, a joker and Hostage Taker. This alone makes this setup very easy to play, the only thing that keeps it away from the lowest rating is lack of Body Expertise.


Build power
Unfortunately there's no Overkill and Body Expertise to boost the damage further, but it's a high damage SMG, so it's not a big deal either. I already mentioned Stoic is super tanky once you get a joker and no special unit is particularly dangerous.

Tempest-21 & 5/7 AP Pistol [Gambler] (7)

Primary: Tempest-21 Rifle

Attachment Type
Barrel Extension
The Bigger The Better Suppressor
Compact Laser Module
Speed Pull Magazine
See More Sight

Secondary: 5/7 AP Pistol

Attachment Type
TiN Treated Barrel
Barrel Extension
Flash Hider
Micro Laser
Extended Magazine

How to play
I'm pretty sure everyone knows how to play AR + 5/7, but just in case: 5/7 for shields or enemies behind walls, Tempest for everything else.

Build difficulty
There's nothing special or demanding going on in this build other than you having to be a little bit careful with ammo management, but just a little bit. I find Gambler to be a very mediocre deck, but FAKs and a joker will make it much easier.


Build power
Tempest is a great rifle and 5/7 is a good utility weapon, the only reason why the power of this build won't be too high is because, as I said before, I find Gambler to be a mediocre perk. Unseen Strike aced heavily increases your DPS, so as long as you don't do too aggressive plays, you should be somewhat fine.


Potentially questionable building choice
I can already see a few people getting mad at me for not going LBV. Well, this is probably the most overrated thing in the entire game in my eyes. Yes, the 70 armor breakpoint is cool, but there's a couple of problems with it. First of all, you need to spend 8 points (Die Hard aced + Inner Pockets aced) to achieve the same stats. Now let's keep in mind that it's very situational... heavy units are majority of the police forces, and against heavy units your armor will go down in one shot whether you have suit or LBV. It's all cool, but there's a chance it does not trigger a single time during one heist, on top of that look at the price you pay just to get it in this build - removal of Unseen Strike aced. There's more to it, that 5% dodge from suit has a chance to save you from a heavy shot entirely. Compare them: the aced version of this skills allows you to pretty much permanently crit the entire heist (much higher DPS, huge benefit) vs 70 armor breakpoint that may not trigger a single time, and sometimes if it does it's insignificant. Of course there's a chance it saves you as well, but ask yourself again: is it really worth it?...
I don't see any reason to go for it over the aformentioned skill, but if you insist, I'll drop an alternative version:
Akimbo Stryk & DB Grimm [Ultra Swap Speed Rogue] (8)

Primary: Akimbo STRYK-18C Pistols

Attachment Type
Barrel Extension
Size Doesn't Matter Suppressor
Micro Laser
Ergo Grip
Extended Magazine

Secondary: Grimm 12G Shotgun

Attachment Type
Dragon's Breath Round
Auto Fire
Little Brother Foregrip
Compact Laser Module

How to play
You know the main purpose of Overkill in this build? Surprisingly it's not the damage boost, but the swap speed. As you know or not, Rogue swaps weapons very fast, Overkill aced stacks with it, it allows you to swap between weapons at an insane speed. Grimm with DB ammo is quite overpowered, so you can just spam it as much as you want.

Build difficulty
This combo is very easy to use, but there are two things to note: no Hostage Taker and no Surefire aced for the primary. And yea, it's not a big deal conisdering how strong the secondary is, but still...


Build power
The DPS you deal with this combo of skills and weapons is nuts and Rogue as a deck is pretty good as well. I think the build can deal with any situation without major issues, but lack of HT lowers the survivability quite a bit and the primary is not as effective without Surefire so I cannot rate it super high.


Potentially questionable building choices
I know quite a bit of the community thinks that Hostage Taker is a requirement for this deck. It sure is nice to have, but as long as you have FAKs, you can skip HT if you really need those points for something else.
Lack of Surefire for this type of pistols. Similar situation, it's really great, but there's not much you can do in this case. The secondary will allow you to deal with enemies that are further away with ease and you shouldn't really struggle with doing headshots when they're close to you, so it's just something you have to get used to.
Desperado over One Handed Talent - lots of people I know prefer going for the latter one, feel free to switch between them as well. I think the damage boost from Trigger Happy, Low Blow and Overkill is enough, but then again, up to you.
Triple Heather [Hacker] (9)

Primary: Akimbo Heather SMG

Attachment Type
Barrel Extension
The Bigger The Better Suppressor
LED Combo
Speed Pull Magazine
Unfolded Stock

Secondary: Heather SMG

Attachment Type
Barrel Extension
The Bigger The Better Suppressor
Compact Laser Module
Speed Pull Magazine
Unfolded Stock

How to play
Be very aggressive, and I mean VERY AGGRESSIVE. Spam your weapons however you feel like and chain pocket ECMs one after another.

Build difficulty
You need to get used to being animal level of aggressive with this setup, but other than the fact that there's no converts, this build is incredibly easy.


Build power
The most powerful setup from this list so far. It's not akimbo CR level of power, but it's still insane.

AK5 & MP40 [Tag Team] (10)

Primary: AK5

Attachment Type
CQB Barrel
Barrel Extension
The Bigger The Better Suppressor
Belgian Heat Handguard
Compact Laser Module
Speed Pull Magazine
See More Sight
Caesar Stock

Secondary: MP40

Attachment Type
Barrel Extension
The Bigger The Better Suppressor
Compact Laser Module
Speculator Sight

How to play
You can use both weapons for dealing with any unit, but I'd suggest the secondary more against dozers. Remember to tag the player that kills the most and the magic of Tag Team will happen on its own. If your team is terrible, then you can always tag your joker.

Build difficulty
There's nothing really difficult about this setup. The weapons are pretty powerful and can deal with every enemy unit, you also have FAKs and even a joker. The throwable is very easy to activate and you don't really have to think about when you use it as well, just make sure to figure out who's the best at killing.


Build power
Tag Team is a very interesting one in this regard because how powerful this build is depends entirely on your team. As I said you can always tag a joker, but luck plays a huge part in this case. Jokers move weirdly and their killing potential is random. On top of that there's no Joker aced which helps for this deck if there's no one to tag. The thing is, if there's no good teammate to tag, any Tag Team build will drop power-wise, pretty heavily as a matter of fact. The healing you receive from a decent killer is really amazing, without the healing you'd be relying on FAKs.

6,5/10 - with someone good to tag
4/10 - no one to tag

Potentially questionable building choice
No health breakpoint from Quick Fix aced or Underdog aced. I am not 100% sure if both are required, so please notify me ASAP if it's this way because I'll be dropping a version with Quick Fix aced, but as I just said, I am unable to confirm whether that's all you need or not.
More Notes
As I said before, hopefully you found something cool to play. Before finishing, I'd like to recommend a guide from KevKild since he did the same with mine. There's a lot of powerful builds you can find and lots of good info in general:

Remember, there will be gameplay videos for every build, the guide is far from being done yet, but I'll be slowly updating it as long as I have enough time. There's also a very high chance my ranking changes a lot - people change, and so do opinions.

Thanks for reading. C:
cerious 6 Nov, 2023 @ 2:26pm 
I love the Desertfox build. but i changed Jacket's Piece to Pistol Crossbow so i can activate EP manually without the risk of dying
BurstIsMildlyFearless 25 Apr, 2023 @ 9:55pm 
Do you plan to update this with the recent updates?
gabsF 12 Sep, 2022 @ 4:05am 
some pictures aren't loading
scorch 30 Aug, 2022 @ 7:11am 
Thank you for the builds you made, infinite fun with the heather hacker build
once 28 Jul, 2022 @ 5:33am 
Sociopath isn’t like muscle, you do not need to have silencers on any of your weapons to spread panic.
scorch 14 Jul, 2022 @ 8:47am 
Tried out the Sociopath build, but why have it suppressed if you cannot panic enemies?
CreeperCandy 27 Jun, 2022 @ 6:11am 
The grinder build is pretty good, but you cant tank hits so often. A plus side of it is health regen, I have grinder builds that I can use fine on dw, and even ds sometimes (im not that good at ds). Grinder might not be the best perk deck for dsod, but its still really good. Akimbo judges are just for the overkill aced, and also just spraying and praying with the mac 10 isn't gonna help with ammo.
labagama 22 Jun, 2022 @ 9:03am 
Alcodile 8 May, 2022 @ 6:53am 
Grinder build here is the most terrible build I have seen. Survivability 0, plus runs out of ammo too quick. Ajoke even on DW, not sure why it is here.
سليك slick 29 Mar, 2022 @ 1:40pm 
Man , these builds are so good , tried a couple of them (Hacker , Armorer Stoic and Gambler) but my favorite is the Triple Heather Hacker , so fun and insanely powerful ! Thank you for your hard work :) <3