Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

682 个评价
Detailed Origins Guide
由 Maxim 和其他 1 人合作完成
In this Guide we will show you all basic things you need to know when playing Origins

Big thank you to ZedzDEMIZie for letting us use your map
his original post on Reddit
How to enable 'Pack a Punch'
in order to enable 'Pack a Punch' on the map you need to activate all Generators on the map.
To activate you need 200 points if you play Solo, 400 for Duo, 600 for Trio and Quad, you always get 100 points for completing the activation. This goes for all Generators on the map.
Generator 1
This one is by far the easiest to find since its right in the spawn room

you always get a reward for activating the first Generator, it will usually be either '2x Points' when playing Solo or 'Zombie Blood' when playing Multiplayer
Generator 2
Generator 2 will be found when you open up the door that is past the first Generator.
when you come up the stairs form the spawn room to the right.
Generator 3
Generator 3 is found by either going back to the spawn and opening the second door straight ahead from the spawn

Or by going through the staircase room past Generator 2 to the left

Generator 4
(Generator 4 will be a bit harder to explain without using half a dozen pictures.)

Go up the stairs in the staircase room, Into the 'no mans land'.

from here go to the left, over the wooden stairs from the 'Pack a Punch' pedestal and further ahead through Odins (the Giant in the Middle) left footprint.
Generator 5
Generator 5 is found by going back over the wooden stairs were the 'no mans land' "start" is and going further ahead
Generator 6
Generator 6 is found by going through the trench behind 'Pack a Punch'
from there go left though the footprint of Freyr into the church op the stairs next to the tank
Perks Locations
Quick Revive
Next to Generator 1

Speed Cola
Next to Generator 3 in Thors (Giant on the right of the map) footprint

Next to Generator 4

Stamin Up
Next to generator 5

Double Tap,Electric Cherry,Widow Wine,Dead Shot
can only be obtained from Wunderfizz, Wunderfizz is located at every Generator but only one will be active, this is indicated by Wunderfizz having green lights and lightnings hitting it regularly
Double Tap can also be obtained by paying 30000 points to the challenge chest
Shovels are needed to dig up weapons, power ups, or staff-parts from little hills on the map

after digging about 30 times (without going down) you will unlock the Golden Shovel, with the golden shovel you can dig up the Golden Helmet which prevents you from dying to the Giants

credit to GoldenRac00n for pointing this out to us.

Two are located in the spawn room
-one close to the door to Generator 3
-and one in the lower spawn room

The third shovel is lying under the church, at the rear of the tank.

The fourth is In the wind tunnel, next to Generator 4
How to get into the Staff Room
In order to open the staff room you will need to find the Gramophone and the White Record.
once you have them place them on the box next to where you found the Gramophone,
a staircase will appear leading to the staff room.

White Record
the white record has 3 locations all around the 'Pack a Punch' pedestal

one location could be next to the wooden stairs on a box

one location could be on a stone trench wall behind the 'Pack a Punch' pedestal

one location could be in a wheelbarrow next to 'Pack a Punch' it self

the Gramophone is found under 'Pack a Punch' next to two chests
Ice Staff
The is Staff is one of the best, if not the best staff in the game, even though it can be tricky due to the zombies not dying instantly.

Ice Record
First you need the Ice Record, it is located next to Generator 2 in the building inside shelfs

Staff Parts
The staff parts them selfs are easy to get, for them, you just need to dig at little hills when it is snowing on the map. This is purely luck based, and you might not get all staff parts in the first weather cycle, just wait until it's snowing again. (all digging locations are shown on the map above)

for the Gem you also need the Gramophone which found under 'Pack a Punch' next to two chests

With the Gramophone and the Blue Record go to the cave near Generator 6
and place it on the table to the left.

once in the crazy place you will see a blue artefact, go up to it and press "F"

with all parts collected, go to the staff room and Build the staff on the blue pedestal
Ice Staff Upgrade
To upgrade the Ice staff take the staff and go back to the crazy place, here you need to solve a puzzle.

Here you need to shoot the corresponding symbol according to the "number" on the right

do that until all stones are turned around

done with that you need to shoot 3 tombstones on the map with the staff and then shoot them again with an unpunched weapon to break them

One will be to the right of Joggernog

One will be on the hill of 'Pack a Punch'

and the last one will be next to the Tank path behind the Generator 2 building
after completing you will see a light beam coming from 'Pack a Punch'

Done with that u will see a light coming from the staff room. Go there and change all the colors of the rings to blue using the levers around the staff room.

done with that go underneath the rings, and you will see a blue ball floating, shoot it with your staff and you will see it fly away (this will take a bit)

now go back to the crazy place through the ice cave and place the staff in the artifact, and kill ~20 zombies, you will get a notification when it's done

Enjoy your Upgraded Staff
Fire Staff
The Fire Staff is easy and fast to build, you will have all parts at round 8

Fire Record
First you need the Fire record it is located around the tank/church and Generator 6 area

the first location could be next to the tank behind i pillar

the second location could be on a bench on inside the church upstairs

the last location could be on a box next to Generator 6

Staff Parts
You will get the First Part by activating Generator 6, it will be in a challenge box.
The box is also on Generator 6 (can't miss it)

You will get the Second Part by shooting down a plain that has an orange glow to it, it will spawn in round 4-5
no matter where on the map you shoot down the plain, the part will always fall in the middle of the map, next to 'Pack a Punch' and Odin's two footprints

the Third Part will spawn after you kill the Panzer Zombie in round 8
this is by far the hardest part to get but cannot be missed

-It's recommended having a punched weapon until then (the best weapon against him is Boomhilda which is the starting handgun Punched)
-always shoot the Panzer Zombies Head since all other parts are protected
-whenever he grabs you try to shoot his right arm (your right) that way you
will cancel his action

for the Gem you also need the Gramophone which found under 'Pack a Punch' next to two chests

With the Gramophone and the Red Record, go to the cave near Generator 1
<Hier screenshot von Blitz tunnel eingang Gen5>and place it on the table to the left.

once inside you will see a red artifact, go up to it and press "F" to collect the Gem

now that you have all parts, go to the Staff Room and build the Staff on the red pedestal
Fire Staff Upgrade
First, go back to the Crazy Place and locate the section on the floor with a mash
here you need to kill enough zombies until the Kilns in the back are all burning, you will hear a sound when you did it.

Now go up the main map and go to the Church, upstairs to the back wall, here you will see symbols on the wall. These correspond to numbers
these numbers are also downstairs under Torches, remember the number you have and shoot the Torches to those numbers

Note: -Be quick, the Torches will extinguish after a while
-The Torch without a number is actually the number 4

Now a Beam will appear over 'Pack a Punch'
go there and Turn all Colors on the rings to red using the levers

Done with that, go underneath the rings and shoot the red ball, it should fly away after a short while

Now go back to the Crazy Place and place your Staff in the artifact and collect ~20 souls

Enjoy your Upgraded Staff
Lightning Staff
Lightning Record
First you need the Lightning Record which is around Generator 4

One location could be next to Wonderfizz on the table

One location could be on a wagon across the mod way

And the last location could be in the wind tunnel (the one at Generator 4) on the right side near the wind portal

Staff Parts
in order to get the staff parts, you need to drive with the tank and jump of to the locations to pick up the Parts

The First Part will be on a platform to the right of the first tank, close to generator 3

the Second Part location will be close to 'Pack a Punch' right after passing the MP40

the Third part will be in the church, when approaching the church look for a ledge to walk on the right

for the Gem you also need the Gramophone which found under 'Pack a Punch' next to two chests

With the Gramophone and the Purple Record, go to the cave near Generator 5
and place it on the table to the left.

once in the crazy place you will see a purple artifact, go up to it and press "F"

with all parts collected, go to the staff room and Build the staff on the purple pedestal
Lightning Staff Upgraded
First go back to the Crazy Place and locate the purple Triangles on the close to the portal.
For us, only the lower Triangles matter

Shoot the following 3 number sequences

1,3,6 | 3,5,7 | 2,4,6

you should hear a sound if it worked

Breaker Boxes
Now you need to find Breaker Boxes or Switch Boxes on the map and turning the Switch, so it doesn't spark anymore

Note: you will not get a command prompt telling you can do an action

One is in the spawn Room in front of the stairs leading to Generator 1 turn this one LEFT

One is in the Generator 2 Building next to the exit to the tank path turn this one DOWN

One is at Generator 4 if you stand in frond of the wind tunnel entrance next to it to the right, turn this one UP

One is in the trench behind 'Pack a Punch' tun this one UP

One is In the Church Downstairs behind the wooden stairs, turn this one RIGHT

One is In the Church Upstairs at the back wall, turn this one UP

one is at Generator 5 opposite of Stamin Up tun this one DOWN

Now a Beam will appear over 'Pack a Punch'
go there and Turn all Colors on the rings to Purple using the levers

Done with that, go underneath the rings and shoot the purple ball, it should fly away after a short while

Now go back to the Crazy Place and place your Staff in the artifact and collect ~20 souls

Enjoy your Upgraded Staff
Wind Staff
Wind Record
First you need the Wind Record it is located in the Generator 5 area

One location could be inside the lightning tunnel (the one next to Generator 5) on a desk when you come in

One location could be on a box just past the Lightning tunnel entrance

And the last location could be on a broken wall next to Stamin Up

Staff Parts
All Staff Parts are located in the Giants, in which order you do these doesn't matter, what matters though is how to get in.

Each Giant only lets you in from one foot, to enter you have to shoot the correct foot while standing in its path.

one part is located inside Thor (the right most Giant when they come towards you)

one part is located inside Odin (the Giant in the middle)

and one part is located in Freyr (the left most Giant when they come towards you)

for the Gem you also need the Gramophone which found under 'Pack a Punch' next to two chests

With the Gramophone and the Yellow Record, go to the cave near Generator 4
and place it on the table to the left.

once in the crazy place you will see a yellow artifact, go up to it and press "F"

with all parts collected, go to the staff room and Build the staff on the yellow pedestal
Wind Staff Upgrade
In order to Upgrade the Wind Staff, you need to go back to the Crazy Place

once inside look up, and you will see a disc like object, with your Staff you can rotate each ring on that disc

for the step you need to a line the green glowing spots in the picture with the symbols on the left
this picture is taken from Kronorium[]

done with that, you need to go back to the main map and locate the 3 Smoking Chimneys
on the map and redirect to some coming out towards 'Pack a Punch'

One is next to Generator 4 opposite of Juggernog

One is at the Church on the Tank path towards Generator 5 (Behind the Tank) on the right side just next to the second Scull Sign

And the last one is next to Generator 5 if u go next to Stamin Up and look through a broken wall part you will see the Chimney

Now a Beam will appear over 'Pack a Punch'
go there and Turn all Colors on the rings to Yellow using the levers

Done with that, go underneath the rings and shoot the Yellow ball, it should fly away after a short while

Now go back to the Crazy Place and place your Staff in the artifact and collect ~20 souls

Enjoy your Upgraded Staff
Zombie Shield
The Zombie Shield will protect your back from zombie hits but will eventually brake, it is still highly recommended building it though because u will most likely be hit more do to mud

Shield Base
is found in the area around Generator 2

the first location could be next to a wheelbarrow under an overhang area

the second location could be on the roof of the building, right next to Generator 2

the third location could be in a wheelbarrow past the staircase room entrance in a dead end

Shield Face
is found in the area around Generator 3

the first location could be in the fire staff crazy place entrance on a table

the second location could be next to a wheelbarrow in a little overhang arear (again)

the third location could be next to a wooden crate in the trench beneath Generator 3

Main Shield Part
the third part can be found in the right foot footprint of the Giant walking in the middle (Odin)

the first location could be in the footprint next to Juggernog

the second location could be in the footprint straight ahead of the staircase room exit past the MP40

the third location could be in the footprint when following the trench behind the 'Pack a Punch' pedestal
Maxis Drone
The Maxis Drone is used for self-defense, reviving teammates and completing an Easter egg where you get a punched MG08 (Magna Collider)

the first part (Brain in a jar) is always located in the spawn room in the lower area on a table

the second part (wings) is located around the 'Pack a Punch' pedestal

the first location could be at the wall next to the gobble gum machine near the pack a punch machine

the second location could be next to the chest where the Gramophone is found

the third location is in the staff room on the wooden scaffolding

the third part (frame) is located around the tank/church area

the first location could be from the Church on the tank path heading to Generator 4 (in front of the tank) on the left side

the second location could be from the Church on the tank path heading to Generator 5 (behind the tank) on the right side

the third location could be in the Ice staff cave near Generator 6, next to an old gasoline generator
Building locations (workbenches)
One is in the wind cave near generator 4
I usually build the Zombie Shield here

One is in the Staircase Room on the lower level
here I usually build the Maxis Drone

and one is by the tank
Free Punched MG08 (Magna Collider)
In order to get a Free Magna Collider, you need to build the Maxis Drone and find 4 Maxis Coins on the map.

To tell the drone to pick the coin up, just aim at it and shoot once

One is just outside the spawn room door to Generator 2 there will be a hole in the trenches with flaming debris. At the end you'll see the coin.

One is on the destroyed roof beside Generator 5.

One is on the roof of the broken church, in the tank path heading towards Generator 4.

One is on top of the scaffold above the 'Pack a Punch' entrance. (the one closer to the church)

once you have collected them, the Magna Collider will appear in front of 'Pack a Punch'
Music Easter Egg
The Objects you are looking for a green stones similar to the element 115 stones all around the map

this will play "Archangel" my personal second to favorite Zombies song
only topped by "Cold Hard Cash" (im a sucker for Jazz, im sorry)

The first stone is right at the spawn next to the challenge chest

The second stone can be found in the staircase room after Generator 2/3 upstairs on back

The third stone can be found on the wooden catwalk next to the 'Pack a Punch'
Writers Note
Hey guys,

first of all i wanna thank everyone who liked the guide and even Favorited it. its genially a rewarding feeling knowing people appreciate the work me and my friend have put into this guide.
unfortunately i got some "bad news" I'd like to bring forward.

"bad news":I will not be continuing this guide, meaning i will not detail the Easter egg for for you guys, I'm sorry but I'm just not that dedicated to complete Easter eggs over and over again to gather all the screenshots and clips to detail the steps for you.
Of course i could gather the content from the internet, but i would rather just point you to a guide that has detailed the Easter egg steps already. I'm sorry.
Guide for Origins [2020 updated]

In the name of my co creator who unfortunately passed away this August and myself,
we thank you for your attention and your generous steam point gifts and hope this guide made your first Origin experience a good one,
29 条留言
XD=Xtra Depression 10 月 11 日 下午 12:23 
Chicken Mcnugg0 2023 年 9 月 10 日 上午 9:41 
@MEGATHEGG get better pc
2023 年 7 月 13 日 上午 10:33 
how do i make orgins not so laggy i have a pretty beffy pc soooo idk help
Neurospicy 2023 年 3 月 29 日 下午 5:40 
Glad this is here Gonna make it so much easier to complete with my friends ;3
Viber 2023 年 2 月 13 日 下午 1:36 
I love how people still have and put this work in back then. That makes me so much happier knowing that i have this to help me out :)
Keep up the great work man :D
Maxim  [作者] 2023 年 1 月 16 日 上午 4:34 
We honestly struggle to find the motivation.but thank you for pointing that out again i think i will put the EE section on privat for now untill we have made up our minds
Numbnut 2023 年 1 月 15 日 下午 2:54 
are there any plans to update this guide with the EE steps? i know im a year late lol
abram 2022 年 6 月 26 日 上午 8:27 
empty perk bottle dig sites on this guide would actually be life saving, remembering them is such a pain in the arse
Maxim  [作者] 2022 年 5 月 18 日 上午 12:27 
Thx for the edit
GoldenRac00n 2022 年 5 月 17 日 下午 7:04 
Great guide, but just to clarify to get the golden shovel you must dig roughly 30 times without going down because going down resets your progress.