Destiny 2
Destiny 2 Quick Charge Mod is a LIE???
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4 commentaires
GrizzlyOne95  [créateur] 18 aout 2021 à 4h52 
Im almost positive it doesn't work and the reason I tested other movements is someone said it increased h handling instead. I think its just broke
Rockstar Raccoon 18 aout 2021 à 1h24 
I feel like this is a bad test, because you kept doing other things other than testing the ready speed. Just sit there flipping back and forth between guns, don't run around shooting and reloading. To be honest though, ready speed seems like a niche concern to me: how often is that short time when switching weapons going to make a big difference, even in crucible?
GrizzlyOne95  [créateur] 16 aout 2021 à 20h10 
I appreciate your support :P
Vagrant 16 aout 2021 à 19h26 
I have no clue what you're talking about, but I'm with you. XD