Space Engineers

Space Engineers

160 ratings
Water Mod Command Guide
By Jakaria
This is the official guide for commands in the Water Mod.

Please direct your questions to the Discord, where you're more likely to get responses from other players or I.
Commands are primarily used to adjust the settings with the Water Mod. To input commands, open the chat menu (Enter Key); you should see a text box open like in the image below (Figure 1). There is also an UI you can use for client settings, information on that is in the Client Settings section.

The basic structure of commands is similar to other video games like Minecraft, where commands are prefixed by a forward slash with spaces for delimiters. One thing I should point out is the brackets in the command examples; these are not required, but they are filtered out regardless.

Figure 1: Command Box

This is where all text commands are run, the first command you're likely to ever run would be /wcreate. The command creates water at the planet closest to the camera, if the camera is not in the gravity of the planet, it will not work. Further adjustments for the water surface will be in the Server Settings Section (Radius, Wave Height, etc... ).
Client Settings
These commands will run only client side and will not affect anything related to the server. These are here for performance, debugging, and generally setting up the Water Mod for the best user experience.

There is a UI available for client-settings! Press F2 while you have the chat menu open.

/wquality [0.4-1.5]
This command determines how detailed the Water Mod will look, and will overall determine how good performance you will get. It affects the Level of Detail in the water surface and a higher number will make the detail increased at a cost of performance.

This command is used by builders to help determine whether their build is balanced or not. It renders a red dot at the center of buoyancy of the ship, like center of mass. Basically, if the center of buoyancy is above the center of mass, the ship is passively balanced and will not tip over. Additionally, having the center of buoyancy closer to the center of mass will improve the stability of the ship overall.

This command is to be used in conjunction with Text Hud API. Default enabled, it renders text on the screen that represents how deep the camera is below the surface of water. It will not render if the camera is above water.

Like /wdepth, this command requires Text Hud API to function. It operates differently in that it renders the altitude you are above the surface of water. It's a great feature to use if you struggle to tell the distance from the surface.

This command repeats the welcome message of the Water Mod, telling the version.

/wvolume [0.0-1.0]
This command is pretty self-explanatory, it changes the volume of water related sounds like splashing and ambience.

This command's rarely ever used; it just enables debug mode for when I need to use it.

This command prints all the settings a planet currently has in a somewhat readable format. I'm not sure why people needed it, but it's here.

This command only works in creative and for admins, it's specifically for building scenarios underwater. The command toggles fog and as such, it's really useful for the previously mentioned reason.

This command is used by planet modders to export all the settings. If you want more information on this, join the Discord Server[] and see the pins in #water-api[].

Opens the Water Mod discord link in the steam overlay.

Server Settings
These commands will affect the entire server and may require administrator permissions to run. Physics and visuals will be affected by these commands. To get the value of the setting, leave the parameter empty and it will return it.

The first command you'll likely ever run, this command creates water at the closest planet relative to the camera. If the camera is not in a field of gravity, it won't be able to detect the planet and will fail.

/wradius [0.1-2.0]
This command is used to set the radius/depth of the water. While you may be inclined to increment by a huge value, it's not a good idea. The radius is a ratio to the minimum altitude of voxel on the planet, meaning that 1.0 is the smallest value before you have to dig to reach it. I highly suggest incrementing by very small values (hundredth places)

Gets the approximate radius that is relative to the camera, helps you not have to guess radius.

/wwaveheight [Height]
This command is used in conjunction with the latter wave commands; this one in particular sets the height of the waves using meters as a unit. Keep in mind that waves go both negative and positive, meaning that setting the wave height to 2 meters will cause the waves to go both up 2 and down 2 meters.

/wwavespeed [0.0-1.0]
This command is used in conjunction with the other wave commands; this one sets how fast the waves move in no particular unit. The smaller the value, the faster the waves.

/wwavescale [Height]
This command is used in conjunction with the prior wave commands; this one sets the frequency of the waves. The larger the value, the smaller the waves.

This command removes any water at the planet closest to the camera.

This command resets most values to default in-case a user messed up customizing the settings, it changes everything but radius.

/wbuoyancy [0.0-10.0]
This command is a multiplier for the closest water. Setting the value to zero disables buoyancy completely.

This command toggles whether or not seagulls exist at the planet. Seagulls only exist for immersion.

This command toggles whether or not fish exist at the planet. Fish only exist for immersion.

/wtexture [Texture]
This command sets the surface texture of the water using a TransparentMaterial's Subtype ID. The default water textures are JWater, JWaterFull, JWaterDark, JWaterLight, JCheese, JLava, and JDebug. If you want information on how to create custom textures, join the Discord Server[] and see the pins in #water-api[].

Lists all available textures.

/wcrush [Damage]
This command sets the amount of damage that is done to grids or players when they are below their crush depth. Crush depth is determined dynamically by the hydrostatic pressure around the block and the maximum pressure the block can take.

This command toggles player drag. It's mostly obsolete.

This command is used to toggle whether the surface of water is rendered as transparent. It can improve performance at the cost of graphical fidelity.

This command is used to toggle whether the surface of water is lit. Disabling lighting on the surface can make it appear emissive like lava.

/wrate [Multiplier]
This command sets the multiplier rate at which ice is collected underwater. Collectors can collect ice underwater.

/wcolor [Red] [Green] [Blue]
This command sets the color of the underwater fog. The values inputted should be between the ranges 0 and 1. To convert a value that is out of 255, just divide it by 255.

/wtideheight [Height]
This command is used to set the height of tide. Google what tide is if you don't know.

/wtidespeed [Speed]
This command is used to set how frequently tide changes. There isn't really an unit.

This command toggles whether sea foam is rendered. It can improve performance but at the cost of lesser visuals.

Lists all available physics material types (Lava, Water, etc..)

/wmaterial [Material]
Sets the physics material of the closest water.

The speed of the water current in m/s.

The size of the current noise generator, smaller numbers makes it less frequent. You can preview the currents with /wdebug.
Complete Command List
Use player chat box to input commands, default key is 'Enter.'
- /wquality [0.4-1.5] The render quality of water
- /wcreate Creates water at your closest planet
- /wradius [0.1-2.0] Radius of the water at your closest planet, increment in small values (<1 is below surface)
- /wwaveheight [∞] The wave height of water at your closest planet in meters
- /wwavespeed [0.0-1.0] The wave speed of water at your closest planet
- /wremove Removes water from your closest planet
- /wcob Toggles rendering of center of buoyancy
- /wdepth Toggles rendering of depth.
- /wversion Tells the version number of the mod
- /wreset Resets all settings of water at your closest planet
- /wbuoyancy [0.0-10.0] Sets the buoyancy multiplier at your closest planet
- /wexport Exports data for planet modders.
- /wbird Toggles birds at your closest planet
- /wfish Toggles fish at your closest planet
- /wfog Toggles rendering fog for building underwater scenarios
- /wvolume [0.0-1.0] Sets the volume of all sounds in the water mod
- /wdebug Toggles debug mode
- /wtexture [Material] Sets the material of the water (TransparentMaterial SubtypeId)
- /wwavescale [Scale] Sets the horizontal frequency of waves
- /wcrush [Depth] Sets the amount of damage that occurs when pressure is too great
- /wpdrag Toggles player drag
- /wtransparent Toggles water transparency
- /wlit Toggles lighting on the surface
- /wrate [Multiplier] The rate at which ice is collected underwater
- /wcolor [r] [g] [b] The color of the underwater fog
- /wtideheight [Height] The height of tide
- /wtidespeed [Speed] How frequently the tide changes
- /wsettings Prints the settings of the nearest water in a readable format
- /wfoam Toggles sea foam
- /waltitude Toggles whether altitude is shown on the hud when in a cockpit
- /whelp Opens steam help guide
flashfireball 25 Aug @ 5:12pm 
is there a was to make the water level appear to shrink instead of grow when the (I assume) LOD changes. My planet now looks like a ball of liquid. I would be fine if it looked dry at a distance. Also is there a way to make the physics of lava do damage? maybe a way to set crush depth to force it to check at surface? Thanks
DannyBacon 27 Mar @ 5:12am 
link to the water mod?
TheWingedOne 22 Mar @ 1:23pm 
About the /wcrush does it talk about the depth the damage starts or is there a standard depth it starts at and is it the amount of damage?

The current wording is pretty confusing as it talks about depth in the command but the text after is about amount of damage.
Ash 4 Mar @ 12:05pm 
thank you
Jakaria  [author] 4 Mar @ 6:00am 
Ash 4 Mar @ 5:32am 
Hello, I would like to ask you for information on your watermod.
What is the default buoyancy?
-DF- Ashes Vargrand 16 Feb @ 3:26pm 
hm have massive sim drops to 04-05 with that mod. What is the best height to working with?
DUMDUM50111 14 Feb @ 8:52pm 
i like trains
DUMDUM50111 13 Feb @ 7:23pm 
the height command wont render
Rizzo 28 Dec, 2023 @ 4:37pm 
You also need to have a vent anywhere on the ship for watermod to start calculating buoyancy. Double check the blueprint you are using isn't for older versions and that it has a vent on it. Also, those compartments doors need to be closed.