Far Cry 5
31 人が評価
How to be "Faith Seed"
作者: GurrrTaube
In this guide, you will be going through steps that explain you, how to be Faith Seed.
Step 1
Be a girl. (If not, go to doctor and let it change)
Step 2
Get yourself a white dress.
Step 3
Buy yourself a lot of Drugs.
Step 4
Insert all of the Drugs you bought into your body. (I doesn't matter how and where)
Step 5
Have yourself a nice trip and scare other people with.
15 件のコメント
4RESCUE - NW 2022年7月27日 12時51分 
We've got enough useless, talent less women in society today... we don't need any more. Hell the delusional lefty types can't even define what a "woman" is.
GurrrTaube  [作成者] 2022年3月12日 10時35分 
@qwe sure :)
Bang Dik Tit 2022年3月12日 9時47分 
wire me 40000 for the surgery
GurrrTaube  [作成者] 2021年11月23日 11時30分 
Oh my god guys, theres the real @Faith !!!
Faith 2021年11月23日 2時04分 
The Father loves you too :steamdance:
teh wh0 2021年11月17日 16時58分 
I boofed three whole datura pods, maybe I took step 4 a little too far
Iris The Concussed 2021年11月16日 12時22分 
GurrrTaube  [作成者] 2021年11月14日 9時47分 
If you wanna shave, just ask Pratt. He also shaved Jacob in a cutscene, so he should know.
rossbyjove 2021年11月14日 9時25分 
Well I have done all of that.
Should I shave and where ?
GurrrTaube  [作成者] 2021年11月7日 7時02分 
If you end up being John, retry step 1