STAR WARS™ Republic Commando

STAR WARS™ Republic Commando

187 rating
Quick and handy tips that will keep you alive longer
A few quick tips I found particulary useful.
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Getting things done
Enemies swarm you, or keep continuously spawning frequently. In order to keep you and your squad alive and kicking, it is advised that you deal with certain objectives as fast as you can.

1. Press ''R'' when performing a command or a weapon switch animation. This'll end the animation a bit sooner so you can pull up your gun and just maybe save your, or a squad mate's life in the nick of time. The exact timing at which you should do this is not exactly specified, so just spamming the R button usually works best. This won't always work though. For example, if the gun's magazine you're switching to is completely dry, it will not cancel out the animation whatsoever.

2. Don't be hesitant to use heavy ordinance. Something a lot of people do (including you, I know you do) is they pick up a heavy or effective piece of ordinance and they'll wait a long time to use it, in order to spare it up for more serious threats, until the level is over and you've never used it anyway even though it would've made life so much easier. Simply, don't save. Before a difficult part comes up you can usually find all the tools for the job just before that, or in the area itself. So you’d do yourself a real solid just using your entire arsenal, all the time.

3. Prioritize the most dangerous enemies first. An example of this is that you kill off all the Super Battle Droids before you go on and complete the objective, or kill remaining droids. Pretty straight forward but still fundemental to mention. Also, if you see turrets, immediately take those out as well! Since you may be able to dodge them just barely, but your squad mates won't be able to, and will get incapacitated very quickly when under turret fire. Droidekkas are a real threat to them as well for the same reasons... I'll stop using Italic cursive now.

4. Always have every single squad mate actively doing something. If you see sniper positions or grenade positions, use them... all of them. And if there aren't enough tactical positions, use ''F3'' to put the remaining squad member(s) in a certain piece of cover from where they have line of sight on the enemy. Always have a squad mate arm explosives or slice consoles as well, instead of doing it yourself. They can tank a lot more shots than you can, and are usually not as reliable providing covering fire. You on the other hand, should be able to do that a lot better. Only exception being the ludicrous overall accuracy of your squad mates in stationary turrets. When encountering stationary turrets, especially the ones on the Republic Dropship, put a squad mate on there and watch as they activate their Aimbot Hacks and obliterate everyone.

5. Throw grenades, they're cheap. They'll help you fend off enemies and will keep you alive like no other. And, they can be found all over the place. So when you see a group of Super Battle Droids coming towards you, don't hesitate to throw your shock grenades, and go to town with your sniper or other grenades.

6. Wookie Rocket Launcher, a real beast! During several points in the campaign you'll be presented with the collosal Wookie Rocket Launcher. It's about twice your size and fires extremely potent rockets able to kill most enemies with a single hit, apart from the Spider Droid... right? Wrong! Turns out that this thing has a lock-on feature as well! Simply hold the fire button until the crosshairs start moving in. This will launch a heat-seaking missle. But, why stop there? Aim at whatever unfortunate enough to stand in your way until your crosshairs close in and start blinking. When you let go all 5 rockets wil be unleashed, and you'll be able to witness the closest thing to a tactical nuke in Starwars you'll probably ever see. Do keep in mind however that this will completely deplete its ammunition and discard the weapon.

7. Take out all droid dispensers first! Taking on the droids that come out of a droid dispenser has to be done too of course, but, the droid dispensers themselves are much more of a threat, and should be dealt with immediately to prevent droids from swarming you. This tactic should be disregarded in the part of the campaign where you enter the last hangar in The Prosecutor. In this hangar, 3 droid dispensers have already landed, and have produced a lot of units already. The cover in this hangar is terrible, which will be pointed out by RC-1140, Fixer. Instead of painstakingly destroying all the dispensers yourself, run towards the back of the hangar, and slice the console. Hold off the droids by throwing your shock grenades, and after that, every other piece of effective weaponry you have on you, as long as you survive. When the console is sliced, there should be a room behind the console with some cover in it. Wait it out there, and then when the lift is up, there’ll be a neat and especially deadly surprise, waiting for you to wreak some Republic Justice! Have fun ;)

8. Quick Revive. This will probably be the most situational tip you might never use. But, it's good to know none the less. When you're about to die, give out a command (like Form Up, Offensive Formation). If you get downed during the animation, your revive animation will finish MUCH faster. If you know you're gonna die, might as well try it out.
The most effective ways to take out special enemies
You will face a lot of extremely dangerous enemies along your way and they can be ridiculously hard to deal with when not knowing their weak spots.

These guys pack an awful lot of a punch and are hard to take down. However, sniping them proves to be a very effective way of dispatching those lousy buckets of bolts. Shooting off their armor plates, and then continously hitting the body will cause the most damage. But, there's another way of doing things as well. It’s a bit more unconventional and adventurous, but effective non the less. For I tend to take down SBD's by throwing a shock grenade at them in order to proceed and melee them to death. When doing it right you should be able to take them out before they become active again, but if you don't or you don't have any shock grenades, just strafe around them while spamming the melee key works just fine as well. If you stand real close and run around them, like doing a really dangerous game of ring around the Rosie, they won't be able to do anything and you'll spare sniper bullets and grenade launcher ammo. If you don't have anything else but sniper ammo, you can shoot off the cannon arm in 3 hits with the sniper rifle as well. This will shut the unit down after a few seconds (credits: aralberts93!).

Like giving a giant mosquito a super-death-beam. These freaks are best taken out by sniper fire to their head. A few shots will take them down. This is especially instrumental during the mission at Kashyyk where you're defending and turning on the power inside the treehouse. A great way to take them out as well is by simply picking up one of their beam weapon and shooting at them with that, giving them a taste of their own medicine. If you strafe they won't be able to hit you and if you keep the beam on them for a second they’re toast as well and you've yet again spared sniper bullets… and made for a wonderful buffet! Locking-on with a Wookie Rocket Launcher by pressing the fire key down for a second until the crosshairs move in and then releasing to fire a single heat seaking missle also works great! Like being your own personal SAM site.

Their shields are really weak against sniper bullets. Headshot them once with a sniper to take out their shield instantly and then finish them off with your standard DC-17m Blaster. You can also come up to them and melee them to death. You do not have to strafe around them since they won't be able to hit you from that close. Actually getting close to them is accomplished quite easily as well by just strafing and dodging their bullets until you’re in hugging range. Then proceed to actually hug them… with your knife preferably.

After some testing, it seems the fastest way to kill these things is by using a Geonosian beam weapon and by shooting them at an orange sliver they have at the back of their chassis, just to the right of a small box with what appears to be a red light. Doing so actually kills it in less than a second, and a fully charged beam weapon could potentially destroy 6 Spider Droids! This little spot is also the weakest spot on this unit, unlike the red spot at the front as was previously believed.

Shooting them with sniper rifle rounds and normal blaster rounds in this area does massive damage! So make sure your squadmates distract this absolute unit before obliterating it from behind! Walking up to the tank from any direction will cause the Spider Droid to momentarily charge up a shock attack, stopping it from attacking you or your teammates and giving you an oppertunity to easily hit this weakspot. If you can't get behind it nor close to it, shooting the red spot at the front still does more damage than damaging the rest of its armor, and focussing the Beam Weapon on this part for a few seconds will also kill the Spider Droid. Grenades and anti-armor rounds also do good damage, but they don't have to be aimed at a specific spot, as they do the same amount of damage pretty much anywhere. Also, dont forget to shoot their little whack-a-mole scanner on top of their bodies that tends to scan the area with a red beam. In doing so you'll prevent getting hit by their seeking missiles that only activate once having been able to fully scan the area. If you happen to have a Wookie Rocket Launcher, locking-on while the Spider Droid isn't covering itself will almost instakill it as well as previously mentioned.

These walking tanks can take an absolute beating, and have a fully automatic Heavy Repeater, some kind of space minigun that can absolutely shred you and your squad apart in seconds, because you don't have it hard enough already.
Luckily, these guys aren't as tough as they may seem. As they're not all that mobile, they're susceptible to grenades, and especially stun grenades. If you've got one of these up your sleeve you're guaranteed to come out on top. Since the stun time on these guys is extremely long, you'll have more than enough time to kill this lizard freak. Sniper rifle shots through the hostile's cranium works well, as usual.

Extremely dangerous! But are you really still surprised at this point? These creepy droids are very agile and jump around the arena shooting rockets at you, until they drop down to shock you and your team to death with their tazer staffs. Being as they are droid enemies, they are susceptible to shock grenades, freezing them in place whilst draining their health and leaving them more vulnerable to damage. Try to throw these grenades as close to them as possible, right beneath them if possible. This will shock them for the longest possible duraton. Be advised though as it seems that after being shocked once, these guys don't actually get stunned for nearly as long as the first time around. So drop everything you have on them during the inital stun animation! Other types of grenades and sniper rounds are the way to go as usual as far as dealing damage goes. As well as anti-armor rounds of course, which can actually stagger them as well.
Random Facts
- Using a Geonosian Beam weapon on droids works surprisingly well. You can take out an SBD very quickly by keeping the beam on one for a few seconds. I managed to take out a maximum of 6 SBD's with a single Beam charge. Also apparently effective against Spider Droids, as previously mentioned.
- Scorch can actually (veeery rarely) use his Anti-Armor rifle, unprompted, without being stationed at an Anti-Armor Position.
- Sev (and maybe other squad members as well) can get mad at you and one-hit melee you if he's done. This is not the same as when you keep damaging and downing your team members until they turn on you. I did a slight amount of accidental indirect damage to Sev by shooting explosives. He then scolded me, walked over to me, and in 1 hit melee'd me to death with no option to get revived. Very weird... and rude. I thought we were friends ;(.
- The Concussion Rifle actually has a shock effect when meleeing, disabling droid enemies and damaging them over time. This is possibly also a good way to deal with SBD's as when you close the gap and get one melee off, you can effectively disable them until they're down.
- It's possible to destroy droid dispensers with conventional weaponry, without the need for planting an explosive. Though, the damage resitance is extremely high, so it will take a very long time and a lot of Anti-Armor rounds, grenades and sniper rifle ammo to blow one up. However, the damage resitance seems to be significantly lower for explosive barrels... as well as melee? Explosive barrels can significantly damage or even destroy dispensers when they're close enough. Meleeing an undamaged droid dispensor to death will take approximately 13 to 26 seconds. I'm not entirely sure if it's intentional as the game doesn't always register a dispenser as destroyed when done this way, possibly soft locking you.
- Walking around with the Trandoshan Heavy ACP Repeater slows you down immensely. However, giving out an order returns you to your normal walking speed for a short time, whilst the animation plays. Spamming orders can actually greatly increase your movement speed this way. As with anything in this game, it does have a weird quirk. If you spam orders too rapidly, the short delay time between the animations will actually dissapear and you will continously walk with your normal speed. But when you stop giving our orders and pull out your weapon, you will have actually switched to your DC-17 rifle instead of still carrying the minigun.
I hope these tips were useful to you
Because they were to me, and had me easily survive the game on Hard difficulty. Try them out, and if they were useful to you, let me know, and if they weren't, do so as well.

By the way, the most important tip of all: just don't die ;). Credits to Spencer.

Good luck out there trooper!
37 Komentar
Sven_Q45 8 Feb 2023 @ 2:01pm 
So except for two small details on two of the tips I always did that. So I played the game the right way. :steamhappy:
Nice guide tho! :steamthumbsup: Didn´t play it in a long time. A few weeks ago I thought about playing it again after all the time. Such a great game!

"@The DysfunctionalCabinet Your name sounds like our entire government hahaa :,)"
THE GAmE AniMAL  [pembuat] 6 Jan 2023 @ 8:08pm 
@The DysfunctionalCabinet Your name sounds like our entire government hahaa :,). Anyway, very good to hear! Have fun with this absolutely unique one of a kind game <3
THE GAmE AniMAL  [pembuat] 6 Jan 2023 @ 8:06pm 
@Sterzi Love you bab<3
THE GAmE AniMAL  [pembuat] 6 Jan 2023 @ 8:05pm 
@microSOFTROCK Yeah melee is pretty powerful. I will maybe update the guide with the correct way to melee, since you are right! Quicksave spamming of course is a viable tactic, but perhaps not as fun to every player, so I'll keep that open to personal preference.
THE GAmE AniMAL  [pembuat] 6 Jan 2023 @ 8:03pm 
@lukerb53 Yeah thats true when you incapacitate them. For the SBD's I've already made a mention in the guide. Not so much for the Elites though altough I do actually use this tactic, may update it. Thanks!
THE GAmE AniMAL  [pembuat] 6 Jan 2023 @ 7:59pm 
@aralberts93 Well hot damn I haven't heard about that one yet. I might install SWRC again and try it out, since, why not?
THE GAmE AniMAL  [pembuat] 6 Jan 2023 @ 7:58pm 
@The August Ambassador as you probably noticed this year, that's just a fact of the game. It's not gamebreaking, just annoying.
THE GAmE AniMAL  [pembuat] 6 Jan 2023 @ 7:56pm 
@akyoda21 Glad to help =) This has been my favourite game since being a child so it's always nice to spread the appreciation and decication
THE GAmE AniMAL  [pembuat] 6 Jan 2023 @ 7:55pm 
@Delta Boss, I'm not a developer so I wouldn't know how to fix that unfortunately. However, seeing that you've changed your profile name and picture to the "Boss" I'm guessing you've been able to play the game fine just fine
esr3852 3 Des 2022 @ 6:19pm 
kote at gar vod