Dota 2
[PARTICLE] Torrent of the Divine Anchor
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2014 年 5 月 6 日 上午 3:48
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Bestowments of the Divine Anchor
14 件物品

The war between the ancestral clad fleet and the cataract horde was nearing its end. As the citizens of the trembling isle watched in despair, their last hopes were torn asunder when Maelrawn satisfied with the carnage it had caused, sank to the depths taking the last of the clad ships, the admiral Kunkka’s own beloved longboat “storm seeker” in its tentacles, thereby leaving the citizenry at the mercy of the remaining cataract ships.

However, just before the cataract ships could make landfall, a huge maelstrom blocked their path and from it a lone figure rose up wielding a sword that thrummed with the power of the waves, this figure, to the citizen’s surprise resembled their vanquished admiral, and as soon as he reached the surface he swung his sword and a ship appeared behind him out of thin air and just as if it were thrown by an invisible giant smashed into the cataract fleet decimating all ships in its path. Fearing this apparition which held such power, the demons beat a hasty retreat.

It is said that in his last desperate moments unwilling to admit defeat, kunkka had inadvertently gathered the residual ancestral magic as well as some of Maelrawn own power, which then manifested as the Bestowments of the Divine Anchor that had incredible mastery over the seas.
