Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

25 vurderinger
Defining Advancement
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4. maj 2014 kl. 12:20
29. maj 2014 kl. 20:44
20 ændringsbemærkninger ( vis )

Abonner for at downloade
Defining Advancement

In an effort to be more historically accurate without sacrificing game balance, this mod restructures the tech tree so that every era has a single key technology:

Ancient: Agriculture
Classical: Mathematics
Medieval: Theology
Renaissance: Printing Press
Industrial: Industrialization
Modern: Electricity
Atomic: Atomic Theory
Information: Computers

This mod only affects the tech tree and is designed for Brave New World. All of the effects of each technology are the same; only their ordering and prerequisites are changed. Complete list of new prereqs follows.

Ancient: Defining Advance is Agriculture

Agriculture: none

Sailing: Agriculture
Pottery: Agriculture
Trapping: Agriculture
Animal Husbandry: Agriculture
Archery: Agriculture
Mining: Agriculture
Wheel: Animal Husbandry
Calendar: Writing
Horseback Riding: Animal Husbandry
Masonry: Mining
Bronze Working: Mining

Classical: Defining Advance is Mathematics

Mathematics: Archery, Calendar

Optics: Mathematics, Sailing
Drama and Poetry: Mathematics
Construction: Mathematics, Masonry
Iron Working: Mathematics, Bronze Working
Currency: Mathematics
Philosophy: Drama and Poetry
Engineering: Construction, The Wheel

Medieval: Defining Advance is Theology

Compass: Theology, Optics
Education: Theology
Civil Service: Theology
Guilds: Theology, Currency
Metal Casting: Theology, Iron Working
Physics: Education
Chivalry: Civil Service, Guilds
Machinery: Metal Casting, Engineering
Steel: Metal Casting

Renaissance: Defining Advance is Printing Press

Printing Press: Machinery, Physics

Astronomy: Printing Press, Compass
Acoustics: Printing Press
Banking, Printing Press
Metallurgy: Printing Press, Steel
Gunpowder: Printing Press, Steel
Chemistry: Printing Press
Navigation: Astronomy
Architecture: Acoustics
Economics: Banking
Fertilizer (moved from Industrial): Chemistry

Industrial: Defining Advance is Industrialization

Industrialization: Economics, Gunpowder, Chemistry

Archaeology: Industrialization, Navigation, Architecture
Scientific Theory: Industrialization
Steam Power: Industrialization
Military Science: Industrialization
Railroad (moved from Modern): Industrialization
Dynamite: Military Science
Rifling: Military Science
Combustion: Military Science

Modern: Defining Advance is Electricity

Electricity: Scientific Theory, Steam Power, Combustion

Biology: Electricity
Replaceable Parts: Electricity
Electronics: Electricity
Refrigeration: Electricity
Plastics: Biology
Flight: Biology, Replaceable Parts
Radio: Replaceable Parts
Ballistics: Replaceable Parts
Penicilin (moved from Atomic): Plastics

Atomic: Defining Advance is Atomic Theory (of course)

Atomic Theory: Electronics, Ballistics, Refrigeration

Ecology: Atomic Theory
Telecommunications (moved from Information): Atomic Theory
Nuclear Fission: Atomic Theory
Radar: Atomic Theory, Flight
Combined Arms: Atomic Theory
Rocketry: Radar

Information: Defining Advance is Computers

Computers (moved from Atomic): Telecommunications

Internet: Computers
Globalization: Computers
Particle Physics: Computers
Advanced Ballistics: Computers, Nuclear Fission, Rocketry
Satellites: Computers, Rocketry
Robotics: Computers
Lasers: Computers, Radar, Combined Arms
Stealth: Computers, Radar
Mobile Tactics: Computers, Combined Arms
Nuclear Fusion: Particle Physics, Advanced Ballistics, Robotics
Nanotechnology: Particle Physics, Lasers, Mobile Tactics
Future Tech: Nuclear Fusion, Nanotechnology
30 kommentarer
deathdroid29 14. dec. 2014 kl. 20:37 
@Vertani: It worked, It must of been a malfunction on my end, Sorry to have bothered you.
deathdroid29 14. dec. 2014 kl. 20:24 
@Vertani: I'll try to resubscirbe to it again, if it works, I'll let you know, it might be on my end, that could be the problem.
Vertani  [ophavsmand] 14. dec. 2014 kl. 20:22 
Strange. Has anyone else had that problem?
deathdroid29 14. dec. 2014 kl. 19:16 
@Vertani: For some odd reason, the mod won't download, nor show up on the mod directory. I've subscribed to it, and I deleted and unsubscribe the mod, and resubscribed the mod, but still no dice.
UncivilizedGuy 27. nov. 2014 kl. 22:26 
@Vertani: FYI, This can be accomplished without moving techs and breaking pipes using the Technology_ORPrereqTechs table.
Vertani  [ophavsmand] 21. sep. 2014 kl. 21:42 
I am aware of that compatibility issue, and unfortunately I haven't yet found a way to fix it.
FaerFoxx 21. sep. 2014 kl. 19:42 
I really enjoy this mod, but it seems to break when adding new technologies to the tree, specifically such as arbogli's Beyond the Future mod. Is there some way I can fix it so mods which add new techs are compatable? Currently using them both leaves the new techs missing completly.
Vertani  [ophavsmand] 29. maj 2014 kl. 20:26 
I have made significant changes in the last update. I will post new screenshots. Alas, the broken tech pipes still remain.
Vertani  [ophavsmand] 28. maj 2014 kl. 16:59 
I think I know what is causing that, but I'm not sure what to do about it. Because each of the Defining Advances takes up a column by itself, this new tech tree is actually wider than the original tech tree. Most other tech mods are superimposed on the original tech tree, so they don't line up properly with this one. Since each tech is given a specific location in space there is no simple way to fix this; I obviously can't know what new techs any other mod might add in order to adjust their positions. I might be able to do something like "move all items in column 23 to column 25", but then the result would depend on which mod activated first.
⚙⛓Abyss_Sculk_Goddess⛓⚙ 28. maj 2014 kl. 15:49 
Oh, this reminds me. In addition to Future Technologies, I'm also using the Jurrasic park mod which adds genetics as a tech and Advance Structure tech which adds cool future buildings. Anyway, I noticed a that Genetics was next to Atomic theory and that a lot of the Future technologies' techs were in the Atomic era. Just a heads up once you resolve that pipe problem.
Now that I think about it, I tried to twick with the tech tree once before and the pipes were all messed up, but it didn't affect the game or the order of the techs. So I don't think it is crucial to fix them, though I agree it would be far more estetic to have it fixed.