Black Mesa

Black Mesa

64 个评价
Feeling Down? This Can Help!
由 Hawke's Tuna 制作
Ever feel a little down after getting a certain achievement that put you through hours of pain as you carried one simple little object all the way to the giant space baby? Well feel down no longer because here is the solution!

Hello everyone, have you ever felt like the game wasn't doing it for you any more? Did completing the achievement "The Rarest Specimen" put you into some agonizing rage for hours on end? Well fret not my friends because I have the solution for you!

If you have not yet completed "The Rarest Specimen" feel free to follow this guide here.
Step One: Unforseen Consequences
For this first step, you're going to want to go through the first two chapters "Black Mesa Inbound" and "Anomalous Materials" as you would usually go about it, and then you'll eventually find yourself in this room.

Pay no attention to this room or the headcrab zombies infesting it, they are not involved in this guide.
Once you finally find this room you're going to want to go twoards the exit (the same door you entered at the beginning of Anomalous Materials) you can do this by either walking around the central desk or you can be cool like me and crouch jump over the desk until you find yourself here:

Proceed to the next step.
Step Two: Getting Up in the World
Congratulations! You've reached step two of this fabulous guide, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read through this guide and I would also like to thank my mother for raising me well and getting me to this point in life, thank you, and thank you mom :)

Once you have finally reached the half opened door explained in step one, you're going to want to crouch under this door to get through it, then continue straight (don't fall off the edge) and you're going to want to look to your right, if your screen doesn't look like this you've either gone too far or haven't gone far enough, and if you're currently falling to your death, you've gone too far.

The next step in this process involves actions that aren't taught to you until the later in the chapter, so unless you don't mind having the game spoiled for you I suggest you click off this guide now.

However, if you ARE planning on going now, please walk twoards the railing at the edge of this walkway and you're going to perform a "crouch jump" this may be a difficult process for some of you but is very important later in the game

To Perform this crouch jump you're going to want to press your crouch button (usually CTRL) and your jump button (usually SPACE) at the same time, however, in order to get on top of this railing you're also going to want to press the forward moving button which is usually either bound to W or to the Up arrow depending on how you play it. It can also be the upward movement on a joystick if you're using a steam controller but that's besides the point

Proceed to the next step.
Step Three: Finding the Hat
Congratulations! You are approaching the end of this wonderful guide, I again want to thank you for coming this far and I want to thank my dad for teaching me how to change a tire in case of an emergency, thank you and thank you dad.

Now that you've jumped on top of the railing you're going to want to sprint jump across the gap to land on the pipe in front of you. Now crouch jumping and sprint jumping are two very different things, in order to perform a sprint jump you need to hold your sprint key (usually SHIFT) and your jump key (usually SPACE) and you want to perform this while holding the forward key (usually W) now this may take a few tries and that's okay! Just make sure to save before this point so you don't lose too much progress

Once you've finally made it across the pit you're going to want to walk forward (usually bound to W) and look behind the pipe, there should be a purple top hat behind the pipe that you can easily pick up using the pick up key (usually E)

Proceed to the next step.
Step Four: Joy at Last
You've finally made it to the final step, congratulations! This time I won't thank anyone (not that I don't have anyone to thank, just that I don't want this guide to go on forever, I hope you can understand)

So you've finally picked up the purple hat, you may ask yourself "What now? Am I supposed to carry this thing across 16 chapters all for some achievement all over again?!" and to that I say; NOPE! You are almost done with this guide just wait a little longer and I can show you what to do next

You're going to want to turn around while carrying the hat and you should see the giant pit involved in step three and step one.

Once you've done this you're going to want to click your attack button (usaully MOUSE 1) this will cause you to throw the hat off the edge and you can watch it fall into the deep dark void for all eternity.

Bye Bye stupid hat :)
In conclusion I hated having to carry that stupid hat across the entire game just to deck out my achievements, but I do love Black Mesa with all my heart so I can't stay mad at it forever, so if you feel the same way I do, or if you completed this guide by accident while trying to obtain "The Rarest Specimen" then I gotta say thank you for following this guide and thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this guide and I'm glad you came along, thank you and goodnight!
11 条留言
funky little goober 2022 年 7 月 27 日 上午 6:45 
545675576576356756567/10 guide.
racer 2022 年 6 月 4 日 下午 3:33 
10 / 10 Guide
Dr.80 2022 年 5 月 7 日 下午 6:38 
there are worst achievements than this, I did this for like 1 playthrough just slowly...:steamhappy:
BlazeGriffon 2022 年 4 月 25 日 下午 1:35 
yeah that achievement sucked
Accio Horcrux 2022 年 4 月 23 日 下午 4:43 
ladders and teleporters and controllers, oh my!
Red Go-Pro On Legs 2021 年 9 月 18 日 下午 5:15 
Yeetus the hatus
derp dog 2021 年 9 月 3 日 下午 8:11 
Ame33 2021 年 9 月 3 日 下午 4:35 
Ame33 2021 年 9 月 3 日 下午 4:32 
I had no problem with the achievement but i did do this for... peace
Ribbons0121R121 2021 年 8 月 6 日 下午 1:20