The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles

The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles

172 ratings
TGAA HQ Audio Restoration Patch [Mod]
By Gimzie
A restoration patch for The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles that restores the higher audio quality present on the original 3DS release and subsequent soundtrack releases.
What is this?
This is a mod for The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles that replaces audio in the game with higher quality counterparts, using sources like the official soundtrack release, as well as the original 3DS games. All tracks were imported one-by-one by hand, and authentically match the original tracks in terms of looping, audio volume, and length.
Why should I use this?
A lot of care and passion went into the soundtrack for both TGAA: Adventures, and TGAA: Resolve on Capcom's part, and seeing as the music is predominantly orchestral, the entire range of sound deserves to be heard the way it is in the original 3DS games, as well as on the soundtrack release.

Issues fixed by this restoration patch include:
  • Music that sounds too quiet, even if you turn it up
  • Music that sounds muffled, with certain instruments being harder to hear
  • General audible compression artifacts

Still not convinced? Listen to this comparison video (with headphones!) and hear the difference:
Sounds absolutely splendid, where do I get it?
You can download the restoration patch at one of the following links (instructions inside):
Mirror 1 (Google Drive)[]
Mirror 2 (GameBanana)[]
Mirror 3 (Gimziecloud)[]
What's next?
At the moment, only the music across both Adventures and Resolve has been replaced. In the future, I may look into restoring sound effects as well, along with potentially adapting a restoration patch for the Nintendo Switch version of the game.

Please let me know below if you encounter any bugs while using this patch (including music not playing where it should, etc).

Finally, if you enjoy the games' soundtracks (enough to use this patch, anyway), I would highly recommend buying the official soundtracks here on Steam, which are available in a variety of formats, including lossless:

The soundtracks to both Adventures[] and Resolve[] are also available to stream on Spotify, and other streaming services.
Gimzie  [author] 29 Apr @ 11:12am 
Of course.
CsyeCok The Soldier 29 Apr @ 9:32am 
Can I still gain achievements with these?
Wryyyong 27 Mar @ 12:37am 
Variety of possible reasons:
- Wanting to maintain reasonable file sizes by sticking to lower encoding settings, at the expense of an arguably negligible amount of audible quality
- A more unlikely reason could also be the age of the encoder; TGAAC has its BGM encoded as Vorbis [] audio data, and according to said files' metadata, the encoder binary that output these files (most likely, it comes packed with MT Framework's devkit) was compiled from a version of libvorbis that released in 2009. For comparison's sake, the original 3DS releases of DGS1 and DGS2 use DSP-ADPCM audio data wrapped in an MCA header, a property it shares with the 3DS releases and ports of other Ace Attorney titles.
raymond1922 26 Mar @ 9:21pm 
Between this, Persona 4 Golden's Japanese audio, and BioShock: The Collection, why did three separate companies release remasters with worse audio quality than the original?
burning.phoneix 11 Nov, 2023 @ 12:44pm 
I'll be honest. I don't hear the difference.
crinfe #KILLTF2 21 Jun, 2023 @ 11:41am 
wish this worked on the dialogue sounds too, sounds really muffled
william341 2 May, 2023 @ 1:52am 
@Gimzie Seems like they're just Ogg Vorbis files. They don't even have a special header.

@Microph You might just be able to open them in Audacity, set the gain for the whole thing to -72db (but don't delete it as I don't know if it needs to be the same length) and save the file back (Export -> Export as OGG) with a modified extension.
Gimzie  [author] 27 Aug, 2022 @ 11:10am 
@Microph: Unfortunately, I never figured out how to modify sound effects in the game. The game seems to use some sound format used in some Resident Evil games, but I couldn't find a tool that could correctly work with them.
Microph 22 Aug, 2022 @ 10:41pm 
Are you able to mute certain sound effects?
I find the dialog text running sound annoying and want to mute it without muting other sounds.
Would appreciate if you provide the mute mod or teach me how to do it
tt0022 19 Jul, 2022 @ 12:49pm 
never knew this was the case. damn