Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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How to bankrupt your gaming buddy in Team Fortress 2
In this guide I will teach you how to force your gaming buddy to bankrupt himself through abusing his insecurities.
Step 1
Recognize a reasonable quality that could cause insecurity in target object. In this example I will be attacking his baldness.

Step 1.1
Flex your greater genetics in plain view of your victim for you want to erupt an even greater sense of inferiority giving better chance for success. You also get bonus points for truly parading on him.

Step 2
Target has started spending ref to cover his inferiority. Also laugh as he is digging himself into further debt.

Step 2.1
Still you can or rather must press on the issue implying that his spending didn't yield an acceptable result. The target objects purchase is insufficent in covering the entirety of his scalp so demanding for better (lol) is smart thing to do.

Step 3
As of right now your victim probably has lost his sense of insecurity related to whatever you attacked on, in my case baldness. However your victims sense of inferiority remains so find a second quality where you can show your greatness starting the cycle once again.

Step 4
The victim has covered both of his insecurities, however they do not match up into a coherent whole. To my surprise, target object notices the imperfection before me so I only have to encourage him.

Step 5
Offer him a hat of your own because you're impressed with his courage for wasting money to in order of.

^ me destroying him
Step 5.1
He's offers a hat back because he is the ultimate saint giving back when being given and not demanding when giving.
Step 6
Consider suicide because you just lost 4 ref