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Portal Hebrew Translation - פורטל בעברית
Sigmagamma 님이 작성
This guide will explain how to play Portal in Hebrew. This includes translation for subtitles and the song. Subtitles and the song are left-aligned, but in a readable order. For the subtitles there's a version with instructions on how to right align the subtitles which are a bit more complex.
מדריך זה מסביר כיצד להוסיף עברית לפורטל - תורגמו הכתוביות והשיר. שניהם מיושרים לשמאל, אבל מופיעים בסדר קריא.
עבור הכתוביות קיימת גרסא עם יישור לימין - תהליך ההתקנה שלה מעט יותר מורכב.
즐겨찾기 해제
The Hebrew version of this guide is here:
גרסא בעברית של המדריך:

All rights for the the game and its content are reserved to Valve.

By using any of the files linked in this guide you accept responsibility for that use. This guide does not serve as a recommendation to allow kids of any age play Portal. Valve is not related to the modification and should not be approached on issues relating to it.

We consider the translation and the installation to be in alpha - feedback would be appreciated.
Gameplay videos (click the title and go to full screen to see the text)
Why translate Portal into Hebrew?
To quote GLaDOS, because we can. We have no idea if someone actually needed this, but this is an interesting project both because of the quality of dialog and the technical aspects. It was also relatively small (or so he thought at the time - sigmagamma)
What's translated, what's not
The subtitles and the song were translated. Developer commentary, some of the close captioning, menus and other texts were not translated. Dubbing was not replaced.
RTX version is now supported.
Text Alignment
Portal does not natively support right alignment of text.
However there is now a version that supports right alignment of the subtitles, albeit one that requires a change to system settings.
You can currently choose between a Windows installation and downloading the translation files, zipped. This is true for both RTX and 2007 versions.
In addition there are zips and installations for the RTL version.
I do not have a Linux/MacOS 32bit setup, if you want an installation for one of those platforms contact me using one of the ways mentioned below.
As mentioned - by using any of these files you accept responsibility for that use. If you'd rather not run anything on your computer - please get the first zip file and make sure to back up anything that you're overwriting. If you're not willing to change system settings, do not use the RTL versions.

The installations can be found here[github.com].

Original Portal Installation - see below for RTX
LTR EXE version - install_portal_2007_heb_win_ltr.exe

Run it and follow the instructions to install or uninstall. You will have to choose the installation folder - that should be the “Portal” folder under steamapps/common. Make sure you’re installing into the correct folder.

LTR ZIP VERSION - install_portal_2007_heb_win_ltr.zip
Unzip the file and follow the instructions in portl_readme.txt

RTL EXE version - install_portal_2007_heb_win_rtl_ex.zip

Unzip the file and follow the instructions in portl_readme.txt to install or uninstall. You will have to choose the installation folder - that should be the “Portal” folder under steamapps/common.

RTL ZIP VERSION - install_portal_2007_heb_win_rtl.zip
Unzip the file and follow the instructions in portl_readme.txt

Portal RTX installation
LTR EXE version - install_portal_rtx_heb_win_ltr.exe

Run it and follow the instructions to install or uninstall. You will have to choose the installation folder - that should be the “PortalRTX” folder under steamapps/common. Make sure you’re installing into the correct folder.

LTR ZIP VERSION - install_portal_rtx_heb_win_ltr.zip
Unzip the file and follow the instructions in portl_readme.txt

RTL EXE version - install_portal_rtx_heb_win_rtl_ex.zip

Unzip the file and follow the instructions in portl_readme.txt to install or uninstall. You will have to choose the installation folder - that should be the “PortalRTX” folder under steamapps/common.

RTL ZIP VERSION - install_portal_rtx_heb_win_rtl.zip
Unzip the file and follow the instructions in portl_readme.txt
Why did you choose to translate <source term here> to <translated term here>?
You want to help in improving the translation? Or have any other feedback? That's awesome!
You can find us here in Discord:
Or in the Facebook post dedicated to the project:
Code and other RTL languages, other
Theoretically the solution that reorders Hebrew will work with other RTL languages such as Arabic, but this wasn't tested or completed.
If you're a programmer with interest in this, or in the code in general, have a look at this Github page:
Notice that the code does not include translation files that are required to run it and are included within the release.

If you liked this mod you may also enjoy the Hebrew Translation of The Stanley Parable:

For the RTL version:
댓글 8
Sigmagamma  [작성자] 2024년 7월 27일 오전 5시 16분 
מעדכן שבזכות המכותבים כאן ועוד רבים וטובים, פורטל 2 בעברית ממש עוד מעט יוצא.
עקבו אחרי העדכונים (ובואו לעזור לבדוק) כאן:
kfirsad 2023년 1월 12일 오전 8시 56분 
PortalKid 2022년 10월 31일 오전 4시 51분 
אין מושג בחלק התיכנותי של הכנת מוד מהסוג הזה, אבל האנגלית שלי ברמה מאוד גבוהה ושיחקתי פורטל 2 למעלה מ50 פעמים. אני אשמח לעזור בלהעביר את האודיו של המשחק למילים.
צור איתי קשר אם אתה חושב שזה משהו שאתה מעוניין לקחת בו חלק
Sigmagamma  [작성자] 2022년 10월 30일 오후 3시 22분 
למיטב ידיעתי, טרם תרגמו את פורטל 2.
אבל אם מישהו רוצה לעשות את זה, אני אשמח לעזור.
Uneus 2022년 10월 30일 오후 3시 15분 
היי, יודע אם מישהו תרגם כבר את פורטל 2?
totally_not_elai 2022년 3월 1일 오후 6시 44분 
haha this might give me an excuse to play this during class

not really but still fun
Sigmagamma  [작성자] 2022년 2월 23일 오후 1시 32분 
תודה על הפידבק! :) זה ממש כיף לדעת שזה מנגיש את המשחק למישהו.
כרגע עובד על סטנלי פרבל, ואחריו בתכנון בלק מייסה.
החדשות הטובות הן שהקוד שכתבתי יקל גם על התרגום של פורטל 2, למקרה שמישהו ירצה להתחיל לעבוד על זה, אם כי בסבירות לא רעה עדיין תידרש שם עבודה טכנית מסויימת.
PortalKid 2022년 2월 23일 오전 7시 03분 
מטורף. מטורף מטורף מטורף. תודה רבה על המוד הזה, אני יכול עכשיו לתת לחברה שלי (שמתקשה לפעמים עם אנגלית) לשחק את המשחק האהוב עלי, ושהיא באמת תצליח להבין ולהתחבר לסיפור ולדמויות. תודה!!
יש סיכוי שאתה עובד על מוד זהה בשביל פורטל 2 או מתכנן לעשות את זה בעתיד?