Total War: SHOGUN 2

Total War: SHOGUN 2

DX9 vs. DX11
作者: Iceira
found a visual video on tube with the diffrence in GFX Settings from creative assembly

Richard Gardner, grafik Developer ( he explain it, and with visual show )
all credits is hes and creative assembly offcause.
but i allso want a faster game loading into the battlemap ingame

either run as dx9 ( i have no problem at max settings here )
dx11 with low shadow and grass ( if you want it faster de-select more check boxes ) if you want more speed seem in my system to be same as dx9 , but other things also count (RAM,HD) so next to lower is weather and water

all this depend on pc system, SSD disk and how fast ram and how much i have 16gb ram and 2*gtx580 (sli)
as i said its ur system and maybe you dont have a problem with load time, but some of us do. we played this then it was dx9 only and i miss that fast loading ingame battlemap, so i run it as dx11 with shadow low and grass low and that match my old dx9 all at max settings.
8 件のコメント
Iceira  [作成者] 2015年8月26日 5時57分 
please contact sega and CA for problem. this tiny guide was just made to show the diffrent aspect of dx9-11 from CA original video show
Jet 2015年8月26日 5時11分 
dx11....i do get an error when i boot up about not having it maybe thats why it takes forever to load
2014年10月14日 14時58分 
maybe there's not much effort but at least he linked to the developer video about DX, some people might not have seen it
Iceira  [作成者] 2014年5月7日 1時07分 
lol this is funny , this was a little guide in configuration, for a faster,game loading doing so many battlemaps, but i guess you think, i have to explain the universe for you guys...
as i said from start this was a dx9 loadtime with dx11 best setup and try match same loadspeed....this will be my last entry...the guide is what it is. and do exatly that....
Shlazer 2014年5月6日 20時55分 
What on earth is this. You should be ashamed of your self :'(
KorJ 2014年5月3日 20時30分 
wow regurgitation.

crap guide. please never write this kind of crap again.
Iceira  [作成者] 2014年5月3日 11時23分 
well feel free to suggest other issus rather then that. i have allso seen alot of comment on TW and other forum, and there was so few tip here and there, and shogun2 is old now and problem still there, but i guess you don't get it.. the guide was a basic idea to match full DX9 in a DX11 setup...but heres another little tip for people you can allso try balance mode in the grafix card settings that can help even older card
jenkem_lover189 2014年5月3日 9時34分 
Poorly written and not much effort put into this guide, it's all basic knowledge for goodness sake!