

31 ratings
How to get arms for Piku.
By Bluhold
This guide will tell you how to get arms! It is very easy and simple so you wont need to do anything crazy, this is also my first guide so if fonts go wrong then that means I need to make more guides. This is not missable too, so you don't have to restart everything!

Step 1

Wake up and talk to the ghost, then go follow a path to get to a rock wall (the ghost is next to it) there you must kick the rock wall and then pick another path, and get out of the cave.

Step 2

After you got out of the cave make your way down the hill and run across the corn fields until you find a bridge which breaks when you stand on it. Make your way to 2 townsfolk after you get up from the water below.

Step 3

They will hear you and call you a "beast" but they aren't sure because you are hiding in the corn, then keep moving and they will spot you and lock you up, which then, you must agree to fix their bridge.

Step 4

Go back to the bridge and go on the tree next to it, a spider will come down and that spider you must kick, making a web bridge for everyone to cross. Next they will forgive you and then you must talk to the painter, who is having trouble.

Step 5

Once you enter the painters house, go downstairs and put the other box underneath the tube at the top (there is one there get rid of that one and replace it with the other box) once done press the button and get the pencil hat, go upstairs and draw the new scarecrows face.

Step 6

Put the new face on the scarecrow and watch as a robot comes from Sunshine.Inc to suck up popcorn but give out free money. Now you have access to the Desert, but before you go talk to the planter and say that you need water to make plants grow, then go to the desert.


Step 1

After you got to the desert make you way to rope swings and swing across and get to a boulder which you must push.

Step 2

Get on the boulder and jump across to a wall with a door inside, then kick a rock with a mushroom on it to the other side and jump up to more rope swing which you must swing across.

Step 3

Get to Sam's potteries by a cloud and go to the forest.

Step 1

Once you at the Forest a tree will get cut down and fall towards you, inside, there is a little leaf that needs you to help his friends because they are stuck.

Step 2

Walk forwards a little bit until you find the first leaf, stuck high up in a tree, there is a puzzle that you need to solve and it's very easy so you can do it it no time.

Step 3

You'll free the other one the same you freed the first.

Step 4

Walk a little bit and you'll find the leafs and they will give you a pinecone that you have to kick, then, go to the shop and buy sunglasses.

Step 5

Go to the club and let the robot scan you, then go inside and challenge the dance "king" (it's very easy) once you beat him, talk to the rebels/leafs, which then they will give you a magnetic card.

Step 6

Use the magnetic card to get to the metro, go to the end of the metro which you'll find the bunker,
go inside and see the plans for the mission.

Step 7

After you saw the plans, go out to the forest and kick the robot, making him angry, and then it'll start a boss fight, avoid his saw and kick the pinecones.

Step 8

After you beat the robot you will be back at the bunker, there, a blue townsfolk said that there is a giant robot suck up the corn and they are going to starve and coins are useless now.

Step 9

See the plans for the next robot and when your about to leave the bunker one of the leafs will give you a water hat which then you must go back to the Desert and water the plant and do a puzzle to get back to the valley
Valley 2
Step 1

Once you got back to the valley, a thunderstorm is happening, so that means there is trouble.

Step 2

Go to the robot at the con fields and kick him, playing a boss fight, in the boss fight, you must run all the way to the rebels with the robot right behind you trying to suck you up, it's a little stressful at some parts, but overall it's pretty easy.

Step 3

Once you beat him, you will be back at the bunker, then, a worm pops up, saying that there is no water, so they want to beat the robot, but, the electricity is out.
Forest 2

Step 1

Go into the electricity room and solve puzzles that are pretty easy so you can do it in like 5 minutes.

Step 2

After the electricity is back on, you will be able to go to the lake, but instead, go to the valley, thats where you'll get your arms.
Valley 3

Step 1

Kick the wall and wait until the bucket comes down (if it doesn't go down go to the valley by walking)
And use the bucket to get up.

Step 2

Go to the greenhouse, and talk to the townsfolk inside of it, there will be one flower that hasn't grown,
so water it with your trusty water hat and a HUGE beanstalk will appear which you can jump up.

Step 3

There will be a little floating house, jump to it, then go inside, there will be a wizard that says that "your dreams will come true if you give me the golden tooth from the silver frog"

Step 4

Go back to the forest using the metro.
Forest 3
Step 1

There is a bug under a pile of wood. Next to the wood is a hill, there is a little passageway in the hill to go inside. At the end there is a few jumps (platform to platform) and on the platform at the right there is another passageway, leading you to a dungeon.

Step 2

Go inside the dungeon and face some obstacles until you find some playing card blocks. there is a little secret room at the top right with 3 hearts drew on to them, meaning, you must make all card blocks show a heart, kick them to stop them from switching, and kick again to start them.

Step 3

Once your done the dungeon a huge frog will open their mouth and close it really fast, giving you the
"golden tooth from the silver frog"

Step 4

Go back to the valley

Step 1

Once your back at the valley, go up the bucket and go to the greenhouse and climb the beanstalk.


Go talk to the wizard and give him the golden tooth, then, he will cast a spell on you, granting you.... ARMS!!

This will give you a achievement and also a lot of laughs because, they are very wiggly, you can run like a Naruto and i'm not going to say what it looks like on zip-lines
The End

Hope you liked my first guide! I'll probably make more in the future, I don't really know what arms are for, but I still like them, sorry that there is no pictures, maybe my second guide will have some, but yeah, that's it, also, if you don't wan't to restart, thats fine! Just start where your at right now and follow along, bye!
Pruttskutt 12 Jun @ 8:48am 
You can actually do this directly after the forest boss, since the flowers grow during the rain. (Also it's a swamp, not a desert.:steamfacepalm:)
the 3rd eye 17 Apr @ 4:43pm 
ERROR 11 Mar @ 1:22am 
@davidloagan24 Nothing. Just continue.
Ghost 17 Jan @ 10:43am 
i didn't know you could get arms, ima try this later, (also that is a LOT of instructions...)
davidlogan24 22 Oct, 2023 @ 3:06pm 
what happens if you finish the game? (like i did:steamsad:)
davidlogan24 27 Sep, 2023 @ 4:04pm 
wowww so cool:steamhappy:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
👑💎𝗣4𝗜𝗡💎👑 27 Jul, 2023 @ 9:51am 
thank you but i got it before
King Piggy 12 Feb, 2023 @ 4:57pm 
yes, build a tooth of gold, find a portal to a fairytale, give $9999 to Wizzy, and break your elbows.
emacore 10 Jun, 2022 @ 1:52pm 
garcio1 7 May, 2022 @ 5:05am 
nvm i found it i feel stupid now