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Sisters of Parvos; A full guide
Por Wuunatic
A full detailed guide on making, dealing with and finally defeating / converting a Sister of Parvos.
Sisters of Parvos, what are they?

A boss specific to each player, sisters can't be killed via normal means. This guide aims to help players understand what you get and how to deal with them.

Disclaimer: In order to have access to the Sisters of Parvos system, players must complete the quest Call of the Tempestarii. With that in mind, this guide may contain spoilers.
Disclaimer: Recommended Gear
Before doing anything to do with Sisters, make sure at the minimum your weapons and frames can survive and deal with level 70-90 Corpus enemies ( ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE GOING SOLO ) . Otherwise going through a Sister will do more harm to you then good. Also do note that once you have a Sister, as of the current update, theres no way to remove them unless you deal with them completely. (0.3 - 3 hours of gameplay)

Additional note: The final part of dealing with a Sister now requires you to do a railjack mission, If your PC has issues with railjack, or railjack has some issues specific to you. Do note that this part won't be skippable.
Page of Content
Prerequisite of Sisters:
  • A1: Requiem mods
  • A2: Rewards
  • A3: Weapon Elemental Bonus
Creating a Sister:
  • B1: Zenith Crown
  • B2: Creating a Sister
  • B2.5: Granum Void
  • B3: Trading Sisters
Dealing with a Sister
  • C1: Parazon Kill Phras
  • C2: Sister Menu
  • C3: Influence Nodes
  • C4: Requiem MurMur
  • C5: Final Sister Confrontation

(Guide as of Update 30.5.3)
A1: Requiem mods

Before creating or hunting your very own Sister,
There are 9 mods called Requiem mods,
Getting them before starting out isn't necessary but recommended to try out other strategies.
Do note you will need to get at least 3 of the mods to finally deal with your Sister.

The 8 are
Req Relic
Req I
Lohk & Xata
Req II
Jahu & Vome
Fass & Ris
Req IV
Khra & Netra
25% drop from slashing Lich / Sister with correct requiem sequence

These mods are Required to vanquish / convert a Sister.

Requiem mods can be gotten through the new T5 relic, also known as requiem relics.

These relics have a 100% drop chance from Kuva flood missions,
a 50% chance from Kuva Siphon mission
and ?% chance when Mercying a Hound

Requiem mods are a 11% chance each when in intact,
And a 20% chance each when radiant.
The best way to get all the mods is to hop into recruit chat to do Rad Share / Staggers.
Or if you have a tone of the relics, just hop into a public game.

( EDIT: You can now transmute 4 defiled requiem mods into a brand new one)
A2: Rewards
Sisters give unique weapons, cosmetics and companions upon completion.

When finishing a Sister, you will be given the option to convert or vanquish them.
Each option will give different rewards.
  • Vanquishing a Sister will give you the ephemera ( if they have one ), their Tenet weapon , the credits they stole from you, a random hound part blueprint and the hound they were fighting you with.
  • Converting a Sister will give you the ephemera ( if they have one ), credits they stole from you, a chance to spawn in missions to help you and ( if you have rank 8 command ) the ability to use them as crewmates.

  • Tenet Arca Plasmor
  • Tenet Tetra
  • Tenet Envoy
  • Tenet Flux Rifle
  • Tenet Spirex
  • Tenet Cycron
  • Tenet Detron
  • Tenet Diplos


Similar to Moas, Hounds have robotic companions that fight by your side.
Differing from Moas though, they are melee exclusive companions that have their own exclusive weapons.

Hounds have some unique mods exclusive to them too.
They can only have 1 of each subset of mods
( 1 Offensive, 1 Defensive, 1 Utility )





Sisters of Parvos have a 20% chance to spawn with 1 of 7 Tech inspired ephemeras
When it spawns with it, the Sister menu will show the effect but no actual text saying that it has a ephemera. To get it, simply Convert / Vanquish the Sister, and then it should be in your attachments.

The different ephemeras are based on the weapon elemental bonus that the Sister has:
Wiki link [warframe.fandom.com]
A3: Weapon Elemental Bonus

No matter what, Sisters will always spawn with a weapon bonus.
This weapon bonus will be with the weapon once you acquire it.

The type of elemental bonus is dictated by the Warframe you bring when creating a Sister.

Baruuk, Gauss, Grendel, Rhino, Wukong, Zephyr, Sevagoth
Chroma, Ember, Inaros, Nezha, Vauban, Wisp, Protea
Frost, Gara, Hildryn, Revenant, Titania, Trinity, Styanax
Banshee, Excalibur, Limbo, Nova, Valkyr, Volt, Caliban
Atlas, Ivara, Khora, Nekros, Nidus, Oberon, Saryn
Harrow, Hydroid, Lavos, Mag, Mesa, Xaku, Yareli
Ash, Equinox, Garuda, Loki, Mirage, Nyx, Octavia

As for the damage percentage, sadly its random ranging from 25-60%.
With currently no known way to affect it.
B1: Zenith Crown
Before starting on getting a sister, a Zenith Granum Crown is needed every time you want a sister.

These can be gotten from level 31 and above missions with the corpus ship tileset ( mostly Neptune & Pluto )
Hydra on pluto being a recommended node.

If you have at least one,you can move on to the next section.

While on any mission of the requirement, between 3-6 minutes in, a treasurer will appear.

Once killed they will drop the crown.

B2: Creating a Sister

Now that you have the elemental type you want and a zenith crown, it's time to create a Sister.
To begin, players must find any mission with the corpus ship Tileset.
The best nodes are Hydra in pluto ( if you need crowns ) or iliad on phobos.

Once in, find a Parvos golden hand altar, and use a Zenith Crown.

In order for a candidate to spawn, you need to complete this Tier 3 Granum void with at least rotation A ( 25 kills ). ( For a more on this refer to the next section )
( If you do this with additional Tenno, it will add +25 kills per tenno in squad )

Now that you've completed it, progress through the mission like normal.
( Note that if the granum void is done on a hand which is close to extraction it might not count )

If done correctly Sister Glarios will begin speaking, and a candidate will appear indicated by this icon.

Kill the candidate, after they goes down, a preview of what weapon the Sister will have, will show up above their head.

If you don't want this weapon, just extract / abort without performing a finisher on them and retry the mission. If you do however, perform the finisher then extract / abort.
And you have yourself your very own Sister of Parvos.

B2.5: Granum Void
This section aims to help tenno with the granum void should they need it,
If you're capable or have made a sister, skip to the next section.

In the Granum void, your goal will be to kill up to 75 granum specters
( 25 only needed for Candidate )
( +25 per additional tenno in squad )

Upon killing specters they may sometimes drop tokens, these increase your time limit.



Aim, shoot, they die. Probably the easiest and fastest way.


Nuke build for his 4th, works well on specters.

No build screenshot, but just high strength / efficiency
Danse Macabre ( his 4th ) works well on specters.


Throw her mallet down ( 1st ability ) and watch them kill themselves.


While not needed, if you're not using a DPS frame the Xoris would be highly recommended and trivializes getting to 25 kills.
This build relies on simply throwing the glaive ( hold E ) then detonate ( middle mouse ).

While having the Xoris Equipped, you can also charge its mass aoe attack by killing the Specter particles ( 1 shot for xoris ).

Charge indicated by the 3 dots to the right of your reticle

While fully charged, this aoe also free solaris shown by yellow objective marker.
Free-ing them gives you 300 solaris standing and 20 additional seconds.

Bring Friends / Recruit chat

If you still have issues with getting 25 kills, asking help from friends / recruit chat is also an option.
This will bump the kill count required by 25 per additional player though so best to have only 2.
Kills needed
B3: Trading Sisters

Converted Sisters can be traded to anyone who doesn't have an active Lich / Sister.
Each Converted Sister can only be traded once, and it will only be available to trade in the Crimson Branch room in the dojo.

Weapon Bonus, Elements and Ephemeras will be preserved through the trade, and the recipient who gets the traded Sister will have that into their current active Sister.

C1: Parazon Kill Phrase

The Sisters can't be killed by normal means,
and needs to be dealt with using the Parazon.

This is where the requiem mods come in.
Each Sister has a unique pass code in order to kill them.
Using three requiem mods as the codes, an example could follow

Each Sister you get will have a unique code, in total there is 336 combinations with the 8 mods.

To be more descriptive, think of the Sister as a safe needing a 3 digit combination.
With each of the 8 requiem mods being a value between 1 and 8,
and a special rule where a value cannot be repeated twice.

Note: Oull ( the special requiem mod ) Mimics any requiem

So how about do you find the unique code with your Sister?

Requiem MurMur
C2: Sister Menu
Before going into Murmurs, a few things would give better context to the situations.

In the ESC menu, a new icon will appear once you created your Sister.

This icon is a menu to show different stats and combinations for requiem mods.

Sister Abilities

These show the different abilities your specific Sister can activate, hover over them to see a full description of what they are.

Anger Level

This bar shows how angry a Sister is towards you, a higher bar mean a more likely chance the Sister will confront you in one of her controlled territories.

Sister Rank

A Sister's rank determines which planet is in the Sister's control.
It also determines how tanky she is, as well as what level her territories are.

Sisters will rank up if you attempt to kill them with the wrong Parazon combination.
The maximum cap rank is 5.
When the Sisters rank up, their Anger level also resets.


Misc stats will be shown like resistances / immunities to elements, weapons, etc.


The parazon section can be found towards the right of the Sister menu,
This includes:
Currently equipped combination

Combination equipped currently on your parazon

Previous Stab Attempts

Times when you confronted and attempted to stab your Sister with Combinations

Known Mods needed

Requiem Mods that are confirmed to be part of the killing phrase of your Sister
C3: Influence Nodes

After the creation of your Sister, one of your planet will be occupied by your Sister.
Displayed by a cyan glow entirely around the node.

Any mission completed on the planets where your Sister is occupied will cause them to steal credits, the higher your Sister's rank the more credits they will steal.

Occupied nodes will have a new mission type: Your Sister controlled version
In these missions expect a few things:
  • Enemies will be higher level ( Level depending on your Sister's Rank )
  • Hounds will spawn consistently
  • Your Sister has a chance to confront you personally
  • No matter the location it will always be Corpus
C4: Requiem MurMur

Now that you get the context for everything, how does Requiem MurMur work?
Requiem MurMur is a system that allows you to slowly decrypt what mods are in your Sister's kill phrase.

To begin with it simply start your Sister's controlled missions.

Occasionally you'll see this icon.
It indicates the enemy as one of your Sister's Hound

Bring him down and he'll go into this state.
In this state, you'll be able to perform a Parazon finisher on him

And after you do, this will pop up on your screen showing a circle with white progress,
keep killing hounds, once it's filled up at the end of the mission the game will tell you one of it's kill codes.

Sister Confrontations

While progressing occupied nodes, your Sister may have a chance of confronting you.
When this happens, you can fight them and attempt to mercy kill them with the requiem mod combination you currently have.
( Spawn rate determined by anger level )

Sisters will spawn with 3 health bars and 1 shield bar,
Each health bar can only be unlocked after figuring out one of the requiem mods in the code.
After you deplete one bar she'll go into this down state,
if you attempt to parazon finish her with the wrong code, she will leave the mission and rank up.
If you parazon finish her with the right code it'll unlock the next bar of health.

Note that the game tests your combinations from left to right, so if you're first requiem is wrong,
it WILL NOT test the 2nd and 3rd requiem mods.
If it is correct, then it will test the following requiem and so on.

If the requiem is wrong in the wrong slot it'll be slashed out.

Like this:

But if it's the correct mod in the correct location it'll be bright yellow.

Like this:

Note that anytime you test a requiem that is in the wrong position,
you and your entire squad will receive a bunch of murmur progress.

Using this information, you can slowly decrypt which requiems go where and what the final combination is. And when it's finally figured out they flee to Neptune for the final showdown.

C5: Final Sister Confrontation
When you've slash your Sister with all the correct requiems in the correct position,
they flee back to their ship in the Neptune proxima region in railjack.

Owning a railjack for this is optional, you can go solo or as a squad with other tenno to confront all your Sisters one at a time.

The mission will first be a normal corpus Railjack mission,
( Kill 2 crewships, destroy 2 security nodes )
followed by then boarding the ship to confront the Sisters.
Random things to note
This section will notable items that you may have questions to.
( ask in comments if you're unsure about something, i will update it here )
  • If a friend has a different rank Sister ( Thus different territory ), they will not gain anger for their Sister from vanquishing hounds on your nodes ( and vice versa )
  • Hound spawn rate is based on timers and how you are progressing through the mission, Thus faster missions ( capture, exterminate ) usually have less hounds then longer ones ( survival, disruption )
    Using this info, after ranking up a Sister its better to do longer missions to kill more hounds and anger her, followed by shorter missions to have quickfire attempts to have them show up.
  • 4 defiled requiem mods can be transmuted for a brand new one ( includes Oull )
  • Requiem Ultimatum has a 25% chance to drop on vanquishing / converting a Sister.

    This item taunts your Sister and forces them to spawn in the mission your currently in.
  • Tenet Weapons have the added bonus of having +2 rank per forma up to 5 forma (similar to the paracesis) and they count towards mastery, so before throwing out weapons you might want to consider this

  • Tenet Weapons have a "Valence Fusion" mechanic, where you can Increase the bonus of the same weapon type to another. And you can pick which element you wish to keep.
    How to do it [gfycat.com]

    Your Tenet Envoy with 25% Toxin can be fed into your 40% Magnetic Tenet Envoy, to make it a 44% Toxin or Magnetic Tenet Envoy.
    Your Tenet Detron with 40% Electric can be fed into your 25% Impact Tenet Detron, to make it a 44% Electric or Impact Tenet Detron
    Your Tenet Arca Plasmor with 25% Radiation can be fed into your 44% Cold Tenet Arca Plasmor, to make it a 48.4% Radiation or Cold Tenet Arca Plasmor

  • When a Sister confronts you, killing her hound before her is a good idea, since when she leaves, her hound de-spawns

  • Hounds spawns are capped each mission, and will spawn based on a ongoing timer & based on objective
I made this guide to fully answer all questions; so if you have any questions, something you think i can improve on or just general suggestions, let me know in the comments.

This guide is a follow up on my previous Kuva Lich guide, being successful, i thought why not do a Sisters one. Check it out if you haven't.


This took me a few hours of writing to and fro and getting screenshots.
Sharing, comments, ratings and favouriting would help my morale <3
Thanks for reading!

Other then that, have fun with your Sisters!
18 comentarios
Giantjak 15 MAY a las 18:59 
Are you able to update this with the new Tenet Glaxion please :)
the Fungus toe 2 ABR a las 16:56 
Can you fire a Sister if you don't want her any more?
🐾Aubrey Husky🌸 6 AGO 2022 a las 20:30 
Thats what I thought. Thanks!
Wuunatic  [autor] 6 AGO 2022 a las 19:29 
Any version of said frame follows the base frame, So excal umbra counts as excal, khora prime counts as khora, etc
🐾Aubrey Husky🌸 6 AGO 2022 a las 18:09 
Does anyone know if Excaliber Umbra counts to get electric damage type on the tenet weapon? Or do I need to get a Excaliber again?
Sangra69 19 FEB 2022 a las 4:23 
Yeah, but how long are the spawn time of the hounds when obtaining the requiem sequence?
Mersopolis The Good Boy 12 ENE 2022 a las 14:09 
Y'all gonna update this for Caliban's element?
Nietbern 30 AGO 2021 a las 9:26 
Really detailed and amazing guide, well done! :steamthumbsup:
KyoChan34 21 JUL 2021 a las 23:34 
i'm bad at granum void solo. i cant even get a single Candidate to spawn.
PHΛΞΓѺП קʎ尺Ծ 16 JUL 2021 a las 13:07 
Man, when i saw the galvanized Mods in the Regulators. :<
I really want them but i don't want to waste my time on fucking arbits.
Great Guide tho.