Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Оцінок: 57
Comrade Stalin Bust (Special Collection)
До улюбленого
В улюблених
Buildings (by category): Tourism, Decoration
Розмір файлу
7.273 MB
10 лип. 2021 о 15:39
10 лип. 2021 о 16:28

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Comrade Stalin Bust (Special Collection)


This is yet another Special Collection item made under request of the proletariat masses.

This gives Loyalty to the citizens.

In every Soviet State employee comes a time were we are faced with a question: "Should we invest in agricultural development of the countryside? or should we build a golden statue of Stalin's bust?"
If you are playing WRSR you know the right answer. :)

Subscribe now before Stalin send you to a Gulag!

Thanks a lot to Comrade Ryantheskinny, Polcorp, OffRails, Fox, Sky, Ljubic, Chumbucket, Raysione, Dimndroll, Junna, Glebas, Hurtosera and MTandi.

Special Thanks to Elena. More items coming soon.
Коментарів: 17
Aleš Bleha 18 листоп. 2023 о 12:06 
this shit
mthibau  [автор] 8 жовт. 2021 о 8:57 
@Akturis Thanks for the Headup my friend, all my monuments now are giving loyalty bonus to people in the cities :)
Akturis 8 жовт. 2021 о 5:40 
Hi, are you aware that monuments have become in demand in order to increase loyalty, look at the original monuments, they give loyalty and reach. Just add this entry to the file, and your mod will also give loyalty and will be in demand !!!
$ MONUMENT_GOVERNMENT_LOYALTY_RADIUS ... (include your numbers)

Привет, вы в курсе, что памятники стали востребованными, чтобы повысить лояльность, посмотрите на оригинальные памятники, они придают лояльность и радиус действия. Просто добавьте эту запись в файл, и ваш мод тоже подарит лояльность станет востребованным !!!
Proffesorsg 22 лип. 2021 о 7:54 
Author, please make a full-length statue of Stalin! Please!
Joseph Stalin 21 лип. 2021 о 23:03 
I do say Subscribe now or Gulag!
Cmeshkaaaaa Rus98 15 лип. 2021 о 5:10 
Во! То что надо!
polcorp 12 лип. 2021 о 15:43 
@Tajana: It's a game. And nothing else. If a bust of Stalin bothers you, don't subscribe to it.
For the rest, of course, there were horrors in the Stalinist regime, I am not at all a Stalinist. But to say like you that Stalin is worse than Hitler is absurd. I remind you that Hitler's goal was to suppress all Jews and reduce all Slavic peoples to slavery, Slavic peoples being defined as the slaves of "Aryans". Hitler is much worse than Stalin.
tajana_g 12 лип. 2021 о 9:50 
@mthibau: Thank you but I happily decline to spoil my republic with eiter of those characters...
Please note there is no pun intended regarding your work as a creator, I just want to point out that it depends on the point of view what you see in Stalin as the victory in the second war covered up a lot of crimes...
mthibau  [автор] 12 лип. 2021 о 9:49 
@Tajana_g i hope you understands i will not let you insult Polcorp. Also, just cut it with the SJW stuff, this is just a game, if i wanted to make a human slaughterhouse it will be ok, because it is just for Fun. Nobody here is advocating for real life communism. Just chill, we will not be giving you any attention anymore.
tajana_g 12 лип. 2021 о 9:36 
@polcorp: Weird mindset and weird I find not a single word about mass murder in your justification of the Stalin terror...
I ask you one question: what, and that is just an example, happened in the Ukraine in the 1930s? Up to 7 Million people deliberately killed for Russification. Obviously you find that alright because ten years later(!) Russia must fight against Germany?! Sick...
Even sicker is that you find that Stalin protected Jewish people. It was actually quite the opposite...
So the list of crimes against people is long, and Stalin is as much scum as Hitler is...
Crimes against people are crimes against people and there is no way it can be justified no matter what religion, race or what ever is targeted...
That you, as I assume, a Russian cling to Stalin shows how desperate you are to mean something. Look at Russia and look at Germany today and find out what it means to dwell on the past...