Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

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2 lug 2021, ore 11:04
7 lug 2021, ore 21:26
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Dive in to this exciting installment of Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Zombies as universes collide when our heroes arrive at the West Georgia Correctional Facility as featured in the hit TV Series The Walking Dead.

Survive hoards of the undead as you make your way through the open courtyards and into the claustrophobic spaces of the main prison in order to gather resources to secure your survival.

How long can you last?

- 5 Perk Limit
- Custom Wonder Weapon
- Custom Perk
- Custom Equipment
- Free Perk Easter Egg
- 2 Buildables
- Buyable Ending
- Brutus
- Teleporter System

There is no main easter egg at this current time.

Brodie (Mapping)
Madgaz (Tutorials, Ambient Sound, Model Assets, Perk Machine Model)
Harry BO21 (Traps)
Symbo (Traps)
Sphynx (Buildables)
Stevie Wonder 87 (Custom Wonder Weapon, Firework Bomb, Teleporter System)
Glitch (Loading Screen, Preview Image)
TheSkyeLord (MW2019 Weapons)
FearReaper666 (Customer Perk Script)
Vertasea (Power Script, Mystery Boxes, Buyable Ending)
MikeyRay (Script/Tweaks)
ZMbrack115 (Model Assets)
LG (Zombie Models)
NSZ (Custom Powerups)
Spiki (Brutus)
M5_Prodigy (Model Assets)
Zombie115201 (Model Assets)
Nonspecific (Tutorials)
Aaronzors (Custom Perk Shader)
Logical (Graffiti Textures, Perk EE Script)
Robit (Shaders)
Zeroy (Model Assets)
Jbird (Tutorials)
Uptown Papi (Tutorials)
Erthrock (Tutorials)
Verk0 (Tutorials)
Mike Pence (Rain and Lightning)
DTZxPorter (Wraith, L3AKMOD)
Scobula (Greyhound, HydraX, Ambient Rooms)

If I have forgotten anything or feel like you deserve a credit feel free to leave a message on steam or message me directly on Discord itsbrodes#8243

Feel free to show your support by donating
Discussioni più popolari Visualizza tutte (3)
2 mag, ore 19:33
Map Guide
2 mag, ore 19:33
20 nov 2022, ore 16:05
Python second upgrade
Walking dead 50
165 commenti
SirLeonidas 30 giu, ore 21:28 
Your days are numbered :steamfacepalm:
iTzReaLeaZe_TTV 21 mag, ore 12:18 
I got a fetal error everytime i want to play the map :/
gigabowser20 13 mag, ore 0:01 
Cool, thanks for the update! Interesting about the ww, curious what that will be like. Honestly a revelations style mashup sounds amazing! I don't think anything like that has been done before with custom maps, at least not to my knowledge
itsbrodes  [autore] 12 mag, ore 23:44 
@Giga no worries!

Alexandria is not currently intended to be my last TWD map but it will be my last for a while
Always intended to celebrate the history of the maps with a revelation style TWD map where all custom content would be brought back but refined

Original plan was to include a special version of Michonnes Katana for the map however the map will unfortunately not be as polished as i originally intended so that version of the weapon has been cut for now. The katana will be in the map as a base melee weapon still though.

The WW will be complete custom and not reference TWD at all and there will be a new Perk called slurpentine.
gigabowser20 12 mag, ore 23:32 
Ah fair enough! Thanks for the reply! Im cool with them staying map exclusive too tbh, but if Alexandria is your last walking dead maps (which I'm not sure if that's your plan or not) it could be cool to have some kind of easter egg to get them, just as a way to celebrate the maps history and stuff but either way would be good!

Excited for Alexandria, and glad it will have a unique weapon to! Would be cool to have it available via a side quest maybe, perhaps in addition to the box. Something tells me based on the past two maps choices it will be some version of Michonne's katana, but that's just a theory....

Will you do any new custom perks on the next map? Perhaps I'm misremembering but don't think sanctuary did? I don't think it's necessary but it is always cool to see new perks ideas
itsbrodes  [autore] 12 mag, ore 23:02 
@Giga at this time no theres no other way to earn the revolver other than the Box
Im not sure if the WW versions of the revolver or Crossbow will return to future TWD maps nor will the Miasma Mimosa perk (at this time)

I try to keep the custom perks/WW specific to their respective maps so Alexandria will have some of its own unique things!
gigabowser20 12 mag, ore 19:50 
Is there any other way to get ricks revolver besides the box? last couple times I've played ive spun the box so many times but my lucks been awful!

Also can't wait for your next walking dead maps! Do you plan to bring back the custom turned perk for them? Maybe even the revolver and crossbow ww?
Mylzers 2 mag, ore 19:34 
kempo 13 apr, ore 14:36 
very well made map objectively on par with officially made maps by call of duty
itsbrodes  [autore] 25 feb, ore 0:23 
@Jo Uzi its based on the prison from the show!
Glad you enjoyed